Ch43 - The termination of the contract between Fu Xiao and Feng Jiaming

The Bald Butt King of Cats, Little Sugar Cake

After finishing the matter of Secretary Zhang, Little Sugar Cake found that the blue progress bar that had not moved for a long time took a big step forward.

Sure enough, Secretary Zhang is closely related to Fu Xiao’s fate. In the original book, Secretary Zhang was stabbed at home because of Father Zhang. This time, Father Zhang was punished for several crimes. The sentence was so long that Little Sugar Cake would never worry about meeting him in his life, and Father Zhang would never stab Secretary Zhang again. In this way, Fu Xiao’s fate has naturally changed. 

Little Sugar Cake lowered his head in thought.

Does this mean that what happened to Secretary Zhang and Fu Xiao’s car accident was not an accident?

If it wasn’t an accident, who did it?

As the biggest vested interest in the previous life.

Fu Wei doesn’t seem to have that courage, ah?

Father Fu, and Fu Xiao also minded their own business. Now because of his “true love”, it doesn’t look like he has time either.

Could it be someone from the company?

But he can’t go to the company, ah! 

He slumped sadly in the princess tent.

What should he do, ah?

Fu Xiao touched Little Sugar Cake’s frustrated little head for no apparent reason, and asked with a smile: “What’s wrong with you?”

However, Little Sugar Cake did not stick to Fu Xiao’s hand like he used to act like a spoiled child. His mind filled with worries and the burdens on his shoulders, Little Sugar Cake looked at Fu Xiao with “You don’t understand” eyes, and sighed deeply, then went back to his cat nest. 

Fu Xiao:  …

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, the soft and tender cry of a kitten suddenly came.

Little Sugar Cake’s pointed ears trembled, then he looked up at the direction where the sound came from.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, two months-old kittens jumped and tapped at the transparent window. 

The white long-haired cat came out of the pink princess tent in confusion. He walked to the floor-to-ceiling window to ask. The furry head of two kittens curiously approached, and so he asked: “Kittens, what’s the matter with you?”

The little white cat’s eyes couldn’t hide things in his eyes. He squatted obediently in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and stared curiously at the bald piece in Little Sugar Cake, and issued a question that hit the soul directly: “Brother Little Sugar Cake, are you going to become a bald cat? Uncle Fat Orange said that you are too greedy. You eat too much and refuse to exercise, so you become a bald cat? Is that true?”

How could the Fat Orange have the nerve to say that he ate too much and became a bald cat?

Obviously he eats more than pigs! 

The other, the little racoon cat stretched out his paws and patted the silly head of the little white cat mercilessly: “What are you talking about?”

The little white cat covered his head with his paws aggrievedly, and looked at the little raccoon cat with tears in his eyes.

What did he say wrong and why did his brother hit him.

The little raccoon cat apologized to Little Sugar Cake seriously and said, “Brother is ignorant, la. Don’t mind him, he’s just talking nonsense.” 

Little Sugar Cake was finally relieved.

Finally, a sensible cat.

The little raccoon, who looks like a mature big cat, turned his head to correct the little white cat and said firmly: “Obviously, Brother Little Sugar Cake sheds fur because he’s a picky eater. Everyone says so, don’t talk nonsense!”

Little Sugar Cake: ??? 

With tears streaming down his face, he thought, it wasn’t much better, ah.

But everyone?

Thinking of a possibility, Little Sugar Cake trembling stood up, and asked in a trembling voice: “Who are you referring to?” Obviously, not all the cats in the cat group came that day, ah.

This ‘everyone’ doesn’t mean what he thinks, right? 

The little white cat answered innocently: “All cats know it, Uncle Fat Orange told everyone, and other cats also know it. I heard that they even gave Brother Little Sugar Cake a nickname, The Bald Butt King of Cats. Hahaha, the name is so fitting, ah.”

The Bald Butt King of Cats?

Little Sugar Cake, who has been expecting to have a majestic nickname among the cats, let out a meow in grief and indignation.

Ah ah ah! 

He and Fat Orange have a mortal grudge against each other.

This hatred will not be avenged!

He, he swears not to be human, ah!

The little raccoon cat slapped his brother’s head with another paw. The smarter one faintly noticed that something was wrong, then he quickly left a sentence: “Silly Bai Tian let me tell you, that woman went to his owner, and now they are at the pavilion at the entrance of the garden.” 

Then he ran away with his brother.

Boss Little Sugar Cake looks so scary ah.

Little Sugar Cake, who was still immersed in the grief of that nickname, woke up with a jolt.

That woman? 

Feng Jiaming?

Did she go to Fu Wei?

Thinking about what this means.

Originally, Little Sugar Cake was sharpening his claws with grief and anger. He is in a bad mood now, and the two happened to bump into each other. He could not wait to scratch Fu Wei from head to toe to vent for the big smelly socks. 

Dea atf wbra lwqbgajca atlcu cbk lr ab ifa atf ylu rwfiis rbmxr xcbk jybea la.

Lf aegcfv tlr tfjv ab ibbx ja atf ecrerqfmalcu Me Wljb, ktb kjr rlaalcu lc atf ilnlcu gbbw jcv gjgfis gfjv atf cfkrqjqfg iflregfis, klat rjv fsfr.

The grass is about to be planted on his head, what newspaper are you reading!

Vb, Me Wljb rjk Olaaif Veujg Jjxf, ktb erejiis tjafr ublcu bea obg j kjix, pewqfv eq ab tlr offa wjpfralmjiis, jcv ugjyyfv tlr ifur jcv offa juugfrrlnfis, jcv vfrqfgjafis ifv tlw bearlvf. 

What’s wrong with this little ancestor again?

Who made it angry again?

Fu Xiao reluctantly put down the newspaper and went out with Little Sugar Cake.

In front of the Fu family’s several villas, there are separate gardens and independent security. There is also a large garden and matching tennis courts, golf courses, and swimming pools between the villas. The pavilion, as Silly Bai Tian said, was only available in the large garden. 

The daily maintenance of the large garden and the security of the gate were originally managed by Grandpa Fu. But now he is out, he didn’t want to bother his eldest grandson with these little things, so he handed all the chores to his son who couldn’t do anything.

It was for this reason that Father Fu often appears in public gardens.

So Fu Xiao rarely appears here.

And today, he didn’t know what wind blew Little Sugar Cake out by himself, Fu Xiao, who was helpless, could only follow. 

They walked to the entrance of the large garden, this is also the entrance to the gate of Fu residence.

Little Sugar Cake panted and gasped for breath, ready to go straight towards the pavilion with Fu Xiao’s pants in his mouth.

At this moment, a voice suddenly called from behind: “Ah Xiao——”

Little Sugar Cake turned his head suspiciously towards the entrance of the gate. 

A thin, gray-haired woman who looked about forty years old came over, supported by a strong old woman.

Who is this?

The gray-haired middle-aged lady looked beautiful and bright between her eyebrows and eyes, especially her pair of eyes. She is not as gentle as an ordinary woman, but with an aura of vigor. At this time, she looks a little gloomy. The woman is well-maintained, but her gray hair, as if to tell others without words, that time has not been kind to this person.

Between the woman’s brows and eyes, Little Sugar Cake always felt inexplicably familiar. 

A light flashed in his mind, and he turned to look at Fu Xiao.


This person’s eyes were exactly the same as Fu Xiao’s.

Little Sugar Cake looked ugly. 

He knew the identity of this woman.

Little Sugar Cake was shocked by the woman’s thick skin. How could she have the nerve to come here?

He did not forget Fu Xiao’s scars all over his body.

He looked at Fu Xiao worriedly. 

He raised his tail, his ears were lowered, his whole body exploded, and he stood in front of Fu Xiao. The little kitty tried to protect Fu Xiao, and growled lowly at the woman who was approaching. Although Little Sugar Cake was not yet an adult, he was too big. He stood in front of Fu Xiao, and the two did not dare to move forward.

The woman looked at Fu Xiao as her lips opened and closed: “Ah Xiao.”

She is Fu Xiao’s mother——

The former eldest lady of the Song family, and the former Mistress of the Fu family—— Song Mingwei. 

Fu Xiao’s eyes were cold and he looked at the security guard who was chasing them.

The security guard’s heart froze in a cold sweat, knowing that he had done something wrong. Originally, he thought this was President Fu’s biological mother. He let her in because he wanted to Please President Fu, ah.

But that doesn’t seem to be the case at all, ah.

President Fu treats his mother as indifferent as a stranger. 

This mother and son are like mortal enemies.

Song Mingwei glanced at the security guard: “It has nothing to do with him.” She looked around, and her eyes flashed with sadness. She also grew up here when she was young.

The old woman next to her said: “Even if my young lady has broken up with that bastard Fu Yunxi, my Song family is still a family friend of the Fu family. Why can’t our young lady come to the Fu family now?”

Song Mingwei stopped the old woman and prevented her from continuing. Song Mingwei looked at Fu Xiao and said: “I just wanted to come and see you.” 


Little Sugar Cake stepped forward and roared, hating not to be able to pounce on their faces.

Thinking of what he had seen before, his heart ached a little, for the little Fu Xiao he had never seen before.

Fu Xiao picked up Little Sugar Cake. 

Little Sugar Cake was still struggling to jump off Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao soothingly touched Little Sugar Cake, then looked at Song Mingwei, his warm eyes immediately turned indifferent: “You want to see me? Why? Haven’t you seen enough before?”

“You liked these animals when you were young.” Song Mingwei was not angry. Seeing Fu Xiao holding Little Sugar Cake, she recalled something in her eyes. In those sharp eyes that Fu Xiao had never seen any affection, there was a hint of tenderness, which was something that Fu Xiao had never seen or received before. And what he has never received belongs to the tenderness of a mother.

Despite Fu Xiao knowing what the person in front of him looks like, and his heart, which was hard as iron, still couldn’t help but trembled slightly. 

In the end, it was the deepest part of his heart that was having a hard time calming down.

Deep doubts from the depths of countless dreams when he was young.

Did he really not deserve to be liked? So even the flesh and blood of the closest relatives hate himself like that.

Even though he was already strong enough that he didn’t need an answer to this, he still had an obsession in his heart to know that answer. 

It’s just that——

Little Sugar Cake moved from Fu Xiao’s confining embrace and worriedly licked the side of Fu Xiao’s face.

Fu Xiao felt a slightly warm feeling from his chin, and when he looked down, he saw Little Sugar Cake’s pure blue eyes full of worry.

Fu Xiao was stunned for a moment, and his eyes were all relieved. He was uneasy about the feelings he had when he was young. 

Seeing that Fu Xiao didn’t answer, she said to herself: “The doctor said that my condition is well controlled and I can be discharged from the hospital.” She looked at Fu Xiao, just like a mother looking at her son, with a deep guilt in her voice: “Ah Xiao, I’m sorry. Those years, I was like in a dream, I couldn’t control myself at all. I’ve never been able to forgive myself for the rest of my life.”

“You just don’t have a good excuse.” Fu Xiao interrupted coldly: “What does it matter to me how you are?”

Song Mingwei was taken aback.

Rather, the woman next to her, Mother Liu, couldn’t help but scold: “The Fu family really doesn’t have a good thing. The lady worked so hard to conceive and gave birth to you for nine months, and the Song family raised you until you were 10 years old. Now, after staying in the Fu family for more than ten years, you have forgotten the kindness and support the Song family had given to you. You are really a white-eyed wolf.” 

She was Song Mingwei’s nanny. She grew up with Song Mingwei. She was waiting for Song Mingwei to get married and she retired and returned to her hometown. Unexpectedly, when she came back more than ten years later, the elegant and smart lady went crazy and went to the mental hospital. The master died, and she has been taking care Song Mingwei in the mental hospital with the feeling of repaying gratitude. She didn’t know anything about the past ten years, and she just heard it from others. She only knew that the young lady was more strict with Fu Xiao, and after Fu Xiao was picked up by the Fu Family, he hadn’t come back to see the young lady for nearly 20 years.

After the young lady recovered from her illness, the first thing she did was to look for Fu Xiao eagerly.

Comparing the two sides, she felt that it was not worth it for the young lady.

Song Mingwei interrupted Mother Liu’s words and said: “Ah Xiao is not wrong. I am sorry for him.” 

Fu Xiao only felt bored with the bitter drama in front of him. He picked up Little Sugar Cake, and looked down at Song Mingwei, and the corner of his mouth had a mocking smile: “You hate me, and I hate you too, so why are you still pretending? Letting you live like this is my biggest concession.”

The remnants of the Song family, the existence of Madam Song, and the so-called ridiculous benevolence that he almost didn’t want to mention.

More importantly, he didn’t want to get his hands dirty for such a person.

Song Mingwei’s hand shook, she bit her lip, and smiled sadly. She just wanted to say something—— 

Mother Liu interrupted: “Young lady let’s go. This kind of wolf-hearted person is not worth it.” She glanced at Fu Xiao, and she said with anger in her heart: “He is a murderer. He killed his grandfather at a young age. Such people are bad at heart since childhood.”


Suddenly there was a sound from the corner.

Several people looked in the direction of the sound. 

Fu Wei and Feng Jiaming appeared.

It’s just that their hands were clasped tightly together.

Fu Xiao looked towards the two of them.

The two also looked at Fu Xiao in disbelieve—— 

This person just said that Fu Xiao was a murderer.

The two were surprised and made a sound, and when they saw Fu Xiao looking over, Fu Wei greeted stiffly: “Brother.”

Feng Jiaming was in turmoil. She knew that Fu Xiao was cold-hearted, but she never thought that Fu Xiao would kill people.

Little Sugar Cake was so angry that he almost jumped out of Fu Xiao’s arms. What nonsense was this person talking about? 

When Mother Liu saw everyone looking at her, she snorted coldly: “I’m not mistaken, that year, the master died of a heart attack in the study, and Fu Xiao was also in the study. When the master died, the medicine was scattered at his feet, and Fu Xiao was in the study all afternoon, and he just watched there helplessly. Seeing that the master was sick, he could have picked up the medicine to save the master or went outside to find someone, but he did nothing. If it was not him killing, then what?

Little Sugar Cake can’t believe it.

Even if he had long known that Fu Xiao’s dark past was inseparable from his tyrant grandfather. The collapse of the Song family started with the death of the old man Song.

But even so, Little Sugar Cake firmly believed that Fu Xiao would not do such a thing. 

Fu Xiao has his perseverance and bottom line.

Although he did not know what happened——

Little Sugar Cake is extremely confident that Fu Xiao is still abiding by this.

But Fu Xiao didn’t have any explanation, and Little Sugar Cake was struggling on him and wanted to jump off and scratch them to death. 

On the contrary, Song Mingwei said to Mother Liu: “Don’t talk about it. At that time, Ah Xiao was still young, how could he understand this.”

Fu Xiao rubbed his forehead and said to a group of security guards who rushed over: “Lead them away.”

The security guards took them away.

Song Mingwei didn’t force to stay, she turned and left with the help of Mother Liu, and when he turned her back to everyone, the deep hatred that was well hidden in her eyes flashed past. 

Only Fu Xiao, Fu Wei and Feng Jiaming were left in the garden.

Fu Xiao turned to look at Fu Wei and Feng Jiaming, and landed on their tightly held hands.

Feng Jiaming hid behind Fu Wei, and looked at Fu Xiao with a suspicious look in her eyes, probably because what Mother Liu said just now shocked Feng Jiaming too much. She even took a step back in fear subconsciously.

The puffed up Little Sugar Cake finally recovered his senses, and looked at Feng Jiaming! 

By the way, the adulterous couple has not been resolved!

He was even more angry when he saw Feng Jiaming’s subconscious step back!

What does this mean, ah?

Fu Wei and Feng Jiaming are both of the next generation, and they are younger than Fu Xiao. Many things in those days have been covered up, so they don’t know. 

However, Fu Wei was from Fu family after all, and he vaguely knew that Fu Xiao’s situation was far more serious than Song Mingwei’s understatement.

It was just now, he was awkwardly holding Feng Jiaming’s hand.

He and Feng Jiaming also have a lot of hardships when they talk about it. Whenever they want to confirm their relationship, and pierced the widow paper, there will always be misunderstandings of one kind or another, so they have never had the opportunity to clarify with his elder brother.

Now it’s just the right time to meet his elder brother. 

He turned to look at Feng Jiaming, and made up his mind to take responsibility, and said to his eldest brother: “Big brother is all my fault. It has nothing to do with Jiaming. You can beat me and scold me. I’m willing to accept any kind of punishment.”

But no matter what, he wants to be with Jiaming.

Feng Jiaming was very moved when she saw Fu Wei, and she also made up her mind. She turned to look at Fu Xiao, as if she was looking at a stranger. Only now did she realize that he had never known Fu Xiao.

She never wanted to break the agreement with Fu Xiao before because she felt sorry for Fu Xiao. Over the years, Fu Xiao has done what he promised. 

But now, Feng Jiaming really has no way to lie to herself and Fu Xiao.

As long as she thought about being with Fu Xiao, Feng Jiaming felt that every second was a torture.

She will find other opportunities to repay what Fu Xiao has done for her in the future. It’s just feelings. Sorry, she can’t respond.

She made up her mind and said to Fu Xiao: “That contract——” 

As soon as she made a sound, Little Sugar Cake widened her eyes vigilantly?

What? Does Feng Jiaming want to break the contract?


If you want to break the contract, Fu Xiao should do it! 

Big smelly socks can’t be the one to be dumped, not even in name!

Little Sugar Cake anxiously patted Fu Xiao with his meat pad.

At this moment, the two people’s brain waves seemed to match up. Fu Xiao pressed Little Sugar Cake’s meat pad, and said casually: “Let’s void that contract.”

Fu Xiao said it first, and Little Sugar Cake heaved a sigh of relief. 

Fu Xiao looked at Feng Jiaming’s unfamiliar face and said: “Your mother once helped me. Before she died, I promised her that I would take good care of you. Now that you have found the right person for you.” His eyes fell on the tightly clasped hands of Feng Jiaming and Fu Wei and continued: “Then the contract will be voided.”

He also did what he promised.


Feng Jiaming was at a loss. 

Was it because of her mother? She couldn’t believe it. Fu Xiao was only with her for her mother? After all those years that shackled her, the contract was voided, but she was not as happy and relieved as she imagined.

Didn’t Fu Xiao always like her?

Could it be that it was only her own misunderstanding all these years?

Feng Jiaming was stunned for a moment, not knowing why her face was burning with pain. 

“Remember to put the cup away, and don’t leave it where it shouldn’t.” Fu Xiao looked at Feng Jiaming and said his last sentence: “This is the last thing I will do for your mother, and from now on, I have repaid her kindness.”

In order for people not to know, they must do it on their own. He promised to help Feng Jiaming, but the premise was that she did the right thing. What Feng Jiaming has done these days was getting more and more out of bounds. He originally wanted to have a good talk with Feng Jiaming about the contract.

Although it was a little abrupt just now, it was just right.

Fu Wei was puzzled, what cup? 

Feng Jiaming was startled, and immediately tried to——

Fu Xiao knew that she had hidden the cup.

She didn’t want to do that, but she wanted that opportunity too much. She can no longer make a single mistake in front of Director Angus.

When Fu Xiao passed by Fu Wei, he shook his head and asked softly: “Are you sure this is what you want?” 

Fu Wei was stunned.

Fu Xiao said: “Although I don’t care, it doesn’t mean other people don’t care. Have you ever thought about how bad it would be if this spread outside?”

After all, over the years, it was considered half-accepted that Feng Jiaming would marry Fu Xiao.

But now it has become Fu Wei. 

The old master’s mountain barrier is not enough to get them in the pot.

Moreover, the personalities of Feng Jiaming and Fu Wei are not suitable for Fu Xiao. 

Feng Jiaming will naturally no longer have any privileges in Xingchen. Will Feng Jiaming, who has been used to it for so many years, really adapt?

It’s just that none of this has anything to do with him.

After he finished speaking, Fu Xiao left with Little Sugar Cake in his arms.

Little Sugar Cake was so shocked, just let them go so lightly? 


He is not reconciled!

He must at least leave a paw print on Fu Wei’s face!

He especially struggled in Fu Xiao’s arms. 

Fu Xiao felt the struggle of the dumpling in his arms, and just patted the butt of Little Sugar Cake with a headache.

He didn’t know where Little Sugar Cake got the habit of scratching people.

It really needs to be changed.

The author has something to say: 

Wow! You must praise me.

Last night, I typed from 11:00 to 12:00.

My head is a mess, and I can’t sleep. From 5:30 in the morning until now, I just wanted to avoid getting stuck in the chapter.


Feng Jimaing is no longer Fu Xiao’s nominal fiancé. Although it will still take a while before her end.

But her fall is certainly not just a sudden ending.

Sunnyshies: If anyone noticed the pronoun the cats were using now, I’ve changed it a long time ago. The author was beginning to address the cats with their gender pronoun now (I dunno where it started), but sometimes, the author will still have the ‘it’. In this chapter, when the author wrote the monologues of the kittens’ siblings, there were several, “it” and “he” combined in a sentence.

So to be consistent, I’ll use the gender pronoun now. Anyway, Little Sugar Cake will become Human soon, so the usage of “it” will decrease, and the “it” will only be used when the POV changes to people who see Little Sugar Cake as just a cat. 

Little Sugar Cake will now focus on Fu Xiao’s safety!!!

And also, I’ll do another double update in next update!! Thanks for the support guys! The following chapters is really good!