Chapter 195: Are You Trying to Get Rid of Me?

Name:Tori Transmigrated Author:
Chapter 195: Are You Trying to Get Rid of Me?

The Empire of Varsha submits a formal plea to allow the immediate entry of three of our consuls as their safety has been threatened in neighboring Parsha. We submit this request under Soleil International Act Eight, Section Five, regarding emergency assistance to citizens of friendly nations.

Ambassador Das aide hastily finished a letter and stamped it before handing it to Ambassador Das to sign and then presented it to Piers.

Similarly, the Empire of Hong submits a formal plea to the Empire of Soleil to allow immediate entry of two of our consuls as their safety has been threatened. We submit this request under Soleil International Act Eight, Section Five, regarding emergency assistance to citizens of friendly nations, and Soleil International Act Seven, Section Nine, regarding emergency assistance in Soleils sphere of influence to aid diplomatic relations, Ambassador Wu looked particularly pale as he signed the document his aide prepared. He had good reason to be shaken. The man took a deep breath and swallowed hard.

Piers, who sat at the head of the table in one of the meeting rooms in the operations tent, looked down at the documents and nodded with his lips in a tight line.

Captain OTuagh, he said, his eyes still fixed on the document. Deidre had changed from her breezy linen dress she liked to stroll around the Viclya in and into a standard OTuagh naval uniform. Not the formal one, but the everyday one worn in battle. How soon can you get to Pargath waters?

If we bypass the coast and cut directly through the sea, it will take us two and a half days, Your Highness, Deidre replied as she stood to attention. With the fastest naval ship available in the area.

Tori looked over at her cousin-in-law. What if you take the Ocean Queen?

She saw Deidres lips curl up a bit with a hint of pride. A day and a half.

Captain OTuagh, I am issuing imperial orders under Naval Code twenty-six. The empire will take responsibility for any damage done to your personal ship, provide any supplies you may need, and issue a crew mandate, Piers said. The ambassadors will have their delegations wait outside Pargath waters on a merchant vessel for pick up. Set sail immediately.

Deidre slammed her fist over her chest and bowed her head. Yes, Your Highness.

She turned on her heel and marched out.


Ive already ordered embarkation island to prepare a weeks worth of supplies for the crew and an extra twelve individuals. The supplies will be loaded on to Ocean Queen by the time Captain OTuagh gets to her ship, Tori said in a smooth voice. Emergency class A and class S crystal beacons, flotation devices, and medical aid supplies, two nurses, and a doctor have been allocated from Viclyas medical center.nove(l)bi(n.)com

She made it sound so professional, but the medical center was still just a series of tents across the encampment that was overseen by Dr. Cooper-Fontaine, when the old man wasnt fishing. Still, Dr. Cooper-Fontaine ran a tight and skilled ship.

Piers gave her a small nod. Ambassador Das, Ambassador Wu, Soleil accepts your requests, and we will proceed with emergency recovery and escort at once. We ask that you contact your citizens to ask them to get into position, as discussed, in preparation for recovery and escort.

Thank you, Your Highness.

Thank you, Your Highness, Countess Guevera. The two men and their aides bowed their heads and were escorted to smaller meeting rooms to make their calls. The countdown to arrest in Pargath had started and at that moment, the delegation was trapped in their inn and watched by Pargath soldiers.

The Ocean Queen doesnt have many defensive features, does it? Axton asked as he looked over at Tori.

She shook her head. Its a personal ship. Cousin Eili gave it as an engagement gift to Cousin Deidre. Its only defense is speed, but thats whats needed right now. Pargarth says the delegation has one day to leave, but even if they leave the city and its waters, there is a chance Pargath will change their mind and pursue them. The sooner the delegation is further away, the better.

What if its a trap? Axton said. They're cooperating with the Duraga Federation. And they know that the delegation will call for help from the nearest allied nations, which are Soleil and Nazaria. Of the two, we have the better navy..

They would expect our navy to coordinate a fleet, which would take at least another day. Theyd expect us within three to four days at the earliest, Piers said. The Ocean Queen can get there in half that time.

Attacking one of our ships unprovoked can be used as grounds for war, Tori told him. I dont think theyd be so least not normally.

Axton nodded and thought for a moment. What if they dont attack, but block the Ocean Queen?

Tori snorted. They can try. The Ocean Queen is currently the fastest ship of her size. Shes not weighed down by artillery or goods, either. As long as she can slip through a blockade, shell out sail them.

Their ships do have cannons and archers, Axton pointed out.

Only if they can see, Piers replied.

Tori grimaced a bit. The S class crystal beacons are flares, but the light is extremely bright. Extreme to the point that it affects the eyes for a period of time. The bright light only lasts five seconds, but anyone who sees it will be temporarily blinded.

Axton drew his head back and furrowed his brow. Shed never told him about the class S beacons because Anahata Island found them by accident, as Tori thought they tended to do.

How long will they be blinded?

In the hour and a half, at least, Tori said. In the night...three to four. There will be some residual shadows and blurriness for another twelve or so hours, affecting hand eye coordination and targeting. Crystals can be used to quicken recovery, but that still takes a few hours.

Axtons eyes were wide. Did you make those?

Master Holloway had a little accident while working on advanced crystal beacons that would pulse different colors for different emergencies, Tori said. The mineral powder he used with the crystals created a light burst and he couldnt see for a half day and panicked. We always take careful notes of our experiences on the island, so Master Ramos and I adjusted it to try to make a defensive tool. I sent a few to Papa and Cousin Siobhan to ask for help testing it and they sent me their findings. Cousin Siobhan said it would be particularly useful in a naval battle when delaying.

Axton looked affronted. You never told me about this.

Tori rolled her eyes. I dont normally brag about experiments gone awry.

You made something that can blind a navy.

Just those within a certain distance and the distance varies by day or night. Also, it was a team effort. Mainly Master Holloway. He was sobbing for some time thinking hed lost his vision permanently. Were currently working on personal ones that could disorient a person for a few seconds or minutes.

Piers stood up. We should see the third prince. He is at the restaurant.

Does he know about this? Tori asked.

It seems like something his brother would keep from him, Axton said. He was supposed to come here in secret, but it got out. The first prince may be making changes while the third prince is absent and his faction without a leader.

What is the likelihood of him being exiled while hes abroad?

It is more likely that he could be arrested upon return. Pargath has a history of imprisoning contenders to the throne, Piers said.

Tori let out a heavy sigh. This is more than what I expected to be involved with right now. Im supposed to be focused on welcoming students back to Lyce and the baking competition.

Youre going to take part again? Axton asked.

Our overly enthusiastic new captain, Theophania Kowalski-Bucher, begged me to represent the Sword Association.

Axton squinted. Is that why Tiff was clinging on to you at your birthday?

Tori sighed. Although Tiff wasnt the best swordswoman in the association, she was considered a charismatic and organized leader, as proven with her leadership as president of the tabletop gaming club in its first year. It was decided that Tiff would become the Sword Associations new captain and Esteban the vice-captain.

Ilyana had taken over the tabletop gaming club as president, but Tiff still wanted to be involved, so she was relegated to secretary, who did much of the planning. Gideon was the vice-president and only because Albert thought being treasurer was more interesting and Henrik was busy with Lions Gate and familial businesses, so he didnt stay an officer.

There wasnt anyone else who volunteered. I know there are other bakers, but my croquembouche last year apparently, and I quote, set the bar too high.

What are you going to make this year?

Beef puff pastry with duchess potatoes. Theyre technically all baked, but the puff pastry is going to be a pain. We only have so much time and the layering of the butter and dough is time consuming. I will have to use crystals. I know it doesnt have to be perfect, but there needs to be some puff to the dough.

Have you started to practice?

When have I had time to practice, Axton? Tori sent him a sharp look and he shrank back.

I dont know....

I will deal with the issue of Pargath, Piers said before exiting the meeting room. Tori, you can concentrate on your preparations for Lyce.

She nodded, but felt that shed still have some involvement, if only in a support position. They made their way to the restaurant and up to the rooftop dining area, which had been blocked by guards. Upon reaching the rooftop, there were umbrellas set up around high, round tables that people stood around. There were some swing benches beneath pergolas and a wide table beneath the portico against the back wall was a long table serving oysters, shellfish, and alcohol.

Two violinists were playing in one corner and there was a glorious view of the plaza and the islands beyond it. Surprisingly, there were a good handful of people already present. Tori narrowed her eyes.

Axton, how did you find out about the happy hour event offering?


Of course.... Her eyes settled on the bald young man energetically encouraging guests to try the oysters with the hot sauce. Ambassador Izel and her small entourage had two tables nearby and a small pile of oysters amongst them.

This is a casual party? Piers asked, as if uncertain.

There is no set schedule; its just for people to come, eat, drink, and mingle, Tori said. No speeches. Guests get food and drink themselves. It is meant to be very casual and relaxed.

I like it, Axton said as he looked around. When Ewan told me, I was unsure, but Im convinced. Will this be offered at the Lunar Pavilion?

Fiona froze. She looked up with a shocked expression. Are you trying to get rid of me?


Piers! Tori shot him a glare. Fiona scowled. She put her wax coloring sticks down and ran to her aunt.

Auntie, hes mean to me! Dont let him be your sidekick anymore.

Piers didnt look up from his papers. I do not want to be her sidekick.

Uncle Duke Axton can be your sidekick, Fiona said as she raised her arms. Tori picked her up and put her on her lap. The child immediately pasted herself against her and rubbed her face in her chest. Uncle Duke Axton is nice. He also does what you say.

Axton nearly snorted and turned his head to keep from laughing. You think highly of me, Fifi. Thanks.

I do! Sidekicks are important! Fiona said. They will stay with the hero forever. They are loyal and trusted. The hero will share everything with them, and they will share everything with the hero.

Does Fifi not want to be my sidekick? Tori asked as she kissed the top of the childs head.

Auntie. Fiona pulled her head back and gave her a serious look. A hero cannot be a sidekick.

Youre right. I apologize for my mistake. Tori gave her a knowing nod. We will look for a new sidekick for me.

Alexander and I will help! Fiona said, raising her arms. She looked across the tent at Piers. Uncle Piers, you will be replaced.

The man was not impressed by such a threat to his status. I am disappointed.

Yes. Now you cant be around Auntie all the time, Fiona said in a proud voice. Piers hand stopped moving. If you keep following her, she wont like you anymore.

Piers frowned. Tori loves me.

Auntie loves me more.

A look of alarm crossed Piers eyes as Axton snickered. Youre right, Fifi. Tori does love you more. You get to stay in her tent, and she makes you special food.

Piers frowned more so. Tori makes me food.

Okay, were not going to get into whatever this is, Tori said in a firm voice. Fifi, I love you very much, but I also love Uncle Piers.

Fiona wrinkled her nose as Piers looked relieved. you love me more? She looked at Tori with big, cute eyes and Tori grit her teeth.

You are so cute.... Tori hugged her tight and rubbed her head. I love Fifi more!

Fiona turned towards Piers and smirked. Heh.

Piers put his papers beside him and stood up. He marched to the door and tossed it open. Get Nanny Rey. It is time for Young Miss Gueveras dinner.

Your Highness, it is still afternoon- Piers displeased look silenced the knight and Tori could almost hear an audible gulp. At once, Your Highness! One of the knights rushed down the path a second later, and Piers came back inside with a slight look of vague superiority.

Fiona gasped. Her small hands curled into Toris shirt. Her lower lip jutted out and she shot Piers a glare. You are a bad guy! I dont like you! Her eyes moistened and she turned her head back to Tori, burying her face in Toris chest once more.

Tori gave Piers a disapproving look. Piers, dont kick her out. Apologize.


Hes bad, Auntie! You see? Fionas muffled voice cried out.

Yes, hes a very bad guy, Axton agreed. Tori should never cook for him again. Piers shot him a glare.

Tori nodded, still frowning at Piers. If youre going to be stubborn, then you can be stubborn by yourself. Axton, take him out of my tent.

Axton jumped up with a grin on his face. Lets go!

You may leave alone. Piers didnt move and looked down at the floor. His voice quieted. I am not a bad guy.

Youre making fun of a baby; youre a bad guy! Fiona insisted.

Piers. Shes so small and youre being mean to her, Tori said, clutching Fiona protectively.

Piers jaw clenched. He seemed to silently weigh his options before replying. I am sorry.

Say that Auntie loves me more!

She is being difficult.

The flap of the tent opened, and Nanny Rey returned. Young Miss, the kitchen is offering cooking lessons for small children. Do you want to try to make fish sticks? You like fish sticks. The white-haired woman gave Fiona a gentle smile.

The little girls lower lip trembled. I do like fish sticks....

Okay, go with Nanny Rey. Can you make me some fish sticks, too? Tori asked.

Fiona reluctantly released her, and Nanny Rey picked her up. Fiona nodded her head obediently. Ill make fish sticks for everyone. She glared at Piers. Except you. She dramatically turned her head away and Nanny Rey gave Piers a small bow before leaving with the child.

I know youre not blood related, but Fiona takes after you, Axton said. Shes also petty.

Its a gift, Tori replied in a dull voice. Piers, dont make fun of her. You know shes leaving soon. Kasey isnt here, so let her spend time with me.

Your niece says mean and hurtful things to me, Piers replied as he stood by her desk with his head dropped.

Saying youre my sidekick isnt mean. Fiona likes you so much. She always thinks of you, Tori said as she waved her hand and sent Axton out. She thinks that next to Kasey and Papa, youre the most handsome. She likes that youre so good to us. She says youre smart.

I am smart.

Tori sighed and lifted her hands. Piers grabbed on to them. I bet that at dinner, shell apologize to you.

Piers looked to the side. I do not need her apology.

Yet, several hours later, a little girl approached him shyly. Her small hands clenched the fabric of her sundress as she lowered her head. Uncle Piers....

The man seated beside Tori didnt look at the child. Young Miss Guevera. He still acknowledged her, albeit formally.

Fiona pouted and looked back at her brother. Robert gave her a supportive nod and Fiona took a small step closer. Uncle Piers, I want to say Im sorry because I was rude to you. She seemed to hold her breath as she looked up tentatively.

Piers kept his composure and gave her a curt nod. It is not necessary.

Tori elbowed him hard. Piers, she hissed under her breath.

Piers took a deep breath and turned towards Fiona. I accept your apology.

Fiona furrowed her brow and seemed to study him, as if unsure if he was telling the truth. She lifted her arms. Hug.

Piers froze and Tori winced. Baby, Piers doesnt hug people.

Fiona slowly lowered her arms, disappointed. Oh....

A large hand slowly reached forward, hesitating before gently touching her head. You are a good girl. Uncle Piers likes you, too. He mustve picked up speaking in third person to small children from Tori.

Fionas eyes went wide, and she flushed. She gave him a cheesy grin. Fifi is a good girl....

Yes, Fifi is a good girl, Piers repeated in a calm voice.

Tori smiled, but turned her head as she felt a cold chill coming from her right. She looked past Piers and Fiona, who had leaned upwards on the tips of her toes. Gideons jealous glare was boring into her niece.

Tori pursed her lips. Well, I suppose getting the favor of one prince is good enough.