92 < 91F (1) >


Originally known in the world as the God of East Asia, which governs defense and the seasons,

The perception in this world is much different.

Four disaster-class monsters.

It is widely known as the worst monster to wipe out China.

The four directions of northeast, southwest, east, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west.

Their strength surpassed the catastrophic rate, so the suffix "God."

The unique noun, "The Everywhere God was born," is still contained in the history books.

“· · · · · · That's a bummer no matter who sees it. ”

I tilted my head toward the white tiger, who is still courting the tiger.

That look, the pressure I felt earlier.

And at the speed close to the light. No matter who sees it, it's White Tiger.

“But the White Tiger was subjugated 100 years ago. ”

“· · · · · · Yes. ”

The gods reappear in monsters vs. runaways that will occur in about a year.

I don't know why.

In fact, maybe 100 years ago, all four of them were dead.

Or the babies.

No detailed lining was depicted.

And I didn't wonder that. I just wanted to.

The Bondi incident is all of a sudden.

When I saw the storm coming, I said, "Why is it coming? 'Like no one thought, a disaster-class monster came out of nowhere.' Oh, right. ’Because it's the reader's mind to do it.

Anyway, the white tiger is mating in front of my eyes.

It was a great feeling of camouflage.

“But isn't he too big for a white tiger? ”

“I see.”

As it turns out, this white tiger is tens and hundreds of times smaller in size compared to the white tiger depicted in the original.

“Is it still a baby? ”

So you're saying that you're going to grow here one step at a time, and one year from now, you're going to become a giant monster that destroys the world?

If this happens, there's a good chance the other three will be inside the monster park.

“This is crazy.”

I scratched the back of my head.

I don't know what to do.

If you think about what White Tiger's going to do in a year, you'd better deal with it here.

The problem is there's no way to deal with it. No matter what I do, there is no way to defeat the White Tiger. Look at that speed earlier. I didn't even see it coming.

If White Tiger runs to bite my neck, he'll have to say goodbye to his torso and neck.

“But she's a lot different from the white tiger I know. ”

I stared at the white tiger because he was dazed.

I do all kinds of courtship to know how good Kumho is.

The pink air around it is so sweet that it looks like a hallucination.

“A vicious monster that killed tens of thousands of people. ”

“· · · · · · Yes. ”

The white tiger I know is just a ruthless butcher. No blood, no tears, no destruction of all that is seen, and the worst monsters that slaughter life as soon as they are seen.



The worst killer monster in the world is the one who continues to speak out without resounding with the cold reaction of Kumho.

Looking at the struggles of the two tigers over and over, I thought, I don't know.

“· · · · · · · White Tiger? ”

I don't know.

It's too complicated.

“But what do we do? ”


The demonstrator pointed to the time and said.

“Five minutes left. ”

“· · · · · · · · ”

That's a problem, too.

You have about 5 minutes to leave.

We can't take monsters out here, so we'll have to leave them behind or something.

From the looks of that, it can't be far from Kumho.

“· · · · · · · What to do. ”

Don't you get angry when you try to drop it? Don't touch me! ’When you smack with your front foot, me and demonstrator should take a hand together and leave for Hwang Cheongcheon Road.

· · · · · · How should we wait for employees to come and do this?

I mean, how can you even hold a white tiger when people are coming?


Looking at us like that, Kumho slightly tilted his head.

And then he nodded his head with a determined look.


When I saw the white tiger, I muttered something.

Then the tiger looked serious and said something, then nodded slightly.

Then he turned his head slightly to come out and stare at the Hashiyeon and walked bump into me.

I flinched for a moment, but it doesn't look like I'm planning to attack much.

The tiger approached my nose and reached for my neck.

It was a neck machine, to be exact.

What am I supposed to do with this?

While tilting your head, Kumho approaches me.

“Destroy that thing? ”

Kumho nods.

“· · · · · · · I don't know if I can destroy it. Let's see.”

It was when I put my hand on the machine that hung around the neck of the tiger.


I heard something unlock. The machine has begun to disarm.

Then it spread to the ground.

· · · · · · · What?

Why is it loose?

I took my eyes off the machine lying on the floor and raised my head.

“First of all, this is grass. ”

The white tiger disappeared everywhere.

“· · · · · · · Gone? ”

* * *

“Farewell. ”

We took a step behind the monster park.

I didn't report anything about the White Tiger. I'm not sure, but I think I need to do some research over here before I report it.

“· · · · · · · Tired. ”

I was too concerned at the end, by the way, mentally exhausted.

“Me, too.”

I was stumbling like I was helpless next to him.

In my arms, I held a ‘white eagle' I received as a commodity.

Thanks to this, I have a very strange expression that is mixed with half fatigue and half joy.


Kumho seems fine.

By the way, I don't think he even noticed the danger of the White Tiger.

“Kumho, did you know from the beginning? White Tiger didn't want to fight. ”


Kumho nods small.

He must have known it was a courtship. Is that all you know about tigers?

“But Kumho, you didn't seem to like him before? ”

Kumho clammed his mouth with a strange expression. It doesn't seem like my style.

“What did Kumho say? ”

“It's not really your style. ”

“Why? You look so pretty. ”

As he said, the white tiger was beautiful just by looking at its appearance.

Of course, it's nothing compared to our gold. Of course I have cancer.


It was then that I heard a cat cry at my feet.

We looked down slowly.

“Oh, who's this? So cute. Are you in love with Kumho, too? ”

The white cat was waving its tail at my feet.

The black pattern between them is attractive. I don't think it's a long cat that feels like something original.

“· · · · · · White fur with black patterns? ”

It feels strange to me.

Oh, I hope not.

It was when I was shaking my head like that.


Kumho leaves my arms and goes down to the ground, sighing and sobbing.


Then I stood chic in front of the white cat.


Then the white cat clings to Kumho with a cry of joy in the world.

I've seen it a lot.

The scene that I had just seen 20 minutes ago was open to small sizes.

“· · · · · · You can't be White Tiger? ”

I said, the white cat rubbing his face against the face of the golden tiger raised his head.


Then she cried decisively, as if not to interrupt.

Suddenly, before the White Tiger disappeared, I remembered what Kumho had communicated to White Tiger.

Did he tell you to come back later?

Does that mean that I destroyed the machine that locked him up in monster park?

· · · · · · I didn't do anything crazy to unleash the white tiger on the world, did I?

* * *

That night.

After returning to the lodging, I baptized the outpouring of questions from my roommates.

How far did you go with Hashiyeon? How did you kiss her?

I lost all my virginity in denial.

Perhaps the demonstration is being baptized in the room with the same questions.

If it was worse than me, it wouldn't be less.

Demonstrators have an atmosphere that they want to mock for some reason. Maybe he'll be mocked all night.

My condolences.

Now I get out of the room and sit on a quiet bench nearby.



With two cats, no small tigers.

- So you're with a white tiger-looking monster?


You hear Maiden's bewildered voice over the phone.

- Even the white tiger turns into a little cat, like a golden tiger?


Maiden says, "Huh. I kicked my tongue. '

“Mr. Maiden. What should I do?”

- What are you gonna do? If that's the real White Tiger, we should subdue it.


I looked down at Kumho and White Tiger. They are playing very well. White Tiger seems to have a crush on Kumho.

Kumho seems to be pretending not to like it a little bit, but he doesn't seem to hate it.

“But I don't even know if he really is a white tiger. ”

If the pressure you feel is true, there's a good chance it's a white tiger. You can freely enlarge your body like a golden lagoon, but you can't do it without a monster the size of a white lagoon.

Maden takes a few moments.

- But no matter what you send me, I can't see the awful white tiger in history.

“· · · · · · · That's what I said. ”

That's why I have a headache.

Even if he is a real white tiger, it's a problem. How am I supposed to kill a kid who stalks me like that?

- Wait, the white tiger. You said you found it in monster park.

“Yes? Yes. ”

― · · · · · · Hmm. Monster Park. Beast Master.

Maiden seems troubled.

I waited without flirting.

That was about a minute ago.

- Kid, this is totally my hypothesis.

Maiden seems to be done with her thinking.

― The Beast Master. 'Cause I think that old bastard's got a heart attack.

“· · · · · · · Yes? ”


- First of all, The Beast Master, Edith Reston, is more of a researcher than a superhuman.

“· · · · · · Researcher? ”

- Uh, genetically modified monsters.

Was that an improvement?

- It wasn't known in time. You know that because you're about my age. Usually I know that the Beast Master's traits have something to do with monsters.

That's what I knew.

- Anyway, that crazy grandfather in monster research asked me for help about five years ago.

“Help with what? ”

― One of the monsters studying escaped, but he's important, so we must catch him. He asked me if I could help him catch it.

“· · · · · · A monster under study? ”

I smell something.

I just thought there might be a security problem in monster park. Now that I think about it, I think there's something wrong.

Maden began to explain the strange things of the time.

It is said that a lot of things have changed since the horses' front and back.

The case was closed because he was almost dead in the end.

Definitely doubtful.

- And the most suspicious thing is that 10 years ago, his grandfather bought equipment from all over China made of byproducts.

“Are there any of their genes? ”

- Yes. Doesn't it fit perfectly? Equipment purchased ten years ago. A monster that fled five years ago. And the white tiger-like monster you met today.

My eyes gradually widened.

- The grandfather. I mean, aren't we building quadruplets in the lab right now?

At that moment, everything was right in my head.

Monster outbreaks that will take place a year later start in Australia.

It was also described as a slightly different appearance from all the gods recorded in history.

If the Beast Master has created a new god everywhere, it makes sense that there are other shapes.

And above all, there was a description of the Beast Master's death after the incident.

“Maybe Maiden's hypothesis is right. ”

- Right?

I'm sure.

I never thought I'd find a cause here.

“You're lucky to have met the White Tiger if you think so. ”

This is all thanks to Kumho.

I wouldn't have known if this tiger hadn't brought out the White Tiger.

I gently stroked Kumho's head. Kumho cried comfortably.


My hand fell off the tiger like that. How dare you touch my western master?


My wrist joint went back with a dangerous sound.

Luckily, no injuries were sustained, but I was forced to squeeze my wrists and eyebrows.

“Ugh! You little brat! ”

It looks like you haven't fully reduced your strength like the golden bowl.

Kumho looks at my wrist and immediately gives me a scolding look at the tiger.

It's like asking my brother where he dares to put his fist.

The white tiger grows dull.


I smiled unknowingly because he looked cute.

- Why?

“It's nothing. It's just that they're kind of cute. ”

- What the hell?

Maiden smiles.

- So what do you do?


- You don't let a laboratory go against that line, do you?

“Well, yeah. ”

It is also a problem for research that is wrong, but the results of that research are monsters.

If we can stop it, we must stop it.

“Let's do some research first. ”

It might not be just one, so we'll have to investigate.

- Obviously that's a priority. Then I'll do some digging myself.

“Yes, please. ”

It was time to hang up like that.

“Farewell. ”

- Oh, right. I almost forgot.

Maden's resilience, I put my phone back in my ear.

― Jajay says to tell him.


It's what Maiden calls her full-time elder.

- It's all done.

< 91F (1) > End