Chapter 220: I Love The Sea! (1)

Chapter 220: I Love The Sea! (1)

Pelji, the Holy Commander, woke up two hours later.

He appeared physically exhausted; even after regaining consciousness, he still looked drained.


Are you awake?

Oh, the Saint!

He quickly regained his senses and hurried to his feet.

I have committed a discourtesy. Please forgive me

What have you done that requires forgiveness?

Ray shrugged his shoulders and gestured to one side.

Lets hurry down the mountain. We might not be attacked by monsters again, but its better to be safe than sorry.

At his words, Pelji, the Holy Commander, nodded in agreement.

Understood. I will inform everyone.

Ill go ahead then. The west side is still under guard.

I will see you at the castle.

With a weary expression, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and flew away.

Watching his figure shrink in the distance, Pelji, the Holy Commander, turned to a priest.

Priest Hella, what transpired while I was unconscious?

The priest hesitated briefly before responding.

Right after you collapsed, the Saint arrived. He came running and immediately took charge without a moments hesitation.

I see. Well, he is the one who assumed leadership of the Holy Kingdom at such a young age. His quick response is to be expected.

Yes But there are two disturbing points

The Holy Commander looked puzzled.

Not one, but two issues?Read latest chapters at Only

Yes. The first concerns the Saints treatment of you He examined your body several times and then proceeded to cut open your abdomen.

Cut open my abdomen?

In his astonishment, a priest who had been silently crouched in the corner spoke up.

Precisely, he made the incision below the chest. Without any second thoughts.

Hella nodded in confirmation.

A normal person would have surely perished. Thats the first troubling matter.

And the second?

The second is the Saint did everything in his power to save you. Herein lies the paradox. He made the incision, yet his intent to save you was undeniable

He bowed his head heavily.

Even to himself, the thought seemed utterly absurd.

How could he think of saving someone while cutting open their chest?

In war, a chest wound usually meant a fatal injury.

Thats why soldiers typically wore sturdy steel plates and plate armor over their chests.

Whether the Saint intended to kill or save him was unclear, but the last image he recalled lingered in his mind.

Since childhood, he had worn a saintly robe, each stitch meticulously crafted by a master.

He had casually laid it upon a rock.

Furthermore, the saints baton he once held was now half whittled away.

From the bloodstains, he could roughly guess what had transpired.

Whatever the case, its use must have been necessary.

Though the process was harsh, I still owe my life.

Having sorted through his thoughts, he lifted his head.

I really should express my gratitude.


Hella asked back, still not understanding, but Pelji just smiled blankly.

Upon arriving at the western boundary of the Heprian Mountains, the paladins who recognized him greeted him warmly.

We see the Saint.

The southern mountains were attacked by the Monster Lord. We should retreat just in case. Inform everyone to prepare for our return.


The paladins, momentarily startled by the news of the attack in the south, but excited to return, hurried off.

No matter how rigorous their training, they all felt the same physical strain.

Theres no place like home, no matter where it is.

Ray shouted after them as they vanished from sight.

Dont wait when youre ready, go ahead and make your way back!

We will! See you at the castle!

As their response echoed, he turned away.

The last of his trials seemed to be coming to an end, and the day to return to the Holy Kingdom was drawing near.

Here it is.

I must be seeing things. It looks just like the first one.

You are perfectly normal. The second one is also the sea.


An incredulous laugh burst from his lips.

Soyeong and Heukyeong smiled widely, joining in.



When the Saint laughed, they laughed. When the Saint cried, they cried.

That was the ingrained etiquette among them.

A sea of laughter erupted in the woods.

Apparently, he was dearly loved by the sea.

Overwhelmed by such excessive affection, he didnt know what to do.

And you said the second one is easier?

It is. The first sea has rough waves, while the second is relatively calmer.

I see. Very easy indeed.

Yes, thats right.

He wanted to give up on finding the divinely created lineage, but he suppressed those thoughts and continued.

What about the third?

The third will be more challenging.

She pointed once more at the sea.

Its the sea.

Of course, it had to be the sea. I really love the sea.

The lineage of a hero, my foot. This village is just full of seamen.

Already, I could almost smell the saltiness.

This is really strange

The black-haired young man scratched his head.

Somehow, he hadnt seen Hesia for about a week now.

There had never been such an incident before, and he felt inwardly anxious.

Could something have happened to her? Its not like her to get lost or to be attacked by monsters

As he agonized over various thoughts, he quickly drew his sword from his waist upon sensing a faint presence outside.

His eyes, previously filled with anxiety, were now coldly composed.

Its not Hesia. Who is it?

Calm down. Its me.

A blond-haired young man waved his hand and stepped out.


He returned his sword to his waist.

What brings you here? You dont usually visit my house.

Feeling hurt here. I came to tell you about Hesia, whom youve been waiting for.


His interest peaked at the mention of her, Glain gestured inside.

Can we talk inside? I havent eaten yet. Hahaha.

Still as shameless as ever. Come in.

When Glain sat at the table, he tossed a piece of jerky to him.

Thats all there is to eat.

Glain pouted at the statement.

Thats too harsh When Hesia came, you made her a tasty-looking soup

You and our Hesia are fundamentally different. I cant feed a low-grade guy like you high-quality stuff.

Thats mean! Youre really bad!

Contrary to his words, he enjoyed the jerky.

It was unclear how many meals he had skipped, but he continued to suck on his fingers for a while even after finishing, before starting to talk.

Uhm. Well, Ive had some jerky, so I guess its okay to tell you now.

Whats this about? Is it related to Hesia not being around lately?

Its very much related.

Glain spoke, showing a weary smile.

Its about time.

Time? What time are you talking about

He frowned, about to speak.

Dont tell me again

Right. Another thirty years have passed. Now its someone elses turn.