Her mother is a passer-by. When she saw the kiss marks on her neck and the clothes she had changed, she had already guessed what she had done tonight, so she didn't need to lie. What's more, her father and mother hoped that she and Tang Shi could be together.

Therefore, she deliberately said so obscure and implicit, the purpose is to give her mother a Tang Shi and her intimate, accidentally torn clothes, she changed clothes.

As Gu Qingcheng thought, Mrs. Gu understood the hint in Gu Qingcheng's words in an instant. Her expression relaxed and left a sentence: "you have a rest early."

He went into the bedroom.

When Gu Qingcheng saw the door of her parents' bedroom closed, she felt a sigh of relief and walked to the stairs.

The house is very quiet. Through the door, Gu Qingcheng hears his mother explain everything she saw to his father. Gu Qingcheng can hear that, and his mother's voice is slightly gratified.

After listening to his father, his tone was also very happy: "I know that we are inclined to be so excellent and beautiful from our childhood, how can we not like it?"

"Qingqing and Ashi went so smoothly that you can rest assured." Mother's words, with a smile.

"I don't know when the loan can be approved. Now Qingqing and Ashi are so hopeful. The company is short of money. Why don't we sell the graveyard we bought before? It's a big land with good geomantic omen. I spent a lot of money when I bought it. Now it must have doubled. When we marry ah in the future, we will have money and buy a good one. "


standing outside the door, Gu Qingcheng, hearing his father's plan, turned his head slightly and looked at his bruised wrist for a moment. Then he pursed his lips and walked upstairs.

She got what she wanted with that kind of illusion and fancy words to make her parents happy and make them think that she and Tang Shi are really hopeful.

However, she is unfilial after all, and can only make her parents happy for such a short time.

Only her own heart knows the depth of Tang Shi's disgust and dislike of her.

Last night, Gu Qingcheng was breathing in bed for a long time, but she didn't have enough sleep. So she took a bath, climbed into bed and fell asleep.

In her sleep, Gu Qingcheng had a wonderful dream. She dreamed of her very young self and Tang Shi who looked like a little adult next year.


when she was very young, her memory of Tang Shi only stayed at the time when she met her brother. She always ate a lot of delicious food.

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