April deliberately emphasizes the word "brother and sister" because she wants to let Su Nianhua know that what she has done is actually the same as him. She only thinks about the feelings they grew up with when they were young, and there is no other emotion.

It's really sad, she never thought that she loved him, even to love, one day need to desperately let him feel that she does not love him.

April lowered his head, blinked his eyes, turned his head and continued to turn his back to Su Nianhua.

As long as she lifted her eyes, she could see that Su Nianhua's face turned pale when she heard the word "brother and sister" in her mouth.

Su Nianhua stares at the back of his head left by April and purses his lips. After a long time, he turns his head and looks directly at the road ahead.

Brother and sister It turns out that all she has for him now is brother and sister When he took her as his sister, she loved him as much as she could. When he wanted to treat her as a lover, she had already given up her heart to him and returned to being his sister at first.

Think about it, between him and her, it is really ridiculous.

When the car was approaching the April apartment, Su Nianhua looked through the window and saw a restaurant outside that specializes in night snack. He thought that in April, when he was at the dinner party, he had hardly eaten anything. He hesitated for a moment, and ordered the driver to stop.

Staring at the window in April, I saw that the car stopped and turned around. I looked at Su Nianhua with some doubts.

Su Nianhua touched the sight of April, pursed his lips and asked, "would you like to have some snacks?"

When he finished this sentence, Su Nianhua realized that it was so familiar. He was stunned for a long time before he remembered that this was the original words he said when he asked himself whether he wanted to have a snack for the first time in April.

At that time, he didn't think much about it. He simply thought that she was trying to reconcile her relationship with her by holding a midnight snack.

At this moment, when he said these words, he understood what her mood was at that time.

It turned out that at the dinner party they went to that night, she had been paying attention to him. She saw that he did not eat anything, and she was worried that he was hungry.

Once upon a time Once she was really good to him, he did not see her good, or disdain to notice her good to him.

April knew that Su Nianhua's words might have no other meaning, but she could not help feeling a little happy.

She is always so hopeless, his careless words may not care about her at all, but as long as she can make her imagine that he cares about her, she will be satisfied.

This man is her deep love, the closer she is, the more she pretends not to love him, the more painful she will be.

But before she could say no, she nodded first.


there were a lot of people in the night snack shop. Su Nianhua stood at the door and looked around before he found a seat. After letting April sit down, he went to the front desk to order.

Although there are many people, the dishes are served very quickly. In a fried mutton with Scallion ordered by Su Nianhua, there are onions in it. It is a disgusting dish made in April.

I hate it. I can't even look at it on the table.

So when the dish was just put down by the waiter, Su Nianhua immediately made a noise and motioned the waiter to take it and pour it down.

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