Looking at the two students on the platform fighting like weak chickens pecking at each other, David was not interested at all.

The two students did not use weapons. They first used fists to attack on the platform, then they clasped together, fell to the ground and kept rolling.

The final winner staggered to his feet and raised his hand to show off the stage.

During the whole process, the students were shouting and venting their emotions.

This kind of fighting is not appreciated by David, the master of air combat. He doesn't understand why these students are like this.

"David, you just arrived at the base, so you don't know. If you fight with Zerg for a long time, the students here are often in danger. Their nerves are very nervous. This bar is a place for students to relax. If you look around, you will find that there is no teacher here!" Cotton yelled, too. He turned to see David's indifferent expression and explained with a smile.

David has no way to understand this relaxed way. He lived on the rock star before. Fighting with Zerg is a very common thing for the oracle of rock star.

On second thought, all the students here come from the peaceful airdiya region. It really needs a process of adaptation from peace to war.

"Our group is going to go back to the college to rest for a period of time. We have been fighting in the base for nearly two months. Our spirit needs to be completely relaxed. In addition, this time I made a command mistake, which made Enoch seriously injured. It will take him a few days to recover and just return to the college to have a rest." Said cotton, pouring all the red wine into his mouth.

The excitement of shouting just now completely disappeared, leaving only a trace of helplessness.

"David, you should also pay attention to some. The consumption here is too high. The grade 2 fortified meat costs five points each time. For a high-level beetle like us, grade 1 fortified meat has little effect. Our group needs 30 points for daily practice. In addition, accommodation, food, medicine, etc., we need at least 50 points a day to meet the consumption of our group. I envy you so much that you can kill the second level Zerg alone Cotton had a little red wine, and his words were obviously a little more.

When David listened to cotton's words, he realized that he had to leave with him today.

"Cotton, go back and have a rest. Come back after adjustment!" David said aloud.

"If possible, you'd better join a group and work with the group. It's safer. With your strength, you can find the strongest group. If necessary, I can introduce it to you!" Cotton again advised David.

"If I have this idea, I will tell you!" David said with a smile.

"Another drink for me!" Cordon called to the waiter in the hallway.

The waiter came to him with the bottle and filled him with red wine with a smile.

Cotton paid a point with his identity bracelet, and his expression was obviously a little painful.

David looked at the red wine in his hand. He didn't expect that this glass of red wine would cost one point. It seems that this bar is not only a place to relax, but also a place with high consumption.

You should know that in terms of the purchasing power of points, not to mention this glass of red wine, it is a case of red wine can be purchased.

Now David thought of the meaning of Corton's saying that the consumption was too high. He calculated in his mind that if he also bought grade II fortified meat, he would get five points a day, 20 points a day for his residence, but he didn't need points for food. What he brought was enough, and the consumption was acceptable.

"Cotton, where can I buy second grade fortified meat?" David asked, thinking that he had just arrived and had yet to find a shop to sell fortified meat.

"In the shopping system in the identity bracelet, when you are in the base, you will automatically connect to the purchase list of the base!" Cotton took a sip of red wine and replied.

David then opened the identity bracelet and found the shopping system. Seeing the items in the list, David couldn't help shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

Most of the items mentioned above are living materials. The fruits in them are individual. Most of them are fruits of the size of an apple. In terms of the volume of an apple, two points are twice as large.

Most of the goods here are based on the size of the value, the original value of the goods is not very important.

It is estimated that the value of these goods is calculated based on the transportation cost, and the original value of the goods can be ignored relative to the transportation cost.

David saw the second grade fortified meat, which was limited to five points and one per person per day.

David was about to close the list, but he found that the following three grades of fortified meat were sold. The price of a third grade fortified meat was 100 points.

"Cotton, is the price of these three grades of fortified meat wrong?" David asked curton, turning his head.

"No, it's not 100 points, a third grade fortified meat, that's the price!" Cotton held out his head and said positively.

"But I remember that the recovery price of the third level Zerg's corpses is 1000 points. The fortified meat in the third level Zerg can be made into ten parts of the third level strengthened meat. The ten parts of the third level strengthened meat alone will have 1000 points. Then the rest of the third level Zerg corpses will be given away for nothing?" David asked."Ha ha, so that's what you're talking about. This recycling price only makes the lowest price for the third level Zerg corpses. In fact, not many people will sell the third level Zerg corpses to the college.

Besides, where can we students kill the third level Zerg? The only ones who can kill the third level Zerg are those who stay here! " Cotton explained with a smile.

David nodded. Maybe the recycling price of the second level Zerg corpse is about the same. Fortunately, he got to know David under the introduction of Corton. Otherwise, he would probably sell the second level Zerg corpse directly to the college.

A man and a woman walked into the bar from outside. As they entered, the noise of the bar quickly disappeared and the whole bar was quiet.

"Why are they two here?" Cotton frowned and whispered. Then he turned to David and said, "let's finish our wine and go."

"Good!" The other five students nodded in agreement.

"Who are they?" David saw that a boy and a girl had such a great influence that the students in the bar did not dare to make a lot of noise. Even Corton had to avoid his edge, so he asked softly.

"The man's name is green. He is the fourth grade top beetle with strength talent. The woman's name is Barbara. He and green are classmates. They are top beetles with speed talent. They are lovers. Green's temper is not good, so try not to provoke him!" Cotton replied in a low voice.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for someone. Someone named David himself will come forward!" Green went up to the platform, looked down and said in a deep voice.

"When did you provoke green?" Cotton turned to David and asked in a low voice.

The rest of the group, intentionally or unintentionally, covered David's body so that green could not see David directly.

"I don't know. I've only known you since I came to the base!" David replied doubtfully.

"Whatever else, get out of here and we'll cover for you!" Cotton waved and decided.

"David, your identity and bracelet coordinates are here. Don't want to leave. I have something to tell you today." Green looked at no response, and then he said out loud again.

At this time, Barbara blocked the door of the bar, obviously did not want David to escape.

"I'll meet him!" David said to cotton with a smile.

He ignored cotton's concern and stood up and walked toward the platform.

Hundreds of students were looking at David with sympathy, intolerance and schadenfreude in their eyes.

"David Green saw David coming up and took out a photo from his identity bracelet and checked it. Then he continued: "on behalf of the student union, I will inform you that from now on, the student union will manage all your bases until the school arranges a formal management teacher. During this period, you must not leave the base. Here is a duty table. Do, students will let you work in vain, every day will give you a point salary

Green said, pop up a light screen over the identity bracelet, which shows a watch list.

6: Cleaning the public toilet of the base at 30-8:30

9:00-11:00 canteen helper

12:00-18:00 to laundry room helper

19:00-21:00 garbage station helper

the students on site saw the duty table, and their faces changed. This duty table was almost insulting. The public toilet has intelligent robot cleaning, when should someone clean it Yes, canteens, laundries and garbage stations.

Green looked at David with a sneer on his face.

President canning of the student union got the news that David unexpectedly arrived at the base of the guardian star, which made president canning a little unprepared. He had planned to give David a little bit of a stumbling block, but it just went away.

President canning couldn't go to the guardian star academy base for a while and a half because he had something to deal with. He sent a message to the college base through interstellar communication, asking the student union here to "take care of" David.

After receiving this news, green understood what President canning meant when he saw the extra emphasis on "care".

Greene is more ruthless than President canning. President canning means to use the rules of the student union to embarrass David at an appropriate time. However, green directly lists the duty list for David to abide by.

When David saw the watch, there was no expression on his face, but his anger was rising.

"Why not accept it?" Green looked at David and said in a deep voice.

"Your name is green?" David asked faintly.

"Yes, but you should call me senior green!" Green returned.

"Green, do you know where you are standing now?" David continued.

"Bar challenge, don't you want to challenge me?" Green returned with a sneer.

Green's momentum suddenly inspired, strong breath echoed on the challenge stage.

"I agree with the challenge!" David was waiting for Green's words. When he agreed to challenge, he rushed to green.Because of the rules of the bar, people who enter here are unarmed, and so are green and Barbara.

The unarmed green is a weak chicken in David's eyes. We should know that David's unarmed combat has 66% of the perfect level, which is also a higher level of existence among the unarmed combat masters.

Green saw David rush up, but also clenched his fist, he decided to give each other a little color to see, let the other side honestly carry out the watch.

When David was two meters away from green, Green took the first step and hit David in the head.

With the strength and speed of Green's top beetle, the blow, with a terrible wind pressure, came towards David's head.

David dodged Green's attack with a small mistake, and then David slapped Green's left face with his palm.

"Pa", the sound let all the students in the bar hear clearly.

Green's face turned red to the naked eye, showing the impression of a palm.

"I'll kill you!" Green felt the burning pain on his face, which was not only the result of David's slap in the face, but also the shame of being slapped in public. He yelled and waved his fists.

David made another small mistake, dodging Green's attack, and then another slap in the face.

There was another "crack" in the bar, and the students who had been in a bit of a ruckus over David and green were all stunned.

This is green, one of the most talented people in the college.

"You want to die!" Green was hit by the second slap in the face. He yelled and activated the "power talent", and his whole body was full of strength.

Green is confident that if he can hit David, he will lose his resistance.

It's just that the gap between Greene and David is as wide as a child facing an adult.

David's face has always been very calm, his palm constantly hit Green's face, the whole bar reverberated with the sound of slapping in the face.

After more than a dozen slaps in the face, green collapsed. He covered his face with both hands. Now he no longer considered attacking David, but only wanted not to let David hit him in the face again.

David put his hand on the tip of Green's elbow. Green felt his arms numb, and his hand left his face.

Then David's palm again in Green left and right face, Green's face from red to red swelling, and gradually showing a red purple.

"Stop it!" Green's girlfriend Barbara jumped onto the platform and kicked at David.

Barbara should have opened the "speed talent", which is extremely fast.

David didn't even turn his head. As soon as he grasped his hand, he grasped Barbara's foot. With this kick, he added another force along the direction of Barbara's strength to connect Barbara's body.

The students below saw an incredible scene. Barbara, who was worshipped as a goddess by college students, was caught by David's foot with one hand on the challenge platform. It was like holding a toy and smashing heavily on the challenge platform.

This hit directly knocked Barbara unconscious. The armor without exoskeleton armor had no better defense than ordinary people.

Barbara from the hand to the stun, the whole process less than two seconds, during which David's other hand has not stopped slapping green in the face.

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