The Spring Festival holiday ended in those two days and the company resumed work.

Su Yu packed his bags and went back to school, so only the other three brothers went out in the morning.

Su Jianchen’s branch office was a little further away than the head office, so he left first when he saw that it was getting late.

As soon as he left, Su Jitong came down the stairs, looking like he had just gotten up as he was still in his pyjamas.

Su Huanyi was changing his shoes in the entrance hall and was about to fall over when Su Chi held him under his arms just in time.

He looked up and saw Su Jitong coming down the stairs and called out, “Dad.”

Su Jitong came over with his teeth clattering: “How can you do that in public! I am so angry that I am shivering with cold. ”

The cold February breeze came in through the cracked door, and Su Huanyi carefully poked his head out from under the arm, “Dad, that should be the wind.”

Su Chi added calmly, “Just put on more clothes.”

Su Jitong:”… ”

For the first time in his decades-long career, he felt that he had made a mistake in his decision as he watched the two stick together again: he was personally pulling the strings for his two sons!

If he hadn’t let little Yi follow his eldest son, maybe they wouldn’t have fallen in love over time.

While Su Jitong was lamenting at the bottom of his heart, Su Huanyi had already changed his shoes and was ready to leave the house.

The cold wind poured in as the open door was pushed wider. Su Chi raised his hand and pressed Su Huanyi’s head against his heart, turning to his side and saying to Su Jitong, “Dad, it’s cold here. Go back to bed.”

Su Huanyi emerged from Su Chi’s shoulder, “Bye, dad.”

The two figures embraced each other as they went out of the door, and Su Jitong suddenly had a thought: if these two people had no restraint at home, who knows how arrogant they would get when alone at the office!

“Eldest, wait a minute.”

Su Huanyi and Su Chi were already two or three metres away from the door when they were stopped. Su Chi turned to look at him and said, “What’s wrong?”

“Let little Yi go to the car first. I want to talk to you.”

Su Chi paused for a few seconds before taking out the car keys from his pocket and putting them in Su Huanyi’s hand. He then gave the latter his scarf to cover half of his face and said, “Wait for me in the car.”

“Okay.” The stands of hair shivered obediently in the cold wind.

Su Huanyi’s back soon disappeared at the end of the road, and Su Chi walked into the house and closed the door behind him, isolating the cold wind. “What’s the matter, Dad?”

Su Jitong said, “Little Yi’s ability is stronger than I thought, and I think the training is almost done. What do you think if we let him go to the branch to test the water? ”

He then looked at his eldest son carefully, but the latter did not have a trace of embarrassment. He instead nodded directly and said, “Okay…”

“Okay?” Su Jitong frowned. He thought that it wouldn’t go this smoothly. Is his eldest son willing to be so far apart from someone?

He added, “You know that you’ll have to stay at the head office while little Yi goes to the branch alone, right?”

Su Chi said, “Otherwise? Will I go with him to the branch as his assistant? ”

Su Jitong: “… ”

Su Chi looked at the clock on the locker next to him. It had already gone past 8:10 and he reminded Su Jitong that he was running late.

“Oh oh…” Su Jitong nodded along and watched his eldest son turn around and leave the door.

The heavy door slammed shut with a cold breeze, shutting out his probing eyes.

Su Huanyi waited in the car for a few moments before Su Chi came.

The door closed, and the sealed space was quiet and private. He looked to his side and said, “Big brother, did Dad say something to you? Is it because we were too intimate when we left the house?

“It’s fine.” The keys were twisted and Su Chi drove the car out of the garage. “Dad’s going to let you manage a separate branch.”

What! Su Huanyi was stunned for a second!

What the hell is going on? According to the plot in the book, I was supposed to have two more years of training before taking over the company.

“Why, big brother?”

Su Chi looked ahead and focused on the road. His slender fingers tapped on the steering wheel twice, “You need to have your own foundation, Su Huanyi.”

After a moment’s silence, he added, “You know that your name was moved out of the household registration book, right?”

Su Huanyi’s heart thumped, “Well…” Su Chi did not ask him how he knew, but he still wanted to add, “You chasing me meant that we could be together.”

This topic was just a transition to another, and Su Chi didn’t go any deeper. He continued, after getting Su Huanyi’s response, “They want you to be independent so that people don’t think you depend on others.”

“They will announce that you are not in the household register before the company is handed over to you. So you have to be prepared during this period, okay? ”

“Mum and dad want me to be well. I know that.” Su Huanyi said and touched his heart, “It’s just that it’s a bit too sudden.”

Su Chi didn’t say anything.

Su Huanyi thought carefully, “Did Dad think we would be sneaking around the office behind his back, and was planning *to put a milky way between us?”

The steering wheel steadily swerved as they turned to an intersection. Su Chi’s every movement was unmistakably steady, “More or less.”

He was sad. “So will you come to see me on a bull in the future, big brother?”

“No…” The sadness in Su Huanyi’s eyes disappeared, and his gaze instantly cooled!

Su Chi was driving when he suddenly felt a chill beside him. He looked to the side and saw a chill radiating from Su Huanyi’s every eyelash.

Su Huanyi stared at him, “Seven week itch?”

Su Chi laughed.

How arrogant! Not only did he not explain, but he even laughed out loud. Su Huanyi frowned unhappily and gave him a rounded OK. “Big brother, I’m this close to getting angry.”

Su Chi glanced at him and said, “We’re not going to split up, so why do I have to ride a bull to see you.”


“OK, if you put it that way. Su Huanyi looked at Su Chi’s handsome side profile. The street view outside the car window passed by like a streamline, Su Chi’s eyes were focused in front of him, just like his style – clear goals and never doing anything useless.

Su Huanyi’s gaze narrowed slightly. Why did it feel like big brother was playing a big game of chess?

The car was left in the parking lot on the ground floor of the office, and Su Huanyi finally returned to the company after half a month.

They took the lift upstairs and reached the top floor. The elevator door opened and they saw Xiao Qin walking toward them.

“Director Su, Assistant Su, long time no see.”

Su Chi nodded at him and gave him a few instructions on work matters.

Su Huanyi still remembered the ” year-end bonus,” and when they had finished talking, he probed, “Good morning, Secretary Qin. How is your year going? ”

Xiao Qin pushed his glasses up his nose and said meaningfully, “Everything is very good.”

Su Huanyi felt like these four words could be a book title.

The eyes behind the lens swept over them and Xiao Qin suddenly nodded towards the two, “Congratulations…”

Su Huanyi froze for a moment, and Su Chi responded with a thank you.

There was another job ahead of him, and Xiao Qin passed them after saying that and went down the elevator. Su Huanyi followed Su Chi into the chairman’s office and didn’t come back to his senses until the door closed with a thud. ”

“Xiao Qin knows that we’re together?”

Su Chi took off his suit jacket and slung it over the back of his chair, “What else is he congratulating us on otherwise? Being late for our first day of work? ”

Su Huanyi: “…”

Was the love aura between him and Su Chi so obvious? Then the whole company will know about it if this goes on!

He was worried, “What’s your plan?” Will you conceal it or…

Su Chi turned on the computer in a good mood. “I’m going to give Xiao Qin a raise.”

Su Huanyi: “Huh?”


The company held a senior management meeting in the morning because it was the first day of work after the holiday.

When Su Chi was leaving the office, he called on Su Huanyi, “Follow me to this meeting and take notes.”

It was Su Huanyi’s first time following Su Chi to an internal company meeting. He hurriedly took a notebook and rushed out, “Big brother, you’re finally unbanning me!”

“…” Su Chi warned lightly, “If you say one more word, you’ll go back to reading the dictionary.”

Su Huanyi hurriedly kept his mouth shut.

Xiao Qin was not inside his office when they passed by it, and Su Huanyi asked as they entered the elevator, “Has Secretary Qin already gone down?”

“He’s not coming this time. I’ve arranged something else for him.”

“Is there something more important than the meeting?” Su Huanyi wondered, “I don’t think he’s pulling a banner for you at the entrance of the company…”

The elevator went down to the second-floor conference room and opened with a ding! Su Chi walked out, “Why would he pull a banner for me? I didn’t die in the line of duty.”


Su Huanyi swallowed back the words “to announce our love” silently.

The company’s high-level conference room was 60 to 70 square meters. The two entered the door and found all the high-level people were waiting. The temperature in the room was set a little higher than in the corridor, and everyone was only wearing suits.

Su Huanyi looked down at his down jacket, and everyone’s eyes also focused on him.

Su Chi turned to him and asked, “Are you cold?”

Su Huanyi instantly felt sweaty and said, “No, I’d better take it off.”

A hand reached out and helped him to take off his jacket and put it on the back of the chair. Su Chi did this with a calm demeanour, and he pointed to the seat next to him, “Sit here.”

The eyes around him froze instantly, and the large conference room was silent.

–This is the most powerful assistant in the history of the company. The chairman of the board personally helped him undress.

Su Huanyi: “…”

There was no need to pull up a banner, Su Chi’s casual actions had more impact than a banner.

The meeting lasted two hours before it ended.

At the end of the meeting, Su Huanyi flipped through his notebook. He had recorded a total of seven or eight pages, ranging from Su Chi’s work schedule to the departmental work reports. It would take several hours to sort them out into red-headed documents after going back.

The down jacket was put on his back and Su Chi lifted him, “Go back and put your things away before eating.”

Su Huanyi was instantly refreshed; he was about to usher in the most wonderful moment of the day!

The two walked back side by side, and Su Chi was kind enough to say, “You can eat more today.”

“Why?” Su Huanyi wondered, “Is it because the ingredients are fresher on the first day after the festival?”

“Because you’ll be taking over all of Xiao Qin’s work this afternoon.” Su Chi patted his head gently, “Eat more so you can work hard.”

Xiao Qin was probably busy with other things, as Su Huanyi didn’t see him at lunchtime, nor did he see him at the top floor after lunch.

He followed Su Chi back to the office with an hour or so left on his lunch break.

“Big brother, I want to take a nap.”

Su Chi had his back to the desk, and he loosened his collar with one hand, saying, “You can sleep.”

Su Huanyi was satisfied and sleepy, and he went into the lounge room with a drowsy head of hair.

He took off his jacket and huddled under the blanket. He had just closed his eyes when he heard a movement at the door.

His eyes opened and he saw Su Chi walking in with his long legs, closing the door behind him with his hand.

Su Huanyi instantly lost his sleep and he lifted his head, “What are you doing, big brother?”

“I am going to take a nap. What else would I be doing?”

“Ohh…” his head fell back.

There was a rustling sound from the other end of the bed. Su Huanyi curled up under the quilt and closed his eyes.

There was no electric blanket on the bed, and it was still cold under the covers, although the air conditioning was on.

He slowly shrank himself up and the strands of hair could be seen shaking gently on the pillow.

The sound of a metal buckle rang out in the quiet room, followed by a slight sinking on the big bed next to him – the firmness of a grown man’s body would make even the firmest of boards move slightly when one lies on it.

Su Huanyi was rubbing his feet under the covers to warm himself up when the covers behind him suddenly moved and a high body heat was pasted to his back.

He suddenly froze, “Big brother?”

Su Chi’s hot breath fell on Su Huanyi’s ear as he wrapped an arm around his waist and rested his chin on his shoulder, their bodies fitting together just right.

Su Chi’s voice was calm, different from the harshness during the meeting, “Aren’t you cold? Let me hold you.”

Su Huanyi relaxed a little and adjusted to a comfortable position to nestle in his warm harbor.

After a while, the breath that brushed against his ear gradually grew thicker, and he immediately patted Su Chi’s arm with vigilance, “I think I’m warm enough, big brother.”

Su Chi, who was buried in his shoulder, instead said, “You really treat me like a gas stove. So that you can turn off the flame when the temperature is high enough? ”

Su Huanyi shuddered as he humbly asked for advice, “So, what should I do?”

“Reciprocate. Help me. ”

The author has something to say:

Su Chi: Look, we’re now familiar with each other. It’s time to unlock a new item.

Su Chi: Also, the extra bed can be removed.