I saw that Neji was penetrated by two wooden spikes and fell from the air!

At this moment, the black soil immediately formed a seal: "Tudun? The technique of mountain soil!"

The two huge earthy mountains immediately pressed towards the ten tails!

The Allied Forces of the Ninja World rushed over immediately!

"Take advantage of it now!"

Naruto immediately picked up the seriously injured Neji: "Medical class!"

"Someone is seriously injured here!"

Hinata fell to her knees directly, staring at the scene in disbelief!

Neji crawled on Naruto's shoulder: "No... I... already..."

Naruto: "Ningji!"

Hinata: "Brother!"

Neji said with difficulty: "Naruto, Lady Hinata, she is willing to sacrifice herself for you, so your life... not only this one, it seems that my life is also... one of them!"

Then Neji's eyes will be closed!

Naruto roared: "Why...how can you die here..."

Neji murmured, "You to Hyuga..."

"It was you who used those words to free me from the curse of fate!"

Naruto's tears rolled in his eyes: "Why sacrifice for me!"

"Fight your life to protect me..."

Neji: "Because you said I was a genius!"

During the Chunin exam, Naruto said to Neji, "Because you are different from me, not the tail of the crane!"

The next second, the imprint of the caged bird above Neji's head began to slowly disappear!

"Father, I finally understand the feeling of freedom when you choose to die to protect your companions!"

At this moment, the ten tails immediately pushed the two stone mountains to the sides!

Obito's voice came: "Didn't you say that you won't let your companions be killed?"


At this moment, Naruto looked at the ten tails, and Neji fell like this!

Obito's voice came again: "Never let your companions be killed, you said it yourself, come, look around, and say it again..."

Naruto looked around at the tragic death of the Ninja Allied Forces. At this moment, the corpses had fallen to the ground!

Obito roared, "I'll tell you to say it again!"

"Touch your companion's body that is slowly getting cold, and experience it well!"


Konoha's companions all looked here in horror!



Hyuga Hibiki's face was full of pain: "Nissan, I'm sorry!"


Obito: "Death will continue, and your rash words and ideas will become lies!"

"The result of telling ideals and hopes is this!"

"this is the truth!"

"Naruto, what is there in this reality, there is no father and mother, and there is no teacher, and as long as you continue to fight against me, your companions will die like them one by one!"

"A world where no one recognizes you!"

"And what awaits you at the end is the loneliness you are most familiar with and fear the most!"

Kakashi: "Obito!"

Madara Uchiha looked at Obito, and was silently happy: "Obito, you have become like me, Naruto will soon sink, let the coalition despair!"

Obito continued: "What is the need to stay in reality, come to my side, Naruto!"

At this moment, Hinata slapped Naruto in the face!

Hinata looked at Naruto with aggrieved expression!

"Brother Neji said just now that Naruto has more than one life. Do you understand what this means?"

"Never let my companions be killed. This sentence and this belief are not false. Brother Neji remembered this sentence and did it!"

"It's not just Naruto you alone, everyone is the same, they all carry this sentence, this belief in their arms, and bind each other's lives closely together!"

"That's why we are companions!"

"If everyone abandons this sentence and this belief, and abandons them, everything Neji has done will be in vain!"

"That's really the equivalent of killing a companion!"

"Then we wouldn't count as companions!"

"I think so!"

"So, stand up with me, Naruto!"

"Frankly speaking and doing what I say, this is also my ninja way!"

Hinata's aggrieved expression made Naruto stunned for a moment!

Just then, the voice of the Nine Tails resounded in Naruto!

"Of course there's more than one, don't forget there's me too!"

Naruto: "I know, the contact with everyone..."

"Companion, I definitely don't want to give up, but in fact, Neji he..."

Nine-tailed arrogantly said: "Try one more word, believe it or not, I beat you up and took away your body this time, bastard!"

"Did you even forget this?"

"Your parents did the same thing as Neji immediately after you were born. They also sealed my enemy in your body and entrusted the future to die!"

"From the moment you were born, your life has been closely linked with two lives!"

Madara Uchiha looked at Obito: "Looking quietly at Naruto's expression, it seems that he cares about him a lot!"

At this moment, Uchiha Obito roared, "Enough!"

And at this moment, Juwei immediately rolled it up with his arms!

Madara Uchiha roared: "Don't be impatient, this will not only hurt the ten tails, but also you..."



Naruto Uzumaki in Naruto World: "Obito, I'm very similar to you, but I didn't expect it, the difference between us is that I have a wife, you don't!"

Naruto World Sasuke Uchiha: "It's really boring, Obito was defeated by a woman, it's incredible!"

One Piece World Straw Hat Luffy: "What, what?"

"Naruto actually has a wife, and it was his wife who saved him at a critical moment!"

One Piece World Sanji: "Miss Hinata's serious look is really beautiful, I don't know if she needs an on-call cook!"

Naruto World Sakura: "Hina has always liked Naruto and has always supported him. Sure enough, Naruto and Hinata are the most suitable!"

Naruto World Nine-Tailed Demon Fox: "Naruto If you are more long-winded, be careful with big ears and melon seeds!"


on the screen!

Facing Madara Uchiha's reminder, Obito roared, "A little bit is fine, the skin of the ten tails is hard!"

At this moment, a tailed beast jade condensed in the mouth of the ten tails again, and its goal is the ninja coalition!

At this moment, Kirabi is sitting on Sai's painted eagle!

"finished charging!"

Eight tails immediately jumped to the front of ten tails, and quickly condensed the tailed beast jade!

When the ten tails swallowed the tailed beast jade and was about to erupt, the eight tails directly drilled into the ten tails' mouth, and used its tailed beast jade to rush the ten tailed beast jade into the abdomen of the ten tails!

boom! ! !

The ten tails swelled rapidly, and the terrifying strong wind continued to spread around!

After that, the ten tails shrank rapidly and became very small, and the eight tails fell from the sky!

Eight tails slammed into the ground heavily, and everyone immediately surrounded them!

"Sir, please don't mess around!"

Chirabi lay in the deep pit and said, "Don't worry, this is my labor to protect the coalition forces!"

Naruto closed his eyes and grabbed Hinata's hand!

Hinata was obviously taken aback!

Naruto grabbed Hinata's hand: "Yes, not only father and mother, yes, it has always been like this, my life is not only this one!"

Naruto took Hinata's hand and slowly stood up!

"Hinata, thank you!"

"Thank you for being by my side!"

"And Neji, thank you!"

Hinata looked at Naruto happily!

The two hold their hands tightly together!

Hinata: "Naruto's hand is big and powerful!"

"Better than anything!"


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