The speed of the energy beam emitted by the "popcorn" is very fast, but no matter how fast it is, it can't react with extraordinary speed.

A few energy beams can't hurt any one of the extraordinary, they are easily dodged.

"It's a trap!" Froude roared as he dodged the beam of energy.

He saw the stealth detection ship destroyed in the sky. If he had not ordered to strengthen the scanning to hide the hidden ability of the detection ship, it would not have been found by the "popcorn".

Previously, Froude thought he was smarter than the Zerg, but now he was beaten in the face by the Zerg.

Fortunately, David's spaceship dodged the attack of the energy beam, otherwise, two extraordinary and a sniper master might be lost at this time.

As for the destruction of the stealth reconnaissance ship, in his capacity, at most, he owes a favor to the space fleet and will pay it back later.

Froude was thinking that several energy beams collided in the air and exploded in an instant.

The beams of energy emitted by several elite "popcorn" collided just in the center of the battle circle of the extraordinary.

The collision of the energy beams caused an explosion, which turned into countless small fireballs and scattered to the ground.

"Watch out for the fire!" Froude was astonished to see countless small fireballs, as well as the corpses and corrosive liquid of "corrosive mutant larvae" on the ground.

Corrosive liquids are very flammable, so Froude immediately thought of this when he saw the little fireball.

However, his warning was late. The small fireball fell on the ground and ignited the corrosive liquid. The flame shrouded the area of 500 meters in an instant and wrapped all the supernatural beings in it.

Fortunately, this flame does not do any damage to the "extraordinary armor". Just switch the "extraordinary armor" to the internal circulation.

Then smoke from the flame covered the whole area.

"Get out of the fire zone, Kenny, you and Glen take your own college Mavericks to kill the popcorn!" Froude's extraordinary voice.

Although the flame can not hurt the extraordinary, but everything in front of you is swallowed up by the flame. Coupled with the influence of smoke, the eyes can no longer see. In this environment, even the other auxiliary scanning devices are greatly affected.

Dwight flashed a warning in front of his extraordinary eyes, and there was something unusual underground.

This is the warning of the last moment when the personal terrain scanner behind him was burned. The personal terrain scanner has no fire protection device and can't keep working in the sea of fire.

"Watch your step!" Dwight exclaimed, unable to observe, he could only follow the impression of the fastest way out of the flame.

Suddenly, Dwight felt the breath of death, which was his spiritual warning of death.

His body instinctively stopped, his hand was numb, and then there was no consciousness.

"There is petrified gas in the smoke!" Dwight extraordinary knew that he had been hit, and he quickly reminded other extraordinary.

On the burning ground, a hole appeared, revealing the king of the stone skin worm. The part of its body exposed to the fire was constantly burned by the flame and healed rapidly.

Then they looked at the fire again.

Dwight's extraordinary words surprised all the extraordinary. There were flames and black smoke all around. It was almost impossible to find Petrochemical gases in this environment.

It can only be said that this time the stone skin worm King's trap is too perfect. Only 10000 "corrosion mutation larvae", which can be regarded as disposable consumables among the Zerg, can create this trap.

"Damn it, I got hit. My left hand is petrified. Be careful that there is petrochemical gas in the smoke above my head!" Exclaimed one of the Vulcan.

In this kind of environment, extraordinary people understand that danger is everywhere, and they rely on their own perception of danger, while placing their rarely used hand in the front of the direction of movement.

The perception of danger is very small in this environment where there are flames all around, and the danger warning will only be given at the moment when the petrochemical gas is about to be exposed.

In that case, the danger warning is a little late.

As for the hand that you don't use in front of you, it's also a helpless decision. Compared with the body being petrified, the price of an unused hand is worth it.

One by one, the supernatural came out of the flame, leaving the envelopment of smoke.

It was only at this time that they found that another extraordinary of volgo college did not come out, nor did Dwight.

At the same time, Beecher's, volgo's, and Glen's left hand are all petrified to varying degrees.

"Dwight!" Froude exclaimed, looking at the fire.

Unfortunately, no matter whether his voice is put out or through the channel, there is no response.

The distant "popcorn" did not continue to attack, but escaped through the burrow.Kenny looked at the super arm of Beecher with a dark face, and he didn't go after the "popcorn.".

"Beecher, how's the injury?" Asked Kenny in a deep voice.

"Fortunately, I can take it fast. Only the first two sections of the middle finger are petrified!" "Beecher said with a smile, which is so extraordinary.

Beecher was very sober at the time, and he made the most correct choice. He did not extend his whole hand, but only extended a middle finger. As a result, he ran into petrochemical gas in the process of rushing out of the flame.

His middle finger was infected with petrifaction, and he stopped moving immediately. After changing direction, he did not encounter petrochemical gas again.

"Glen, what's your injury like?" Kenny turned to glen and asked.

"One left hand is over, I rush too fast to hold it!" Glen shook his head with a bitter smile.

Kenny Superman did not go to ask the extraordinary man at volgo college, because the two men were looking at the sea of fire with great concern, where their companions did not come out.

Under the light of fire, the original magnificent extraordinary people were greatly hit, and their human elites were played by an insect.

David, who was in the ship, was also a bit silent, and he didn't expect that.

If he remains on the ground, can he escape the attack of the king of the stone skin worm?

The flames on the ground slowly extinguish, because of the need to be careful of petrochemical gas, so they have been waiting for smoke to disperse, and the extraordinary people enter the ashes to find their comrades.

Soon two super people were found, they were also wearing "extraordinary armor", but the breath of life was nothing.

Dwight was very lucky. After a petrochemical project, he turned around and met the petrochemical gas floating towards him with the wind. Because he had just had a danger perception, this time, the danger perception was a little dull.

When the spirit felt danger again, half of his body was already in the petrochemical gas, which eroded his whole body and transformed his body into rock.

Another vergo college super - Fan didn't even call for help because a sip of petrochemical gas from the king of the stone skin worm just sprayed on him.

Of course, if it is not because the flame has an impact on the king of the stone skin worm, it can not find extraordinary position through vision and hearing, it can take advantage of this opportunity to kill all the supernatural.

The two bodies were placed on the ground, and the rest of the Superman were gloomy.

The most painful even if Galton is extraordinary, they volgo college this time a death and a injury, the strength is greatly affected.

Instead, the SRA combat Academy had two extraordinary injuries before. At this time, she was treated and not involved in the fight. The only one of volgo college was lucky and did not encounter petrochemical gas and kept it intact.

David lowered the ship, jumped off the ship, felt the atmosphere heavy, and he didn't speak.

He is a sniper master, and night is not his good environment, so Freud will be extraordinary to let him fly the spacecraft to the sky.

"This loss is my responsibility, I have not found the worm trick!" Said prud in a deep voice.

No extraordinary response to him, this time from the call to command is all his own, the previous time the team into the trap, this time did not find the trap, anyway, he has the greatest responsibility.

"Whether the action continues depends on your opinion!" "Said prud, extraordinary.

"Volgo college gave up the action, I need to report the action to the president, and explain it to the families who died in war!" "Said Galton, raising his hands.

After he finished, he went up and lifted up the body of his companion on the ground, and then he took off.

Another injured vergo college Superman did not say a word, and left with Dalton Superman.

"I was injured, I needed to go back and find a way to treat it and I couldn't take part in the action!" Glen showed his injured left hand, and then said helplessly.

The three extraordinary men of cardall college also left, and the extraordinary people present were half of the time.

"General Froude, it's impossible to see what happened. I'll take Beecher back to college. I'll meet you again!" Kenny looked around and sighed.

"Master David, my two companions are still on your ship for treatment. Can I leave with you?" Finally, the extraordinary of the SRA Academy of combat asked David.

"Of course!" David nodded and agreed.

David and four supermen got on board, and the ship accelerated to the sky and soon disappeared.

Froude stood in his place, and he understood that after this time, he had no influence on the guardian.

He also left the guardian with his own will, because the military will not let a superior who is hostile to the schools remain as the military representative.

It was only that he was the least willing to see this way of leaving, and he smiled bitterly.

"Brother, I'll take you home!" "Froude, who stooped over, lifted Dwight's extraordinary body and murmured.His eyes shed tears, perhaps for the sake of Dwight's transcendence, perhaps for the future, or for regret that he had not reported the birth of "pregnant crystal" to the top.

Now let Froude speak for himself, and he can't tell the state of mind at this time.

Froude was so upset that he didn't notice that, on his side, the earth on the ground was silent, and a huge figure swam out of the cave.

This is the king of the stone skin worm. It has not left and has been waiting for the opportunity.

Finally, the opportunity still let it wait, only one extraordinary left, and is still the one in charge of commanding.

The king of the stone skin worm opens his mouth and slowly approaches Froude.

Froude extraordinary smell a smell, this is a peculiar smell of Zerg, his chaotic brain suddenly awake, he was distracted here.

Just as soon as he regained consciousness, he felt his legs locked. Then his body was lifted like a doll and hit the ground heavily.

The king of "stone skin worm" bit Froude's legs and repeatedly smashed him to the ground. There were holes in the hard ground.

Froude wants to resist, but the great power of the third level Zerg can't resist after locking him.

The reason why Superman can fight against level 3 Zerg is that "extraordinary armor" brings extraordinary strength and speed bonus, as well as the increased damage of level 3 weapons.

When Froude was bitten by the king of the stone skin worm, he lost his speed and the opportunity to fight with his weapon.

Froude felt that every bone broke in the impact. His extraordinary vitality made him still alive. If he was an ordinary person, this kind of impact would kill him only once.

Just when Froude thought he was killed like this, he found that the king of the stone skin worm stopped.

Unfortunately, at this time, Froude was unable to move his whole body, and his extraordinary force could only barely maintain. He would not be killed by his own broken bones.

Froude finally saw the eyes of the king of the stone skin worm. They were eyes of wisdom, with the natural ferocity of the Zerg, as well as cunning and contempt.

This is the first time that Froude sees so many emotions in the eyes of a Zerg. He knows that he underestimates the king of the stone skin worm. If he had known that the king's wisdom had reached this level, he would never have used this kind of fighting method against ordinary Zerg to fight against the stone skin worm king.

Now that it's all over, Froude wants to face death. To die beside his brother Dwight is to live and die together.

The king of the stone skin worm seemed to understand the extraordinary idea of Froude. His eyes changed again, and his eyes were full of irony.

He opened his mouth, and Froude closed his eyes, waiting for the last moment.

The king of the stone skin worm bit off Froude's legs with open mouth, then his arms. The "extraordinary armor" resisted for a moment and was bitten.

In the face of the mutant king of level 3 Zerg, the defense of level 3 "extraordinary armor" is not enough.

The king of the stone skin worm finally bit Rudd, who thought he was finally free, only to find that the king of the stone skin worm just bit Rudd in his mouth and left with him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!