The fighting in the detention center in the northern suburb of Qia city did not arouse the attention of the residents of Qiya City, and even was not mentioned in the news the next day.

From the director's office, director Kurt looked at the information on the light screen in front of him. He hesitated. Sergeant Fergus stood respectfully opposite, waiting for his reply.

The results of the investigation are very obvious. During the battle, someone intervened, and the other side used a suspended vehicle parked nearby to crash the signal shielding equipment, which triggered the Skynet defense mechanism.

The man involved is certainly an EW engineer, and he is also a very powerful EW engineer.

In a very short period of time, the EW division broke through the control systems of more than a dozen floating vehicles and manipulated them to complete the work of destroying the signal shielding.

Although the EW division damaged the four floating vehicles, they were all insured, which would not bring economic losses to the owners. In addition, the case explanation given by the police station will not let the owners wait too long to be compensated.

Director Kurt thinks that if the investigation results are reported, the electronic countermeasure Division will be recorded in the file. Such a person will be looked upon by various intelligence agencies or forces and lose their freedom, or they may directly find out the electronic countermeasure division and put him in prison.

These are not what director Kurt wants to see. Although he respects the law, he also has his own principles.

If it wasn't for this EW division, then there would not be only one Oracle under his command who was seriously injured, probably with heavy casualties.

Compared with the destruction caused by the EW division, it helped director Kurt much more.

He saved him and his armour with a few floating cars, which he wanted to recognize.

"Sergeant Fergus, re investigate. We operated those floating cars. No one else participated in all operations." Director Kurt said in a deep voice.

"Yes, chief!" Sergeant Fergus stood at attention.

When he turned around, officer Fergus's face was full of joy. He didn't want to let the rescuer have an accident. If the benefactor saved them, they could not repay the kindness with the vengeance and report the benefactor to the police.

David finished his practice in the morning, and then he had time to sit down, drink fruit juice, and watch the beautiful scenery.

He was thinking about yesterday's battle, the first time he had seen the defense system of renka Skynet take off.

At that time, the sky intelligence system saw the results of the beetles through the scanning devices of the floating cars that were still in the sky.

David also figured out why fox wanted to prepare his identity as a police consultant. Only this identity can guarantee that he will be judged as legal when he is found by Skynet after being equipped with exoskeleton armor.

Those beetles yesterday were judged to be illegal and have done great harm to the society. As a result, they were killed by tracking missiles.

It can be seen that the defense system of renka star is not as harmless as the surface, which also makes David not be vigilant in his heart. Don't find anything illegal by Skynet.

Through what happened last night, we also found his current shortcomings.

Every morning, his skin and muscles were injured. Although his physical strength was not affected, that kind of injury was enough to reduce his combat power.

It's OK. Even if the time is weak in the morning, he still has the strength to fight. However, after practicing "crystal mind" in the evening, his spirit is extremely tired. At that time, his combat power was almost nonexistent.

In case someone attacks him in these two periods of time, it's hard for him to resist.

However, it is impossible for David to stop practicing. The practice in the morning and in the evening improves his strength all the time.

"If only the shadow maid could be stronger!" David felt the shadow over his head and thought.

He is very strange, with his investment in shadow service, the strength of shadow service should have been greatly improved.

But in fact, the strength of the shadow guards has almost been stagnant. The strength is maintained at 200 grams, and the distance from him is 20 meters.

We should know that the soul energy absorbed by David is only a little left after the shadow server absorbed it. Most of the soul energy is absorbed by the shadow server.

At least two or three hundred souls were absorbed by the shadow attendants before and after. In addition, he consumed krypton crystal every day, so that shadow servants could absorb energy through the "source gathering disk".

According to the previous progress, the shadow server can at least increase the strength by several times.

David stretched out his hand to the shadow waiter, who flew to David automatically. David put his hand on the shadow waiter's body and felt the shadow servant's body.

Just like the shadow server composed of energy, except for a lot of knowledge spheres in his body, David checked many times and found nothing.

It was nothing that made David uneasy.

The relationship between the shadow servant and David is just like the relationship between the hand and the body. The shadow servant is David's other hand, a hand that can be separated from the body.

The various weird abilities of shadow attendants, including the ability to open a ring of space and form a sphere of knowledge, can be understood as the abilities of unknown gods.

But did the disappearance of soul energy and daily absorbed energy be fed back to the God?The more David thought about it, the more frightened he felt. Shadow service was his most important means, including the items stored in the space ring. Most of his family was in the hands of the shadow waiter, and the shadow servant was the most important reason why he could escape many times.

David once again let the mind into the shadow server, and manipulated the shadow waiter to make various actions. In this way, he did not find any problems. It was just like before.

As David studied the shadow boy, his identity Bracelet trembled.

"Good morning, Emma." David said with a lazy smile.

"My God, David, look at the sunshine outside. It's not morning. Open the video and let me see what you're doing?" Emma heard David's languid voice, and demanded a little coquettish.

David opens the video, and he also sees Emma opposite. At this time, Emma's background should be her private recording studio. Emma practices singing here a lot of time every day.

No career is easy, just as David wants to be a strong warrior and become a transcendent one later, he has to undergo torture training every day.

Emma's singing is also not easy. Although her singing voice is born, it needs the practice of the day after tomorrow. This kind of practice does not mean that the practice can be stopped to a certain extent.

Now Emma has become a top singer level, but she can not stop singing practice one day, only long-term practice can keep her singing voice in good condition.

"I really want to sit by your side and watch the scenery with you!" Emma said, seeing the view behind David.

David's villa is arranged by her, but with her busy, where has the time to sit down and enjoy the scenery there.

"You can come here. I have a holiday. I have two months' free time. You are welcome to accompany me to see the scenery at any time." David said with a smile.

"By the way, I just want to tell you about this matter," my heart forever "music short film is about to start shooting, the company helped me choose the shooting place is in Ryukyu blue star, this shooting time has two weeks, can you accompany me to go?" Asked Emma, looking at David with expectant eyes.

The comprehensive curriculum in David's culture class played a role, and he soon thought of the relevant information about Ryukyu blue star.

Ryukyu blue star is a special planet in the iridian region. It is said that it is special because the surface of Ryukyu blue star is completely covered by sea water, and it is a real mercury.

But Ryukyu blue star has something different. In the sea water on the surface of the planet, there will also be some fresh water areas.

With the fresh water area, there is the basis for survival. In addition, with the special environment of Ryukyu blue star, it has become the most famous tourist planet in the airdiya star region, which is known as the most beautiful planet in the iridian star region.

It's no wonder that Emma's company will choose Ryukyu blue star as the scene of the music short film "my heart will last forever", where the water has a special beauty.

"OK, anyway, I have nothing to do next, but I need to bring the gene repair module, otherwise my practice will not be completed!" David nodded with a smile.

I have known Emma for a long time, but I haven't accompanied her well. This is a rare opportunity.

"No problem. The star flyers we took brought their own gene repair module. When we arrived at the Ryukyu blue star hotel, we also had a gene repair module." Emma thought for a moment and said, and then she went on, "you'll come along as a songwriter, so you can arrange for it."

In a luxury spaceship, assistant researcher Nigel sits on a sofa in a huge office. In front of him is a light curtain showing the figure of Farrer, the Institute's peripheral operations director.

"Failed again?" Nigel's assistant researcher asked coldly.

"The signal shielding equipment was destroyed by unknown forces, and all decoy groups died. The action team did not move out because there was no secondary target." Director Farrer carefully reported the incident.

"I don't have time to stay here for a long time. I'm leaving today. You don't have to worry about Balfour. I'll ask the Lord to come forward and directly use the official force to transfer Balfour away!"

Assistant researcher Nigel said it was easy, but in fact he knew very well that this kind of thing can't be done more, and adults can't act at will in terms of government.

If it's really easy, assistant researcher Nigel can't have preferred to let the beetles do it, rather than disturb adults.

Adults also have political enemies. Although the power of adults makes those people dare not make any big moves, once their mistakes are caught, they will cause some troubles.

The use of official forces to transfer Balfour directly from the city police station in Chia will also have some impact on adults.

However, the article has a great effect on adults, and the adults are in close pursuit. The assistant researcher Nigel can only report to the adults and ask them to do it.

"As for director Kurt, let the intelligence department collect his criminal evidence, I don't believe that a police chief will be completely innocent. Even if he is really innocent, you will try to put some evidence on him!" Assistant researcher Nigel said coldly.

"Yes Director farer is not surprised that assistant researcher Nigel has to move a police chief in an important city. The organization's actions are often reckless."In addition, the" sword killing police "found will make him disappear forever Said Nigel's assistant researcher in a deep voice.

"Assistant Nigel, have you read the information about the sword police?" Director Farrer whispered.

"Anything special? No matter how powerful he is, he is no more than a Oracle Assistant researcher Nigel said casually as he opened the data.

He has a very heavy research task. This time he came here for adults' important articles. Otherwise, he would not drop his research.

Therefore, he did not take a close look at those investigation reports. Even if he failed the second time, he was also angry at the handling ability of his opponent.

"Why, the sword killing policeman is protected by fox. When killing the sword killing policeman, don't let fox find out, just carry out it!" Assistant researcher Nigel looked at the data, and the only thing he noticed was that David had something to do with fox.

As for the rest of David's record, assistant researcher Nigel didn't pay attention to it at all.

There are many ways organizations want to make a beetle disappear.

The body of a warrior without exoskeleton armor is just like that of an ordinary person.

"Yes The head of farer in the curtain of light responded again.

"Don't let me down, and don't let adults down!" Assistant researcher Nigel finally took a look at director farer and closed the light curtain. At this time, the spacecraft accelerated to completion and disappeared in place.

Looking at the shadow of the assistant researcher Nigel disappearing from the light screen, director farer showed bitterness.

He is not an assistant researcher of Nigel. He can ignore the fighting power of the first soldier. Director farer sees that it is David's record.

David alone is almost equal to the combat power of the elite group of first class warriors. The "invincible class" is not a random evaluation.

Although farer is the outside director of the organization, he has no right to mobilize any extraordinary person. He can only use assassination or Jiashi forced killing.

Farer, who is a veteran of the battlefield, knows the difficulty of trying to assassinate a weapons master.

What worries him most is that David is so famous recently. The first place in the college entrance examination gives him a layer of protection. At this time, it is likely that the public will pay attention to David's action, which will make many forces focus on the assassination.

Director farer asked the assistant researcher Nigel to read the materials in order to let the other party see this, but he was disappointed in the results.

But assistant researcher Nigel issued an order that he had to carry out.

On the other side, Emma arranged for Lucia, her agent, to give the company the name of David, the songwriter. Because of Emma's current fame, the company agreed to Emma's request without hesitation.

On the same day, the company ordered a star flyer ticket to Ryukyu blue star for David, and David's move was passed on to farer's supervisor shortly after the booking.

"It's your own death!" Director farer looked at the information in front of him excitedly and muttered to himself.

David left the city of Chia, which is closely guarded by security. In the eyes of director farer, the behavior of taking a star flyer is to seek death. There are many ways to keep David on the road forever. , the fastest update of the webnovel!