Little Sugar Cake felt heartache that he couldn’t breathe. 

Fu Xiao’s house.

Little Sugar Cake opened his eyes in a daze.

Somehow, he was rescued from the fire by Fu Xiao, and was surrounded by a strange sleepiness, and he fell asleep in Fu Xiao’s arms on the spot. 

And now he doesn’t know how long he has been sleeping.

The white cat stood up and looked around, he was in Fu Xiao’s study.

Outside the window the night seems to be deep, and only a silence remains.

He looked up at the hanging clock on the wall, the hour hand pointed to 2.

It’s two in the morning?

“Little Sugar Cake?” A very familiar voice sounded.

Little Sugar Cake turned to look at the other side, where Fu Xiao’s office desk is. At this time, Fu Xiao stood up from the chair, his stern face was filled with joy that could not be concealed. His steps had lost their previous calmness, and with anxiety that is rarely in him, then he walked to Little Sugar Cake.

Little Sugar Cake’s eyes lit up and walked towards Fu Xiao with small steps. 

Fu Xiao stretched out his hand.

He went up to his nest skillfully, and rubbed on Fu Xiao’s body affectionately.

Fu Xiao hadn’t slept yet at two o’clock, was he waiting for him to wake up?

This big pig’s hoof still has some conscience. As expected of him, he usually covers him so well. 

And this time, Fu Xiao did not scratch his chin, but held his front paws. He turned him over and carefully touched him from head to toe, and after confirming again that there was no problem, he still looked at Little Sugar Cake uneasily and asked: “Is there any discomfort?”

Under those circumstances, Little Sugar Cake suddenly fell asleep in his arms and couldn’t wake up, which frightened him.

He even handed the finalization of the fire to Secretary Zhang, and asked Dr. Wu to come over.

Even if Dr. Wu carefully checked Little Sugar Cake, and guaranteed that Little Sugar Cake was just too tired and would wake up after a sleep, Fu Xiao was still worried and waited for Little Sugar Cake to wake up while handling official business. 

Fortunately, Little Sugar Cake finally woke up.

Hearing Fu Xiao’s words of concern.

Little Sugar Cake raised his head, and curled up his tail in a lively manner, then looked at Fu Xiao and meowed with energy.

He was full of energy. 

Fu Xiao was relieved, then stretched out his fingers and mercilessly flicked Little Sugar Cake’s forehead, and said: “Why did you run in? You’re so small, what’s the use of you going in?”

The kitty covered its forehead and meowed in pain.

Big smelly socks, it’s too much!

Little Sugar Cake just wanted to accuse Fu Xiao of what he had just done. 

But Fu Xiao exerted force on his arm, and held him tightly in his arms.

Little Sugar Cake was stunned.

Fu Xiao’s voice whispered in his ears: “Have you ever thought that if, in case, you didn’t come out of the fire, you would——”

He didn’t finish his words, and he didn’t seem to have the courage to say that word. 

Little Sugar Cake’s almond-like eyes looked at Fu Xiao ignorantly. At this moment, he seemed to understand something, but he didn’t seem to understand anything.

He rested his head on Fu Xiao’s shoulder, not really understanding it, and let Fu Xiao hold him obediently.

Fu Xiao’s rare abnormality only lasted for a short moment.

Soon Fu Xiao became the man who could never go wrong in the eyes of Little Sugar Cake. 

He put Little Sugar Cake on the desk, and said with a fleeting sourness in his voice: “Rong Hang is fine, his foot is injured and he needs to stay in the hospital for a few days.”

It’s good that my male god is okay.

The white long-haired cat sighed in relief.

But he soon discovered that things were not that simple. 

No, why did Fu Xiao suddenly say this?

Lf xffcis rfcrfv rbwfatlcu kjr kgbcu, tlr yjmx raloofcfv, jcv tf lwwfvljafis gjlrfv tlr fsfr ab ibbx ja Me Wljb.

Fcobgaecjafis, la’r jigfjvs abb ijaf.

Me Wljb gjlrfv atf mbgcfg bo tlr ilqr klat j rwlif, jcv rqla bea j ofk kbgvr ogbw tlr atlc ilqr: “Ebcu Ljcu jcv sbe tjnf j ubbv gfijalbcrtlq. Lbk jybea P ub bc j yerlcfrr aglq lc j ofk vjsr jcv rfcv sbe ab Ebcu Ljcu’r tberf obg j ktlif? 

Terrible, terrible——

Little Sugar Cake secretly screamed badly, he curled his tail to please, and moved forward, his voice was very flattering: “Meow meow meow——”

How can he compare to you, President Fu?

Even if you are on a business trip, I will be at home waiting for you to come back! 

Little Sugar Cake hurriedly expressed his loyalty, and stretched out his head to rub Fu Xiao’s hand, then called out sweetly.

Even so, Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but feel a little flustered.

If he goes to the male god’s house, won’t he live with him at the same time? The male god is so gentle and will definitely feed him with his own hands. It’s so cool just thinking about it, ah.

Little Sugar Cake didn’t show it on his face. He shook his fluffy tail, and raised his head and chest, then walked around Fu Xiao a few times. As he walked, he rubbed against Fu Xiao, he was going to do everything he could. 

Fu Xiao, who was originally unmoved, suddenly glanced at the part where the tail of Little Sugar Cake connects to the body, and a smile flash in his usually stern eyes, and then he immediately turned his head and looked to the side, as if he didn’t want to make himself laugh.

Little Sugar Cake, who was familiar with every expression of Fu Xiao, felt bad for a moment, and turned to look at the place where Fu Xiao had just looked.

Then his eyes widened.


The next morning.

In front of a luxurious floor-to-ceiling mirror.

Little Sugar Cake opened his eyes and stared at himself in the mirror without moving.

Hi sapphire eyes are full of unrequited love. 

Is the cat in the mirror still him?

The fluffy kitty has no more snow-white cat fur, and his flawless pure white cat fur adhered to his body and disappeared in front of his butt.

A large chunk of fur was missing from the side of his butt.


The really-bald-meow-Little Sugar Cake lay on the ground and wailed in despair.

Suddenly, footsteps came from behind.

Little Sugar Cake immediately stood up, and squatted, hiding the bald spot well without showing a trace.

Grandpa Butler put the cat rice on the table. 

At this time in the past, Little Sugar Cake couldn’t wait to jump on it.

Grandpa Butler looked at Little Sugar Cake strangely: “Why don’t Little Sugar Cake eat, isn’t it delicious?”

Little Sugar Cake meowed reluctantly.

Fu Xiao glanced at him, looked away unnaturally, then he coughed lightly, and couldn’t help covering his lips with his hand. 

Little Sugar Cake glared at Fu Xiao angrily.

Fu Xiao immediately said seriously: “It’s not hungry yet.”

After the Grandpa butler left, Little Sugar Cake saw that there was no one else around, and was relieved. He then jumped on the table and sighed, and started to eat his breakfast sadly.

Seeing his sullen appearance, Fu Xiao comfortably touched Little Sugar Cake’s fur and said: “Don’t be sad. Your fur was all scorched. We can’t tell if there are burns unless we shave it clean.” 

Little Sugar Cake looked sadly at his cat rice and buried his head in it sadly.

The cats who came to the yard for breakfast this morning found a strange thing. Their boss, who used to be lively and active, actually squatted on the stool today.

Silly Bai Tian asked strangely: “Little Sugar Cake, what’s the matter with you?”

Little Sugar Cake held back the grief in his heart: “It’s okay, I’m too tired to stand, so I just want to squat.” 

Xiao Hei, who was already a big cat, licked Silly Bai Tian’s fur, and couldn’t help but think that Little Sugar Cake was really a strange cat.

The yard was also lively today.

The extremely thick-skinned Fat Orange shamelessly bragged to the few months old kittens: “Ai, many humans like me and want to be my owner. In order to keep them from being sad, I have to reluctantly agree.”

The kittens looked at Fat Orange with star eyes full of admiration, and said with a milky voice: “Really?” 

“How could I lie?” Fat Orange sighed, “Being liked by too many people is also an annoyance. I’m tired of running around several houses everyday, ah.”

The kittens were even more envious.

The mother cat on the side rolled her eyes, stretched out her paw, and slapped one of the kittens on the head. She slapped them awake from their sweet dreams, and then pulled them away.

Seeing that every cat was doing their own thing, Little Sugar Cake heaved a sigh of relief, and while everyone was not paying attention, he stood up and stretched his numb hind legs. 

He was about to sit back, when he turned his head, and happened to meet Fat Orange’s gaze.

Just as Little Sugar Cake wanted to stretch out his front paws to signal Fat Orange to shut up.

However, before he could speak, the next second, Fat Orange rolled on the ground while laughing while holding his stomach, and shouted: “Hahaha, Little Sugar Cake is finally bald! He is bald!”

Dozens of pairs of cat eyes swept towards Little Sugar Cake. 

Under the shocked gazes of the cats, Little Sugar Cake maintained his posture of sticking out his left front paw, and raised his head and screamed in grief and indignation in the eyes of the cats: “Meow——”

Fat Orange!

I have a mortal grudge against you!

After breakfast, the kitties dispersed. 

Silly Bai Tian didn’t leave, and Xiao Hei wondered: “Why don’t you go back?”

Although Silly Bai Tian played with him outside when his owner went to work, in the morning after eating, when his owner was at home preparing to go to work, Silly Bai Tian would still give him a face and go home.

Silly Bai Tian sighed and said, “I don’t want to go back?”

Xiao Hei stood up abruptly and asked: “Why didn’t you go back? Did your owner bully you?” 

He knows that humans are reliable!

Silly Bai Tian shook his head and said: “I saw the woman who often came to the little white cat’s house. She often came to my owner’s house these days, and I even saw them hugging each other. I don’t want her to be my mistress.”

Little Sugar Cake, who was squatting on the stone steps, suddenly stood up and his eyes lit up!

A woman who comes often? Feng Jiaming?

She was hugging Fu Wei? 

Have they already hooked up?

Little Sugar Cake cheered up and couldn’t help but scratched his claws. He must find a way to tell Fu Xiao this kind of thing, he can’t let Fu Xiao run horses over his head!

He turned to Silly Bai Tian and asked him to inform him the next time Feng Jiaming came to Fu Wei.

Silly Bai Tian agreed and left. 

At this moment, Fu Xiao walked out.

Little Sugar Cake looked at Fu Xiao with a deep gaze.

Wait for him to bring Fu Xiao to catch Fu Wei and Feng Jiaming.

Fu Xiao will definitely be grateful to himself and give him a snack. 

From now on, he will live a fairy life of delicious mountain and sea delicacies, endless small dried fish, and two ice creams every day.

Fu Xiao smiled bitterly and looked at Little Sugar Cake, whose mind was wandering with unknown thoughts: “Let’s go, let’s go see Rong Hang.”

In Rong Hang’s ward. 

The gentle and handsome man is resting at his hospital bed.

Fu Xiao came in with Little Sugar Cake.

Rong Hang smiled and said: “Little Sugar Cake is here, ah?

Little Sugar Cake originally wanted to jump on Rong Hang, but when he thought Fu Xiao, who was holding him—— 

He could only squat on Fu Xiao with restraint, looking at Rong Hang with bright eyes.

Fu Xiao sat on the sofa beside him and said: “Secretary Zhang has already investigated the cause of the fire, and the results will be available in the next two days.”

Rong Hang nodded. He looked at Fu Xiao and Little Sugar Cake and said: “Thank you.”

Fu Xiao said lightly: “No thanks, if something happens to you, the movie will not go on, and Xingchen will suffer heavy losses.” Rong Hang hid the injury this time. 

The reason is that he is afraid that his injury will have a negative impact on the crew.

Fu Xiao also remembered this favor.

Rong Hang looked at Fu Xiao and frowned slightly. This time Fu Xiao can be said to have saved his life. Did Fu Xiao really come here just to see him?

Knowing that his contract is about to expire, ah. 

Is Xingchen really willing to let him go?

“I’m here to negotiate a contract with you.” Sitting on the sofa, Fu Xiao held Little Sugar Cake and said directly.

Rong Hang was taken aback by Fu Xiao’s confession. He thought for a while before saying: “What does Mr. Fu think?”

Fu Xiao shuffled through the long fur of Little Sugar Cake with his fingers: “Of course, I want to renew the contract with you.” 

A frequent visitor to the International Mainstream Gold Awards.

In other words, when it comes to domestic actors, the world’s first reaction is Rong Hang.

Foreign media once commented on Rong Hang like this—— Asia has produced only one Rong Hang in the past 100 years.

And Xingchen has only cultivated one Rong Hang in the world over the years. 

Besides, Rong Hang is in his prime as an actor, how could Xingchen let him go?

There is a little struggle in Rong Hang’s eyes. He is not an innocent person. After being rescued by Fu Xiao yesterday, he has been thinking about this problem, but now that the knife has finally fallen, he is more relaxed.

He originally didn’t want to be bound and wanted to set up his own studio, but Fu Xiao rescued him.

After all, it was his life that was saved. 

What’s more, after getting along with him a few times, Rong Hang’s view on Fu Xiao has changed a lot. It seems that it is not impossible to cooperate with Fu Xiao. He hesitated for a moment and was about to agree.

But Fu Xiao said: “Don’t mark a promise yet. I know you’re hesitating because I saved you, but it has nothing to do with the contract renewal.”

He scratched the chin of Little Sugar Cake and looked at the white long-haired cat in his arms: “I saved you because of Little Sugar Cake. You don’t need to be confused by these two things.”

Rong Hang was taken aback. 

What does Fu Xiao mean?

Fu Xiao then said: “I know you want to set up an independent studio.”

Rong Hang was silent and did not deny it.

Fu Xiao added: “You want to set up a studio with the purpose of trying to get domestic films out of the country, otherwise, you wouldn’t have taken on this movie, and Xingchen also has this purpose.” 

“It’s not enough to do this on your own. Xingchen can help you more.”

“I can give you a lot of freedom. I can’t say it without proof, so this is the contract, you can take a look——”

Rong Hang took over the contract and flipped through a few pages. The more he read, the more frightened he became. After reading it, he said in disbelief: “Xingchen and I will set up my studio together?”

Fu Xiao nodded indisputably. 

Rong Hang closed the contract and closed his eyes. The temptation of this contract was too great. Even if Fu Xiao didn’t save him, he would hesitate.

But since Fu Xiao had already prepared such a contract, why should he give it to him at this time?

Wasn’t Fu Xiao afraid that he would thought that he was over-reaching himself just because he was holding onto his favor?

The doubts in his eyes were too obvious, and Fu Xiao also noticed it. He evoked a confident smile and said: “You are a brilliant person. This contract is open and honest, and there is nothing I need to avoid, so why can’t I give it to you at this time?” 

And people like Rong Hang, on the contrary, have the least necessary to use the means of the business world.

The same light breeze and clear moon is the best after all.

Rong Hang was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and shook his head: “Fu Xiao, you are really a person full of surprises. I never seem to truly know you.”

Fu Xiao raised an eyebrow. 

Rong Hang closed the contract and said: “I promise.”

Fu Xiao was not surprised when he achieved his goal, he picked up Little Sugar Cake, preparing to leave.

Before he left, Rong Hang suddenly asked: “What will happen if I don’t promise you?”

Fu Xiao paused, then smiled and said nothing. 

If Rong Hang does not agree, an independent investment company called Heishan will soon find him and inject capital into his studio with conditions that he cannot refuse.

Fu Xiao hugged the cat in his arms and walked away quickly.

What he fancies, of course, he will certainly get.