Su Chi had a deep, focused look in his eyes, and Su Huanyi was stunned for a moment.

Then he began to sweat: Fuck! Why is big brother staring at me? Everyone is watching!

There were two or three gazes that followed Su Chi’s line of sight and fell on him. Su Huanyi raised his eyes and glanced over. Zhou Qingcheng, on the opposite side, was looking particularly anxious–what are you doing!

Su Huanyi: “…”

He quickly took a glass of iced coke and brought it to Su Chi, “Big brother, do you want to open your voice before speaking?”

The crowd was silent for a moment. Is that how they say to moisten the throat?

Su Chi was silent for a moment. He took a sip of the coke and asked, “Do I want to open my throat?”

Su Huanyi hung his head in embarrassment, aware of his words.

The episode ended with the clang of the bottom of the glass hitting the marble table. Su Chi slightly sat up and looked at Miss Fan, the questioner, as a sign of respect.

The melon-eaters around the room knew that the main event was coming. They all involuntarily straightened their backs and Zhou Qingcheng, who was sprawled on his seat, also slightly tucked in his belly… waiting for Su Chi’s answer.

Su Chi gave a faint answer, “There is no special type, as long as they are good at sports and knowledgeable.”

The crowd looked at each other: Eh, it sounds very ordinary!

Su Huanyi also thought to himself, ‘Oh, that sounds nothing like me!’

Su Chi continued, “The best sports are extreme ones like tightrope walking. They don’t have to be very knowledgeable; being a nominee for a Nobel in two fields is enough. ”

The crowd: “…” They thought too simply.

Su Huanyi: “….” Am I being connoted again?

Miss Fan was shocked from the moment she heard the word “tightrope walking” – who would walk a tightrope without a problem? Not even a monkey could!

She calmed down and smiled at Su Chi, “It seems that no one can meet Mr. Su’s requirements.”

Su Chi didn’t say anything.

Sun Yue and Miss Fan were friends. Seeing this, she said, “That is to say… little cutie, whom do you think can meet your big brother’s requirements?”

Su Huanyi was cued and he deliberated, “Sun Wukong?”

To be knowledgeable and able to walk a tightrope, only such a powerful monkey could do that.

Miss Fan looked at him with instant surprise- they thought alike.

The crowd: “….”

Zhou Qingcheng duly stood up to organize the next round of the game, “Okay, let’s get on with it!” A dozen cards flew back to the centre of the table, and the atmosphere became tense and heated again as the game continued.

At the moment when no one noticed, the strands of hair on Su Huanyi’s head were ruffled, and his eyes glanced up at them, “Big brother, what are you doing?”

Su Chi made his hair into a tight hoop shape and said, “I’m styling it for you.”

Su Huanyi was confused and lost: ????

The game was suspended after a few rounds when two people got up to go to the washroom.

Sun Yue slipped over to Su Huanyi’s side. She glanced at Su Chi and pulled Su Huanyi over, asking quietly, “Is your big brother really that demanding?”

Su Huanyi shook his head gently, “Not that much.”

The noise around the room was too loud for Sun Yue to hear, so she skipped this less important question and went straight to the point, “Little Fan is a good friend of mine and has a great personality. Why don’t you talk to your big brother about it? ”

Su Huanyi said with trepidation, “Don’t joke with your life.”


The stereo at the other end started playing a song again, so Sun Yue thought she had heard wrong. She moved closer, “You just said…”

An arm suddenly fell along the backrest of the sofa and landed on Su Huanyi’s shoulder, bringing the person back. Under the neon lights that shifted overhead, Su Chi’s gaze showed a surprising coldness that rejected people.

Sun Yue’s words stopped, understanding Su Chi’s look.

Alas… Forget it. She waved her hand at Su Huanyi, “It’s nothing, forget what I said!” It seems that Su Chi had no interest in her little sister, so she is not going to make a fool of herself.

Sun Yue left, but Su Chi didn’t retract his arms, spreading his wings like a guardian angel.

Su Huanyi tilted his head slightly and met Su Chi’s rolling Adam’s apple. He gave a small shake, trying to inadvertently shake off his guardian angel’s wings.

Su Chi lowered his eyes and said, “Are you a three-dimensional pinball?”

Su Huanyi froze.

The two people who had just gone to the bathroom came back and the game continued. Zhou Qingcheng said there was no point in continuing the same game, so he asked the waiter to bring some board games.

He picked Classic Monopoly and brought it to Su Huanyi’s end, saying, “Don’t just sit there, let’s play this! Uh… does Brother Su want to play?”

Su Chi said no, “I’ll just watch you guys play.”

Su Huanyi was excited, “Call Sun Heyu and Miss Sun Yue to join us!”

Zhou Qingcheng turned and called out to Sun Heyu, who got up and came over. Sun Yue was chatting with Miss Fan on her arm, and she waved her hand at them, “I’m not coming.”

This version of Monopoly required four people, and they were three short of one, so Su Huanyi asked Su Chi, “Can big brother join us?”

Su Chi asked, “Do you want me to join?”

Su Huanyi’s face heated up, “Isn’t there one player missing?”

When Su Chi said “no”, Sun Heyu turned and walked to the other side of the room. Only Zhou Qingcheng remained where he was, and his eyes went back and forth between the two.

He had travelled extensively in social circles and was accustomed to seeing many ambiguous scenes. At this time, a subtle feeling came over him.

–If he didn’t know that these two were brothers, he would have thought that they were flirting!

As he was thinking, Sun Heyu soon came back and slapped him on the shoulder, interrupting his thoughts. “I found someone! Young master Cui is coming! ”

“Oooh…” Zhou Qingcheng looked back and suddenly had a jolt. Wait, young master Cui? He looked towards his ignorant friend. Could it be that he is joining because of this little fool?

“Come on, let’s play some games!”

A voice cut through the noisy music as a young man walked closer and sat down at the table. “I’ll play a few games with you guys.”

From the moment the young man approached, Su Huanyi felt the air pressure around him lower. His goldfish-like brain turned around, and he vaguely remembered Zhou Qingcheng saying that young master Cui liked him?

Su Huanyi glanced over, just as the latter raised his eyes and smiled at him, “I’m your neighbor; show some mercy.”

Before Su Huanyi could reply, a voice that only the two of them could hear fell next to his ear, “Show mercy.”


How could he forget that his elder brother was so capable and his ability to take things out of context must be extraordinary?

Su Huanyi apologized to young master Cui, “I don’t know how to show mercy when throwing the dice.”

Young master Cui: “….”

A soft laugh came from Su Huanyi’s side.

They started the game, and the order of the dice rolls shifted from Zhou Qingcheng, Sun Heyu, and Su Huanyi to young master Cui.

After a few rounds of dice, Sun Heyu occupied the next stronghold. Su Huanyi took the dice and was just about to throw it when a hand reached out and held him down.

Rough fingers grazed the palm of his hand and took the dice away. Su Chi leaned over and gently pointed out, “You should use the property card you just drew here. Block the house in front and seal the house at the back.”

Su Huanyi was enlightened, and he threw out a property card. His head bumped against Su Chi’s with a bang as he threw out the card excitedly, “I’ll throw it!”

Zhou Qingcheng’s eyes widened when he heard the crisp impact; he looked at Su Chi in horror, fearing that his friend’s impact had damaged the most invincible brain in the entire business circle.

Su Chi only gave Su Huanyi a faint glance. He saw the latter happily taking Sun Heyu’s territory, and the corner of his mouth curled up a little.

Zhou Qingcheng was instantly more alarmed. Sure enough, he is a bit banged up, right?

Young master Cui, who was in the next house, was forced into a corner with this step, and he smiled bitterly at Su Huanyi, “I told you to be merciful.”

It was only then that Su Huanyi remembered this request, and he turned sheepishly to glance at the mastermind behind the scenes.

Su Chi straightened back, tapping one hand on his knee as he looked at young master Cui, “Didn’t he show you mercy?”

Cui Shao pointed to the little money he had left, “Is this called mercy?”

Su Chi then raised an eyebrow.


In the next ten minutes, everyone experienced what it means to play the “dice game” like a commercial war.

Time was spent calculating, making trade-offs, and analyzing the most advantageous investment in a land occupation scheme among every possibility of throwing and making full use of every card drawn to turn a retreat into an advance and turn the tide against the wind.

Although Su Huanyi had already seen his elder brother beat his third brother’s extreme luck using brain power, he was still shocked by this crushing victory!

Once the final chips were collected, Su Huanyi had all the money.

Zhou Qingcheng let out a cry, “Are you still playing Monopoly? Who can beat you? ”

Su Huanyi was soaked in Su Chi’s reflected light, like a shining dumpling that had light thrown on it.

Young master Cui sighed in heartfelt conviction, “I can’t compare, you’re worthy of being a Su family member.”

With Su Chi holding the reins, it was no wonder that the Su Group had become a towering peak in the business world.

In order not to leave his friends with a harsh gaming experience, Su Huanyi only played this one hand before retreating to the side and giving his place to others.

He and Su Chi retreated to their two-person corner. He squeezed towards his big brother excitedly, “Big brother is the talisman!”

It was like Su Chi was glowing now. The glow went beyond his physical appearance and came entirely from a deep, charming personality-how could someone be so powerful?

Su Chi seemed to be in a good mood too. He pinched the tight hoop of hair that had come a little undone and reshaped, “I seldom play these games.”

Su Huanyi pressed his head and let him rub it, “I know! Masters only make moves at critical moments! ”

“That was not a critical moment.”

Su Huanyi was boasting casually when he became stuck on the remark.

“Are you Sun Wukong the Bi Ma Wen? You can even flatter a horse’s skull. ”

His thin fingers ran through the soft strands of his hair, and Su Chi guided him carefully, “Do you need me to say it?”

Su Huanyi was all ears.

Su Chi said, “I did it for you, understand?”


The party didn’t end until nine o’clock in the evening.

The gentry could have stayed up all night, but the ladies wanted to go back early to take off their make-up and do their beauty treatments. So the group had dinner and then played for a while before leaving.

The cold wind of the night immediately hit them when they stepped out of the club.

Su Chi hunched his neck and gave him a look, “Do you want to come under my arm?”

“No, thank you, big brother.”

Su Chi did not force it. He only pulled up his fur collar, gathering it up like a bird’s nest, “Don’t let your brain freeze.”

Su Huanyi was very self-aware. “No, it won’t. The less brain capacity, the smaller the effects of wind. ”

Su Chi: “…”

Sure enough, he is a giant across fields.

The dozen or so people at the party said goodbye to each other at the door. Zhou Qingcheng didn’t notice that his little pigeon was already shivering as he pulled the person to blather about the next party.

Su Chi glanced at them and went back to the car to turn on the heater in advance.

Zhou Qingcheng finished talking to Su Huanyi about the party his family would hold after the Chinese New Year, and his eyes suddenly settled on the top of Su Huanyi’s head. The light was too dim before, so he didn’t even notice the strange shape on the top of the head.

“You have this, this ……” Zhou Qingcheng stretched out a finger and gently poked it, “This hairstyle is very good.”

Su Huanyi then remembered to look at the look Su Chi had primped for him. He turned on his phone camera and took a picture-a vivid image of a tight hoop.


It was a well-known fact that Su Chi preferred Sun Wukong and Su Huanyi felt a little embarrassed. He raised his hand to squash it, but Zhou Qingcheng suddenly let out a long “oooh,” “I know what this is!”

Su Huanyi was instantly alert.

Zhou Qingcheng clapped his hands, “The long strands of your stubborn hair are in the shape of a heart!”


Su Huanyi put his hand down.

Zhou Qingcheng’s attention quickly moved away from his head, and he changed the subject. “By the way, what’s going on with you today? Forget your big brother. Everyone knows he is an aloof and cold male god, but when did you learn such aloofness as well? You didn’t even respond to people’s advances. Laozi’s heart is broken for you.”

Su Huanyi hesitated for a moment, not knowing whether to say thank you to him or not.

“I don’t mean anything to them, so of course I couldn’t respond.”

“You didn’t make any contact, so how do you know?”

Su Huanyi couldn’t explain it to him. His big brother alone almost overwhelms him, so how could he have the heart to make contact with anyone else!

“I wouldn’t have that kind of intention for anyone else anyway.”

Su Huanyi dropped the sentence and walked away, leaving Zhou Qingcheng in a daze.

He looked at Su Huanyi’s back as he ran away. Perhaps because the latter had a heart on his head, he felt like he was radiating sweetness.

The car door opened and closed as soon as the figure got into the car. Zhou Qingcheng turned his head to talk to his other friends.

He was chatting with a few young masters when he suddenly paused and gave a soft, “fuck?!”

“….Zhou Qingcheng, what are you doing?”

Zhou Qingcheng didn’t say a word. He fell into deep thought after making a realization: Su Huanyi said he wouldn’t be interested in “anyone else.”

–Who is that “other person” then?