The little kitty that is about to be overwhelmed by the burdens of life

… Qjy2C1

The set spent the morning preparing for the blasting scene.

The blasting point and the pyrotechnics used for the explosion have been tried several times without any problem. Director Angus showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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The countryside cat, Little Sugar Cake, who had never seen the world, curiously looked with wide eyes. He looked at the fire and smoke rising into the sky in the distance.

It doesn’t have to be this realistic, right? HqRY5m

It looks very dangerous, ah.

He couldn’t help but look at the pyrotechnician who was smiling.

The pyrotechnician looked at the effect in the distance and nodded with satisfaction. He couldn’t help showing off to the staff next to him: “A big crew is really a big crew. Just this blasting scene alone has to be buried seven or eight times before and after to determine the effect and safety. This is all money, ah.”

The field manager on the side was a staff member of Xingchen. Pride flashed in his eyes, and he said reservedly: “After all, it is a big project of Xingchen this year. President Fu attaches great importance to it, and——”


The drama manager lowered his voice, leaned in and said to the pyrotechnician: “I heard that the board of directors did not agree with such a large investment, but President Fu somehow negotiated cooperation with Heishan Investment. Heishan and Xingchen jointly invested, and the board of directors finally agreed.”

Heishan Investment.

There was a clear look in the pyrotechnician’s eyes. Others may not know, but everyone who eats their bowl of rice knows a little bit.

Heishan Investment is an investment company that emerged seven or eight years ago. It has risen in the Internet field. Now, several well-known apps and games have the shadow of Heishan Investment. Not only that, Heishan Investment has turned its attention to the entertainment industry in recent years. In the past few years, several little-known projects in the entertainment industry that have finally become popular have the shadow of Heishan investment behind them. aTuX1n

This company has always been known for being mysterious, and it rarely strikes, but its strikes will never fall short.

The pyrotechnician couldn’t help but say: “This time, it is really a big deal, ah.”

The field manager said proudly: “This is President Fu’s vision and courage to further open up the international market.” His voice paused and laughed at the pyrotechnician, “By the way, I’ll tell you Old Liu, you must be more reliable. Don’t make any mistakes, or your fire and smoke will look terrible.”

Old Liu pie and said confidently: “I, Old Liu has a reputation in this industry as a second, and no one dares to say first. Besides, our pyrotechnic devices just look horrible, but the trigger and the detonating devices inside are specially made, so that even a person’s hands will not be injured.” G60dgj

After Old Liu speak and explained with excitement, he picked up a pyrotechnic device, then pointed to the trigger and detonation device, and said: “Look, this kind of trigger and detonating device is specially made by me——” Old Liu went blah blah blah, speaking non-stop.

The field manager smiled perfunctorily.

As soon as Old Liu lowered his head, he saw a white long-haired cat staring at him with big blue eyes, looking up at him intently, listening with interest.

Seeing that he stopped suddenly, the fluffy cat opened its mouth and raised its head, meowing at him, as if to say—— 1BwqFk

Keep talking, ah, I want to listen, ah.

As soon as Old Liu saw the cute appearance of Little Sugar Cake, he couldn’t help laughing. He stretched out his hand to touch the fur of Little Sugar Cake and said: “Why is Little Sugar Cake here?”

Chrysanthemum Garden.

There may be people in the crew who don’t know Director Angus, but there’s no one who doesn’t know Little Sugar Cake.

These days, Little Sugar Cake has been cheating food and drinks everywhere. It has long been mixed with the crew a long time ago. ayUNLF

The sticky cat with a good temperament, and never makes trouble is very popular in the crew. The kitty also likes to wander around the crew. Now when the staff walks around, they will carefully pay attention whether there’s a white dumpling under their feet, for fear of accidentally stepping on Little Sugar Cake.

After such interruption, Old Liu did not do any science popularization anymore. He turned his head and looked behind him and frowned: “Xiao Wu?”

Where did his damned apprentice go again? M2UWNR

He called out loudly a few times before a young man came behind him and said with a smile: “Master, what’s the matter?”

Old Liu asked unhappily: “Where have you been?”

It was awfully busy here, but he didn’t know where this kid even snatched a moment of leisure. He has always believed that a strict teacher produces a high apprentice, and has always been strict with this apprentice.

Xiao Wu lowered his head, and under his eyes were indistinct unwilling, and resentment flashed by, then he whispered: “I’m going to check the trigger and detonation device.” L5Xy9b

Only then did Old Liu continue to be satisfied: “You have to learn more, you are still far from it.”

Xiao Wu replied vaguely.

He knew that this damned old man looked down on him, so his heart have no regret taking that sum of money——

The man who found him promised to give him a large sum of money that he would never earn in his life and then send him abroad. UeBk7r

His heart was then filled with the thrill of secret revenge.

What is this damned old man proud of?

After today, it was not certain how he will be.

After hearing half of it, Little Sugar Cake came back, feeling at a loss. rx0 6C

He has always been curious about these things.

In his previous life, he grew up in a hospital as a child. Later, his parents built a sterile room for him at home, and he went home. Although he could not go to school, his parents either taught him personally or asked someone to teach him, and they never delayed his education.

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However, this cannot hide the fact that his knowledge is extremely one sided.

He didn’t even know a lot of common sense. Hearing Old Liu say this today, Old Liu’s chubby appearance in his heart became imposing and brilliant. XKPn4Y

When will he be able to look like that?

Little Sugar Cake looked at Old Liu’s back with envy. He sighed and rolled himself up on the table.

“Hey, fat cat, squat to the side.” Then a familiar arrogant voice rang in his ears.

Little Sugar Cake immediately raised his tail and turned his head aggressively to look at his mortal enemy. NJ3p1d

Vegf fcbeut, atf yijmx-pjmxfafv affcjufg klat jggbujca yijmx tjlg, kjr tbivlcu j qlif bo wlrmfiijcfber lafwr lc tlr gluta tjcv. Lf ibbxfv ja ktlaf mja islcu vbkc jcv bmmeqslcu wbra bo atf ajyif klat vlruera.


Really too rude, what a little nuisance!

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf rcffgfv, cba bcis vlv cba ufa bea bo atf kjs, yea tf fnfc mibrfv tlr fsfr. NOeUmD

I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you said.

The black-haired teenager sighed, and condescendingly stretched out his left thumb and index finger. He was about to pick up the back of the white cat on the table and wanted to throw it aside.

When Little Sugar Cake originally closed eyes suddenly opened. His blue eyes shone brightly, and without hesitation, he stretched out his paw, piapia, and hit Xiao Yi’s outstretched hand. The last revenge has not been settled yet!

Little Sugar Cake’s meat pad beat the person quick and fast. vdlGTh

Although he doesn’t like Xiao Yi, Little Sugar Cake also knows how powerful his claws are.

To deal with Xiao Yi, mead pads are enough!

The black-haired teenager quickly ducked to the side with his eyes and hands. The teenager who never knew the word “defeated” put the miscellaneous items on the chair and rolled up his sleeves and stared at Little Sugar Cake with his blue eyes.

Little Sugar Cake didn’t show any weakness, and opened his eyes and stared back. NuHqf6

There seemed to be sparks flickering between the two pairs of blue eyes looking at each other.

Xiao Yi stretched out his two hands and slammed forward, grabbing the waist of Little Sugar Cake. He lifted it from the ground far away, then glancing his head to the side, he twisted his head in disgust, and wanted to throw it aside.

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Little Sugar Cake didn’t show weakness either, twisting his waist and jumping on Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi didn’t expect Little Sugar Cake to be so strong, and when he loosened his hand, Little Sugar Cake jumped one him and hooked his clothes. The black-haired teenager struggled in panic, and a small book fell to the ground. 6MHgqa

Little Sugar Cake strategically retreated, and jumped to the ground, then turned to look at the half-opened notebook. He glanced at it subconsciously, and saw the words Ning YI on it.

The black-haired teenager didn’t care about Little Sugar Cake and hurriedly picked up his passport.

Hmph, it turns out that this little nuisance is called Yi Ning, ah.

Little Sugar Cake turned his head, and then prepared to continue teaching Yi Ning some lessons. 6CWrc9

He just stretched out his left paw——

Wait a minute——

Yi Ning?

Little Sugar Cake’s had a ding in his head, feeling what it seems to be connected online. JYHAzt

When he saw the passport with his photo at Secretary Zhang, he always felt that the photo was a little familiar. Wasn’t that the photo that Yi Ning kept when he took a photo with him?

And when he told Xiao Yi that his name was Yi Ning, the little nuisance’s expression was weird.

Little Sugar Cake’s fur stood up.

He pretended to be Yi Ning in front of the real Yi Ning before, so why didn’t Yi Ning reveal it? RXIVoE

That passport was also prepared by Yi Ning for him, right?

Why would he do that?

Help himself to falsify his identity?

Little Sugar Cake stretched out his paw half-way, and hesitantly faced Yi Ning’s beautiful face, not knowing why he felt a little guilty. 9H7Es5

At this moment, Rong Hang rubbed his forehead and came over: “What’s the matter?”

He was a little uncomfortable today, and when he saw the commotion here, his head hurt even more.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Oh no, I alarmed the male god.

Little Sugar Cake leaned over like a drama queen, squatting on the ground as if nothing had happened, licking his own fur, pretending that he didn’t understand anything. lQPsjL

Yi Ning glared at the hypocritical cat.

Little Sugar Cake opened his eyes wide and gave him an innocent meow.

Yi Ning: I’m so angry.

Creatures like cats are just too annoying. Ez8DJr

But after all, he was afraid of Rong Hang coming over. Although he was not convinced, he took a few steps back, separating himself from Little Sugar Cake.

Rong Hang picked up Little Sugar Cake and looked at Yi Ning with a sigh.

In the beginning, he made Yi Ning his assistant because Yi Ning gave him a sense of familiarity, and with his character, he couldn’t bear to watch a lonely teenager sleeping on the street.

But after getting along for such a period of time, Rong Hang also found that this teenager is definitely not a lonely child. The details of every aspect of the teenager’s life reveal that the teenager’s family is not only not bad, but can even be said to be quite good. BCLe5v

What gave him more headache was that the teenager was too self-willed.

Willful beyond his imagination, to put it more seriously, it can even be said that he was irresponsible.

Rong Hang also began to hesitate about whether he should let the teenager stay or he should let him go.

At this moment. J9w0s8

The little fresh meat walked over tremblingly with a pair of huge dark circles under his eyes, and said cautiously: “Senior Rong——”

Rong Hang came back to his senses, even if there was something in his heart, with the years of self-cultivation, Rong Hang still managed to smile gently: “Is there something wrong?”

Little Sugar Cake looked at the little fresh meat sympathetically——

Because the makeup artist couldn’t cover the dark circles under the little fresh meat’s eyes, the little fresh meat was scolded by Fatty Fish Angus several times this morning. SPJvHk

The little fresh meat only thought that he had blood mold in his eighth life. Yesterday, he finally posted a Weibo secretly to show off that he had acted with Senior Rong. Who would have known that his fans would become like that under Senior Rong’s Weibo and Little Sugar Cake’s Weibo.

And was he still not clear about the identity and background of Little Sugar Cake? eZiAju

What a hundred billion dollar princess.

Although Little Sugar Cake is sweet and soft, it did indeed look like a little princess.

But the little fresh meat knows that the identity of Little Sugar Cake is far more terrible than that of a princess.

Linking it with the terrifying legend about a cat in Xingchen’s headquarters. hiLKEC

It’s not too much to say that Little Sugar Cake is the crown prince of Xingchen.

And considering who the owner of the Little Sugar Cake is.

His heart was frightened yesterday when he went through Little Sugar Cake’s Weibo where those rich hands appeared. Then he pulled out the photo of President Fu at the annual meeting of Xingchen, and compared the two hands a little bit. And after he almost crossed his eyes, he had to admit a terrible fact!

The actual owner of Little Sugar Cake’s Weibo is his immediate superior—— President Fu! aQXL46

And he——

His fans almost turned to President Fu’s Weibo yesterday.

Ying ying ying.

He is already going to be the shame of Director Angus’ career, and the thrash opponent of Senior Rong, and now did he also want to become the first to be banned by President Fu? 84NFU

Last night, he felt weak, helpless and poor. He was scared all night and couldn’t sleep.

This morning, he did a lot of psychological construction for himself before he dared to apologize to Senior Rong first. After hesitating for a moment, he summoned up his courage and said: “Senior Rong, what happened on Weibo yesterday——”

He shouldn’t have posted such Weibo without the consent of his predecessors.

He hasn’t finished speaking yet. k23yOo

When Yi Ning interrupted sarcastically with a huff: “You still have the nerve to come, are you happy rubbing off Brother Rong’s heat? 18-line actors are just so incapable of being on the stage.”

“Yi Ning!” Rong Hang interrupted sharply.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The little fresh meat’s face immediately became red and white, and his handsome sunny face was buried.

Although already prepared. TiHglU

There was still a little pain in his heart.

He tried hard to squeeze out a smile, but he couldn’t.

In order to prevent himself from showing an even more ugly expression, the little fresh meat pinched himself fiercely.

At this time, there was a small meowing sound from under his feet. 6vrQud

The little fresh meat lowered his head and saw a cloud-like white cat squatting at his feet. It raised its head and looked at him with sky-like eyes, and called to him softly.

In order to hide his face, which couldn’t control his emotions, he lowered his head and picked up the kitty.

The kitty seemed to understand his thoughts, it stood up halfway, and its soft body was blocking his face, then it curled its tail, gently tapping his hand, which was pinching himself tightly.

It seemed to want him to let go. PnbNcl

He slowly released his palm and hugged the cat in his arms tightly.

It’s like that would make it less embarrassing.

Yi Ning looked angrily and glanced to the side. He seemed to want to hold back his breath, but he couldn’t, and said aggrievedly: “I’m not wrong.”

Rong Hang said with a bit of anger in his voice for the first time: “I also came step by step from the 18th-line young actor you speak of.” uXxBFv

Yi Ning was stunned and said: “How can you be like them?”

Rong Hang already has a low grade fever, and he was agitated for a while. He weakly supported the chair next to him, then he shook his head and said: “What’s the difference between me and them?” He looked at the little fresh meat: “Don’t mind it, Xiao Yi is just young and ignorant. As for the things you said, don’t care about it. Yesterday, it was you who originally sent it first, and what you said is also true ah.”

The little fresh meat raised his head blankly.

Rong Hang said warmly: “Didn’t you cooperate with my respected senior yesterday? And you quickly contacted fans yesterday to clarify if I remember correctly, right?” jNAdvh

“Senior Rong——” The little fresh meat murmured.

“Meow——” Male god!

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Little Sugar Cake looked up at Rong Hang and cried out with emotion.

After Rong Hang finished speaking, he paused, and said to Yi Ning with a bit of sternness: “Xiao Yi, do you know what’s wrong?” CwAR5q

Yi Ning sighed and said: “I’m right, and am I not doing it for your own good?! You have such a good temper, they all come to bully you and take advantage of you.”

“Cough cough——” Rong Hang coughed angrily.

Xiao Yi’s temper must be changed, this way, he doesn’t know how many people he will offend in the future.

Rong Hang said ruthlessly: “If you think you’re right, then don’t stay by my side anymore.” OfKTPR

Yi Ning’s almond eyes were wide with disbelief as he looked at Rong Hang, then bit his lip, and said nothing. He just turned around and left angrily without saying anything.

“Xiao Yi!” Rong Hang shouted from behind, he wanted to catch up, but he had a low-grade fever, his feet were weak, and the little fresh meat helped him in confusion.

His life assistant ran over at this time and said: “Brother Rong, if you are not feeling well, you should take a good rest, ah.”

Rong Hang said to his assistant: “You follow him over there and take a look.” 8vGHP3

The life assistant hesitated, but still caught up.

Little Sugar Cake shook his head, this Yi Ning’s EQ is worrying, ah.

Even he knows that Rong Hang is afraid that he will offend people ah.

… ZRqz6Y

Rong Hang smiled and declined the little fresh meat’s suggestion to ask for a leave from the director. He sighed and closed his eyes on the table with one hand on his head.

Suddenly there was a slight tug at the bottom of his foot.

He looked down, and found Little Sugar Cake holding his pants, looking at him worriedly.

Rong Hang couldn’t help but smile and touched Little Sugar Cake. dBie9

They say that cats are very humane.

Does Little Sugar Cake know that he is not feeling well?

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It was not in vain that he usually loved it.

Little Sugar Cake, who was originally sensible and didn’t like to be noisy, not only did not calm down after being touched twice soothingly, instead, it gripped his pants and pulled it aside. xRbeDm

Rong Hang stood up, thinking that Little Sugar Cake’s toys rolled to some unknown corner, and it asked him to pick it up.

He shook his head helplessly and walked over with Little Sugar Cake.

As he walked, Little Sugar Cake pulled him into a vacant room.

Rong Hang was stunned, this room was where he usually rested. HGtwF

He never liked crowded places.

When he has free time while filming, he often stays in this small room to rest, and there’s a folding chair in the room.

Not many people know this place, but Little Sugar Cake knows it. Sometimes Little Sugar Cake will lie on top of him and take a nap.

He was stunned. dAytLC

Little Sugar Cake jumped onto the folding chair, then patted the folding chair with his paw, and looked at him expectantly.

Rong Hang couldn’t help laughing and said: “What? If you want to sleep, do you still need a human cushion like me?”


Little Sugar Cake meowed with some urgency. yErkg0

Rong Hang hesitated a little. He was really in a bad state today, and he really needed a break. In the afternoon, he still had a blasting scene and needed to raise his spirit.

Thinking so, he didn’t hesitate and hugged Little Sugar Cake, then rested on the folding chair.

The dumpling in his arms is also very good today, lying on top of him motionless.

Soon Rong Hang fell asleep. VdE47e

After hearing Rong Hang’s steady breathing, Little Sugar Cake opened his blue eyes and sighed.

Was it easy for him?

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As a cat, he simply worries about these people!

In the past, there was President Fu who knew the law, but still broke the law, and always wanted to sink people into concrete pillars. Fu Mingming, an unprofessional game anchor who can sell himself at any time with a confused face. Later, there’s his male god who doesn’t take his own body seriously. Then when filming, there’s Angus, who was so irritable that the entire crew didn’t dare to speak. Then the little fresh meat, who was scolded several times a day, but also loves to abuse himself, and a bunch of stinky cats waiting to be fed. H4rQtd

Feeling the heavy burden on him, Little Sugar Cake jumped down from Rong Hang calmly.

In just a few short steps, he forced off the sadness of being a lonely hero.

The author has something to say:

Today, I’ll be a pigeon spirit~ QOjdr8

Got caught on a business trip again~

As a reputable pigeon, the remaining words will be filled up slowly tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

Then I’ll say something. 4d2lLe

I think Rong Hang and Yi Ning have fundamentally different views, and Yi Ning is too selfish.

If the three views don’t match, they will not fall in love.

And, the little angels these days, thank you and love you.

(Sunnyshies: the author has more to say, but I think it’s not really necessary. It was just about the regular updates, and edits done with some chapters.) ltN2U6

Sunnyshies: Little Sugar Cake, the guardian angle! But yeah, I hate Yi Ning too. And he really doesn’t deserve Rong Hang, he was the one who took advantage of his kindness. He was just too obsessed and didn’t really care about Rong Hang. Just with the script scene in the previous chapter, anyone could tell that he wasn’t really sincere to Rong Hang. He just became Rong Hang’s burden and he will continue to be so in the future chapters. And btw, its a crime to falsify documents, thought I don’t know about Little Sugar Cake’s case, but it’s also a crime to steal identify. I dunno if its under fraud?

Am I the only one thinking that Yi Ning is the anonymous malicious person, who hated Little Sugar Cake, in the previous chapter?

Oh yeah, and I read this series before. So I assure you guys, there’s only the white and black cats as second CP. There’s no Movie Emperor and his assistant!!!