Chapter 6: Taking Money

Name:Transcended as Lord Buggy Author:
Chapter 6: Taking Money

After capturing the bandits & save 3 womens, Buggy is now in the village chief's house. The chief give him some food to eat and keep thanking him. Some villagers have died because of the bandits, and their way to the city was cut off. They need to sail around the island to avoid the bandits, and that need longer time.

The Chief's wife also take care of the womens. She clean them and give them some decent clothes. Then she also give them food & drinks. They've ate some food before in the bandit's shack, but that's just a small portion.

"I really can't thank you enough for this. The kingdom didn't send any help even after we asked them. We're just a small village on the outskirt, so they won't spend resources on us."-Chief

"Don't mind it, i just want to get his bounty."-Buggy

"But it's still help us a lot. How can i repay you?"-Chief

"No need for that- Wait! Can you take care of those girls while i go to a Marine base? My boat is too small for all of us, so i can't go with them."-Buggy

"I don't think that's a good idea to leave them here. It's not that we don't want to take care of them, but it's the Marine. The Marine might not want to send a ship just to take 3 people and send them back to their home. If it's just sending them home from the marine base, then it's possible to be done. But i still reccomend you to send them back yourself if you want to help them."-Chief

"Really? Damn, those marines aren't reliable at all."-Buggy

"Well, there are some marines that will actually help, but not all of them will do that. So it's better to be safe than hurt."-Chief

"Sigh, it seem i need a new boat. Maybe i need to rob a pirate or something first."-Buggy

"Don't worry about boat, i will give you mine. It's bigger than your boat, and have enough space for 5 people plus some luggage."-Chief

"Huh? You'll give it to me?"-Buggy

"Yeah, think of it as a gratitude for clearing the road. I can build a boat everytime for free using woods from the mountain, but i can't clear the road to the city & ensure my people's safety for free. So just take it!"-Chief

"Okay then, thanks for that, old man."-Buggy

After an hour of rest, Buggy leave the Chief's house. The womens also ready to leave and they look better now. Buggy go to where he left the bandits and find them already beaten up by the villagers. Luckily, none of them died.

"Listen! I will go to the Marine base like this to hide my identity. Not all marines are good, so i want to avoid any trouble. I will leave my left hand to you guys so keep it safe alright?"-Buggy

""Yes, leave it to me!""-Irina, Vara, and Daisy.

The three girls answer at the same time, and then look at each other. Sparks start to form between them, but Buggy is oblivious of that.

"Alright, then i willl go now. Stay on the boat, and make sure to not show my hand to any Marine here!"-Buggy

Buggy then sail his boat to the port and tie it on the pole. Then he take the bandits from the boat and go to the marine base. Of course he pull them on the ground with a rope. The marines that see this also didn't react, it's an usual sight for them.

After Buggy leave, the girls start to fight over the hand. Each of them want to be the one who keep the hand. It's their saviour's hand, so each of them want to be the one who keep it.

The three girls argue over his hand, and Buggy feel his hand being pulled around. He can't control it past 20 metres for now, but he still can feel it. He don't know what those girls did, but he hope they stop soon.

Buggy get inside the base and the marines show him where he can take the bounty. He faked his name to Bob, and the process is fast. He get the 3 millions, and allowed to keep the loot. Buggy then return to his boat and see the girls argue over his hand.

"What are you doing?"-Buggy sweatdrop

""BUGGY-SAMA!?""-Irina, Vara & Daisy

"Sigh, forget it! Let's go to your home."-Buggy

The three girls nod and blush, but Buggy didn't notice it. He doesn't realize that he he has some admirers now, and just continue to sail away.


Support me on Pa_treon if you like my story and want to read some chapters ahead. I've uploaded up to Chapter 22 there. It will help me buy internet data too, so i can keep uploading. /CaptMermain

(The website didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship from webnovel)