Two people at this time, is directly began to touch each other, each other's eyes, are a bit cold, seems to be no point, is to shrink back.

"Our two families are close friends, but I have an obligation to help make some decisions."

That feather elder brother is to see a hundred snow in front of, then is coldly said a word.

He won't, let's that Heng Yan Lin is with that Bai Xue, is to get along so close, so at this time, he is directly, the two people are to be intercepted.

No matter what, at this time, he still needs to take good care of their affairs.

The people on the other side, at this time, also turned their heads and looked at this side.

Seeing the situation here, I immediately raised my eyebrows slightly, which was a little strange. How could these two people seem to have a general feeling of tit for tat.

However, these people are just outsiders, so they just take a look at the situation here and then stop.

No matter how it is said, at this time, some things that should not be taken care of, that is, do not go to multi pronged, it will be better.

Thinking of this, people are looking at the two people in front of them, both of them look like they are standing by, looking at the two people in front of them lightly, and they don't do anything else.

That hundred snow is listening to that feather elder brother's words, eyebrow immediately is slightly a wrinkle, then is coldly looking at this guy in front of.

Friends? This guy, actually under such a banner, is running over, trying to control her like this, it's just a bit excessive!

Thinking of this, she is looking at the guy in front of her. She is full of impatience. This guy just doesn't know what he is?

There are some things, where is the other party, can manage?

Thinking of this, when he looks at the guy in front of him, his heart is full of gloomy meaning. If he doesn't clean up this guy, he probably doesn't know who he is.

This place is not the other party's territory!

"It's presumptuous. Where do you think this is? Is it your territory? Here, when is it your turn to give orders? "

That hundred snow is looking at the guy in front of him, is in the heart, full of anger and said, looking at the guy in front of him, the heart is full of cold, is beginning to brew.

I didn't expect that this guy would still dare to talk like this here.

This made her angry at this time, and almost no one was throwing this guy out.

After all, in her opinion, this guy is here to make trouble?

That is, the identity of the other party, sometimes there are some unusual people on the side, they will not allow him to mess around, otherwise, at this time, he will directly throw this guy out.

Also do not look, this guy, is hiding here, such noisy appearance, his heart, do not know how disgusted each other.

Look at each other, at this time, he is extremely impatient.

Just, that feather elder brother is to look at this guy in front of, then is to look at each other, that corner of the mouth is slightly a hook, and then is to show the meaning of a sneer.

This guy just doesn't know what he is like?

Think of here, he is to see that feather elder brother, the disgust in the heart, is beginning to rise continuously.

"Well, as your cousin, I'm really qualified to take care of this matter."

That feather elder brother saw that hundred snow, actually is at this time, is so maintains that Heng Yan Lin, immediately is that in the heart, also starts to be angry, the heart is full of anger, is beginning to brew up.

What a damned guy, that guy, how long did he appear? How long did he take himself and start to compare with each other?

Their own status, actually not as good as, is a guy appeared one by one?

At the thought of this, his heart was furious. After looking at these guys in front of him, he felt helpless.

If he could, he really wanted to kill Heng Yanlin directly. He saw that the other party was here and led them to quarrel.

This guy, what's the reason? How can he do this?

Yu elder brother's heart, is full of jealousy, so is looking at that Heng Yan Lin's eyes, is also extremely bad.

But then, that side of the Heng Yan Lin, also looked at the guy in front of, and then a faint look at each other.

This guy, he and that Bai Xue, quarrel is quarrel, always looking at what they do?

If this guy is making some things that he is not happy with, Heng Yanlin will not mind. He will kill the other party directly.What's the noise? Where are you going to make it more comfortable?

"What's the matter, miss?"

Just when they were staring at each other, a housekeeper like man came to the other side.

The housekeeper took a look at the eyes of these people in front of him, and then there were some strange eyes in his eyes. He looked at the two people and asked.

He didn't understand what was going on here at this time.

In principle, these two people in front of us are very friendly, aren't they?

Moreover, the relationship between families is actually very good. How can it be like this at this time? I just don't know what the situation is.

So after looking at the situation here, he was also a little strange. I don't know, what are these two people doing?

Originally, the two guys were extremely friendly. At this time, they began to quarrel, which made him extremely unaware of what they were going to do.

The feather elder brother of that side, is to see that housekeeper is to appear here, then is that corner of the mouth, is slightly emerging a smile to come out.

"Housekeeper, this fellow, not from this side, drive him out."

That side of the feather elder brother, is at this time, is lightly that Heng Yan Lin, then is to open mouth to say a word.

He is looking at that Heng Yan Lin is a little impatient, and the Bai Xue quarrel is also fruitless.

If that's the case, it's just to drive this guy away.

Anyway, for them, as long as this guy is expelled at this time, he will win.

This is the abacus in his heart, so after taking a look at Heng Yanlin on that side, the corners of his mouth are full of sneer.

I don't know where the guy came out. I want to fight with him here at this time. It's so naive!

That housekeeper is to listen to that feather elder brother's words, slightly a Leng, then is to look at that Heng Yan Lin after, is gently a nod.

In fact, he did not know too much, but not too little.

However, the problem is that the other party actually has a bit of right to speak here.

So at this time, the other party has the right to speak here.

As long as it is the other party's words, he has the right to continue to speak, and he has the obligation to help implement it at this time.

There is no way, the other side has such authority.

The housekeeper thought of this, turned his head, took a look at the hengyanlin, waved slightly, and there were countless bodyguards coming towards this side.

However, it is to drive away a person who he does not know. In this case, it is still relatively simple for him.

As long as the bodyguard is out, he is ordered to say, that is OK.

As for the rest, there was nothing else to do. He had no way to deal with the quarrel between Bai Xue and Bai Xue.

The people on the side, at this time, are closely watching the situation here. At this time, they are looking at this side. They are all slightly stunned and then take a look at Heng Yanlin.

This guy, is really, some bad luck, originally thought, this guy is the snow man, but at this time, but it will be driven away. No, it's the housekeeper. Are you ready to start? , the fastest update of the webnovel!