Chapter 185: Now Who's Crazy

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 185: Now Who's Crazy

Was it a tragic love story or just a tale of revenge? No matter how Tori looked at it, it was both. On one side, a young, fragile love was broken after betrayal and madness. On the other side, one partner resented the other so much that she asked to be buried in a place where he could never find her, if only to deprive him of the ability to be near her remains.

Tori sat on the edge of her bed, stroking her mothers hair back as Antonia lay across her bed, tired after angrily crying and cursing Cillian Kelly. To some extent, Antonia blamed Rebecca, but most of the blame fell on Cillian. Tori agreed with her mother, if only because Cillian ignored their warnings and his wifes concerns, and continued to see his childhood friend, who ended up drugging and manipulating him.

Even if he was a victim, Tori didnt feel the need to paint him as such or try to find excuses to his behavior. Regardless of how much of the story she understood, she wouldnt find pity for him, even if he did lose his mind.

There was a small group of Guevera knights stationed at the border not only for security, but to protect and maintain the tomb of Genevieve Alvere. They were to patrol the area every other day, but not follow a set routine, so as not to leave traces in the area. Toris mother said she was buried in a simple stone sarcophagus that blended into the stone boulders deep within a cave in the mountains. The knights also kept the sarcophagus free of dirt and debris, as well as made sure no animals settled in the cave.

The cave itself was difficult to find, as it was surrounded by trees and foliage in a dense part of the forest. The entrance was blocked by rocks and to enter, one would have to squeeze through a crack in the stone. The sarcophagus wasnt carried inside. There was no way for it to fit without breaking through the rocks to make a larger entrance.

It was carved into the stone by several stone workers who were taken from different parts of Sur in secret. They had no idea where they were, and they werent allowed to talk at all during the time they carved. They were told it was to hold the body of a mountain bandit after they were hired and brought to an unknown location. Afterwards, they were made to drink a lot of alcohol and returned to their homes with hefty compensation, sworn to secrecy.

This had all been arranged well before Genevieve died. When she did, the plans were already in place to take her out of Sun Garden and bury her in a place where her husband couldnt find her body.

But after more than a dozen years, Cillian found her.

They would never know how he found her, as when the knights came to check, he was already dead of poison, laying on top of Genevieves sarcophagus as if embracing it. There was no telling marker or words carved into the stone to let others know who was buried there. There werent even religious markers usually used for graves. In fact, it shouldnt even have appeared as a sarcophagus in the first place.

Yet, Cillian died there.

Tori was believed he knew whose grave it was, and no one could convince her otherwise.

They said the poison was green celia mixed with streaked red truffle.... Her mother let out a bitter laugh. That bastard had a painless death. How dare he have a painless death! Gen writhed in pain, wasting away until death took her, and his death....

Mama.... Tori held her mothers hand to try to offer her comfort.

Antonia closed her eyes tight as tears rimmed her dark lashes. He was smiling, Tori. He was smiling because he found her. He never shouldve found her. She didnt want him near her body.

Axton will see to it that they wont be buried near each other, Tori told her mother. She hadnt asked Axton yet, but she was sure of that. Her mother had already called Axton to tell him about his father, and once Toris father came to get her mother, Tori would call Piers to check on Axton through him.

He should be buried with that despicable bitch, Antonia said with gritted teeth. Let them be together forever after what they did to Gen.

Im sure thats what Axtons plan is, Tori replied, still trying to comfort her mother. Montan Alvere said he doesnt care.

Antonia took a deep breath and was quiet for a moment. You know what she told me about that boy? She said, his eyes look like his fathers...more than Axtons do. You know he never had a trifecta ceremony?The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

What? Tori drew her head back. Really? But...he was still Duke Alveres son. I would think he wouldve done it for show.

Antonia let out another bitter laugh. Hell put on a show, as long as it doesn't require effort. With no blood or legal ties to him, Gen couldnt give the boy a ceremony. She couldnt give him a godmother. Even if she could, they would need to consider his circumstances. She was quiet for a bit. Her voice was hoarse. Do you think I am hateful for abandoning Gen for so long?

No, Tori said with a small shake of her head. Everyone has a level of tolerance. I know you had your reasons. And what could you have done if she didnt listen to you?

Antonia scoffed a bit and opened her eyes. Sometimes, I wonder if I couldve changed anything. I used our friendship as a last resort to try to get her to end the engagement.... Her mother choked back a cry. I was so angry, Tori. I know she felt she had a duty, but why did she pick that bastard over me?

Mama.... Toris eyes reddened. Maybe she picked him because she knew he needed her more than you needed her. You had Papa, and Sebby...then Kasey. You had your parents and the Empress. You are stronger than the former duke.

Then I shouldve saved her, Antonia said. She was like a sister to me. I loved her more than I love Fabiana. She laughed with tears in her eyes as she shook her head. I shouldve done more for her.

Mama, you guarded her grave, Tori told her in a soft voice. You protected her and her son when you could.

Monica did most of the work. Antonia looked up at the bed canopy. Tori, how is Montan Alvere?

Hes quiet, a diligent worker. Particularly good at charms and Old Sulfae, but needs a proper foundation. He wants to support those who are good to him. He looks at Axton with this idolizing gaze.

Like Gideon to Piers?

Not yet.... Tori cringed. Do you want to meet him?

Im not sure, her mother replied. I am afraid that if he looks too much like Cillian, I will slap him.

Tori chuckled. He works for me at Duel. When you called us about his mother, I called the manager and put them on alert, as well as ordered them to keep Montan inside.

Antonia shifted on the bed to look at her daughter. Youre protecting him.

Hes my employee, so its sort of an investment in personnel.

Antonia smiled and lifted her free hand to cup her daughters face. You are, without a doubt, a Guevera. Her eyes softened as she met Toris.

Of course, shes a Guevera. She looks just like me, her fathers proud voice came from the doorway.

Papa. Tori smiled and waved for him to come in. I was expecting you.

She said she was going to tell you and never came back, Gregorio said with a tired sigh. He looked at his wife on the bed as Tori stood up and gave them some room. Did you come to cry to our daughter? Im hurt you didnt come to me for comfort.

I didnt expect to cry. It just happened, Antonia replied as she sniffled. She raised her arms. All right. Take me to rest. Its late. Ive bothered our baby long enough.

Mama, youre not a bother.

No, no, Antonia said as Gregorio bent over and put his arms beneath her to pick her up. She seemed weightless in his arms and Tori tried not to smile with amusement. She knew her father was going to carry her mother out and all the way to their room like that. I know you have things to do.

Tori chuckled and shook her head. What things?

Your comcry has been glowing on your bedside table for some time now. Its Piers. Her mother frowned a bit. Monica said you talked with him every night, but I didnt believe her.

Every night? Gregorio asked in a low voice.

We have important matters to discuss, Tori said, keeping a straight face. I need to ask how Axton is doing.

Antonia seemed to become limper in Gregorios arms. Ask him what Axtons plans are.

Tori nodded. I will. She saw her parents out and closed the door before going to call Piers. As soon as he answered, she asked about Axton.

Piers hesitated. We are on our way to collect the bodies.

Tori knit her brows. Bodies? Plural?

Im taking my mother back. Axtons voice filled her ears. He mustve been with Piers. She didnt want to be buried in Sun Garden, but her tomb in the forest wasnt supposed to be her permanent resting place. It was just where she wanted to hide while my father was alive.

Tori found herself nodding as she sat on the edge of her bed. If she will not be buried in Sun Garden, where will she be buried?

Her mother, my grandmothers ancestral estate, Nassaun House. Its on the border with Horizon. The estate is being repaired, as it was left uninhabited for a while, but there is an ancestral crypt there, Axton replied. As if knowing what else shed ask, he continued. My father and his mistress will be buried in the cemetery outside the village where they grew up.

Tori held her breath for a moment. Does Montan know?

I havent told him yet, he said. Mother will be sent ahead to Nassaun House, but I will see to the burial in the village. I dont know if hell want to come. When I called him, he seemed as if none of this mattered to him.

...Everyone grieves differently, she said in a soft voice. are you?

She heard him take a deep breath, but he didnt answer for a while. I dont know.

That is valid, she replied without a pause. Whatever youre feeling, its all right to feel that way.

She heard a trembling breath and then some choked cries. I hate that he loved her. I hate that he spent his last moments elated that he found her. Why did he have to love her like a madman? Why? He wheezed into the comcry. It would be so much easier to hate him if he didnt.

Tori closed her eyes tight and let the tears stream down her face. She wished she could be with them so she could embrace Axton and offer him comfort.

Piers.... she said in a tight voice after some time.

...All right. She heard shuffling and then a confused voice sounded.

Why are you touching me?

I am embracing you.


Because Tori is not here.

You think your hugs are the same as Toris hugs? Axton scoffed. Now whos crazy.

Tori stared at her comcry. She thought Piers would just pat his shoulder and sit with him. I will hug you when I see you next, Tori said. Piers, I am depending on you to care for him.

I will.

No, no, it is an honor to make it for you, my lady. I am pleased that you are enjoying it so much! She laughed as her cheeks reddened.

Do you think we can make this at the delta? Henrik asked. Were by the ocean, so we have plenty of seafood and weve already secured contracts for rice.

Saffron is expensive, Tori said. Wed need to buy more.

But what if it was a specialty dish that was sold in limited quantities per day, Henrik suggested.

Tori ate her food carefully, savoring the salty, rich taste and the pleasing textures. Auntie Lucia said I should open a restaurant in Rois specializing in food from Sur.

You should! Albert said as he helped himself to another scoop on to his plate.

I am considering it, Tori said.

Conner! Dont you think youre going too fast? Gideon said as he looked up from his plate. Save some for the rest of us!

Your Highness, everyone can eat as much as you like, Chef Estrada said with a proud smile. There are two more of these pans.

Gideons eyes glazed over for a moment. He quietly put his utensils down and rose from his seat to give the old woman a small nod. Madam, the hospitality of your city has impressed me greatly. I am pleased to have come to your home to partake in this meal.

Tori looked at him as if he lost his mind, but didnt stop him from paying for at least one of the remaining pans so he could hoard it for later. Even Fabian cast him an envious look.

My lady, shall I continue to prepare the fourth pan to be sent to the Fortress? Chef Estrada asked.

Yes, Chef. I told Mama and Papa we were coming here, and they asked me to bring them back one of your dishes. Mama says its been so long.

Chef Estrada raised a hand over her heart and sighed. I will prepare something special for my lady Marquess.

She scurried back into the kitchen as the group continued to eat. For dessert, they were treated with flan, one of Toris personal favorites from her original world. She savored the smooth, rich, and sweet dessert with small bites. Chef Estrada mustve noticed, as before they left, she gave Tori more packed in a clay pot and whispered, this is only for you, my lady.

It put a smile on Toris face, and she guarded it against the greedy eyes of the foodies she shared her carriage with. Of course, when she got back to the Fortress, she went to Fionas courtyard where the children were eating their dinner and playing, and shared the flan with them.

Cousin Tori loves me best, Ava said with a little chefs kiss.

Tori looked around with a grin. Where is Fiona?

Shes spending time with her chickens since were leaving for Viclya tomorrow, Robert told her with a hint of sadness. He knew how much his sister loved her precious chickens.

Tori took the small plate with Fionas share of the flan and went down the path to the back of the courtyard. It was well lit, and she found Fiona seated on a small wooden bench inside the enclosure, petting Nugget, with a sad look on her face.

Are you going to miss them? Tori asked with a soft smile.

Fiona let out a distraught sigh. I wont see them until we get back at the end of the summer. What if they forget me?

Then you can reacquaint yourself with them when you return, Tori said. Fiona lifted her head and gave Tori a pleading look.

Can we bring them?

Tori shook her head. You know we cant. The carriage and ship arent suitable for chicks. Also, the ship has a resident cat. It wont be as nice to the chicks as Alexander.

Fiona pouted, but seemed to understand. I will miss them. Perhaps the chickens sensed Fionas sadness as all the chicks crowded around her, and Hemmy sat next to Fionas bench. Just behind her, on top of the coop, Santiago the rooster looked down. Even Prince Piers had come close.

They will be well taken care of. You can call to check on them.

Auntie.... Fiona looked at her with red eyes and a trembling lip. Chickens dont have comcry.

Tori pursed her lips. I swear to God, this child.... I meant call your grandpa or Sir Peralta to ask how the chicks are doing. If theyre eating well, if Hemmy started to lay eggs again....

Fiona looked back at her chickens and continued to pet Nugget. Nugget be good...Drumstick, Wing, Cutlet, Dumpling, Prince listen to your mommy, okay? Dont wander off. Eat well.

Tori smiled. She lifted up the plate in her hand. Speaking of eat-

And get fat and delicious.

Once more, Tori was worried about whether or not her niece understood that she had pets and not raising future meals. Eventually, Kasen appeared and coaxed Fiona out. He had her wash her hands before eating her flan.

Knowing that they had to leave for Tres Arcos in the morning, the group headed off to bed. Tori called Piers once more to check on Axton. Her heart sank at his report.

He doesnt want to eat, Piers said. We arrived at the burial site. His fathers body was removed, but unsealing the sarcophagus takes time.

He may not eat until his mother is taken from the cave, Tori said. Piers, at least have him drink something.

I will force him.

Be gentle. Dont force water down his throat, Tori said quickly. Do you know when the Duchess will be entombed at Nassaun House?

It will take three days from here, at least, to get to the village. Axton has readied the graves at the village cemetery. As soon as they are buried, we will go directly to Nassaun House. There will be a few days of preparation there, as Axton wants his mother to have burial rites fitting for her station.

Tori tried to estimate how long it would take her to get to the Alvere border with the Central Corridor, where the Nassaun House was situated. Shed never been and didnt know where exactly it was.

Im going to come, Tori said without a hint of hesitation.

It will take time. You may not make it.

I have to make it. I cant leave Axton alone when hes burying his mother, Piers. I cant, Tori said, shaking her head at the thought. I want to be there for him.

Piers took a deep breath. Come by land. It will be faster to get to Nassaun House by land from Presidio than going down to Tres Arcos, sailing to Viclya, and then another two days carriage travel to get to there.

Tori furrowed her brows. She did the calculations in her head, and he was right. However, she already planned to join everyone on the ship. Eili and Deidre were escorting Sur Bronce in their ship. Kasen, Auntie Lucia, and Uncle Maurizo were also going by ship, and they were stopping in Mezzaluna for a few days so the Bianccis could visit Uncle Maurizos mother.

Tori couldnt hold them back.

Ill talk to my parents tonight. I will call to confirm in the morning.

I will be awake, Piers said. I will not leave Axtons side.

The call ended and Tori walked back out of her room. She went downstairs to look for her parents in either her mothers office or her fathers. She found her mother in her office and the Marquess looked exhausted.

Tori? Its getting late and you have to travel tomorrow, Antonia said as she rose from her seat. She rounded her desk and approached Tori. Her cool hands cupped Toris face gently. You should sleep.

I should tell you to sleep, too, Tori said. Mama, I want to talk to you and Papa.

Your Papa is doing some late-night drills right now, Antonia said. She brought Tori to the small leather sofa in her office and had her take a seat. Is something bothering you?

Yes. Its about Axton.

Antonias brows furrowed. Whats wrong?

Mama, I want to be there when he entombs the Duchess at Nassaun House, Tori said as she sat up straight. But traveling by ship will take too long. Even if we didnt stop in Mezzaluna, Id still have to travel another two days to get there after arriving in Viclya. I wont make it.

Antonias eyes seemed to go straight through her soul. You want to go to Genevieves burial?

Im worried about Axton, Tori said. Piers...Piers is trying, but he can only do so much, and he may become anxious if Axton becomes too distraught. Piers had come far, but she still wanted to be there for additional support.

I see.... Antonia whispered. When will the burial happen?

Tori shook her head. Piers said a few days. Even with the rites for the Duchess taking time, I may miss it if I take a ship back.

Her mother took a deep breath. Do you want to go by carriage?

Yes. Ill make it if I take a carriage, but Id need to borrow one of the marchs...and if I do, I know youll make me take an escort.

That goes without saying, her mother said. She took a deep breath and nodded. All right, I will tell your father and have the preparations made for tomorrow morning. Make sure to tell your friends at breakfast.

Do you think theyll be mad Im going to Nassaun House? Tori asked.

Her mother shook her head. They know what is happening with Axton right now. They understand that you wish to give him your support when he needs it the most. Antonia cupped Toris face. You will see them soon in Viclya. They can live a few days without you.

Tori gave her mother a wry smile and nodded. I suppose so.

Then, go back to your room and get some sleep. We will leave at the planned time as the others tomorrow morning.

Tori stood up and nodded. Yes.... Her voice trailed off and she looked at her mother. We?

I will be going, too, Antonia said as she stood up and wore a sad smile. I should be there to give her a proper rest.