As the result of not saying a word the entire time somehow, Su Zening inexplicably became Yi Ning, he then trotted behind Secretary Zheng to the door of the reference room with guilty conscience. 

Holding the key to the reference room, Xiao Liu thought hesitantly, can people sit in the reference room too? All kinds of documents are kept in the reference room all year round. It was airtight and had no windows, the conditions were very poor. So where would this be hard to deal with a young master sit? And is this great young master even willing?

Could it be?

Xiao Liu had a flash of insight, and immediately understood what Secretary Zheng meant. Secretary Zhang wants this young master to sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat!

This young master also knows his glorious deeds ofreleasing the pigeons twice in his colleague for no reason. This kind of young master who is only here for gold plating, and was not worthy of this sacred job. He’s not even worth staying by President Fu’s side to learn! 

Is that why Secretary Zhang did this?

Secretary Zhang is worthy of being Secretary Zhang. He is very thoughtful, considerate, and helpful to President Fu, solving all his troubles in advance.

Compared to him, he is really far behind. Xiao Liu secretly made up his mind, he clenched the key in his hand, and vowed that he must learn more to be like Secretary Zhang. Worry about President Fu’s worries, and solve problems for President Fu.

Su Zening saw that Xiao Liu’s expression changed complicatedly, and he was holding the key without moving for a long time, so he asked cautiously: “Do you need me to open the door?”

Xiao Liu glanced at him coldly and turned his head arrogantly.

Don’t try to please him, from now on he won’t say a word more to this young master, let this flower in the greenhouse have a good understanding of the cruelty of the workplace. Well, don’t expect to get a shred of help from him.

Su Zening scratched his black hair inexplicably.

This guy is so weird, ah. 

When helping him unpack the cake before, he has the same entangled expression.

The door to the reference room opened.

The reference room that was not ventilated all year round has a faint musty smell of storing paper documents. The not-so-small reference room had various kinds of documents, and there was only a small desk in the innermost corner together with a lot of boxes nearby.

Secretary Zhang looked at the cramped environment inside, he nodded in satisfaction, then pointed to the document boxed with a calm expression, and said hypocritically: “Just sit there.” 

After he finished speaking, he waited for the great young master, Yi Ning, to lose his temper. The great young master doesn’t look like he can endure hardship.

Su Zening nodded quickly, he just wanted to fool Secretary Zhang quickly so that he could sneak away.

Doubt flashed in Secretary Zhang’s eyes, Yi Ning agreed so easily? He made up his mind to give Yi Ning a slap in the face, and let the willful great young master back out of an awkward situation. He pushed his golden rimmed glasses, and said: “Well, there are a few boxes next to it, I’m afraid you will have to move them yourself.”

Secretary Zhang thought that there were only a dozen boxes, but the boxes were full of documents. This delicate and precious young master will definitely not be able to move it. So to speak, it’s not certain whether he would call dainty to complain at home on the first day. In this way, he can successfully tell the Yi family about this great young master’s bad behavior of releasing pigeons a few times before, so that they could restrain him themselves. Thinking of this, he continued, “After all, the rest of us here are very busy——” No one will help you.

Dea tf tjvc’a olclrtfv rqfjxlcu sfa, jcv tf jygeqais tfiv yjmx tlr kbgvr atf wbwfca tf uijcmfv ja tlw.

Ktf kfjiats sbecu wjrafg, kfjglcu fzqfcrlnf mibatfr bnfg atfgf, gbiifv eq atf riffnfr bo tlr mibatfr, jcv rajmxfv jii atf rlz vbmewfcar ybzfr abufatfg, atfc iloafv atfw eq fjrlis, ktlif rwlilcu ja Vfmgfajgs Itjcu. Ktf affcjufg’r mifjc jcv reccs rwlif kjr lc rajgx mbcagjra ab atf teuf ybz tf kjr mjggslcu. Ktf affcjufg’r nblmf kjr nfgs clmf jcv mifjg. Llr yief fsfr ibbxfv ja Vfmgfajgs Itjcu jcv jrxfv: “Qtfgf vb P wbnf atfrf atlcur ab?” 

In his arms, he was carrying six boxes that were built up almost taller than others.

Secretary Zhang: …

Xiao Liu:  …

This kind of document box is very heavy, even strong men here can only carry three at a time. 

But this teenager in front of him moved six——

The teenager’s black hair swayed from side to side with his movements, looking particularly lively. He carefully moved two steps to the side, then looked around in embarrassment, and when he saw Xiao Liu, his eyes lit up. His almond blue eyes looked at Xiao Liu and said: “Can you help me?”

Blue and big.

Xiao Liu felt that his heart was hit again. 

When he came back to his senses, he, with

the demons and gods at work, took a few steps towards Yi Ning.

Dxmn it, what is he doing? 

Didn’t he just agree to let this delicate greenhouse flower experience the cruelty of the workplace?

However, Xiao Liu felt that these eyes were dxmn familiar, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

Forget it, let’s just help.

After all, there were six boxes. How can a normal person move it? 

I’m afraid that the Yi family’s young master can’t hold on anymore!

Xiao Liu planned to do good deeds for the day, and intended to take down the few tallest boxes.

The teenager, however, ducked to the side, with wide opened eyes, showing his cute tiger teeth, he said: “Just help me hold the box.” He paused, then looked at the two of them, and smiled as he spoke: “I’m afraid they will fall, and it will be bad if they hit you.”

Xiao Liu:  … 

The teenager put the six boxes on the ground, and the weight of the boxes raised a faint layer of dust.

Xiao Liu suspiciously squatted down and stretched out his hand, trying to lift a box. he took a deep breath, and lifted it——

The box remained motionless.

Secretary Zhang was startled, he pushed his glasses, and said calmly: “Bring your passport and come with me for onboarding.” 

Passport? How could he have that?

Su Zening bite the bullet and said: “Dropped it.”

Where is he going to get a passport, ah.

Secretary Zhang laughed coldly, his mouth soaring with venom: “Why don’t you just throw yourself away?” 

Su Zening: …

Why does Secretary Zhang feel completely different from the one he knows? He’s much scarier.

Where is the gentle Secretary Zhang?


After sending off the particularly violent Secretary Zhang, and the trembling Yi Ning behind him.

Xiao Liu returned to the office area.

At this time, the colleague who had just finished using the toilet came out upset.

The Yi family young master released his pigeons again, and didn’t come to Xingcheng at all. He didn’t know how to explain it to Secretary Zhang. 

Absent-mindedly, he bumped into Xiao Liu.

Who knew that Xiao Liu’s eyes were deep and profound as he said to him: “You owe me a meal.”

The assistant was baffled: ?

Xiao Liu also did not explain and just coldly left, he just went away, hiding his merits and fame. 

Secretary Zhang took Su Zening to the HR department and left in a hurry.

Su Zening was a little overwhelmed by a group of xiao jiejies in the HR department, and was completely at a loss of what to do. He wanted to escape, but he don’t have an opportunity to.

“Wow, is this the new fresh meat from the brokerage company downstairs?” 

“What beautiful blue eyes.”

“Call me, jiejie, darling.”

Being surrounded, Su Zening’s white cheeks flushed slightly red, and he hesitantly answered the questions of the xiao jiejies. Fortunately, at this time, his temporary employee card has been prepared. Xingcheng’s employee card is an access card, which can be used to enter and exit the company’s security check. Different employee cards have different access rights. As for Su Zening’s employee card, because he does not have a passport, it cannot be regarded as a formal entry. He can only obtain a temporary card and only enter the gate of Xingchen Building and some places open to the public.

He can only be officially onboarded after the passport was reissued. 

But this has nothing to do with Su Zening.

Bringing his employee card, Su Zening squeezed out from the siege of xiao jiejies and prepared to slip away.

Not long after he came out, he ran into a staff member on the phone.

The staff member wore sunglasses, had long hair, and had an artistic tone on the phone, yelling: “I’m going! There is still half an hour to go before the show starts recording before telling me I’m late. Who do you think you are? However, he is a little star who has not debuted yet. How big of a face can he have? Is it possible that Rong Hang is still waiting for you?” 

Something else seems to have been said there!

The staff angrily hung up the phone.

Then a xiao jiejie next to him asked: “What’s wrong, Assistant Wu, who made you so angry.”

Assistant Wu was so angry: “I was stood up by a little starlet who hasn’t debuted yet. Who is going to replace him temporarily?” He was the assistant producer of an old variety show on a TV station under the Xingchen Group. He was responsible for contacting and communicating with a small guest, who knew that the guest would not come temporarily. 

The xiao jiejie opened up the copy of the personnel treatment upgrade file to Assistant Wu and handed them over.

Assistant Wu said depressingly: “What else is there to sign? After such a big mess, it doesn’t mean that I will be fired today.”

The xiao jiejie asked strangely: “How did you find such unreliable little starlet.” They have the least shortage of celebrities in Xingchen.

Assistant Wu was even more depressed: “Is it not because of his face?” If it wasn’t for his good looks, he wouldn’t go looking for that little starlet. 

The xiao jiejie seemed to remember something and pointed to the side and said: “Face? Do you think he can do it? This little fresh meat just join the job today, we’re still going through the background check, he still had time.”

The good-looking employees of Xingcheng group are often dragged into variety shows to make up the number.

Assistant Wu followed her gaze.

Through the glass door of the HR department, the black-haired, blue-eyed youth frowned as he looked at the elevator control panel at the elevator at the entrance. He seems to be wondering which key to press. The teenager has fair skin, black hair and his clothes were a little big, but there’s this kind of alternative fashion. His posture was upright, had excellent proportions, with a pair of striking long legs. His facial features are exquisite, his blue almond eyes are indescribably beautiful, and only the strand of black hair on his head curled up mischievously, like a tuft of dull hair, but it made the teenager look extra cute. 

Assistant Wu’s eyes lit up.