He is the light itself


Everyone was stunned.

Teacher Fang reacted first, he looked up and down at Su Zening arrogantly, and sneered:  “Can you play? Have you seen the score?” He had never seen this teenager before. He must have no reputation in the music circle, so Teacher Fang did not take him seriously.

Su Zening said casually: “I haven’t seen it.” His fingers rested on the white table next to him, tapping lightly and melodiously.

Teacher Fang said as if he had heard a joke: “You haven’t even read the music sheet, you dare to say such a thing?” 

Although this melody is simple and has no connotation, it is purely a complacent pop tune made by the young master himself, so it is not difficult. But this person said a lot of nonsense without even reading the song.

He hasn’t read it many times, but he has been obsessed with the piano since he was a child, and has been with the piano since he could remember. He studied classical music, and none of the teachers who have taught him lamented his talent in music performance. Years of hard study and practice had given him the confidence, and he only needed to read the score a few times. And that’s exactly what happened, he really did well.

However, this kid, he’s afraid that he doesn’t even have such a foundation.

When the staff saw this, they complained in their hearts. This young master has not even read the song, so what is he doing, join the fun, ah? He wanted to separate the people in conflict and said: “This young master, let’s go over there and have a seat first?” This time the little young master wanted to surprise the eldest young master, who would have known such a thing would happen. The trouble was so big that he would be skinned by the eldest young master.

Su Zening smiled lightly, then he titled his head, with the characteristic youthful vigor, and he looked at Teacher Fang with his blue eyes: “Can I try it out and learn it?”

Teacher Fang was taken aback by his bright eyes. The teenager seemed to have a plan in his heart.

Does this kid want to do a sight-reading of the score?


Although it’s simple pop music, even he can’t do sight-reading. No, he may barely be able to do it, but it is just barely getting the tune and melody out, and there is no detailing at all

This kind of performance is not a complete work at all, it can only be said to be a semi-finished product.

Without a lot of accumulation and connection, and an understanding of music theory, how can he do sight-reading?

What’s more, Teacher Fang looked at Su Zening’s fingers, which were long and well-defined. 

Most people who practice the piano for a long time have thick and short fingers with fine calluses, they wouldn’t be so white and tender at all. He believed that this teenager just practiced a few tunes at random. A little young master who has no points for his level even after passing the so-called tenth grade.

Teacher Fang thought of the teenager’s level of points here, and finally put down his heart and said: “This kind of piano is not something that anyone can play. At your level, I’m afraid you won’t be able to play it for another ten years.”  Although this is rude, it is true. This piano is absolutely worthy of its price, and definitely not something that anyone can handle. That’s why he doesn’t like that little young master Nie.

Without more than ten years of consistent practice and concentration, it is impossible to control this piano at all. That young master Nie couldn’t do it at all. 

This piano can only be dusted here and reduced to a tool for rich people to show off.

The staff there had no choice and wanted to forcibly pull Su Zening away.

However, Su Zening sat by the piano, he raised his head towards Teacher Fang, then the corner of lips bent and he smiled. This smile was a little arrogant, but the teenager’s eyes were clear. Such an arrogant smile not only did not appear frivolous, but made the teenager dazzling like a scorching sun.

The teenager’s voice was not loud, but his words were very clear: “Why don’t you dare to?” 

The staff and Teacher Fang who originally wanted to pull Su Zening away were stunned.

Teacher Fang’s companion suddenly thought, just now he saw the teenager’s fingertips tapping on the table. That rhythmic tapping, that gesture, he silently recalled, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

Isn’t that——

Is that the song they just played? 

At this time, Nie Changmo’s indifferent voice came: “It’s not up to you to say whether it can be done or not.” The sick teenager walked in, and once he came in, he glanced coldly at Teacher Fang and the staff. He has been pampered since he was a child, and has an amazing momentum. At that glance, the two of them avoided Nie Changmo’s gaze subconsciously and did not dare to refute.

Nie Changmo ignored them and said to Su Zening: “Ning Ning, do you want to try it?” Although he is not in good health, he has had a strong and intelligent personality since he was a child. How could he not hear the disdain in that Teacher Fang’s tone.

Nie Changmo has always been accustomed to being arrogant. He would rather be a broken jade than a tile with a complete personality. What’s the use of that Teacher Fang playing well, since Teacher Fang despised him from the bottom of his heart, why should he rush to find him and be unhappy.

“Momo, although I’m not very good.” Su Zening did not shirk, put his hand on the piano and said: “But I have learned piano from my family. If you believe me, leave it to me. I will try to do the best I can.”

Dad often said he wasn’t talented enough, much worse than when he was young.

He didn’t even know if he could do it well. 

But he will definitely do his best, absolutely can’t leave such an important thing to Momo to this Teacher Fang, who doesn’t care at all.

Nie Changmo smiled and said: “Ning Ning, just do your best, no matter what you play, I like it.” Of course he knew that Ning Ning had never read the music he made by himself. This will be the first time he’ll see the piece, so he would definitely stumble when he played it, but that wouldn’t change a thing, he will be happy with it.

He knew exactly who was sincere and who was perfunctory.

Teacher Fang couldn’t help but say: “He don't know the height and thickness of the sky.” He looked at the people who were attracted by the dispute just now, and sneered in his heart, waiting to see the joke of the teenager.

This class of piano is not just expensive, the timbre of a classical grand piano depends on the musician’s strength, control and position when pressing the keys. The subtle strength between the fingers will cause subtle changes in the timbre, and it is precisely the application and expression of this change that gives the piano a rich sense of hierarchy.

And this legendary piano will magnify its own subtle shortcomings ten thousand times.

Even when he played it for the first time, when he heard the melody with holes in his fingers, he was so ashamed that he wanted to die. 

Just with this kid?

Teacher Fang sneered and looked at the audio switch that was turned off.

Then he turned the speaker on without revealing a trace.

Gbfrc’a atlr xlv kjca ab qijs? 

Ktfc tf klii tfiq tlw tlwrfio.

C ibk-xfs jcv fifujca mijrrlmji ugjcv qljcb, jcv klat j mtlivlrt affcjufg rlaalcu lc ogbca, tf qea tlr olcufgr bc atf xfsr. Ktf afwqfgjwfca bo atf ktbif qfgrbc’r eqqfg ybvs, jgwr, jcv fnfc atf qbraegf yfakffc atf olcufgr kfgf mbwqifafis vloofgfca.

Teacher Fang originally wanted to see the face of the joke, but he suddenly became serious and looked at his companion.

Whether he has basic skills, it can be seen at a glance. 

Not to mention the rest of this teenager’s basic skills are beyond reproach.

His companions thought more. He closed his eyes and thought carefully about where the teenager’s fingers were hitting on the table and where the keys of the piano were. Their tutors often play and arrange music silently on the table, but this could only be achieved after years of experience.

He couldn’t help showing a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and he had a hunch in his heart that they might encounter a tough stubble.

Nie Changmo naturally stepped forward and wanted to turn the score for Su Zening. 

Su Zening raised his head and smiled at him: “No need.”

Nie Changmo was stunned for a moment, and then realized, Ning Ning, what do you mean with no lyrics?

Su Zening pointed to his head and curved the corners of his mouth playfully, showing his little tiger teeth: “I have written it down.” He had already written it down just after listening to Teacher Fang playing it once.

In the music industry, they have this so-called ‘sight-singing‘ and ‘perfect pitch‘.

The so-called ‘sight-singing’ is to read the score and sing it. While the so-called ‘perfect pitch’ is to discern intervals and pitches.

These were just basic skills for him, so he can naturally remember them after listening to them once, but he’s not that great. Dad could hear any wrong note in the symphony band, but he couldn’t. He could only hear the high or low of a certain part, and he was always laughed at by Dad for this. 

Teacher Fang snorted coldly.

Obviously, he heard Su Zening’s nonsense. After listening to it once, he can remember it all. Who does he think he is?

His companion looked at Su Zening in shock. Just now, he thought that the teenager would definitely not be able to do it, but now he is not so sure.

Su Zening took a deep breath. Many pictures of the past flashed through his blue eyes. When he pressed the key between his fingers, the low tone of the piano sounded throughout the hall, and many people in the hall looked towards this side. This sound is not very pleasant. 

Teacher Fang sneered, the first sound was not strong enough, this was really a slap in the face.

He hadn’t finished being complacent, when he noticed that a cold gaze fell on him, and he raised his head in shock. It was Nie Changmo.

This sickly teenager looked at him coldly, his eyes were clear as if he had seen through everything.

Teacher Fang’s heart tightened, and then he thought about what would happen if he was found out. Anyway, he was going abroad. After leaving the country, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, not to mention he did nothing. 

A series of different and unfamiliar sounds were played between the teenager’s fingers. Teacher Fang shook his head. Sure enough, this is a typical example of inaccurate grasp of piano dynamics.

What about memorizing notation?

This kind of level, just stumbling and popping?

What a joke. 

Sure enough, the piano sound that was amplified to the entire banquet hall did not sound good, which attracted the attention of many people.

The guests couldn’t help frowning, who was fooling around.

The staff said anxiously: “Hey, who turned on the stereo.”

He looked at Su Zening a little helplessly. If he didn’t take the diamond, he shouldn’t take the porcelain, ah. 

It’s done now, ai!

However,  Su Zening didn’t care at all. The teenager, who was looking at the keys with his eyebrows closed, was serious and calm, as if he had put everything out of his mind.

The staff looked at Nie Changmo and whispered: “Little young master, I’m going to turn off the stereo.”

Nie Changmo looked at Su Zening’s serious and slightly nodding face. The sunlight shone from the floor-to-ceiling windows and just fell on the teenager’s face. The teenager’s skin was crystal clear, his curled and thick eyelashes were like butterfly wings, and his waist was straight, and his whole body was quiet and beautiful. 

Nie Changmo felt inexplicably at ease, and said with unreasonable confidence in the teenager: “No.”

For a moment, the staff did not dare to disobey Nie Changmo’s order, and could only watch with a sad face as more and more people in the banquet hall noticed this.

Teacher Fang’s companion breathed a sigh of relief. He pulled the corner of teacher Fang’s clothes, signaling Teacher Fang to go and give in to a softer side of the Nie family. He knows that Teacher Fang has always been arrogant, but the Nie family is a local snake after all. They can’t make the relationship between them stale if they can. What’s more, this teenager obviously can’t play it now. If they submit flexibly, and if this matter is done well, the Nie family probably won’t be able to say anything. 

Teacher Fang understood what he meant, he walked over to Nie Changmo and said triumphantly: “Young Master Nie, professional things should be left to professional people.” He looked at the piano as if he was looking at his beloved lover, with a feverish light in his eyes: “This piano can only perform at its best in my hands. Young master Nie, you don’t want your hard work to be wasted.”

Nie Changmo gave him a cold look.

Neither of them noticed that the teenager’s rusty fingers had just become proficient at an astonishing speed.

The teenager sitting in front of the piano finally stopped 

Teacher Fang looked over and couldn’t help but think, is this kid finally embarrassed to play again? If he was this kid, he would have been so ashamed to continue the shot.

The teenager moved just a little bit towards Nie Changmo and smiled: “I’m ready.”

Then his ten fingers flew, and a series of transparent and spiritual notes flowed from his fingers like a bright spirit, dancing in the ears of the listeners, the eyes of all the listeners could not help but light up.

It was completely different from the general rustiness of a complete beginner. 

Teacher Fang froze when he heard it.

How come?

The layman watches the fun, while the expert watches the doorway.

The teenager’s series of tones is more than just a good sound. 

After all, the piano is a percussion instrument, and each sound will disappear soon after being played, just like a pearl, each pearl is beautiful, but that’s all. And the player has to connect the notes through the subtle grasp of the strength of the piano, and wear it into a gorgeous pearl necklace. Many people will appear very rigid if they are not handled well, but the timbre of the teenager’s  is extremely spiritual.

Teacher Fang’s face changed greatly.

His companion bowed his head and smiled bitterly: “How can he have no fame in the industry at this level.” Even if he only plays simple pop music, the teenager’s handling of details and the use of skills can already explain a lot of things. Moreover, the string of chords between the teenager’s fingers are naturally formed, his body is literally following his heart. This can’t be done without decades of accomplishments immersed in music theory and a talent far beyond others.

It was because they understand, so they have no way to deceive themselves. 

Just now, they did it well, but it was just limited to completing it.

But the series of notes this teenager did is like someone whispering softly in your ear in the dead of night. Even the staff who didn’t understand music could hear that the teenager seemed to play much better than this ghost teacher Fang.

Although he couldn’t say anything, he felt that Teacher Fang’s sound was just good, and his ears easily forgot it just after hearing it. But the teenager’s music can penetrate into people’s hearts and keep lingering in his mind all the time.

After the hazy and low prelude, a melody soft as a silk flowed out from the teenager’s fingers. Under a beam of golden sunlight, the teenager turned his head slightly, his cat-like almond eyes and his mixed-race face made him look like a fairy under the moonlight. His indifferent eyes due to his concentration added an amazing charm to him. When his eyes swept across the crowd, that blue gleam made one’s heart tremble. 

Nie Changmo also understands music, and he looked at Ning Ning in slight surprise.

Was Ning Ning so powerful?

But this wasn’t the only thing that surprised him.

The next moment, the teenager’s thin lips moved slightly, and a clear and transparent voice sounded with the agile piano sound: “I will become a thousand howling winds, flying over the brilliant white snow cover of Northrend.” (Note 1) 

The teenager’s voice was light and free and brisk.

Without any dazzling skills, he simply sang with a simple melody, but for some reason, listening to it made one feel sour.

Nie Changmo raised his eyes suddenly, and he looked at Su Zening in disbelief.

Su Zening understands everything. 

He understands.

“I will be a soft and delicate rain, sprinkling in the golden rice field of the Westfall.”

The teenager’s gentle voice is like the gurgling water in the mountains. It spread throughout the hall, and many people in the banquet hall had put down their wine glasses and looked for the source of the sound. The music was not loud, but there was an inexplicable magic that quietly flowed into everyone’s hearts.

However, Teacher Fang and his companion understood that this is not because the teenager’s voice was inherently infectious, it would be better to say that the teenager naturally knew how to express these emotions using techniques, and so did the notes flowing in his fingers. Every turning point is just right in succession, it seems that the teenager does not need to think at all. 

It is his instinct to convey these emotions.

What kind of monster is this?

“I will be a warm shining star, illuminating the lonely eternal rest of Darnassus.”

“I exist in the beauty of everything.” 

People who hear this song are like walking into a peaceful and serene dream. The beautiful memories that have faded in memory come alive again, and the beauty that has been forgotten in the years seemed to be in front of their eyes.

In the song, the beauty that was once thought to be forgotten seems to have not been forgotten. The world turns around, people gather and disperse, and what is lost becomes the most beautiful light, turning into rain in the sky, turning into stars in the night sky, accompanying them in another form.

There is some loss, but there seems to be some solace.

After all, life is full of regrets. 

What was lost may one day be seen in another form.

As he sang, Su Zening always has a touch of naturalness, but it flows into people’s hearts with an imperceptible sadness. His voice seems to be inherently infectious, capable of conveying emotions to everyone.

Su Zening sang this song, but remembered his past.

He forgot where he had seen the poem. 

Momo didn’t write the last two lines of this poem, but he remembered it clearly——

“Don’t stand at my grave and cry, I was not there; I never left.”

Momo is just like how he used to be, ah.

(See the quote) 

The author has something to say:

Nie Changmo looked at Su Zening.

He knew that Su Zening understood this song.

It took him eighteen years to finally recognize a fact. 

There are regrets in life, just as he can only be a passer-by in his brother’s life.

After all, he is just a mortal who is not pitied by God. His fate is not fair, he didn’t want to, but he couldn’t help it.

If there is an afterlife, he is willing to turn into wind, rain and light to meet his brother again.

So when that day does come. 

Please don’t be sad, brother, treat all the good things in life as him, and after he leaves, he can still feel all the good things in life.

The eyes of the two young men looked at each other, their eyes were free and at ease, but they were firm.

When the song ended, no one spoke, and everyone looked at the teenager in front of the piano.

And the pale teenager with his head slightly turned in front of the piano seems to be the light itself. 

Note 1: Poem

“Please don’t cry at my grave”







洒在西部荒野的 ## 金色稻田。?



Do not stand at my grave and cry for me.

I wasn’t there, I never slept. ?

I am a thousand howling winds,

Flying over the brilliant white snow cover of Northrend. ?

I am the soft and delicate rain,

Sprinkle in the ## golden rice fields of the Westfall. ?

I am the quiet and clear morning,

Pervading the green and lush Vale of Stranglethorn.

I am the mighty and majestic drum,

Walking through the infinite grassland of Nagrand.

I am the warm shining star,

Illuminating the lonely eternal rest of Darnassus.

I am the singing bird,

I exist in the beauty of everything.

Do not stand at my grave and cry for me,

I wasn’t there, I never left. 

A little angel said something, I went to check it, and there was really something wrong with what I said before.

This one is a version written by Blizzard in honor of one a small child.

There is a Japanese version written as a song called “Turned to a Thousand Winds”.


There are many professional terms. Non-professionals have to use references for many words, after all, you’re not a professional. Please forgive me if you have any questions.

Please tap

Sunnyshies: I was like *wipe of tears* but the next second, I was *wipe of sweat*. I dunno why, but when translating the lyrics, I felt like its hard?  ̄Д ̄=3At first, I tried searching the original. There’s the “Do not stand at my grave and weep” is the first line and popular title of the bereavement poem “Immortality”, written by Clare Harner in 1934. And the song “Turned to a Thousand Winds”. And these two have many version too. It took me a while to realized that there’s the “Blizzard Version”. When I manage to find that version in google, I finished tling…sheesh~ so that the places that named from games were really there. I thought I was tling it wrong…(-‸ლ) and btw, I dunno about the symbols on the lyrics, I just tled it from the author’s not…

Anyway, enough of this, the the author’s note is long enough.

This chapter is the best but at this same time a headache. Hahaha, anyway, the best way to end it is a teaser for the next chapter…

Next chapter Sneak peak