It turns out, Little Sugar Cake occupied such an important position in his heart.


Little Sugar Cake was lost.

After finishing the shooting, the producer invited the members of the show crew to dinner.

The producer has some background, and knew Fu Mingming and her cat have a close relationship with President Fu, so he kindly invited Fu Mingming to join, and even solve Fu Mingming’s worries. He also prepared a top quality canned cat food for Little Sugar Cake.

Plus director Angus will also go. 

Fu Mingming agreed after hesitating for a while.

Due to the large number of people, the crew members traveled by different vehicles.

A lot of people are prone to accidents.

After a day, the lively and lovable Little Sugar Cake has become the favorite of the cast and the creators. Even the little fresh meat that was scolded by Director Angus couldn’t help rubbing it twice when he saw it. Especially Rong Hang, Little Sugar Cake never came down from Rong Hang’s lap the whole afternoon.

So when Fu Mingming saw Rong Hang, who had his back on her, with a fluffy one hanging down his arms, her first reaction was to feel sour.

There is a heartbreaking feeling of an old mother who has been abandoned.

When she wanted to follow them, she was pulled into another car by the producer.

Although Fu Mingming was worried about Little Sugar Cake, she trusted Rong Hang, the calm and steady movie emperor, and didn’t think much about it. 

But if she confirms it again, she will know that Rong Hang would not attend this dinner at all.

Naturally, he will not hold Little Sugar Cake.

Little Sugar Cake looked serious, he carefully cocked his tail as he shivered. With an expression of relief, he carefully buried his poop in the cat litter with his paws. 

As a cat, the most shameful thing is going to the toilet. Although he has pushed down his limits countless times, every time he goes to the toilet, he must be in a closed litter box, and he always make sure that there’s no one around for him to go to the toilet with confidence.

The crew considerately prepared a cat litter box for him. Fu Mingming alone helped him move the litter box to the most remote vacant room.

After using the toilet, Little Sugar Cake ran to the bathroom and rinsed his paws, otherwise he would have mental obstacles when licking his paws.

Once he was done with all this, he went to find Fu Mingming. But he was shocked to find that the people in the crew had practically already left. 

After walking around the studio a few times, Little Sugar Cake had to admit a fact.

He was lost by the unreliable Fu Mingming.

Little Sugar Cake walked out of the studio with a complicated look, and most of the cars parked outside had already driven away.

En, they drove away. 

Little Sugar Cake calmly came to a conclusion.

But he was human after all, so he didn’t panic when he found out that Fu Mingming lost him.

Even if Fu Mingming is unreliable, she should still find out that he was missing after a while.

As long as he stays where he is and doesn’t wander around, she will surely find him. 

And if Fu Xiao found out that he was missing, he would definitely look for him, and he still had a positioning chip on him.

At worst, he can turn into a human and run home by himself.

It’s just that——

Listening to this word. 

Does it make sense to let a cat find its way home on its own?

Little Sugar Cake has no fear in his heart, and it can even be said that it did not give him any great waves.

After grinding his claws, he wanted to know when Fu Mingming would notice that he was missing.

It was gradually getting darker. 

A few stray cats gathered around in twos and threes.

The thin stray cats looked curiously at the beautiful and majestic white cat at the door, but did not dare to approach.

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf rabbv eq jcv rtbbx tlr oieoos oeg.

Ktf ragjs mjar lwwfvljafis vlrqfgrfv lc ogluta. 

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf: …

Cogjlv bo rmjglcu atf qbbg ilaaif uesr, Olaaif Veujg Jjxf mbeiv bcis rdeja vbkc ja atf vbbg, wbalbcifrr.

Ktf ofk ragjs mjar rjk atja Olaaif Veujg Jjxf kjr cba wbnlcu, rb atfs ujatfgfv abufatfg mjealberis, ibbxlcu atgbeut atf ujgyjuf ja atf vbbg, ibbxlcu obg obbv lcrlvf.

Little Sugar Cake has mixed feelings. He knows that this is the living condition of stray cats, and those stray cats in his cat group were the minority. 

He thought about it and got into the studio. He then dragged out the cat food specially prepared for him by the crew, and pushed it to the ground.

He didn’t say anything and just walked away.

Those stray cats tried to sniff, but did not dare to eat.

Then a daring tortoiseshell cat took a bite and its eyes lit up.

The rest of the cats just started eating.

After a full meal, the tortoiseshell cat seemed a little embarrassed, and accosted Little Sugar Cake: “Thank, thank you, white cat.”

Little Sugar Cake waved his paws generously, it’s okay, just a small thing. 

The cats are ready to leave.

Tortoiseshell kindly said to Little Sugar Cake: “You have to be careful, I heard that in the west, that is, in the direction of the mountain, there is a new leader of the cat group there. It is a super fierce big white cat. I heard that it is the size of two cats and has a fat belly. You must not go there.”

The tortoiseshell cat then said with lingering fear: “Our boss said that the big white cat over there not only collects protection fees, but also robs cat’s food. So don’t go, ah.”

Little Sugar Cake looked complicatedly at the direction the tortoiseshell cat was pointing to, it was his home—— 

Big white cat.


Super fierce, with a fat belly.

Who made that rumor! 

He’s going to scratch it to death!

After saying goodbye to the cats, Little Sugar Cake squatted at the door and continued to wait for Fu Mingming. When he ran away just now, the door of the studio had been closed by the guard at the door.

June days are extraordinarily changeable. 

After a few rumblings.

The torrential rain in the sky has fallen.

Fortunately, Little Sugar Cake was hiding under the edge of the pointed eaves, which are small, but just enough to block him.

Amidst the crashing downpour, he heard a faint cat cry. 

He stuck his head out and looked over. Next to the pile of garbage at the door, a young raccoon cat was probably very hungry, dragging its immobile left hind leg to rummage through the heavy rain to find food in the garbage.

Probably because the other cats ate the cat food from Little Sugar Cake today, there’s still a lot of edible food in the garbage.

The kitten’s eyes glowed, and it then devoured it with the last bit of its strength. The heavy rain almost made it unable to open its eyes.

At this moment, a white figure stood in front of it. 

It raised its eyes dazedly, and a majestic white cat appeared in front of it.

This white cat has fluffy and smooth fur, and its eyes sparkle like jewels.

It’s so beautiful, ah!

Is this garbage already the territory of this white cat? 

Is the white cat going to expel it?

The little raccoon cat was all wet, it only raised its head, and then buried its face in the leftovers again.

It doesn’t matter if it’s expelled, it’s going to die anyway, so at least let it have a full meal before it dies.

Unexpectedly, the white long-haired cat gently picked up the back of its neck. 

It was picked up blankly, and the white cat gently placed him on the dry ground under the eaves.

The little raccoon cat raised its head and looked at the tall white cat. The white cat looked at him with big blue eyes. Look closely, there is a golden halo around the almond eyes.

It couldn’t help but shrank back in shame, it’s so dirty, won’t it just get the white cat’s fur dirty.

Then a warm feeling then ran down its back, and the little raccoon cat was stunned, this familiar feeling. 

Little Sugar Cake tried to lick the little raccoon cat’s fur, trying to lick this messy cat clean, and he also licked the icy cold rain aside.

But this is not enough, ah.

Little Sugar Cake looked at the kitten’s injured hind leg.

He has no more cat food here as well, and he still doesn’t know when Fu Xiao will arrive. 

This kitten can’t wait that long.

There is no room for two cats under such narrow eaves.

Little Sugar Cake left most of the dry place for the little raccoon cat, and he wrapped around its slender body right at the center. Most of his snow-white body had been drenched by the rain, but he didn’t care.

At this moment, a figure with a black umbrella appeared in the rain curtain. 

Little Sugar Cake lifted his eyes.

It’s Rong Hang.

He originally left to go home to rest, but the film director found that he had forgotten something in the studio, so he drove back and saw this scene in front of him, unexpectedly, he was somewhat moved.

He held the umbrella in front of the two animals and frowned: “What’s going on, how could they forget Little Sugar Cake here.” 

He called the crew.

The other end of the phone was about to cry, and Fu Mingming, who was desperately rushing to the studio, finally let out a long sigh of relief.

The producer in the same car also loosened his nerves. Originally, the crew had prepared an assistant for Little Sugar Cake, but because today was only the first day, they only took makeup photos, so the assistant was not yet available.

Coupled with the fact that the crew started to operate on the first day, the soldiers were in a state of confusion.

So this happened unexpectedly.

Fortunately, nothing happened, otherwise, the producer shivered. 

After Rong Hang hung up the phone, he saw Little Sugar Cake holding a dirty, wet, thin kitten, looking at him with wide eyes in anticipation.

Rong Hang took a look and found that the kitten’s hind paws were abnormally twisted. He put the kitten in the palm of his hand and said: “I can only take it to the pet hospital like this.”

Little Sugar Cake heaved a sigh of relief, and could not help but proudly think that his male god is worthy of being a male god, he’s so kind!

He also looked at Little Sugar Cake, whose fur was mostly wet and looked a little embarrassed. Should he also bring Little Sugar Cake to the pet store to have its fur dry? 

He stretched out his hand to take Little Sugar Cake.

Perceiving his intentions, Little Sugar Cake took a step back, his blue eyes looking into the distance.

No, he’s not going, the person he’s waiting for hasn’t come yet.

Fu Xiao must have known the news of his disappearance. He’d be mad if he came over here and couldn’t see himself—— 

He was going to wait here for Fu Xiao to pick him up.

No matter what time Fu Xiao comes.

He knew that Fu Xiao would definitely come.

Finally, at this time, a black figure appeared in the rain curtain. 

Little Sugar Cake’s eyes lit up at the distance, and stood up immediately.

Fu Xiao’s figure gradually became clear.

Ignoring the heavy rain, Little Sugar Cake jumped out from under the eaves and charged towards Fu Xiao like a small cannon ball full of energy.

The man in the distance squatted down as if he had practiced it thousands of times, and picked up the cat, then stood up, hugging it tightly. 

Even if he has already checked the locator and knows that Little Sugar Cake is here, he still has a lot of uncertainty in his heart.

Little Sugar Cake could be injured in a corner that he can’t see.

Even if he knew that Little Candy Cake was smart, he couldn’t help but wonder about the possibility that one in ten thousand Little Sugar Cake could be lost, or that the locator could be useless.

Fortunately, at this moment, thousands of uncertainties finally turned into a sense of regaining something that was lost. 

He won’t lose it again.

When they got home in the evening, he was bathed by Fu Xiao, and Little Sugar Cake with his puffed up fur squatted on the TV and watched “Crystal Love” attentively.

His male god is not only good at acting, but also handsome and kind-hearted.

Fu Xiao was helpless, how did he feel that after returning from the set, Little Sugar Cake became more obsessed with this TV series. 

Thinking of the hand that caressed  Little Sugar Cake on Weibo.

Fu Xiao felt a little sour in his heart, placing his palm several tens of centimeters away from Little Sugar Cake.

Although Little Sugar Cake was still staring at the TV, its head was already rubbing against Fu Xiao’s hand.

Satisfied, Fu Xiao made this scene into a video and posted it on Weibo, then he closed the screen of his phone, put the dumpling in his arms, and watched the TV series leisurely. 

The butler looked at the one person and one cat sitting together under the bright yellow light in the living room, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Young Master Xiao, finally, he’s no longer alone.

He always remembers that thin, small, but extremely stubborn child who just came to the Fu family. From the grandfather’s death, the mother was then hospitalized, and the incompatible child returned to the unfamiliar Fu family without no one to rely on, to being today’s business tycoon, the helm of the most dazzling star in the sky.

It’s been a long journey.

He had seen the lights in Young Master’s Xiao’s room dim in the middle of the night.

He watched Young Master Xiao come home full of alcohol. 

He witnessed Young Master Xiao living in the office for two or three months.

Compared with the naïve and kindheartedness of the Young Master Wei, he felt that the kindness of the Young Master Xiao was more valuable, and that kindness was like a long dark night; a starlight that has seen the viciousness of the human heart but still remains committed to the original heart.

He wished there was someone who could accompany Young Master Xiao. And now, there’s this cat, but this doesn’t look bad at all.

“Butler.” The servant who reported the work for today called the butler softly, and asked: “Is there anything I need to pay attention to tomorrow’s work?” 

The butler came back to his senses and said to the cleaning staff next to him: “By the way, the network signal in the house has not been very good recently. Tomorrow, I will clean up the equipment box and install it again to check if there is any problem.”

The butler couldn’t help but look at Little Sugar Cake on the sofa and smiled lovingly.

Young Master Xiao didn’t let Little Sugar Cake eat snacks, but Little Sugar Cake is growing up, so what about not getting any extra meals, he could only turn a blind eye to the snacks that Miss Mingming sent.

Fortunately, every time Miss Mingming brings food, the young master is not around, and Little Sugar Cake can always hide those cat treats before he sends all the cat food to the warehouse. 

To his surprise, this time, while cleaning the whole house, he did not sweep out any snacks of Little Sugar Cake. Originally, he was ready to help Little Sugar Cake hide it.