693 Chapter 693

Name:Transmigrated As A Ghost Author:
Jumping out from Marcus’ companion storage Roxene and Inten dashed towards their targets while Marcus did the same.

His sudden surge of speed and the appearance of two beasts from out of nowhere caught the group of Dungeon Marauders completely off guard.

They tried to move into a more defensible position but found themselves begin taken down before they could even move.

The only one that even managed to initiate a counterattack was the leader who was level thirty-one and that was only after Marcus had incapacitated the two people near to him.

“Yeah, that is not going to work.” Marcus said as he simply caught the man’s mithril short sword.

With the unbreakable skill he had recently received from Inten, someone this much weaker than him could not hope to put a scratch on him even if their weapon connected directly.

Before the leader of this group of Marauders was able to process what had happened, Marcus delivered a punch square to his gut, and the light leather armor the man was wearing caved in easily and he coughed up mouthful of blood and bile.

“Good job you two.” Marcus said complementing his two beast companions as they dragged their targets over.

In fact, Marcus had to stifle a laugh with how comical it was for Inten who was only slightly larger than an average mouse dragging two full grown adults.

Quickly he cast his iron thread spell and tied up all seven men and women and cast a mass healing spell on all of them.

Then he moved up to the leader and slapped him hard enough to knock out a couple of teeth before he began asking his questions.

“Now I will give you the same curtesy you were giving me. Answer my questions truthfully and without any resistance, and I will not cause you anymore pain.”

However, as expected, the man just spit out a mouthful of blood at Marcus. Which he easily deflected with a mana barrier.

“We have nothing to say to you. Go ahead and torture me, but I will not answer no matter what you do.”

Sighing Marcus had figured this would happen, which was why he had been hoping they would spill the information he wanted while they thought they had him on the ropes.

‘I really do not enjoy torturing people.’ He thought before getting to work.


As Marcus ripped the arm of the leader of these Marauders, he screamed out so loudly that the snow built up on the trees behind Marcus fell off.

“Major Cure.”

Casting a healing spell Marcus closed up the wound so that the man would not bleed out. And when he became lucid again, he grabbed his other arm and asked him if he would like to answer some questions now.

“I already said you can do your worst. Go ahead and take my other arm. I will not say anything to you.”

With the leader’s answer staying the same, Marcus shrugged his shoulders and ripped his other arm off. Causing another round of pained screaming from the group’s leader.

Another spell after around a half minute of letting the man stew and Marcus stopped the bleeding to prevent the man from dying.

But he did not try to question him again, and instead turned towards the other six members he had tied up against a nearby tree.

“Do any of you want to speak before I get serious? I really am not a fan of doing this, but I have dozens of methods far worse than just ripping off an arm.”

Yet while one of the Marauders did speak up, they did not give Marcus any information he wanted.

“How is this possible? I checked your level, and it said you are twenty-seven. There is no way you should be this strong!” One of the women shouted out.

Apparently, she had the creature appraisal skill just like Marcus, and his attempt to not stand out by setting his level lower had actually made him seem to be an easy target.

Going up to her, Marcus squatted down in front of her and told her not to trust everything that she sees with her appraisal skill.

“Now would you mind telling me what I want to know? How about we start with the number of members you have?”

Unfortunately, this caused her to clam up just like the leader who was currently unconscious from having both his arms ripped off.

“Fine don’t say I did not warn you.” Marcus said as he placed his hand over the women’s face.

A few second later she let out a muffled scream and the other’s watched as her hair started to turn white and wrinkles formed on her previously youthful skin.

A very slow and agonizing three minutes then went on for her as Marcus gradually drained her life away.

When he was done, he let out a satisfied sigh from having absorbed all of her life force.

Now all that was left of her was a shriveled-up corpse like a mummy with a tortured expression permanently frozen on her face.

Pulling her away from the binding of his magic, Marcus took her body and laid it out in front of the remaining five conscious Marauders and let them see exactly what had happened to their comrade.

“You monster!” One of the men called out as he struggled to break free in a fit of rage.

Of course, he had no chance of escaping Marcus’ iron thread and did nothing but slice up his cloths and skin.

“Yes, you are right, I am a bit of a monster. You all just got very unlucky to attack a monster disguised as a human.” Marcus said with the most menacing smile he could.

All the remaining Marauders shrunk back as they saw this, and their hearts which had been relatively calm began beating rapidly in fear.

“I will give all of you one last chance to give me answers before going down the line and doing the same to all of you. And I would recommend that you just do as I ask. It is very painful to die as your life force is sucked out of you.”

Luckily this seemed to get the message across, and the youngest and lowest level member of their group offered to spill everything he knew.

The others all gave him betrayed looks, but he did not even notice them as he stared at the dried-up corpse of his former ally.

“So, to summarize, your group is not actually a bunch of criminals. You have been given orders from your empire, the one that has taken control of most of the continent to the east to weaken Borealia and send the people you capture back as slaves.”

Nodding his head, the man who had spilled everything acknowledged that it was exactly as Marcus had said.

“Please, I told you all I know. Just let me live. Please!” The young man pleaded.

“Sorry but I have already revealed too much to all of you about myself. But I will make your deaths painless.”

After saying this Marcus held up his hand and cast a darkness magic spell which engulf all of them. Turning them to dust before they could even feel pain.