In this world, it was only AD 2007 and the development of the internet was undoubtedly different from the world before Sun Cheng's time travel.

Not to mention other things, although the telecommunications service providers in the United States have also launched 100Mbps internet packages, there are few users, mostly research institutions and corporate units like the Advanced Computer Technology Research Center.

As of AD 2007, the average internet speed of ordinary American citizens has not even exceeded 2Mbps. The "information superhighway" strategy proposed by former President Clinton more than a decade ago is obviously no longer valued by his successors.

If it were a high-level Decepticon, such as Soundwave, the leader of the Cassette Legion, which Frenzy belongs to, he would not need to care about these things.

According to Frenzy, as the intelligence master of the Decepticons, Soundwave can even directly transform into a spy satellite in outer space and invade, monitor, and even destroy the Earth's internet by capturing electromagnetic waves and various communication signals.

But Sun Cheng cannot do that. After all, he is only the lowest-level Decepticon spy and cannot break through the constraints of basic physics, so he needs a relatively high-quality port like the Advanced Computer Technology Research Center.

"The information channel is successfully linked... Activate temporary port reinforcement... Authorize the use of the second storage area... Security protection function is activated... Filter function is activated... Add key search terms such as 'aliens, robots, mysterious characters, unknown patterns, extraterrestrial civilizations'... The invasion function is fully activated... Target: World Network..."

A series of commands were quickly sent out from the Spy Template, and Sun Cheng once again discovered the horror of these Mechanical Life Forms known as Decepticons.

With the Core running at full power, he didn't even need to interfere anymore. The invasion of the internet was already proceeding smoothly, to the point where Sun Cheng didn't know what he should do.

"The truth hidden by the White House, uncovering the unknown Area 51!"

"NASA discovered a planet-like object 174 light years away, could there be intelligent life?"

"Houston saw a UFO, who is spying on our space base?"

"The unknown ghost of Tucson, many people saw what appeared to be an F22 fighter hovering over the 'cemetery' late at night!"

With the two arms connected to the computer fiber optic interface, countless filtered information searched from the internet is now being downloaded at a terrifying speed to the storage area in Sun Cheng's brain.

1M, 10M, 1G, 10G...

Despite setting up search filters with keywords, in just over ten minutes, Sun Cheng's brain storage area has accumulated as much as nearly 10G of various complex content, which has already pushed the laboratory's download speed to its limit.

At this point, Sun Cheng finally realizes the limitations of the "Core". While his "Spy Template" is strong, when it comes to specific intelligence analysis, he still relies mainly on himself.

Finally understanding what he needs to do, he discards distractions and focuses his consciousness into the storage area of his brain, flipping through the many network news and materials that were downloaded by the "Spy Template".

"The mysterious Area 51? Another alien story that's everywhere..."

"The Apollo moon landing program was inexplicably cancelled... conspiracy theories... wait, is it true that the Decepticon's forward base is now on the far side of the moon... is there really a connection between the two?"

"Hmm, these characters on the Mayan pyramids are a bit blurry, but there is no doubt that they are the text of the Cybertron planet..."

"What's going on? Why is there a Decepticon logo on the first car invented by Karl Benz?"

Despite the fact that most of the information he found on the internet was chaotic and useless, Sun Cheng was able to sift through the clues with his analytical skills that were comparable to a supercomputer. Although he was very surprised, he was certain that he saw the Decepticon logo in a black and white photo of Karl Benz and his first car, which he found online.

What surprised him even more was that Sun Cheng found one or several groups of Cybertron Planet text in promotional pictures of many historical sites. Although he could only interpret a few of the words, most of the text was encrypted and only higher-ranking Decepticons who understood the encryption could decode them.

"There's something strange... definitely something strange..."

While he was pleasantly surprised, Sun Cheng couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat when he thought about it more deeply. What happened to this world?

Mechanical life forms from Cybertron Planet may have arrived on Earth a long time ago, and some Decepticons may have hidden their identities and blended into human society. Based on his limited knowledge of the Decepticon army, this mechanical race could be described as full of conspiracies, arrogance, and war.

What he couldn't understand the most was why these Decepticons who may have arrived on Earth a long time ago didn't destroy the world or control Earth and enslave humans, which they considered to be ignorant and inferior life forms like reptiles.

It was terrifying to think about!

He had to admit that even a country like the United States, which claimed to be free, had much stricter internet censorship than outsiders knew.

Due to some clues he had caught, Sun Cheng quickly made some adjustments to the intrusion and began a more targeted search. However, what troubled him was that he soon discovered that on the internet, information about the Decepticons and Cybertron Planet had been erased as if by an invisible hand. Apart from a few pieces of information with high exposure or those saved in some remote corners of the internet, the rest of the information had been deliberately erased.

This kind of efficiency was not something that one or even several internet companies could achieve. There was no doubt that only one force could do it, and that was the government!

"Could it be that the U.S. government is erasing the traces of the Decepticons? Or is it that the humans on Earth are not what we think they are? Have they known about the existence of these mechanical life forms for a long time, and even had contact with them?"

Doubts accumulated in Sun Cheng's mind. When he found that he could no longer find any more clues from the ordinary network, the thought of retreat came to his mind.

He immediately shut down the intrusion function and pulled out the two arms that had been plugged into the computer's mainframe.

However, just at this moment, Sun Cheng suddenly felt a violent tremor from the [Core]inside his body. Before he could react, he immediately felt dizzy. When he regained consciousness, he realized that he was no longer in the office he was in before. The surrounding environment had changed into a small, softly lit, blue ball-shaped space.

"What's going on?"

He couldn't feel his arms or body, and fear began to creep into his heart.

When he noticed that he was suspended in mid-air, although he couldn't see his own expression at the moment, he was certain that it must look terrible.

"Where am I?"

He looked around warily and soon breathed a sigh of relief.

In this small ball-shaped space of only a few square meters, there was no one else except for two dim and lifeless screens floating not far ahead, and there was no sign of anyone else.

However, Sun Cheng remained cautious and stayed in place for a while before floating forward. He walked all the way to a screen and stopped alertly.

But he didn't expect that, as if sensing his presence, the screen in front of him suddenly lit up. A small mechanical figure, only three heads tall, quickly appeared on the screen. The figure sat quietly on a chair.

"A robot? Wait, why does this office look so familiar... isn't this my current body?"

The sudden appearance of the robot on the screen stunned him, but after taking a closer look, he was completely sure that it was displaying himself.

"What's going on?"

Still confused about the situation, he hesitated for a moment before floating to another screen next to him.

Just like before, when Sun Cheng came to the front of the screen, it immediately lit up and projected the image of a young man lying on a bed with a blank expression.

"That's me, that's me!"

When he saw the young man on the screen, even though he couldn't feel his body at the moment, a surge of blood rushed to Sun Cheng's forehead. He excitedly floated back and forth in front of the screen, silently shouting in his heart.

"What's going on? Where is this? Why am I seeing my body before I time-traveled? Is anyone there? Get out here..."

As he excitedly floated back and forth, he accidentally touched the screen.

The next moment, a huge suction force suddenly came from the screen.

Sun Cheng suddenly felt a blackout in front of his eyes and fainted on the spot!