Chapter 178: As Beautiful as Fiona's Rooster

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 178: As Beautiful as Fiona's Rooster

She kissed flushed cheeks of the giggling toddler in her arms and then nuzzled the side of her head. Hi, Fifi! Have you made yourself at home?

Hmm...yes! I like it here! Fiona beamed and tightened her hold around Toris neck, giving her a sloppy kiss on the cheek. But I still missed you.

Aww...I missed you, too.

Fifi! Ilyana appeared beside her and extended her arms.

Auntie Ilyana! Fiona raised her arms towards her and Tori passed her along. Her friends crowded to greet her and Robert. Tori stepped aside to give them room as she ruffled Roberts head.

As she turned, she caught sight of a familiar little girl with wild, curly hair seemingly frozen in place. Tori cocked her head to the side.

Ava? Baby, are you all right? She moved closer and Ava seemed to snap out of her daze. Her big eyes looked at Tori, almost looking accusing and hurt. She jutted out her lower lip and lifted her arms.

Hug me.

Tori chuckled and bent down to pick her up. She brought her against her and Ava buried her face in her neck as her arms tightened around Tori. Tori gently bounced her and stroked her back. Baby, are you all right?

You took so long. I was waiting for hours, a muffled little voice came from her side and Tori grinned.

Im sorry for taking too long, but we came as fast as we could. We even skipped lunch on the road to come directly here, Tori told her.

Ava gasped and pulled her head back. Then, you have to eat! She wiggled in Toris arms, indicating that she wanted to be let down. Tori put her down and Ava grabbed her hand. Come with me! Ill feed you!

Tori cracked a smile and looked over at the others. Lets go inside and eat. I heard Henriks stomach grumbling in the carriage.

That wasnt me!

Tch, yes it was. Sonia rolled her eyes. As they got to the top of the stairs, Tori greeted her family with hugs. To Avas credit, she waited until Tori had hugged her parents and siblings before pulling her deeper into the Fortress.

Everyone stay together! Ava told Ilyana and the others. This place is big. Youll get lost!

Just because you got lost doesnt mean everyone will, Maeve said.

I wasnt lost! I was exploring! Ava huffed and Tori stroked her head.

Yes, yes, our Ava loves to explore. She placated the child as they were led to the dining room. Tori beamed as she saw her grandparents and went to hug them. Servants came to pull out the chairs for the teenagers. Tori sat at one end and just as Piers was going to take a seat next to her, Ava hopped on the chair. She looked up at Piers with a serious expression.

Im sorry, this seat is taken.

Piers looked to Toris other side and found that Ilyana had already sat down. A booster chair was put between them for Fiona.

Just sit at the head of the table. Youre the highest ranked person here, Tori told him in a soft voice.

He gave her a small nod and took the seat that was usually Marquis Gueveras. Tori was served a plate and all around her, people were chattering. Eventually, the older members of the family went to attend to their businesses, leaving the energetic children with the teenagers.

Several conversations were happening at once, but Tori felt Fiona tug at her sleeve.

After this, I will take you to see my pets, Fiona said, as if promising something good. Tori tried not to laugh and responded with the same level of seriousness.

Of course, well all go with you.

What kind of pets do you have? Ilyana asked.

Fiona puffed out her chest and looked proud. Youll see.

Are they chickens? Ewan asked from across the table. Fiona immediately deflated and her face fell.

Its supposed to be a surprise! She pouted and everyone seemed to nod and not question her further. Her pets were definitely chickens.

No one was surprised when they made it to one of the small courtyards and a henhouse and a wooden fence had been put around the back quarter of the courtyard. Tori could hear the clucking as they approached.

She continued to hold Avas hand as Fiona led them proudly to her chicken enclosure. Kasen followed behind the group, keeping an eye on his daughter as Robert had gone off with the cousins closer to his age. Tori had discussed it with her brother and Nanny Rey and asked that Nanny Rey become Fiona and Roberts nanny, as Kasen was often away from home and their parents were busy.

In order to strengthen the father-child bond, Kasen would relieve Nanny Rey of her duties as much as possible whenever he was home. Considering how close the children had grown to him, his hands-on approach to trying to raise his kids as a single father was rather successful. have a small family of chickens, Ilyana said as they stopped just outside the chest high fence and peered inside.

Yes! Grandpa Gregorio got them for me when I came here, Fiona reported. That is the mommy hen. Her name is Hemmy. Its short for Hen Mommy.

Did you teach her how to name things? JP asked Ilyana. She shot him an annoyed look.

No, but she has a gift.

Tori ignored them. What about the rooster?

Thats a fine-looking rooster. Nice long, shiny feathers. Bright eyes, red comb. It looks healthy, Sonia said. Fiona looked even prouder.

Thats Santiago. He didnt come with Hemmy and her babies. He just appeared one day. I like the colors of his feathers. Hes very beautiful, isnt he? Fiona looked at them with eyes expecting them to agree.

Tori and the others did not disappoint and immediately agreed with her. Youve taken good care of them, Fifi.

Fiona blushed and kicked the dirt, suddenly bashful. Sir Peralta helps me take care of them, but I feed them every day and give them water. Sometimes, Ill sit inside, and theyll eat from my hand. Let me introduce you! She waddled to the gate and tried to reach the latch. She frowned when her little fingers barely brushed it. Daddy! She looked for him with distress.

Im coming. Kasen unlocked the enclosure gate for her, and Fiona rushed in. Kasen made sure to close the door behind her so the chicks wouldnt get out. Fiona stood close to the fence and the little chicks scrambled towards her, chirping like mad. Tori noticed that there was one more chicken, but it seemed content with eating feed dusted in the corner.

This one is Drumstick. Thats Wings, Cutlet, Dumpling.... Fiona named off of the chicks as she pointed at them, and Tori and the others squinted.

Im sensing a theme.... Henrik trailed off.

And this one, she said as she lifted up a rather fat chick in her hands. Is Nugget.

Tori drew her lips inward and bit them to keep from laughing. Axton craned his neck and knit his brows together. Nugget is fat.

I know, shes going to be very delicious. Fiona spoke with a straight face and Tori wasnt sure she fully comprehended that these chickens were pets and not being farmed to eat.

What about that one in the corner? Is it all right? Ilyana asked. Its not coming over.

Fiona let out a heavy sigh and looked at the last chick with some disappointment. That one is the only boy and hes not very friendly. He likes to be by himself unless theyre sleeping.

Fifi, Kasen said as he smirked. Tell them what his name is.

Prince Piers.

Tori heard a muffled snort and looked over her shoulder to see Axton with his lips shut as tight as possible as his shoulders shook. His eyes crinkled up as he turned his head to the side and lifted his fist to his mouth to try to contain himself.

Piers looked into the enclosure with a frown. Fiona. Are you slandering me?

Fiona tilted her head to the side and looked confused. Im not slanting you, Uncle. Im not even leaning.

Fifi, did you name him Prince Piers after Uncle Piers? Tori asked in a gentle voice.

Fiona nodded with a deadpan look. He doesnt like people. Axton let out a guffaw and clutched his stomach as he took a few steps to the side to laugh.

Its true. He really doesnt like people.... Axton wheezed and Tori rolled her eyes.

Fiona looked towards Axton, even more confused. Why are you laughing? Is it because hes small? Her face twisted with indignation, and she stuck out her chest to defend her pet. Hell get bigger! When he does, hell be very delicious, too!

That only made Axton laugh louder. Shes going to eat you!

I recall ordering you to go train with the Guevera knights, Piers said in a low voice as his eyes bore into his friend. Axton wiped the corner of his eyes.

Right, right, Im e on, Ewan. Let them stay here and feed Prince Piers. Axton snickered and Ewan bowed and excused himself before following.

Tori sighed and entered the enclosure to feed the chickens. Surprisingly, Ava didnt want to come and instead stood outside the enclosure, playing with some of the decorative rocks. Despite Toris invitation to feed the chickens with her, Ava shook her head and ignored them until they came out.

The more Tori observed her through the afternoon and evening, it seemed that Ava was not only more clingy than usual, but ignored Fiona. Her face didnt light up again until they were in her room and Tori was tying the corner of bedsheets on the four posts of her bed to create a tent within the canopy bed.

Ava was jumping up and down around the perimeter of the bed, rambling on about what new game they were going to play. Her things had been moved from her room with Maeve to Toris room. She grabbed a bunch of papers and some crayons and carried them over to the bed.

Tori let out a heavy breath. Who else would be practicing a blessing dance here? she asked in an annoyed voice. Sometimes, just seeing Gideon irritated her for no reason. She gave him a nod. Your Highness. She turned to Fabian and gave him a polite, but curt nod. Von Dorn. Did you both just arrive?

We did, but everyone seems to be out, Gideon frowned. Your grandparents came to greet us and had someone escort us to our rooms to rest. She told us to come down to eat whenever we wanted, but we dont know where the dining hall is.

Tori furrowed her brows beneath her mask. The corridors of the Fortress were lined with knights they could ask. You couldve asked a knight.

We were going to, but then we saw you here. I was 90% certain it was you, so I thought to ask you.

The dining room is out the door, to the left, and all the way down. Then make a right-

No, not about the dining hall. Gideon held up his hand to stop her. I want to ask where my brother is. I know youd know.

Tori took a deep breath. Of course, hed ask where Piers is. What is food compared to his precious big brother? He was in the library this morning and should still be there. Everyone else, except Axton and Ewan, went on a tour of Presidios major sites today. Tori turned to Fabian once more. Von Dorn, if youre interested, the Guevera knights welcome other knights and knights in training to join them during their training. I know you dont really count any more, but the offer is there if you want something to do.

Fabian didnt answer. His eyes were fixed on her, unblinking. After a period of silence, Tori narrowed her eyes and drew her head back. Gideon seemed to notice Fabians daze and craned his head forward, furrowing his brows.

Fabian? No answer. Gideon stepped closer and raised his hand in front of Fabian. Fabian!

His action seemed to shake Fabian out of his stupor. The red-eyed former knight snapped his head back and blinked, his face filling with color as he averted his eyes. Tori frowned. Is he all right? She asked Gideon instead of Fabian, as the latter didnt seem like he would answer if she addressed him.

Gideon frowned a bit. I dont know...Fabian, are you all right? It was difficult to sleep on the road. Do you want to return to your room and rest?

No, no. Im all right. He shook his head and somehow, his eyes fixed on Tori once more.

Or rather, on the pale band of exposed flesh between above her belly button and below the top that covered her chest. Toris eyes narrowed as she brought her hand and snapped her fingers in front of Fabians face.

Is there something wrong with my costume, von Dorn? she asked, annoyed. She shouldnt have been surprised that Fabian was trying to find something wrong with her. They were civil in their dance class, but she knew he would watch her when he didnt think she was looking.

Who knew what criticisms he had in his head?

Fabians lips pulled into a disapproving frown. Why are you dressed like this?

This is the standard costume for the Suraelle blessing dance. Its gold to remind us of the light of wisdom shone upon humans to enlighten them, Tori told him with some defiance.

Fabians frown didnt disappear. Youve never worn such a costume before.

Youve only seen me dance at practice, where Im wearing practice clothes, and at the orphanage. Tori sneered. Different dance settings and performances require different clothing.

Fabian continued to scowl and opened his mouth, but another voice cut him off. Have you been watching Tori?

Piers sounded annoyed, too, and it made Tori even more defiant of Fabians criticism. Across from her, Fabian gasped and turned around. He immediately bowed his head.

Good day, Your Highness.

Piers didnt acknowledge his bow and continued to frown. Have you been watching Tori? he asked once more.

Fabian tensed. No, Your Highness.

You seem to have an opinion on her costume.

I do not, Your Highness.

Piers! We were just going to look for you. Gideon, with his idolizing filter, didnt notice his brothers irritation.

Piers glanced at him and gave him a nod before looking down. Did you rest already?

Yes, we went to our room and rested for a bit, but now were hungry. Gideon smiled at his brothers attention.

Piers nodded and looked towards Tori, his face not as annoyed as when he looked at Fabian. Its lunch time.

Tori perked up. No wonder Piers had come. It was time to eat, and she promised to have lunch with him. Okay! Let me change out of this so I dont accidentally spill or stain my costume. She looked past them. Sir Pizon, Sir Bazan.

The two knights followed her to help her change. As soon as the headpiece and mask were removed from Toris head, sweat that collected began to slide down her head. Sir Pizon managed to get a towel around her neck before the sweat could touch the fabric of the top.

My lady, it would be best to have a room prepared for you to change and rest in after the blessing dance in the plaza, Sir Bazan said as she patted Toris head with another towel. It will be hot that day; you should drink well and rest immediately afterwards.

Tori nodded. I know. Ill ask it to be arranged. I didnt think that this would be so heavy.

You are very active while wearing it. It is the same when you put on armor, Sir Pizon told her.

Well, this is like a helmet.... Tori placed the headdress on a table and carefully wiped the sweat off the inside as they helped loosen the laces and unlatch her costume. She made sure the helmet wouldnt roll or tumble off the table while it aired out and changed into a normal dress.

Sir Pizon opened the door for her as she stepped out. She touched her head and frowned. Her hair was damp with sweat. When she danced, her hair had to be down, as the straps needed to go over her head and a messy bun would make it awkward. In addition, a dancers hair was loose for this dance.

There were gold and silver strands with crystals on them that dangled around Toris head. They were currently individually wrapped in waxed paper to keep from getting tangled in her hair while she practiced. She could deal with them later, but just thinking about how theyd get wrapped around her curls and be a pain to take out gave her a headache.

I wasnt staring at her. I only noticed her costume was different from what I expected.

Tori raised a brow at Fabians voice. He almost sounded defensive and if he were speaking to someone else, he probably would be, but faced with Gideon and Piers, he was much demurer.

It is a very eye-catching costume. Ive never seen a blessing dance to Suraelle, but I didnt expect so much gold. Gideons voice reached her ears and he sounded surprised.

The costume is very elaborate. It was made by a designer at Daybreak Garden, a friend of Masters. It is made for Toris specifications, Piers said. The headpiece is gilded, and the gemstones were purchased with the purpose of being put on the headpiece.

Tori paused and looked back into the room, at her clothes which were hanging on a rack to air out. Her eyes crinkled up. Now she felt it was not only heavy with physical weight, but with the weight of being expensive. If she didnt wear the costume again, it would be such a waste.

I have to admit, its a lovely costume. You rarely see such intricate details in most modern blessing dances, Gideon said. He sighed. Fabian, I know what youre thinking. Fabian didnt speak, but Tori heard him suck in a sharp breath. Youre thinking that such a costume is wasted on Guevera.

Tori immediately frowned. The fuck. She narrowed her eyes and prepared to walk out.

I didnt-

But remember where we are. This is her familys home. You cant be too critical of her. Besides, Guevera isnt so ugly that youd stare at her.

But shes not ugly!

Tori froze a few paces away from them and her eyes widened. Gideon had a stunned look on his face and Piers neutral face began to frown once more. None of them seemed to expect Fabians outburst.

Oh.... Gideon blinked and looked at his brother, as if not knowing what to say and needing guidance. Uh...well.... His eyes caught Toris and he grasped at a chance to change the topic. Guevera! Whats taking you so long? Take us to the dining room to eat. Im famished!

Fabian took in another sharp breath and whirled around. His eyes widened as he saw her approaching. His mouth opened and his jaw moved up and down, but no words came out. His pale face turned redder than she could remember and before she could respond, he turned around and ran.

Pardon me, Your Highnesses! His voice echoed behind him as he dashed out of the room.

The corner of Toris eye twitched. Well...for someone who says Im not ugly, hes running away as if Im a monster.

Gideon grimaced and took a step back. Ill talk to him. Piers-

Tori and I are going to have our meal elsewhere. When he is settled, go, and eat in the dining hall. A knight will escort you, Piers said in a firm voice. Gideon appeared to want to protest, but instead drew his head back and nodded obediently.

He shuffled out of the room and Tori shook her head. You know, Ive tried to be polite to von Dorn considering what hes done and said to us in the past. I dont understand why hes like this. Piers lifted his hand and touched her sweaty head. Tori winced and ducked away. Dont; its all damp with sweat.

Piers paused, but still put his hand on her head, as if determined. I dont mind.

Sir Pizon! Please get His Highness a clean towel for his hand. Tori still turned and told one of the knights, who nodded and went back to get a towel.

Tori, dont be sad, Piers said, his voice a bit softer in an attempt to console her. Tori tried not to laugh; she wasnt sad at all. You are not ugly.

Her lips drew in a tight line, and she looked up at him with dull eyes. Thank you, Piers....

He nodded. He took it a step further, as if convinced she didnt believe him. You are very beautiful.

Her eyes widened and she looked at him with surprise. It was unexpected for him to say such a thing. He rarely did, and it was usually when she was dressed up for a ball. Right now, she wasnt wearing any makeup, her hair was sweaty and all over the place, and she didnt look at all put together in her simple dress.

She couldnt help but admit that she was somewhat flattered. Piers rarely complimented people and when he did, it was almost never about their physical appearance. She stood up a bit straighter, not feeling as sweaty and disgusting as she did moments earlier.

Look at this guy...learning to give compliments to try to give people solace. Hes growing.... Her lips began to pull into a smile. Thank you-

As beautiful as Fionas rooster.

Toris smile froze. Never mind.