Sunnyshies: Almost forgot! Thank you for P for the kofi!!

His action is too gentle and loving 

When Fu Xiao opened his eyes, sure enough, he saw Little Sugar Cake back in his arms.

He had to say, there was a secret joy rising in his heart.

Did Little Sugar Cake really stick to him? 

As soon as he got up, Little Sugar Cake, who was lying on his chest, opened his eyes in a daze.

Fu Xiao habitually stretched out his slender hand.

Originally at this time, Little Sugar Cake would rub his head against his hand.

But today, after the white long-haired cat woke up, it shook its furry head and jumped arrogantly to the bedside table, then he looked down at Fu Xiao, he let out an inexplicable meow, and then arrogantly flicked his fluffy tail and jumped off the bedside table. He turned his face as if he didn’t recognize this person.

Sure enough, he was still angry.

Fu Xiao probably understood why, but——

The teenager in his mind still appears and disappears from time to time. The slender and handsome man sighed imperceptibly and walked into the bathroom.

When he came out after washing up, the white long-haired cat was squatting on the table without even looking at him. 

When Fu Xiao turned around, a scorching gaze stared at his back.

It’s just so hard to ignore.

As soon as he turned his head, that line of sight disappeared, and there was only a white cat licking his paws as if nothing had happened, and his cat face was literally saying “I’m not staring at you”.

Fu Xiao:  … 

One person and one cat went downstairs.

Little Sugar Cake, who used to squat on Fu Xiao’s shoulders, ran downstairs by himself. The snow-white cat raised his tail and ran down the stairs nimbly, then he jumped next to the cabinet next to the grandpa butler, and raised his head to look at the butler innocently with blue eyes, meowing.

As for the half-open window, what does it have to do with him?

If you want to blame someone, blame it on Fu Xiao! 

“Yo, Little Sugar Cake is up, ah.” The butler said with a smile. In fact, he usually doesn’t care about such trivial matters. But today, because of such trivial matters, he is in a bad mood.

The not-so-good reason is because Father Fu’s villa was very lively this morning.

The villa welcomed a new owner today, and Fu Xiao has one more brother, who is only just a month old.

Father Fu and Bai Yangxin had been fighting for more than half a year. Although Bai Yangxin and Father Fu were separated, this woman still relies on her understanding of Father Fu, and went to cry and beg to give birth to the child. 

When this humiliating child was born, Father Fu’s mood was very complicated, so naturally he didn’t make much fanfare. Today, the child has just been picked up from the hospital, and not many people outside know that there is a third young master in the Fu family.

Me Wljb kjixfv bnfg yftlcv Olaaif Veujg Jjxf, atfc kjixfv ab Olaaif Veujg Jjxf’r rlvf. Ktf ktlaf mja klat tlr tfjv ralmxlcu bea tjv ygluta fsfr. Lf mbeivc’a tfiq yea gfjmt bea jcv qea tlr tjcv mibrf ab Olaaif Veujg Jjxf’r mtlc.

Ktf yeaifg ibbxfv ja Me Wljb tfrlajcais, jcv rjlv: “Tbecu wjrafg, atf mtliv kjr ygbeuta yjmx bnfg atfgf——”

After all, it was also the young master’s younger brother, and they were so close, it didn’t seem to be good to ignore him. 

Hearing this, Fu Xiao went to scratched his chin and said: “The old man has a much better temper.” This child cannot be born without the approval of the old man. Fu Xiao is actually not the eldest son of the Fu family. Before Fu Xiao was born, Fu Wei’s mother was pregnant with one. At that time, Fu Yunxi naively thought that old master Fu would agree to the marriage for the sake of his grandson.

As a result, Old master Fu vividly taught Fu Yunxi a lesson.

He forcibly let that child be aborted.

Now, the old man is really old, and his heart became much softer. 

If this happens before, Old master Fu will never let Bai Yangxin give birth to this child.

Of course, Bai Yangxin has already been swept out of the Fu family. And Fu Yunxi really didn’t dare to say a word.

Fu Xiao didn’t care and said to the butler: “Let them make trouble.”

The butler nodded, he also meant the same thing. 

At breakfast.

With Little Sugar Cake’s pride, he pushed his breakfast to the living room.

A TV show is playing in the living room.

When Fu Xiao came out of the dining room, he saw the snow-white furball in front of the TV only eating half of the breakfast. He stood up, raised his tail, and with wide eyes, he watched the TV series excitedly. 

In the TV series, a woman in an ancient palace dress said tearfully: “This concubine can’t do it, ah.”

Next to her, Rong Hang, the ancient emperor version, walked away with a look of anger.

Fu Xiao:  …

All this, what this is? 

Fu Xiao asked the butler with a headache: “What’s going on?”

The butler smiled and said: “This is Rong Hang’s complete work copied by Miss Mingming for Little Sugar Cake. This is Little Sugar Cake’s favorite TV series. It watched it back and forth many times.”

Fu Xiao rubbed his forehead: “Don’t let Little Sugar Cake have these in the future.” Little Sugar Cake is still small, and he watched this everyday. He used to think that Little Sugar Cake could not understand it, but now he knows that Little Sugar Cake can understand, obviously, he can’t allow it anymore.

The butler asked in wonder: “So what should I put there?” 

Fu Xiao thought about the programs that Little Sugar Cake liked in the past, and reluctantly picked out one that was okay——

“Society Ruled by Law.”

After breakfast, one person and one cat went to work in a hurry. 

There was a conference call in the car today. When Fu Xiao arrived at the company, it was already a little late. He couldn’t help thinking that Little Sugar Cake seemed to be able to teleport. No wonder he had never noticed anything wrong. Every time he came home, Little Sugar Cake had already changed back.

After counting the time, Little Sugar Cake should already be in the office.

However, it turned out that he thought too much.

In front of the elevator in the Xingchen Building, the teenager who was supposed to be in the office, was panting in a hurried and confused manner. 

Fu Xiao:  …

Su Zening held the elevator entrance with one hand, while bending over and panting.

He didn’t want to be in such a hurry, but there was a cat meeting this morning. As a responsible king of the cats, he naturally has to preside over the meeting, and that big spicy chicken Fat Orange has a lot of nonsense, so it was dragged on until now.

The dedicated elevator on the top floor has not come down yet. 

Su Zening looked at his phone.

It’s about time for Secretary Zhang’s morning meeting. If he’s late, Secretary Zhang will peel him off.

Thinking of Secretary Zhang’s furious appearance, the poor, weak and innocent teenager froze.

At this moment, a cold voice came: “Come here.” 

Su Zening turned his head to look in the direction of the sound. Fu Xiao stood aside, and his special elevator had arrived.

Su Zening’s eyes lit up as if he saw a savior, and walked over to the elevator behind Fu Xiao.

After waiting for the elevator, Su Zening realized that something was wrong. Isn’t this the transparent elevator that he hates the most?

As the elevator slowly ascended, the ground under the clear glass beneath his feet continued to shrink. 

Su Zening’s face was pale, and his heart was pounding.

He couldn’t help clenching his palms.

“Come here.” A cold voice sounded in his ears.

Su Zening raised his head blankly. 

There are only two of them in the elevator.

Is this Fu Xiao calling him?

The cold-faced man repeated: “Come here.”

Su Zening let out a soft cry, and took a big step forward. His hands were busy between the corners. His step was a little big. When he stopped, he found that he was a little closer to Fu Xiao. 

It was so close that he could feel the temperature of Fu Xiao’s body.

The tip of Su Zening’s ears secretly turned red for some reason. He looked down in panic, only then did he realize that Fu Xiao asked him to come over because the angle of this particular block was rather special. Right in front of him was the elevator door, and because of the angle, he couldn’t see most of the ground under his feet. Although there was still a little bit, it was still within his acceptable range.

This can be said to be the most friendly place in this elevator.

The only problem was that they were too close, so close that he could feel the shiver from Fu Xiao’s breath on his skin. 

He uncomfortably glanced his head to the side.

“Your tie is crooked.” After a moment of silence, Fu Xiao’s low voice rang in his ear.

Su Zening felt numb in his heart. It felt so strange.

He hurriedly looked at Fu Xiao. Today, Fu Xiao was wearing a white shirt with a pure black tie. Su Zening even saw how the shirt fit onto Fu Xiao’s tight muscles. 

Does Fu Xiao mean that his tie is crooked?

Su Zening stretched out his hand, hesitantly, and raised his blue eyes and looked at Fu Xiao in confusion.

With a document in his hand, it was indeed difficult to adjust the position of his tie.

The teenager’s eyes were innocent and confused. Because of their close distance, there is only Fu Xiao’s reflection in the teenager’s ice blue eyes at this moment. He is thin and slender, his skin is fair and delicate, but the tips of his ears are slightly red. 

Fu Xiao’s breathing almost stopped.

After hesitating for a moment, the teenager stretched out his long snow-white knuckles and moved under his Adam’s apple. The knuckle of his middle finger touched his Adam’s apple inadvertently, causing a strange feeling. The teenager put his finger on his tie. The warmth of his fingers reached him through his shirt, the teenager moved his tie slightly, and then he smiled contentedly with his picturesque face. There were shallow dimples on his cheeks, he titled his head and asked seriously: “Is this okay?”

This action is too intimate and too easy to give people an illusion.

Then with a ding sound. 

The elevator has arrived.

The elevator door opened, and the document in Xiao Liu’s hand outside the door fell to the ground with a clatter.

Fu Xiao took a step back with an indiscernible expression, and Xiao Liu walked out.

Su Zening shook his head strangely, a little confused, what’s wrong? 

Didn’t he just help Fu Xiao adjust his tie?

Then he let out a soft cry.

His image is reflected on the metal bars along the edge of the elevator.

His tie was almost halfway crooked on the shirt he casually wore this morning. 

So it was him, ah.

For some reason, Su Zening’s face turned red.

The author has something to say:

Today’s Little Sugar Cake is—— 

Niu Hulu– Sugar Cake