In front of the space door, a space crack appears, and the "polar scorpion emperor" emerges from the space crack.

"Polar scorpion emperor" looked at the scene of the mess, and his eyes flashed a cold look. Ordinary Zerg did not feel much loss of it, but the loss of "empty ticks" made it extremely dissatisfied.

This is the first batch of "space eating ticks", originally designed to expand the space gate to a level that allows free access to the legendary stage.

But before it started, it was destroyed by God's great world.

The safety of the "empty eating tick" is the responsibility of the "polar scorpion emperor". This time, it has to be questioned by the "mother emperor", which makes it very unhappy.

"Polar scorpion emperor" is full of lightning. If you are in a bad mood, you need to vent.

Its way of venting is to attack the space gate. According to the mother emperor's plan, the first attack will start when the space gate is expanded to the level that the legendary stage can enter and exit.

In the process of attack, the second batch of "empty eating ticks" can continue to expand the space gate.

The Zerg world never worries about attrition wars. The combat power of the Zerg world is tens of millions of times that of the divine world. As long as you let go of breeding, those consumed Zerg will recover quickly.

Zerg get too much energy from warstar, which has already put the Zerg world at full capacity.

Even without Lord Arthur, the Zerg world will start a large-scale war in the near future to consume a considerable number of Zerg.

The sudden explosion of God's big world failed the Zerg's deployment.

The tail of the scorpion is the most powerful one to attack.

The tail hook of the "polar scorpion emperor" trembles slightly, leaving only a mirage in place. The body of the tail hook is heavily bombarded by the power of lightning on the space door.

There is no change in the space gate. It seems that the strike of the "polar scorpion emperor" has not affected the space gate.

The space door is solidified by space energy, connecting two big worlds, which is equivalent to bearing the world rules of the two big worlds.

In addition, space energy is one of the most special energy in the world. Unless it has space energy, it can be regarded as a solid space gate in the space energy, and it is impossible to be affected by non space divine power attack.

"Polar Scorpion King" can break through ordinary space, but it can't do it to destroy the space door.

However, the attack of the "polar scorpion emperor" did not really disappear. Instead, it turned into a mass of terrifying energy and passed through the space gate.

The "polar scorpion emperor" has countless experiences in breaking open space. It can't destroy the space door, but it uses this blow to tear open a bit of space and input the energy of the attack into the past.

After the attack, the "polar scorpion emperor" disappeared. Its all-out strike was just revenge. Even though it was no longer powerful, it could not carry out such attacks many times. It was a waste of internal power.

With the "emperor level inheritance pattern", the speed of replenishing divine power is very fast. However, in front of the space gate, the "polar Scorpio emperor" needs to maintain its strongest combat power all the time. It does not want to be taken advantage of by the gods on the opposite side because of its excessive consumption.

The space door God belongs to the big world. He has been paying close attention to the Archbishop Ambrose of the space gate and perceives the space fluctuation on the space door.

Archbishop Ambrose was preparing to remind a hundred fourth level priests, but the space fluctuated too fast.

A small, dazzling white sphere appears in front of the portal and is blocked by the blocking energy of the five space temples.

The dazzling white sphere exploded, which was not an explosion of energy like the "crack God card", but turned into a golden lightning bolt.

The golden lightning easily broke the blockade energy under the layout of the five space shrines, and flew to a four level sacrifice standing at the space gate.

No gold lightning was found in the strength of the fourth level sacrifice. The speed of the golden lightning was too fast.

After the flash of golden lightning, the body of the fourth level sacrifice disappeared, leaving only a little ashes on the ground.

The golden lightning leaped to the next level Four sacrifice, and the same fourth level sacrifice followed the previous level Four sacrifice.

In the eyes of Archbishop Ambrose, the whole process of the golden lightning from its appearance to its passage through the bodies of 100 fourth level sacrificial rites was just a moment.

Archbishop Ambrose launched the defense mechanism of the five space temples. According to the power of the golden lightning, the five space shrines automatically consumed the power of the same level of faith and turned into an energy net, which was wrapped in the golden lightning.

By this time, the golden lightning had killed a hundred level four priests.

The energy network from the five space temples blocks the golden lightning. The golden lightning is constantly beating in the energy network. Each time it beats, it will be weakened by one point.

It took a few minutes for the golden lightning to dissipate completely.

However, the surface of the five space shrines is also a lot dimmer. Just now, in order to block the golden lightning, a lot of faith power was consumed in a moment, and the faith power accumulated in the space temple was almost exhausted.The five space shrines together sent out a white light beam. From afar, five white beams flew to connect with the five space temples, and the dim light of the five space temples began to recover.

This is the five space temples mobilizing the power of belief to their respective temples through their respective belief networks, so as to quickly restore the empty faith power.

"The temple of space has entered the first level of combat readiness!" Exclaimed Archbishop Ambrose.

God belongs to the big world, although they also made precautions, but because of the existence of blockade energy, they did not really enter the state of war.

The space temple does not fill with sacrificial rites and deities. Such a space Temple needs to transfer the power of belief from the remote temple, which causes a little delay when performing divinity or activating the divine pattern array.

Sometimes this delay is enough to cause a huge loss and change the situation.

Archbishop Ambrose looked at the four archbishops with fear in each other's eyes.

If there were not a hundred four level sacrificial rites in front of the space door, the golden lightning would definitely choose them closest to the space door except for the 100 level Four sacrifice.

Judging from the power of golden lightning, this is issued by a Zerg God level with lightning talent.

Although the golden lightning was suppressed by the rules of God's great world, its power was greatly affected, but the power contained in the golden lightning was not what their five archbishops could bear.

If all five archbishops were destroyed at the beginning of the war, it would be hard to tell the direction of the war.

Even if the gods choose a new archbishop to replace them, it is doubtful what kind of command and correct judgment can be made by those inexperienced archbishops.

Take the Archbishop of Macintyre. Compared with the four old archbishops, he is like an ignorant child.

If such an archbishop were to direct the war, the probability of war failure would be great.

With the order of Archbishop Ambrose, a large number of deities and sacrifices entered the inner space temple and began to pray.

The light on the surface of the space temple is also very prosperous. The five space temples are located in five corners. Five white lights rush to the space door, and the energy in front of the space door is covered with Taoist energy, and complex patterns flash out on the energy.

The fall of a hundred four level sacrifice made the five temples aware of the coming of war.

A deity came to the space gate and picked up the remaining ashes of a hundred fourth level sacrificial rites.

David's eyes twinkled in the castle.

His castle is 500 kilometers away from the space gate. Although it is very far away, it is within the scope of his spirit.

Although David didn't let go of his spirit, the shadow servant moved according to his spiritual scope. Just now the shadow servant flew to the door of space and absorbed 100 souls.

From this, he judged that there was a battle at the gate of space. From the perspective of absorbed souls, the temple lost 100 fourth level sacrificial rites.

"Arthur, a message came from my staff. Just now, in order to eliminate the" empty eating ticks ", the temple put a hundred" burst God pattern cards "on the other side of the space gate, which caused the Zerg God level revenge. A hundred level 4 sacrifice who put the" burst God pattern card "died on the spot, and their bones were not found!" Speaker Gould was also checking the contact phalanx and then said to David.

"It seems that it's not safe in front of the space gate. Divine power attacks can pass through the space gate. You should be careful and stay away from the space door!" David cautioned.

He has seen the terror of Zerg God level, and that kind of attack power can not be resisted by Chancellor Gould, a new legendary knight.

Let alone speaker Gould, even David himself, dare not accept the Zerg God level attack with semi God strength. That is the end of death.

"This is of course, we legendary Knights will be together to form a knight battle line action!" Said speaker Gould, nodding.

Speaker Gould has no idea of being a hero. In this war involving gods, the gods are the dominant.

Their strength, at most, is to eliminate some low-level Zerg for the gods.

Archbishop Ambrose and the four archbishops also withdrew from the space gate. They were not fighters, but commanders. They would not stay in dangerous places if they knew the danger.

The five archbishops came to the command platform of the temple of knowledge in space, which is within the defense range of the temple of knowledge in space.

Since the five space shrines are already connected, the four archbishops are not in their respective space temples, but they will not affect the command of their respective space temples.

"Let a group of knights come forward!" Said Archbishop Ambrose in a deep voice.

This order was not only said to the four archbishops around, but also sent to speaker Gould through the contact phalanx.

Speaker Gould received orders and sent orders to his knights through the speaker's contact with the phalanx.

Soon, the knightly battle line, composed of the five temples and six hundred level Four sky Knights of the Supreme Council, was standing in front of the space gate.

This group of level 4 sky knights is not for fighting, but for defense. Their mission is to block the first group of Zerg attacks, so that the space temple has reaction time.This is a helpless order. Judging from the attack of the "polar scorpion emperor", if there are not 100 level 4 sacrificial rites in front of them and let the golden lightning break through the defense, it will cause unpredictable losses to the God's part of the world.

Therefore, a defense must be laid in front of the space gate. Even if there is another golden lightning, it can be delayed for a period of time, so that the five space temples can be blocked in time.

As for the loss of knights, there is no alternative. This is a necessary loss.

The order of Archbishop Ambrose is very fair. There are 100 four level sky knights in each of the five temples and the Supreme Council. He did not let the Supreme Council bear all the responsibilities, which would aggravate the tense relationship between the temple and the aristocracy.

In this kind of war related to the security of the great world, Archbishop Ambrose needs to pay attention to balancing the relations among various forces.

The knight battle array composed of 600 level-4 sky Knights forms a thick shield of blood force, which blocks in front of the knight battle array.

Due to the special nature of this mission, the enemy's attack will only rush out of the space gate, so there is no need for the former comprehensive defense shield.

Six hundred level Four sky Knights knew the danger, but they were resolute. They all understood the meaning of the war.

At this time, a figure appeared behind the 600 level 4 sky knights. At the same time, a holy atmosphere enveloped 600 level 4 sky knights.

This is the "realm of the Holy Spirit" of the demigod "Knight of the spirit", which is controlled by David.

Although the Archbishop Ambrose did not ask David to send the corresponding knights, but he was treated with equal power by the Archbishop of Ambrose, and David did not want to make a statement.

David's power is equal to the five temples and the Supreme Council. All the five temples and the Supreme Council have sent knights. He needs to show his fairness.

With a wave of the hand of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight", every level 4 sky knight has a knight's armor made of ice crystal.

Six hundred level Four sky Knights felt the ice crystal armor on their bodies. The ice crystal did not feel cold at all. Under the white light of the five space temples, it was shining brightly.

What makes 600 level 4 sky Knights feel more at ease is the defense of the ice crystal armor. This is the defense of the demigod "Holy Spirit Knight", which is far more than their knight armor.

With another wave of his hand, the half god "Holy Spirit Knight" turned rocky on the shining ice crystal armor of 600 level 4 sky knights, and soon a set of rock armor was added to the ice crystal armor.

Although the rock armor is ugly, not as beautiful as ice crystal armor, but the two sets of armor make the sky Knight's defense increased countless times, no one will dislike the ugliness of the armor.

This is not over. The demigod "Holy Spirit Knight" continuously displayed various abilities, and blessed 600 level 4 sky knights with fire, ice and poison protection. , the fastest update of the webnovel!