Chapter 139 An Old Friend!

"Welcome to my humble abode, young master. I hope you haven't forgotten about this place," Blaire's voice dripped with mockery. She regarded him with an icy gaze, as if he were a stranger. Well, leaving after causing a mess and returning a year and a half later wasn't exactly the nicest thing to do, after all.

"How could I ever forget about you, my lady?" Damien replied with a hint of amusement. "I was caught up in some serious mess."

"Of course, 'some mess'," Blaire scoffed, eyeing him up and down. It was clear that his appearance had changed significantly since their last encounter.

Damien and Luther had arrived at the duchy in the evening, riding like madmen to reach their destination. They were immediately welcomed into the castle without any formalities or protocols, given Damien's status as a hero in these parts.

He had expected Blaire to be overjoyed to see him, but instead, he was met with a cold reception and mockery. It seemed like a complete stranger stood before him, despite the fact that they had shared a connection once.

"After such a long ride, you must be famished, my lord," Blaire addressed him, her tone formal. "Erin, please prepare a meal and rooms for our guests."

"Yes, my lady," the maid, Erin, nodded and left the room to carry out her instructions.

"I was hoping we could talk, my lady," Damien spoke up, feeling a pang of disappointment. Blaire felt like a different person altogether. The year and a half had taken its toll on her, transforming her beauty into an icy facade. It was understandable, given the weight of the entire duchy resting on her shoulders.

"We can talk later. For now, rest. I have a feast planned for tonight," Blaire replied dismissively.

Damien considered her words. He genuinely missed her and was eager to reconnect, but her coldness made him hesitate.

"Very well, I'll rest for today then. I'll see you in the morning," he conceded before leaving the room.

Luther walked beside him, a puzzled expression on his face. "What's happened to her?"

"I don't know. I'll ask her later," Damien replied, his own confusion mirroring Luther's.

·ƈθm Erin guided them to their respective rooms. "You'll be staying here, sir," she said, indicating Damien's room. "And your room is next door, sir," she informed Luther.

"Thank you," Luther nodded, entering his own room.

Erin had also prepared a meal for them – a delectable roasted turkey accompanied by refreshing grape juice. Damien savored the flavors, appreciating the effort put into the meal.

After cleaning himself up, he laid on the bed, thoughts of Blaire occupying his mind. He contemplated his feelings for her – were they purely driven by lust, or was there something deeper? Their initial encounter had been a brief and passionate affair, driven by their respective needs at the time – Blaire seeking solace from her husband, and Damien giving in to his own desires.

In the morning, Damien rose from his slumber and prepared himself for the day ahead. He couldn't shake off the unsettling encounter with Blaire the previous night, but he was determined to make things right between them. As he made his way through the corridors of the castle, he heard voices emanating from Blaire's study.

Curiosity piqued, Damien approached the room and peeked inside. Blaire was engaged in an animated discussion with her trusted commander, Sir Allister. Their voices were hushed, but Damien managed to catch snippets of their conversation.

"...reports of a group of suspicious men gathering at the foot of the mountain near our duchy's border," Sir Allister was saying, his brows furrowed in concern.

Blaire leaned against her desk, her expression thoughtful. "Suspicious, you say? Any idea of their intentions?"

Sir Allister shook his head. "None yet, my lady. But it's unusual for such a group to gather in that location. We should investigate and ensure our duchy's security."

Just as Damien was about to step forward and join the conversation, he hesitated. This could be an opportunity to prove himself, to demonstrate his loyalty and worth to Blaire. After all, he was the second son of a powerful duchy in a neighbouring kingdom, skilled in matters of strategy and combat. Perhaps this was the chance to show his capabilities.

With newfound determination, Damien pushed open the study door and entered with a confident stride. Blaire and Sir Allister turned their attention towards him, their surprise evident.

"Good morning, my lady, Sir Allister," Damien greeted them with a charming smile. "I couldn't help but overhear your discussion about the suspicious men near our border. It sounds like an intriguing situation."

Blaire regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and scepticism. "And what concern is it of yours, Lord Damien? You are a guest in my duchy."

Damien chuckled lightly, feigning nonchalance. "Ah, but you see, my lady, I am not just any guest. I am the second son of a powerful duchy from a neighbouring kingdom. Strategy and security are my forte. If these men pose a threat, it would be in both our interests to investigate."

Sir Allister, raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed by Damien's boldness. Blaire, however, remained guarded. "You may be skilled, Lord Damien, but I am responsible for the safety of my duchy. I cannot allow just anyone to meddle in our affairs."

Damien leaned against a nearby bookshelf, his eyes fixed on Blaire. "I understand your concern, my lady, but consider this: my experience and expertise can only enhance our chances of success. By working together, we can ensure the security of your duchy and protect our shared interests."

Blaire crossed her arms, still skeptical. "And what assurance do I have that you won't use this as an opportunity to further your own agenda?"

Damien's smile widened as he stepped closer to her. "My lady, I may have left you once, but I assure you, my intentions are genuine. I seek redemption, a chance to prove my loyalty and worth. By helping you, I hope to rebuild the trust we once shared."