Chapter 78 Professor Rhaegan!

"It's been a while since I saw your kind far into the Kingdom, Rhaegan." The old voice reverberated through the room, it contained the wisdom of ages.

"It indeed has been, headmaster," replied Rhaegan. "We dark elves tend to stay away from troubles as much as we can, but trouble always has a way to find us."

Rhaegan was seated opposite the headmaster in his office. This was sort of like an interview as the headmaster wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with the new professor.

"I still don't know why someone from the Summer Kingdom joins as a professor in the Spring Kingdom." The headmaster continued, reading the letter Rhaegan had with him. "It's Ludoucris, if you ask me, or the old fool at the Judiciary is just messing with me. Dear god! Curse him be!"

The Royal Academy at the Spring Kingdom, just like the Royal Academies at the other Kingdoms was regulated and monitored by the Grand Magic Judiciary. Each academy was assigned to a different region of the country according to their specialty.

Headmasters were appointed based on merit, and professors could become headmasters depending upon how well they performed in teaching students, research, and administrative work.

But after the second magic war happened a few hundred years ago, beings from any kingdom were forbidden from teaching in other kingdoms, but now this. He had complained about this to the King, but he was helpless as this was assigned directly by the Judiciary, thus making him impossible to go against them.

"It's always the higher ups and their little politics that put us in unwanted positions like this," Rhaegan chuckled, seeing the reaction of the headmaster. "If I could, there is nothing I wouldn't give up just to go back and be with my family, but what can a simple man do against the orders of their King?"

"That is true..." the headmaster slouched back on the chair, sighing heavily. Years of experience were warning him about something amiss, something that involves politics and forces beyond his control but there was nothing he could do except to wait around and find it out.

The headmaster had fought so many wars and lived for more than a century and one thing he was sure of is that when something like this happens, there is always something in the pot, readying to blow up at just the correct time.

He adjusted his round glasses, "so you're an Elementalist?"

·ƈθm "Yes," replied Rhaegan. "I utilize all four basic elements."

"I see and you're approved by the Judiciary?"

Rhaegan swept a hand through his neck and grabbed onto something before pulling back. He showed the chain at the headmaster or rather, the pendant at the end of it.

It was circular in shape and it was silver in color. A lighted torch was etched in the circle. The fire, though, has a blue color on it. It moved. The fire moved in accordance with the gust of wind flowing from the open window at the headmaster's office.

It was truly magical.

"Ah yes, the crest. That's good. We can't trust anyone without that crest, though make it harder to find if they decided to meddle with things that don't require their...guidance." The headmaster said, his tone simple and curt, but it delivered the message loud and clear.

Rhaegan nodded in agreement. "I understand the importance of the crest and the need for security. I assure you, headmaster, that I have no intention of meddling with things that do not concern me."

"Good," the headmaster said with a nod. "I hope you'll find your time here at the Royal Academy fulfilling and productive."

"I will do my best," Rhaegan said, feeling a sense of relief that the interview was going well.

"Excellent," the headmaster said with a smile. "Now, let's go over your teaching schedule and the courses you'll be teaching this semester."

Rhaegan listened attentively as the headmaster went over the details of his responsibilities as a professor at the Royal Academy. 

After explaining the details, the headmaster called his assistant, Ruby.

"Ah Ruby, give Professor Rhaegan a tour of our academy, please."

Ruby was a middle-aged woman, her figure was well endorsed and she wore a black robe that covered most of her body. She carried a long staff that glowed white, emitting a soft glow.

"As you wish, headmaster." She bowed and gestured for Rhaegan to follow her.

"She might be a little rude but she's very knowledgeable," the headmaster said to Rhaegan.

"Thank you, headmaster," said Rhaegan. "For everything." He bowed and left the office, catching up with Ruby.

As they walked through the academy, Ruby showed Rhaegan the different classrooms and labs where he would be teaching. She also introduced him to some of the other professors and staff members, explaining their roles and areas of expertise.

He saw students dressed in robes of different colors, hurrying along to their classes. The academy was bustling with activity, and Rhaegan could sense the eagerness and excitement of the students as they went about their day.

"Each of the robes corresponds to a particular area of magic," Ruby explained as they walked. "For example, the green robes are for herbologists and those studying natural magic, while the red robes are for those studying fire and elemental magic."

"I see," Rhaegan said, impressed by the organization of the academy. "It's impressive how well-structured this academy is."

"Yes, the Royal Academy takes great pride in its academic standards," Ruby said. "We are one of the oldest and most respected magical institutions in the kingdom."

Rhaegan was impressed with the facilities and the level of technology and magic used in the academy. He had heard rumors about the advancements made in the Spring Kingdom, but seeing it firsthand was something else entirely.

"Is there anything else you need help with, Professor Rhaegan?" Ruby asked, breaking him out of his thoughts.

Rhaegan shook his head. "No, I think I have everything I need. Thank you for the tour, Ruby. It was very informative."

"You're welcome, Professor. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask." Ruby bowed and walked away, leaving Rhaegan to explore the academy on his own.

As he saw her walking away, his eyes suddenly caught sight of a student.

A girl.

A particular girl with white hair and purple eyes, chatting with her friends like she experienced something wonderful.

Rhaegan licked his lips, but confusion still lingered on his mind.

He was to acquire a girl, closely resembling the one he's looking at now but there's also another candidate that is rumored to have the same power; the princess of this kingdom, Aurelia.