The reward for the temple was very fast. All the knights who took part in the war were followed by the deities, so every Knight's record had accurate statistics.

As I don't know when the Zerg will arrive, a simple and grand ceremony was held in front of the star level portal in the main city of Tula that afternoon.

To put it simply, it is because there are too many people to award this time, and the time given to each knight who receives the reward is very short. To say it is grand, it is because there are hundreds of thousands of knights in tura. It is a great honor to award awards on this occasion.

Ordinary knights are not eligible to be close to the award site. However, ten deities joined hands to project the ground award ceremony into the air. As long as the Knights near the main city of Tula can watch the award ceremony through projection.

"Ten thousand years ago, five great gods defeated the cruel evil gods and brought peace and tranquility to the world. Since then, the world has had a unified name" God belongs to the big world ". For thousands of years, the existence of evil has been trying to destroy the peace of the world and bring" God belongs to the big world "back to that chaotic era.

The space gate in the chaotic astral domain is the work of reviving evil spirits, and the delusion of destroying our world in this way.

The deeds of evil gods will fail like countless attempts of evil gods in thousands of years, because the world has you and knights to guard the world.

The brave knight defeated the evil god again and again, so that the evil god's plan was broken again and again.

In the battle of spacegate, the Knights once again showed fearless spirit of sacrifice, and they won enough defense time for garrison star and Tula star.

Here, on behalf of the temple, I present awards to the knights who participated in this war, as well as the battle between Tula and the garrison star, to reward the knights for their efforts Said bishop McKinley, standing on the podium.

When he speaks, he uses divinity to amplify his voice. Of course, when amplifying the voice, the divinity also brings some demagogic effects.

Hundreds of thousands of knights turned red when they heard bishop McKinley's speech, and their eyes were fixed on the direction of the podium.

Of course, many of these knights are sober. Some of the level Four sky knights and all the level five Templars are calm. Some things have happened, and they can't be changed by a beautiful word or two.

"Among all the knights, there is such a knight who helped the temple guard tura, flew alone across the chaotic star field, recovered the guard star, and sent the interstellar Federation to bring back the reinforcements of the federal fleet. This knight is..." When bishop McKinley said this, the Knights around him, including those farther away, called that name at the same time.

It's just that the Knights have different names, but they all represent the same person.

Lord Arthur

"At the end of the short ceremony, bishop McKinley's next announcement was very simple, name and merit, and then the knight came to power.

A knight stepped onto the podium and received various awards. The most important thing was to enjoy the glory.

All of the eight fifth level Templars who David stayed in Tula were conferred the title of earl. In terms of identity, the eight Knights entered the aristocratic system.

This reward is also consistent with the achievements of the eight level 5 Templars. In the battle of turashin, the eight level 5 Templars are all fighting the weaker Zerg, which is not very dangerous.

Eight fifth level Templars had no identity before. Now they have become earls. This reward is good.

However, the Knights present saw another side. Although the Luce family of Lord Arthur was very expensive, there was only one Duke title before.

From this moment on, the Luce family has eight more Earl titles. In terms of merit, eight titles are not the end point. The Luce family will have more titles.

The problem is that even today's top aristocratic families do not have many conditions to exchange so many earls in their families. This is not only the merit needed for exchange, but also the merit to be obtained by each generation in order to maintain the eight earls.

After that, David's other four fifth level Templars won the Marquis title because of their military exploits, and at the same time, they also got four exclusive mainland territories.

The time has come, and the glory of divinity shines on the podium. In fact, the Knights present have found that the Harlow Templar Knights have not come to the stage.

They looked at the Harlow knights with envious eyes. Everyone knows that this award ceremony is not only for all the knights who hear the reward, but also for David who is receiving the reward. The reward is more than the merit of Harlow Temple knight.

Although it is said that he and four other Templars saved the "star boat" group, from white body to Marquis, plus a mainland Lord, this is a very rich reward.

Compared with the other four Templars, Harlow Templars only saved Chancellor Gould. Because this matter was bestowed by the God of war, not only the wounded recovered, but also their strength increased greatly.

He thought that the God of war's grace was a reward for his performance on the battlefield, but he didn't expect that the real big head was here.Only a few of the top nobles with profound knowledge understand that Harlow Templar Knights are recognized by the God of war. This can be seen only from the first non Temple knight who has accepted the grace of the God of war in 500 years.

This recognition is more important than any war merit, and it is not surprising that the temple will give more than merit due to the recognition of the God of war.

Among the awards, the most important one is the status of a member of Parliament. As for the promotion of the title to Duke, that is to say, the Supreme Council will also apply to the temple, because every member has the title of Duke.

Some Knights began to think about whether the temple was dividing Harlow knights and Lord Arthur. Now they should be called Lord Harlow.

However, only ordinary Knights think so. Knights who have really experienced the spacegate battle don't think so.

Just look at the Harlow Templar knights, because of Lord Arthur's command, can pay their lives to protect speaker Gould at any time. This loyalty is not a distinction between knighthood and councillor status.

No matter what the Knights here think, the Harlow Templar Knights standing on the podium are radiant.

Harlow Temple knights from an unknown Temple knights to become the world's top nobles, and will have their own parliamentary status, become lord, this only in the legend of things, really appear in front of the knights, let the Knights can not help but be excited.

If Harlow Templars can do it, they can do it, perhaps not as dazzling as Harlow Templars, but as long as one tenth of Harlow Templars' reward is enough.

Harlow Temple Knight bows down to take over a pile of documents. He was not even an aristocrat before, so all procedures need to be handled again.

"Knight of Harlow temple, I hope you have a firm faith. My Lord is very concerned about you!" Said bishop McKinley in a very soft voice as he handed over the papers.

When David heard bishop McKinley's words, there was a glimmer of clarity in his eyes. He finally knew the biggest reason for the award.

When he controlled the Harlow Templar knights to accept the grace of the God of war, he opened the "fanatical belief" state, which made the God of war judge that he was a fanatical believer.

In the eyes of the God of war, he is the perfect knight. Of course, he should pay special attention to this kind of knight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!