In order to prevent the castles from being scanned, there is a strong guard in space.

To get in and out of the boundaries of God's great world, you need to pass through the guardian star.

Normally, if the ordinary stowaways are scanned, the energy of Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars will fly into space to solve the stowaways.

Anyone who dares to cross the border can be killed without trial.

But today's alert tells Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars that two level five strongmen are approaching the guardian star without notice.

Without any hesitation, Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars emerged from the castle together. They were wearing their fifth class knight armor as they flew into space.

The Lord of the legend of Molly heard the alarm, and he still had to obey David's orders without David's control.

David's order to the legendary Lord of Molly is to follow the instructions of speaker Gould. Speaker Gould arranges Lord Murray to the garrison star, which is to block the space area of the garrison star.

Of course, the legendary Lord of Molly is the Lord, and his strength has reached the legendary level. Naturally, it is impossible for him to deal with everything.

Usually, matters are handled by the Knights of Dexter and the Knights of Nelson Templars. Only when the Knights of the Templars are unable to deal with them, they need the hand of the legendary Lord of Molly.

The legendary Lord of Molly's figure flashed. His intuition told him that the two enemies who came this time were more powerful than the Knights of Dexter and Nelson Templars, and this was the time when he needed to make a move.

The Lord of the legend of Molly is not fast. He is astringent and follows the Knights of Dexter and Nelson Templars.

In space, the fifth bishop of Kingsley and the fifth bishop of alders did not feel the existence of the legendary Lord of Molly. In terms of strength, the gap between them is really too big.

The Lord of the legend of Molly is the top one even in the legend level of God's great world. He is the legendary level who has mastered the "rule of the power of the black dragon".

Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars fly into space, and they see two strange level five strongmen.

Almost immediately, they recognized the two fifth order bishops.

The main reason is that bishop Kingsley and Bishop alders have lived too long. Even if they can reduce the number of shots, they are also very famous in the god world.

The Knights of Dexter and the Knights of Nelson's Templars looked at each other, and when they recognized the two fifth order bishops, they knew that they must not be opponents of each other.

They didn't pay attention to the false breath that the fifth level bishop of Kingsley and the fifth level bishop of alders deliberately leaked out. The two fifth level bishops have lived in the divine world for thousands of years, and their strength is needless to say. They can only be regarded as ordinary Templars.

"Release the energy and go back for help!" Said the knight of the temple in Dexter.

Two separate energies are flying out of them, but it's too late.

Bishop Kingsley and archbishop alders set the trap long before the Knights of Dexter and Nelson arrived.

Around the confrontation between the two fifth level bishops and the two fifth level Templars, a red mist rose and enveloped the whole battlefield.

As soon as the two energy separators get close to the red fog, the red fog sends out a strong psychedelic atmosphere, which makes the two energy separators feel dizzy.

This is still not really in contact with the red fog, if it does contact, it is estimated that the energy sub body can not even hold a breath and will lose control.

Originally, the strength of energy separation is only equivalent to level 4 peak, but it is very fast.

In the battle against level 5, the energy body has no combat effectiveness at all.

"Now we can fight with all our might, kill you, and no one will know that we have been here!" The voice of the conversion of yin and Yang of bishop Kingsley was transmitted to the ears of the two knights of the fifth level temple through the spirit.

The fifth bishop of Kingsley could not wait. In order to attract the Knights of Dexter and Nelson, he and the bishop of alders must control the breath of leakage and make it within the control of Dexter knights and Nelson knights.

If the breath leaked is less, it will only attract the energy of the two Templars. If the breath is too strong, the two Templars will ask for help directly.

Archbishop alders did not speak, but the blood fog he controlled was turning into a sea of blood, and the smell of blood and evil enveloped the whole battlefield.

At this time, a figure passed through the red fog outside the battlefield, took the two energy separators away from the psychedelic atmosphere and sent them to the Knights of Dexter and Nelson.

"Lord Molly!" Dexter Templars and Nelson Knights bowed in surprise when they saw the legendary Lord of Molly.Bishop Kingsley and archbishop alders knew that the strength of the other side was extremely strong when they saw the strong men who suddenly appeared and ignored their traps.

After hearing the greetings from the Knights of Dexter and Nelson, how could they not know who was coming.

"Lord Molly, I don't know you're here. We'll go back at once!" The fifth bishop of alders hastily took back the sea of blood and cried out for mercy.

"I'm sorry, Lord Molly!" The fifth bishop of Kingsley was startled, and her voice was completely female.

Not to mention the legendary Knight status of the legendary Lord of Molly, but to say that he is a subordinate of the demigod Arthur, and no one dares to provoke him in the god world.

The "God of storm" is very popular in the evening of the gods.

The believers of storm God held a sacrifice in the territory of the demigod Arthur. As a result, half god Arthur came and directly destroyed the last Temple of storm God.

Recently, the recruitment of "storm God" can only be carried out through the statue of "gods at dusk". It can be said that "storm God" has almost been cut off.

After that, the demigod Arthur was recognized by the God of war and other five gods. At the same time, the appearance of black dragon Alexis also promoted the status of demigod Arthur.

All this made the five level bishops of the evening of the gods, who were already extremely afraid of Arthur the demigod, were even more frightened to mention his name.

In recent years, all the fallen bishops of the fifth level fell into the hands of the demigod Arthur. For the fifth level bishops, the demigod Arthur is more terrible than the temple.

The legendary Lord of Molly did not speak. His breath rose, and the horror of legend spread in space.

The fifth bishop of Kingsley did not see it right. He was ready to flee in the opposite direction. At the same time, his figure was slowly disappearing.

The Lord of the legend of Molly was faster. Before the fifth level bishop of Kingsley was completely void, he swept and killed his demigod level sword.

Then, his figure turned and ran after the fifth bishop of alders.

The fifth Archbishop of alders exclaimed, his body broke down in an instant, turned into countless blood clots scattered, and flew toward the garrison star.

This is a secret skill, which can be used to dissolve the body into hundreds of parts at the cost of losing most of its strength. Each part is turned into blood, and each group of blood contains his spirit.

As long as a mass of blood escapes, the fifth Archbishop of alders can re-enter another body through a ceremony that has already been prepared.

The cost of this secret skill is very high. Even if it is successfully revived, it is difficult to return to level 5 through cultivation.

The fifth bishop of alders was tough enough to survive, and he chose to use esoteric techniques.

He didn't have any idea of fighting with the legendary Lord of Molly. Who knows that all the legendary subordinates of demigod Arthur have the ability of "swordsmanship" and are invincible at the same level.

To fight against the legendary Lord of Molly with the strength of the fifth level bishop is to hit the stone with an egg.

The Lord of the legend of Molly accelerated again, and the energy of the "rule of the power of the black dragon" flashed on the demigod level sword in his hand.

In order to fulfill the order of speaker Gould, the legendary Lord of Molly showcased his strongest strength at present.

A sword light with the power of rules shines out, and the blood groups flying towards the guard star are all together.

Due to the lack of speed, the Knights of Dexter Templars and Nelson Templars had to follow the legendary Lord of Molly far away. They only felt a chill all over their bodies. A feeling of great terror was coming, which almost made them lose their mind.

Fortunately, they are not the targets of the legendary lords of Molly. They are still under the least pressure.

What really felt the horror was the fifth Archbishop of alders, who sensed the smell of death.

Where the sword light passes by the power of rules, all blood masses will disappear directly, and even the blood masses far away will collapse again under the influence of the power of rules.

However, after this collapse, there was no spirit in the blood group. The blood lost its vitality and was frozen into red broken ice by the cold in space.

The legendary Lord of Molly made a move, and a space ring was summoned by him from a mass of red broken ice.

As for the fifth bishop of alders, even if he had the secret skill of the God of blood, he could not survive in this situation.

"Lord Molly, this is the body of the fifth level evil god of Kingsley. It's for your disposal!" The Knights of the Dexter Templars delivered the body of the fifth bishop of Kingsley and said.

In accordance with David's consistent principles, the legendary Lord of Molly collected all valuable items from bishop Kingsley with a wave of his hand.

To do this well, he did not speak to the two Templar Knights. His figure turned into a light and shadow and returned to the guard star.

The Knights of Dexter and the Knights of Nelson had a helpless look at each other. They had seen the character of the legendary Lord of Molly since they first met him.The legendary Lord of Molly doesn't like to talk. The only thing he does is practice.

"Let's go. Hand in the bodies of the believers of Kingsley and the news of the death of the followers of Aldous. Lord Molly doesn't care, but these two merits should be attributed to adults!" Said the Knights Templar Dexter.

The fifth bishop of Kingsley and the fifth bishop of alders have been wanted by the five temples for many years, and they have offered many rewards.

If the body of bishop Kingsley was handed over, he would receive more merit.

When the Knights of Dexter temple and Nelson Temple turned back to guard the stars, they did not notice that an ordinary transport "star flying boat" was heading for the boundary of God's world.

Although the fifth bishop of Kingsley and the fifth bishop of alders fell, they also completed the task assigned to them by the gods.

At the same time, because it was not David who killed them, their souls returned to the small world of the gods.

After passing through the boundary of God's great world, the transport type "star flying boat" flew to warstar according to the normal channel.

At this time, Zhanxing was in an empty window period, and the "star flying boat" slowly landed on Zhanxing.

The great nobleman who received the benefits of the cult followers did not think of what the goods were. If we knew, it would be difficult to say whether the great nobles would dare to help the followers of evil gods.

The chaotic God belongs to the big world, which has nothing to do with David. His body is in the Zerg world. Without any disturbance, his cultivation speed is also very fast.

With unlimited daily supply of "spirit red wine" and spiritual fruit, David's energy supply is sufficient.

A year later, in the underground space of the Lord who is the half god of the Zerg world, the king of the golden winged beetle, David delivers a spiritual fruit to his mouth in his special training room.

This is the spirit fruit from the spirit tree cultivated by the spirit clan leader race in the small world of soul space.

The number of spiritual fruits on the spirit tree of the leader Sai of the spirit clan is the least among the spirit families. Only one spirit fruit is produced every month.

David didn't notice this before. In his opinion, what's the difference between all spiritual fruits!

But once David took down the spirit fruit from the spirit tree of elder AO and elder ray, he found that the energy contained in it was much more than that in the other spirit trees.

With this discovery, he paid attention to the spirit tree of lingzu patriarch Sai. Previously, he thought that because the spirit clan leader Sai needed to manage the spirit clan, there was no time to let the scattered spirit fruit on the spirit tree.

Now he knows that this is because the quality of these spiritual fruits is incomparable with the spirit fruits cultivated by the whole spirit clan.

In the one-year period of closure, David only at the beginning took a spiritual fruit cultivated by the spirit clan leader race, and then he would not give up wasting it.

Today David is not a bit stingy, because today his practice has reached a critical moment.

He needs a lot of energy to transform the last part of his body, his heart.

During this year, he successfully transformed the rest of his body into a demigod, even the most dangerous brain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!