The weapons in the hands of the two warriors were lost. David held the big shield in his left hand, and the heavy axe was carried back behind him. With the attack of two weapons, David's body quickly and gently shook twice.

He didn't fight back, he didn't pause. He just passed by the two warriors.

He didn't want to be caught by David, but he knew that he couldn't do it at his own pace.

David's choice of road is very purposeful. There is a huge stone in front of him, which can block the sight of "tearing flying insects" in the rear for a short time.

When he took janlis to the big rock and left the sight of the tearing flies, it was the time when the tearing flies contacted the two beetles.

Without continuing to escape, the running on the ground could not be compared with the flying "tearing flies" in the sky.

David's second grade shield of his left hand was forced to cut into the ground behind the boulder, and then a piece of earth was lifted.

He first pushed jenlis into the space formed by the big shield, and then hid himself in it.

At this time, the master shield master played a role. The shield vibrated slightly, and the soil spread evenly on them.

At the same time, the big shield is connected with the air engine of the earth. This is a fighting skill of the big shield beetle, which can transmit the strength to the earth.

David is using this technique to make the shield into a part of the earth. The shield also perfectly covers their breath.

Of course, this kind of camouflage does not have much effect for experienced beetles. An obvious bulge on the ground is extremely strange.

But for Zerg, as long as they can't feel the breath, they will go to find other targets nearby.

You know, there are too many beetles in this area. In this case, the "tearing flying insects" will not be staring at a target.

Although these "tearing flies" are all simulated by Skynet, their habits perfectly reproduce the real instinct of "tearing flies".

"There must be a problem. How can there be so many" tearing flying insects "all of a sudden? It just doesn't give everyone a way to live Janlis whispered on the exoskeleton armor's communications channel.

Naturally, David also felt that this group of "tearing flying insects" is invincible for the two person group of beetles.

The only result of encountering such a group is to be torn apart.

Even David himself broke out at the fastest speed, and he needed the influence of other teams of first class to find this opportunity.

The two beetles were killed by the group of "tearing flies" and disappeared in the insect tower.

This is not how brave the two warriors are, but that all the warriors here know that all these are false, not real death.

Anger is just because the game is eliminated, anyone who is eliminated by this irresistible accident will not be in a good mood.

The group flew over the boulder and didn't see their target. Just as David judged, they immediately targeted the two beetles who were running two kilometers away.

Because it was in the Oracle virtual world, David didn't have the help of a shadow attendant. In addition, the sense of "tearing flying insects" was very sensitive, and the scanning device on the exoskeleton armor was not allowed to use at will, so David and jenlis stayed underground for a while longer.

Two minutes later, David lifted the shield.

"Let's go back and get the sniper gun!" David looked at the group of tearing flies five kilometers away and said in a deep voice.

"You don't want to snipe at the tearing bug, are you?" When janlis heard David's words, he was surprised.

He knew very well that the only threat to the tearing bug was long-range sniping.

But if there are only a dozen or so tearing insects, a sniper gun may still be able to play a good role, but in fact, the group of 50 "tear flying insects" have no sound isolation equipment, and there is no strong armour to block them. The use of sniper guns will soon be targeted again.

"I don't like to be killed!" David was already running back and forth, saying as he ran.

Watching the competition, many people have speculated that there is an external force affecting the game.

Because when David used a sniper gun to snipe, he was the most concerned of all the beetles on the scene.

A lot of the audience put their perspective on David, so when the group of tearing insects appeared out of thin air, they all saw it.

It is only at the top of the military or government that can do this.

So soon there were voices of protest, complaining to the government and the military about this behavior.

However, no one paid attention to these complaints. There was a statement in the renka cup competition that all explanations should be attributed to the organizers.

The organizers are the military and the government, and the commander is Lieutenant General Dan of the military. There will be no reaction at all.

However, lieutenant general Dane, who was sitting in the conference room, looked very pale. Although his orders were carried out, the effect did not reach his expectation.Instead of killing the beetles who disturbed the incesca cup, the 50 "tearing flies" slaughtered the other beetles in the insect tower.

Lt. Gen. Dane, who has been in high position for a long time, does not like this kind of accident that destroys his plan. Although it is obvious that David is here to survive, he thinks that if you die, you must die.

However, it is not easy for him to intervene in the team competition of these two people. Although his authority is very large, he can not completely control the virtual world of Oracle.

If it wasn't for the fact that it was a competition they were involved in, Lt. Diane would not have been able to control the Zerg in the tower.

"Find out if there is any individual competition for this" invincible "champion Lieutenant general Dane, looking at the picture in front of him, asked in a deep voice.

In the picture, David once again gets the "eye of death" and finds a more hidden sniper position. Lt. Gen. Dane feels that this is challenging him.

"Lieutenant general, invincible will participate in individual competition in the next round." The staff officer quickly found out the result and replied.

"Good!" Admiral Dane nodded, his eyes narrowed slightly.

David didn't know he was being watched by a lieutenant general, but he was in a shallow hollow cave.

The hole is only about three meters long, and the "tearing fly" can attack at most two at the same time.

Of course, the wall of this cave can not resist the attack of "tearing flying insects". This is not the most suitable sniping position.

However, this is the insect tower. When designing the land type, we refer to the widest field space, and there are not many special types.

The low mountains and shallow caves here are the only terrain that David can see that can affect the "tearing flies" swarm.

At the same time, jenlis is also relaxed and has time to look at the team situation in the competition field.

At this time, there were only thirty-five teams left in the group, and they were still decreasing.

In the vast expanse of space, the "tearing insects" swarm is like a group of bugs.

There was little way for the beetles to escape. They had to keep their distance from the tearing insects.

However, how could they run faster than the flying speed of the "tearing flying insects" group, and each group was killed and became the elimination of the competition.

There are also groups of beetles temporarily formed to fight against the tearing flies.

The idea is good, but the two men Beetle team is mainly fighting with each other, and there are few big shield beetles joining. In addition, the unskilled cooperation of the temporary group of beetles and the number of "tearing flying insects" as high as 50 make the resistance of the beetles turn into faster killing.

"Invincible, I have good news for you!" Said jenlis in a queer tone.

"What's the matter?" David has been using the "eyes of death" to observe the falling and attacking "tearing flying insects" in the distant sky.

"There will be only ten teams left. We can get into the top ten without fighting tearing flies!" Jenlis said, looking at the declining number of teams.

David and jenlis are in an area that has been cleaned up once by the tearing flies.

It's not that the beetles are chasing after the new ones.

Even if David wanted to fight, he couldn't do it.

A few minutes later, the "tearing insects" that were raging in the air suddenly turned into white light and disappeared.

"Congratulations, you passed the rematch!"

With Skynet's notice, David and jenlis disappeared in the insect tower and returned to the rest room again.

"Ha ha, top ten!" Exclaimed jenlis excitedly.

The contestants of the renka cup are the younger generation of renka star. The top ten of these beetles is very happy for James.

Moreover, he had read the list of the top ten, but the one who had bet with him didn't make it to the top ten. It was probably unfortunate that he met the "tearing flying insects" group and ended the competition ahead of time.

"Invincible, I'll give you the bet later. Now it depends on what the guy says." There was an indescribable complacency in his voice.

"OK, I've received the countdown to the individual race and I'm ready to go in!" David nodded and said.

In the military conference room, the staff officer was helpless to operate the light curtain in front of him, and he could not refuse Lieutenant General Dan's orders.

Of course, he also understood that lieutenant general Dan would only do so because it was a virtual game. In real war, Lieutenant General Dan is famous for his ruthlessness and determination, and will not show such impulsive behavior.

In recent years, the number of beetles on lunca has been increasing, but the death rate on Battlestar has always been at the forefront of all the planets in the airida region.

As the main star of airdia, lunca has the best resources, but the mortality rate reflects the quality of the younger generation of beetles.

At a recent interstellar Federal Military meeting, Lieutenant General Dan was ridiculed by generals from other planets. Although most of them were jokes, he was in a bad mood.In addition, this group of warriors are likely to participate in the cruelest Star Wars, so lieutenant general Dane raised his requirements even more.

As for the fact that lieutenant general Dane is targeting David, it is only to exclude accidents. This is the best way to solve problems encountered by big people.

“3,2,1。” After the countdown, David disappears into the lounge and appears in the insect tower.

As soon as he showed up, David knew it was wrong.

Next to him, there are a lot of "Hunter Mantis". The scanning on the face armor directly gives the number of 226 "Hunter Mantis".

In the case of being surrounded, the effect of the big shield is very limited, so David did not take off the big shield, but directly used the second grade heavy axe in his hand.

The blue light flashed by. A hunter mantis, who was preparing to attack because of his sudden appearance, was killed by an axe.

Now that the talents of "extreme speed" and "power shock" are all turned on, it's not about saving physical strength, but about how long you can live.

David's body flashed slightly, let a "Hunter Mantis" attack, and then the second level heavy axe in his hand again waved to kill the "Hunter Mantis".

He had many contacts with the hunter mantis, and knew where the "Hunter Mantis" was fatal, so every hit was accurate and lethal.

"Invincible is over!" It's the idea of every individual spectator, and they're even more angry at the way it affects the game.

One may be an accident, but two consecutive times are a fatal situation, which is difficult to explain from outside.

Janice was watching, his fists clenched and his eyes full of indignation.

However, David didn't have time to think about it. The heavy axe in his hand gave full play to his master's fighting power. He killed a "Hunter Mantis" with each blow.

Unfortunately, when more than 200 "Hunter Mantis" formed a siege, the only function of David's "extreme speed" talent is to increase the attack speed. It's no longer necessary to think about moving.

Next to his body, there are all "Hunter Mantis". These "Hunter Mantis" seem to have received some kind of command and used the most dense formation to crush him.

David had just finished a kill when the forelimb of a "Hunter Mantis" hit it, so he had no time to escape.

Of course, he couldn't avoid it, because he was surrounded by "Hunter Mantis.".

He had to avoid the lethal area as much as possible. A scar appeared on the left shoulder of his exoskeleton armor.

It's the first time he's been injured since the fight, and it's like he didn't see it.

The battle continued. The second class heavy axe flashed by. The hunter Mantis was killed, but a wound was added to his body.

Fortunately, David is carrying a second grade shield behind his back, which was originally used as a second weapon, but it has become an important guarantee for David to stick to it.

At least the attack from David's back can't do much to David. Although the great power of the "Hunter Mantis" attack makes his mouth appear blood through the big shield behind him, it will not make him lose his fighting ability in a short time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!