Little Sugar Cake’s Asset +1

… iW5r4I

Fu Xiao has the habit of running regularly every day, even if Fu Wei was in a bad mood, he would still proceed as usual.

But Su Zening was definitely not! Little kitty’s energy was really limited. After he followed Fu Xiao happily for a few laps, he was already exhausted.

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Su Zening was so tired that he lay down into a puddle of cat cake on the ground, but then he immediately reacted, what was he doing? DBdW5v

Could it be, because he didn’t exercise when he was human, he needed to exercise when he was a cat?

He looked down at his furry belly.

He was all puffy, puffy!

With a guilty conscience, he looked at Fu Xiao, who was already running far away. Behaving like a thief, he stuck his head out and looked around, then quietly slipped back to the house.


Lying on the soft cushion at home, Su Zening rolled contentedly.

This is the kind of life a little kitty should have.

“Giggle, it’s okay, I can just wait here.” A sharp, piercing laugh came from the doorway, accompanied by a strong scent of perfume.

Su Zening’s nose twitched slightly, and the white kitten couldn’t help but sneezed a few times. After rubbing his nose with his paws, the kitten stuck out his head curiously and looked around. XSYEGo

Who’s here?

This perfume smell was too strong.

In the living room, a woman with heavy make-up was looking around as she sat on the sofa like she owned the place. While observing, she kept criticizing: “Aiya, how do you do things here? You can’t just fool Ah Xiao just because he is young. Why is there still dirt on this sofa? Um? Cat fur?”

The woman picked up the white cat fur on the sofa, then looked at the maid in charge of the cleaning with disgust and said: “No wonder. The Fu family has not had a mistress for so many years, so you guys are used to being lazy. I don’t care about the past, but I tell you that from now on, it can’t be the same as before, and I can’t tolerate sand in my eyes. ” 3xVjN5

The maid in charge of the cleaning said with a professional smile: “Little Sugar Cake likes to play in the living room the most. The butler specifically explained that we should not clean too many times a day, so as not to disturb Little Sugar Cake.”

Su Zening jumped from the ground to the sofa, calling out meow meow meow.

That’s right, ah.

He didn’t like the sound of vacuum cleaners. W9DLFt

The little white kitty squatted on the sofa with its head tilted, looking at the woman who broke in. The strong aroma caused the kitty to sneeze a few more times.

God, ah. Did this person just pour the whole bottle on herself?

Chrysanthemum Garden.

The woman was about thirty years old, but she still looked pretty good. Su Zening understood at once that this was probably the third wife of father Fu, the woman in Fu Wei’s mouth, who used to be a celebrity of Xingchen Company—— Bai Yangxi,

Speaking of Bai Yangxin, this woman was quite legendary. She was a little-known celebrity who had no idea what luck she had. She hooked up with father Fu, and coaxed father Fu to be obedient for so many years. In the story, after she smoothly married father Fu and became a noble lady, she became one of Fu Xiao’s allies after blackening. She miserably pitted Fu Wei directly, but when Fu Wei made a comeback, she turned against the water very fast and also pitted Fu Xiao. 7fptjy

Bai Yangxin looked at Su Zening in disgust and said: “Where did this little dirty cat come from? It’s so dirty, how do you guys do things? How come all the cats and dogs can come in.”

Su Zening: ???

Bai Yangxin was like this for a reason.

She has been in the Fu family for so many years, but old man Fu not only looks down on her, he doesn’t even let her pass through the doorway. She has never had a name and lived a very embarrassing life, especially towards Fu Xiao. It could be said that she had been flattering him in every possible way, but whenever Fu Xiao sees her, he just always turned a blind eye to her. She was so angry that she would gritted her teeth in secret many times, but she still had to greet him with a smile on the surface. Moreover, whenever Fu Xiao did this, the people in this house also followed suit, and they didn’t take her seriously at all. Ue2VPn

Now that father Fu just proposed and asked her for her marriage, the moment she entered the door, she was already the mistress of the Fu Family, and Fu Xiao have to call her mother no matter how reluctant he was. She then realized something and calculated it in her heart, since old man Fu was already so old, and he wouldn’t have the final say in the entire Fu family anymore.

She was often wronged by Fu Xiao at ordinary times, but now she has gained the upper hand, today, she specifically came to give Fu Xiao’s people a display of sovereignty.

With a smile on the surface, and MMP in her heart, the maid kept her smile and said: “Miss Bai, this is Little Sugar Cake.”

Su Zaining can’t help but praise the miss sister, this title, Miss Bai, was really——

After so many years in the Fu family, she still doesn’t have a name or distinction, isn’t it Miss Bai? FYGoTg

Still failed to get called Mrs. Fu?

But this title was exactly the thing that has been hitting Bai Yangxin’s feet for so many years, making her face immediately turn cold. Since she can’t move Fu Xiao’s people, she can still move the cat, right? A blast of evil wind rose from the bottom of her heart. She took a few steps forward and stretched out her feet to kick Su Zening to vent her anger.

If those high-heeled shoes that were sharp enough to stab someone to death really kicked Su Zening, then Su Zening would have his skin peeled off even if he doesn’t die.

Fortunately, Su Zening responded quickly and jumped a few steps back without getting kicked. 8vZfih

The maid sister hurriedly picked up Su Zening and screamed at Bai Yangxin: “Miss Bai, what are you doing?”

Bai Yangxin was deliberately provoking trouble: “It’s just a beast. Since it made the master unhappy, it could only be beaten and scolded, right?”

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The butler, who has worked in the Fu family for many years, has seen all kinds of storms. Seeing this, he came over and picked up Little Sugar Cake, and said neither humble nor arrogant: “Miss Bai, the owner of Little Sugar Cake is not you. We still have work to do. Miss Bai, if there’s nothing else, then we are going back to work.”

This was considered an act of showing visitors out.

“What? I’m still not in charge of the affairs here.” Over there, Bai Yangxin took the attitude of the mistress, and she revealed the emerald diamond ring in her hand that symbolized the mistress of the Fu family.

The butler was stunned when he saw the ring, obviously not expecting that father Fu would give the ring to Bai Yangxin. p1dvfw

Bai Yangxin has a very proud look in her eyes, and she deliberately found fault: “Aiya, unfortunately, I am allergic to cat fur, and I can’t see cat face, so find someone to give this cat away today.”

But the people around her still didn’t pay attention to her.

No matter what, the people of Fu Xiao were also the people of the Fu family, and they ate the food of the Fu family.

She just couldn’t believe that she couldn’t order the people of the Fu family. ADNLdg

She sneered and put on airs: “I’m also Fu Xiao’s stepmother, right? Why is the cat in Fu Xiao’s house more important than me? I know that Fu Xiao looks down on me, but he still has to give his father some face, right? Is he not afraid of people stabbing him in the back because he treated his stepmother like this? Today I will leave my words here, with me here, there is no such thing as this cat.”

“This is my home, and Little Sugar Cake is my cat. No one can make it go away, it can do whatever it wants to do here.” Fu Xiao’s voice came from outside the door: “As for you, Miss Bai, who are you? In what capacity are you standing here?”

Hear those light but familiar footsteps coming from the door, Su Zening’s eyes lit up, and with a meow, he rushed out of the butler’s arms.

The little kitty then grumbled aggrievedly on Fu Xiao. KyOIwx

Someone was bullying your little kitty!

Fu Xaio caught Little Sugar Cake, and touched Little Sugar Cake’s chin: “Why did you sneak home when you agreed to exercise for two hours? The exercise time will be doubled tomorrow.”

Su Zening pretended to be silly and meowed.

He doesn’t understand, doesn’t understand at all. bwDnLj

“Ah Xiao, your father probably hasn’t told you yet. Your father and I are about to get married.” Bai Yangxin smiled when she saw Fu Xiao, the rightful master, was coming and smiled coquettishly, then exposed the huge emerald diamond ring on her finger. She then raised her orchid finger and gestured an invitation to Fu Xiao: “Ah Xiao, you’re back. Now that Ah Wei is going home, your father and I are discussing holding a banquet to liven up the house as well.”

Fu Xiao didn’t even lift his eyes, he just used his fingers to comb Little Sugar Cake in his arms. Little Sugar Cake has reached the age of shedding fur, and a large amount of white fur will fall out with a light brush.

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Fu Xiao frowned. Was Little Sugar Cake’s nutrition not enough? How come so much cat fur has fallen out.

One person and one cat regarded Bai Yangxin as air. She tried her best to maintain a smile on her face, and repeated: “Ah Xiao.” bGYPyD

“My name can’t be called by any cat or dog.” Fu Xiao finally raised his head and said coldly: “Miss Bai, your contract with Xingchen has not yet expired. Please follow the company’s regulations and you should call me President Fu.”

Fu Xiao’s eyes were like ice, looking at Bai Yangxin full of sarcasm.

Bai Yangxin felt weak for some reason: “President Fu.”

After she finished speaking, she immediately realized that her contract has not expired yet. In name, she was still a good artist of Xingchen, but with father Fu, her contract has long since existed in name only. 0YuAiK

She was ashamed and annoyed to be so bluntly put down.

“Fu Xiao, what’s your attitude?” A tough male voice then came from the door in exasperation. Fu Xiao’s father, Fu Yunxi, came over this time by coincidence. Hearing what he said just now, he was very angry. He walked towards Bai Yangxin’s side, making Bai Yangxin’s confidence hardened. She then aggrievedly went to Fu Yunxi and said: “I know my status is low, Ah Xiao—— no, President Fu doesn’t have to look down on me. But——”

Fu Yunxi touched her arm soothingly, and snorted coldly: “His grandfather used to spoil him, and he doesn’t know how high the sky is. No matter what, low or not, you are his elders, he has to address you as Aunt Bai.”

Bai Yangxin was proud in her heart, but she sighed on the surface, then she touched her stomach and said: “I don’t care, Ah Xiao, President Fu, isn’t it just a name? But when our baby is born, if he asks me why I call his brother President Fu, what should I say? It’s all because I’m so useless that our child has to suffer this kind of grievance too.” ShUt4x

The little kitty in Fu Xiao’s arms showed an expression of dawning enlightenment.

No wonder Bai Yangxin dared to trouble Fu Xiao, it turned out to be a noble mother with a child, ah. Even so, according to the story, it won’t change anything.

Fu Yunxi was provoked by this provocation, and angrily said: “How can I have a cold-hearted son like you? Can’t you see how much your aunt Bai has done for our family over the years? You’re just mad at her like that?”

Bai Yangxin whispered hypocritically: “It’s all my fault, I shouldn’t have asked Ah Xiao to send his cat away. It’s just that they all say that cats are not good for the baby in the pregnant woman’s womb, and I am also afraid that the baby in my womb will have an emergency.” sf5amQ

She had to get Fu Xiao to get rid of that cat of his today.

Fu Yunxi looked at the cat in Fu Xiao’s arms, he frowned and said: “Fu Xiao, send the cat in your arms to another house. Your Aunt Bai is in a special situation now. You should try to accommodate her.”

He felt that what he was doing was fair.

Fu Xiao turned his head to look at his nominal father, and saw the farce in front of him, feeling only ridiculed. He shook his head and looked into Fu Yunxi’s eyes and said: “Fu Wei came back today.” PuMqzZ

Fu Yunxi’s body froze, and he said angrily: “That rebellious son! What are you mentioning him for.”

Fu Xiao touched Little Sugar Cake in his arms.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Su Zening sensed Fu Xiao’s mood, and he leaned close to Fu Xiao to rub him.

The furry warmth made Fu Xiao feel warm in his heart. he couldn’t help but softened his eyes a little, but soon it disappeared as he stood up and looked at Bai Yangxin. That gaze made Bai Yangxin’s spine go cold for no reason. Fn5vK7

He then sarcastically said to Fu Yunxi: “Do you remember when you told Fu Wei that his name meant ‘only’? You said he was your only child, so what is this now? What are you going to call him?”

In fact, Fu Xiao secretly went to see the child who had half blood with him when he was in the most difficult time.

He knew at first glance that they were not from the same world.

He could never forget his so-called father’s loving eyes on Fu Wei. BSDYQ

It used to be the most unforgettable thing in his long years.

But why was the child who was once regarded as a treasure by his father, now abandoned?

Does his so-called father remember that the child now known as the rebellious son was also once the greatest treasure of his heart?

He has never gloated over everything Fu Wei had experienced, he was just deeply disappointed. 5X4Nfb

Fu Yunxi’s face turned red as he stood up and replied: “What do you mean? I know you’re blaming me, but it’s not like you don’t know that your mother and her entire family are all lunatics.”

Fu Xiao calmly interrupted:  “I don’t blame you, but please make it clear that nothing about me has anything to do with you, and nothing about you has nothing to do with me. You are willing to marry this Miss Bai——” The corners of Fu Snap’s mouth pulled out a mocking smile, “It has nothing to do with me either.”

His eyes fell on Little Sugar Cake, and the kitty seemed to feel his emotion. It squatted in his arms, looking up at him worriedly. Its small nose looks cute and soft.

But thinking of what Little Sugar Cake had done for him; in front of Fu Wei, such a small little kitty was not afraid of danger to protect him, and it had an undisguised preference for himself. KRcbmL

He raised his head and said to the other two: “As for my cat, you probably don’t know it yet, and I also don’t want to explain it.”

“Let’s put it this way, you and the cat, only one can stay here, and it must not be my cat who leaves.”

Fu Xiao looked at Bai Yangxin and said: “Miss Bai, no, it should be Miss Wu.”

Hearing that surname, Bai Yangxin felt a chill in her heart. Could it be that Fu Xiao knew about her past. 2p4Zx7

Impossible, Fu Xiao wouldn’t have known. She panicked——

Fu Yunxi wondered: “What?”

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Fu Xiao said lightly: “People still have to be content, don’t they? Don’t expect things that don’t belong to you.”

Bai Yangxin’s face turned pale, and she said stubbornly: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” sIkBEn

Fu Xiao let out a smile that didn’t seem like a smile: “Of course it’s the Eternal Heart, otherwise what else can I say.”

As if there were thorns on the ring, Bai Yangxin immediately pulled the emerald ring off her finger and threw it onto the coffee table.

Fu Yunxi was confused and wanted to ask.

But Bai Yangxin said with a pale face: “Dear. I’m a little uncomfortable. Let’s go back first.” 91mqdC

Su Zening jumped off Fu Xiao and looked at Eternal Heart curiously. In the story, Eternal Heart was finally given to Feng Jiaming by Fu Wei and was never returned to Fu Xiao.

The 21-carat top emerald gemstone in the middle of this ring, with more than ten diamonds inlaid in the ring setting next to it, looked really expensive at first glance.

The white kitten walked around the gemstone ring curiously, and couldn’t help its cat instinct to stretch out its paws and fiddled with it a few times.

Yi, the setting of this ring is a bit sharp. Why is there something dark on the edge of the diamond next to it? The kitten is about to look closely. cO2 UW

The emerald gemstone reflected in the kitten’s blue eyes complement each other brilliantly.

Fu Xiao squatted down, then touched the kitten lightly and asked: “Do you like it?”

Su Zening’s eyes fell on the gem and did not leave, it was really beautiful.

Fu Xiao raised an eyebrow, then put his hand in front of the white cotton ball-like kitten and teased: “How about a kiss, and this ring will be yours?” 6lVmkv

Obviously, Fu Xiao said something casually, and didn’t expect the kitten to understand.

But the next second.

The wealthy white little kitty approached shamelessly and gently kissed under the corner of his lips.

Wet and hot. oahTNw

Afterwards, according to the recollection of the cat, who did not want to be named, he regretted it, very regretful. At that time, he shouldn’t have been obsessed with money, pretending to be a cat to deceive the East and the West. He also sold his first kiss for money.

Money is not a good thing!

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But the ring is so beautiful.