… Wjd9lU

Fu Mingming sang the last sentence of the song tremblingly under the watchful eyes of Little Sugar Cake.

She then saw Little Sugar Cake hesitate for a moment, its fluffy tail hanging in the air——

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Fu Mingming was about to cry, why is it still not good?

Little Sugar Cake hesitated for a while, then slowly put away its fluffy tail. Df6lWh

Fu Mingming breathed a sigh of relief.

It was horrible.

As a learning scumbag who has left high school for six years, she has this illusion, as if she was still sitting in the exam room now, where she didn’t even know a single question on the paper.

Immediately, she felt her whole body was not well.


It seemed that she have been taught to sing by a cat——

Fu Mingming murmured, “Little Sugar Cake is Great Grandpa’s cat. Great Grandpa likes this kind of old song the most. It must be that Little Sugar Cake has heard so much of it at Great Grandpa’s place that it knows that I’m not singing it right.”

She then repeated in a trance: “Yes, it must be so.”

It must be so! AjqTCF

Or else, could it be that Little Sugar Cake really intended to teach her to sing?

Hahaha, how is that possible!

Gu gu gu—— I’m a little hungry. 5A4FqP

Little Sugar Cake looked down at its own little belly and then at the recording studio’s clock, its almond eyes sparkling.

It’s time for dinner, ah!

The little kitty looked at Fu Mingming, who barely met the standard, and reluctantly decided to let go.

You must know that when he helped his mother to teach Xiao Jiejie and Xiao Gege to sing a one-on-one class at home, his requirements were very strict.

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Fu Mingming was simply the worst one he has ever brought.

The prideful little kitty with its head held high came out of the recording studio and ran to the dining room excitedly. 0kDvqP

Fu Mingming left the recording studio with Little Sugar Cake in a trance.

Except, she seemed to have forgotten something.

In the recording studio, the lord viewers could not see any picture, but were listening to Fu Mingming’s tone-deaf singing, were also very happy.

The barrage from the beginning—— L2Tbkd

[Hahahaha, that’s me]

[Large-scale car accident scene]

[The anchor was a great comfort to me]

[Recorded as a souvenir] zKWUdY

[Sexy anchor, out of tune was online]

[Anchor, just go away. I want to suck the cat]

When Fu Mingming made a little progress, the barrage gradually became——

[The anchor is very talented] HXzMly

[The anchor is getting better every time, as if someone is making corrections]

[In addition to the anchor, this fart, there is only the cute Little Sugar Cake]

[Not necessarily, Little Sugar Cake could be teaching the anchor, ah]

[Aiya, our little Sugar Cake is awesome~] kVzFYN

Ca atf fcv bo atf jevlb, j ktlaf oluegf mgbrrfv ogbw jybnf, atf rmgffc kjr yewqfv, jcv atf qlmaegf mtjcufv ogbw atf kjii ab atf mflilcu.

Pa rtbeiv yf Olaaif Veujg Jjxf jmmlvfcajiis vgbqqlcu atf qtbcf bc atf ugbecv.

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ktf jevlfcmf vlvc’a wlcv, gjatfg atfs ijeutfv afjrlcuis.

Pa kjrc’a ecali atf vbbg kjr rijwwfv rtea vlv atf ibgv nlfkfgr rffwfv ab kbxf eq ogbw j vgfjw, jcv ugjvejiis gfjilhfv atja rbwfatlcu kjr kgbcu—— bTldG1


[Did I just see the anchor leave?]

[Above, you see that right, the anchor closed the door and left, shocked.jpg  ]

[So, we have been forgotten, smile.jpg] ykB0LU

[Ah ah ah ah ah, the anchor is a big pig’s hoof]

[Where is our dignity as the lord viewers, sad.jpg]


[I bet fifty cents, the anchor will find out tomorrow that she has forgotten us, because tomorrow is the end of the month, show your hands.jpg] UZzS1y

[Online Opening, Buy It and Leave It]

[Wait above, count me in]

However, Fu Mingming went home in a trance and did not find anything wrong. This can’t be blamed on her, because she usually has two phones; one phone was responsible for live streaming, and the other was only for daily use.

When she got home, exhausted, she directly fell asleep, and had long forgotten about the gold masters 800 miles away. PVuG 1

After one person and one cat finished their dinner, the snow-white long-furry cat lay lazily on Fu Xiao’s body. Fu Xiao stroked the long-furry cat with his fingers, and occasionally looked down at the kitty with gentle eyes.

Feng Jiaming arrived at this time.

She didn’t want to come, but——

Feng Jiaming remembered what her agent, Sister Li, said to her on the way. GYFSD

Xingchen’s much-anticipated super IP is about to start this year. The goal of the project is to hit the top movie awards in Europe and America regardless of the cost. To improve the influence of domestic films in the world, Fu Xiao also personally went to country A to persuade the top Chinese director of today’s film industry, Angus Sean, to leave the mountain.

It had nothing to do with her originally.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

But the theme of this super IP is music, which means that music is very important in this drama. There has been gossip inside Xingchen that Angus will invite his good friend, Wesson, a gold medalist composer from abroad, to be the music director.

The name of Wesson was known to everyone in the music industry. He was the epitome of legend. There was not a single piece of his work that was not world-renowned, and more importantly, he was the chairman of the jury of the Amanda Award, the highest award in the music industry. tfORXQ

Feng Jiaming’s dream for many years is to be able to pick up the Amanda Award trophy.

As Sister Li said, if she can have the opportunity to cooperate with Wesson, her chances of winning the Amanda Award next year will greatly increase.

Besides, she also heard that her old rival, Shang Rongrong, had contacted Angus privately through her husband on the board of directors of Xingchen.

However, she could not be compared to that superficial woman, Shang Rongrong, who used such unorthodox means. 5dE9T0

Feng Jiaming looked at Fu Xiao who was sitting on the sofa. He was the helm of the Xingcheng Group, handsome and promising, but Feng Jiaming knew that there was a bottomless vortex hidden under this man’s bright appearance.

Every time she sees Fu Xiao, she always recalls Uncle Shi’s eyes, who fell into a muddy flesh and died.

She clearly remembered that Fu Xiao knew the news, and just said something indifferent, why did you choose this time.

And not long before Uncle Shi died, Fu Xiao was still talking to Uncle Shi at the dinner banquet, smiling while advising Uncle Shi not to drink too much wine, which was not good for the body, with a sincere tone of concern A9or0m

Every time she sees Fu Xiao, she always shudders.

But thinking about the opportunity she had dreamed of day and night, she looked at Fu Xiao and still made her request.

Feng Jiaming looked at Fu Xiao apprehensively. She remembered Sister Li’s vague hint that it was worthwhile to pay for such an opportunity.

She knew what it meant. cb4Mev

What if Fu Xiao really made such a request——

For so many years, Fu Xiao has been just like what was said in the beginning, the two seemed to have an odd friendship——

But now, ten years are almost here.

Feng Jiaming couldn’t help clenching her fists, and suddenly thought of another person, who seemed cynical and condescending on the surface, but for some reason she couldn’t forget him. NapWBk

Fu Xiao was not surprised by Feng Jiaming’s request. He scratched the chin of Little Sugar Cake in his arms, and Little Sugar Cake impatiently pressed his hand with its two paws, while pricking up its ears to listen to Fu Xiao’s reply.

Fu Xiao wouldn’t promise her, would he???

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“This time, the theme song of the movie, Angus wants the whole country to audition for the voice he wants. He has his own ideas.”

Little Sugar Cake looked up happily, well done! Don’t promise her! mYktW4

Fu Xiao looked at Feng Jiaming’s clenched fists, and looked into her eyes and said, “But there is a dinner party in a few days, and Angus will be there too. Come with me.”

Fu Xiao shook his head inwardly. Although Feng Jiaming was Aunt Wen’s only daughter, she did not inherit Aunt Wen’s open-mindedness and transparency.

But after Aunt Wen’s death, as Aunt Wen’s last concern in the world, Fu Xiao will do his best to take care of her.

Little Sugar Cake lowered its head in dismay. INcb4i

What the hell?

He still promised ah!

Feng Jiaming dodged Fu Xiao’s eyes subconsciously. When she heard Fu Xiao’s answer, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, and said with a smile on her face: “Good.” After speaking, she thought that he didn’t seem to be so happy, so she gave Fu Xiao an exquisite gift bag she brought, but hid: “This is a gift I brought from abroad. I think it suits you very well. I hope you like it.”

Fu Xiao took it but didn’t even look at it. CGe8Yw

Taking advantage of being a cat, Su Zening leaned on the gift bag and looked at it. It was a royal blue tie.

Hmph! And here he thought it was something good!

Isn’t it just a tie?

Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao with hatred. The while little kitty stood in Fu Xiao’s arms and made and angry meow meow meow meow—— utRUv2


Why promise her.

She made it clear that she just wants to use you!

At this point in time, she and Fu Wei should already have favorable feelings for each other! xW8tBv

As for this gift——

Su Zening disliked it very much. It was clear that Fu Xiao’s clothes were black and white, including his tie——

Chrysanthemum Garden.

Feng Jiaming didn’t even know this, so he didn’t care when he saw this gift.

Hey, does Fu Wei like blue? aEjqXP

Fu Xiao, who didn’t know what made the kitty unhappy again, helplessly picked up Little Sugar Cake, then stroked the kitten’s back, and said in a gentle tone: “What’s wrong?”

Su Zening jumped off of Fu Xiao and faced Fu Xiao with his butt.

Fu Xiao walked in front of him, and the little kitty looked up at him, as if looking at a heartless man. The little kitty didn’t say a word, it just turned around and continued to face him with its butt.

Fu Xiao:  … FEqVBD

Feng Jiaming looked at the scene in front of her, looking at Fu Xiao’s gentle attitude towards his cat, for some reason, she felt that Fu Xiao looked unfamiliar. And there was this sudden loss in her heart, as if something that used to almost belong to her was no longer there.

At this time, the driver ran and said: “It’s almost time to take off. Mr. Fu I’ll send you to the airport now, is that okay?”

Su Zening’s pointed pink ears stood up.

What. co1yYT

The big smelly sock is going out?

Fu Xiao looked at the watch in his hand and touched Su Zening’s head.

The white kitten turned its head to the side in disgust, but did not dodge.

Fu Xiao smiled and said: “I’m flying to B City today, and I’ll be back tomorrow. Little Sugar Cake sleep alone today, be good.” wR7ks


Isn’t it just sleeping alone?

And when did he not behave? He’s always been a sweet little kitty!

However, it seems that he has been sleeping with Fu Xiao since he came here, and the two of them have never been separated. JI4dg8

Fu Xiao took the luggage prepared by the butler and was about to leave. He then turned his head to look at Little Sugar Cake, and found that the little thing that was still angry at the moment was secretly looking at him pitifully, but saw himself looking over.

The little thing immediately looked to the side and pretended to be suddenly interested in the teapot on the coffee table.

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A smile flashed across Fu Xiao’s eyes.

Q: Will pets be lonely at home when their owners leave? VOWQnc

Of course not.

It will definitely get high ah!

In the middle of the night, most of the people in the villa had already fallen asleep.

But in Fu Xiao’s bedroom, on the soft blanket. V1CSnT

The white little kitty was playing games on the tablet with great interest, and there was even a dog blood romance on another tablet next to it.

Next to it was a bag of small dried fish that has been opened and half eaten.


Su Zening hiccupped. These small dried fish were sent by Fu Mingming. What he secretly hid in every corner of the sofa was saved with great difficulty, and now he can finally eat it justifiably. Z3b4dM

Fu Xiao was gone, he was so happy!

Completing the game at hand.

Su Zening rolled around in boredom, and looked at his intimacy value, which was almost full again.

The corner of his mouth curled up mischievously. WzJQHU

After a while, Fu Xiao’s bedroom door was pushed open from the inside.

A black-haired teenager about 18 or 19 years old stuck his head out and carefully looked left and right. After making sure that no one was there, the teenager walked out cautiously. Under the soft light, the delicate face of the teenager was like a painting. His big almond eyes were as blue as the sea, but looking carefully, there was a faint golden color in them. There was a playful smile on the corner of the teenager’s mouth, revealing two small tiger teeth and cute dimples.

Inexplicably he makes people feel as warm as the sun.

The teenager was wearing an ill-fitting shirt at this time. The shirt, which was obviously two sizes larger, almost reached the teenager’s thighs, and the pants were rolled up several times. POWXH7

Su Zening couldn’t help rolling up his pants a few times.

I hate it, how come all of Fu Xiao’s clothes are so big!

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Su Zening was very satisfied with the appearance of his own human form. Except for the eyes that were exactly the same as Little Sugar Cake, his face was basically the same as before.

After finally being able to be human again, Su Zening went to the recording studio without thinking. He wanted to listen to his own singing in this life. ZEq9Xr

This was his greatest concern.

Standing in the middle of the recording studio, Su Zening put on the earphones. Holding the song that Fu Mingming sang during the day, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then when he opened them again, the panic in the teenager’s eyes disappeared, they were now calm and full of determination.

In the past nineteen years of his life, he has only done one thing, singing with all his might.

Singing is his second life and the meaning of his existence. v Glmd

His breathing was calm and stead. The teenager’s first line was still a little rusty, however, this rustiness was remedied at a very fast speed, anyone can detect that the teenager was improving at an alarming rate.

With a bright and clear singing voice, the teenager’s voice was inexplicably appealing. The tune that was obviously ordinary has an unusual emotion in the mouth of the teenager, as if the song he sang was no longer a simple song, but love, hate, parting and sorrow of the world.

Infecting others with his voice seemed to be an easy thing for the teenager.

And he was born to sing the emotions contained in the melody, which for him was just an instinct like breathing. PT02vb

The teenager didn’t notice that at this time, in a corner of the recording studio, pitifully lying on the ground and unable to see anything, and after entering the power saving mode, the phone whose screen has been dimmed, the number of people in Fu Mingming’s live broadcast room increased at an alarming rate——

Sunnyshies: I edited the miss sister and maid sister or something in some chapters and replaced them with Xiao Jiejie. Because this title is different from simply calling someone an older sister or a sister, I could still figure out a word to tl the Xiao Jiejie– yeah, it’s the miss sister. But now there’s the Xiao gege. I can’t find a particular word to match it, esp, the author used these cute names a lot. Well, I want to retain the author’s writing style as much as I can, so well, its like that…

Oh yeah, I forgot…the author, and of course me, always confused this “it” and “him/his” a lot as well. but well, looking at the pattern of the author’s writing, she/he usually use “it” when its talking about the cat, while mentioned of Little Sugar Cake, it was not specified. Su Zening was directly a “He/his/him”, so there was no conflict. So I decided that until Fu Xiao learned Su Zening and Little Sugar Cake is the same person, let’s use “it/s” for little sugar cake and little kitty, ect. As for the perspective of the group of cats…I’ll, huhuhu…I don’t know yet. hehehe. Anyway, I’ll edit the other chapters as well to be consistent. oh, as for the time when Fu Xiao finally learned about Su Zening, I’ll only use “it/s” for him when it comes to other unsuspecting characters. That’s all~
