Wesson’s Test


Fu Xiao finally understood one thing.

All the entanglements in his heart were in vain.

Without his control, Little Sugar Cake could go to heaven.

Some people are meant to be given freedom, and some people don’t need it. 

After being stunned by the operation of Little Sugar Cake’s cheating two meals, Fu Xiao took the bowl of cat rice away without hesitation.

Little Sugar Cake’s almond eyes looked at Fu Xiao incredulously, as if he had suffered a great blow, and stood there, his whole cat was not well.

In his heart, when he became a human, when he grabbed and took something to eat, how can he call it dinner?

It was just some snacks.

After being able to become a human, Little Sugar Cake also found that his body had undergone certain changes. For example, he could eat no matter how much he ate. Although there would be a feeling of fullness, but as long as Little Sugar Cake wants to eat, he could eat as much as he wants.

So he has only one thought now.

Why didn’t Fu Xiao let him have dinner?

Could it be—— 

Could it be that Fu Xiao even had to deduct his cat meal for the new goblin?

So the snow-white long-haired cat pulled the butler’s legs with his claws, and meowed at Fu Xiao in grief and anger, as if he was accusing the butler of Fu Xiao’s heinous crimes.

The butler touched Little Sugar Cake with distress, and said disapprovingly to Fu Xiao: “Young master, Little Sugar Cake is growing up, how can you not let it eat.”

Little Sugar Cake meows in agreement. 

However, in the next second, a pair of broad and powerful hands grabbed the back of Little Sugar Cake’s neck.

Little Sugar Cake obediently didn’t move for a moment, and that hand lifted him up. Although Little Sugar Cake’s paws were hooked on grandpa butler’s trousers and were reluctant to part, it was no use.

Little Sugar Cake was still carried by Fu Xiao in the air.

That cold, cruel and unfeeling big smelly socks. He squeezed his cute little belly mercilessly and said: “Look at his belly, where does it look like he hasn’t eaten enough.” 

The white fluffy kitten hanging in the air, with his fluffy head, looking down at his slightly bulging belly, felt a little guilty for a moment.

He seemed to have eaten a little too much just now.

Fu Xiao stretched out his hand and patted his belly, then glanced at him with a smile yet not a smile, and then said to the butler: “You can’t give him food anymore. I don’t know how many things he stole outside before returning home.”

Little Sugar Cake froze all over. Pretending not to understand, he licked his paw, and flicked his tail, and when he saw Fu Xiao looking over, he titled his head, looking at Fu Xiao innocently with his big blingbling eyes, and meowing with his mouth. 

The butler hesitated, he knew it. Little Sugar Cake has a cute temperament. If you give it something, you can touch it and hold it. At this point, it simply has a price tag, cheating neither old nor young, and the servants are secretly feeding it repeatedly.

Ktlcxlcu bo atf ugfja jmtlfnfwfcar bo Olaaif Veujg Jjxf, atf yeaifg yfilfnfv Me Wljb’r kbgvr jcv qea jkjs atf ybki bo mja glmf.

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf rajgfv ja atf ybki bo mja glmf jcv ifoa. Pa tjr tlr ojnbglaf rcbkoijxf yffo lc la, afcvfg jcv ybecms.

Ciatbeut tf kjr rjv, tf ralii mbwobgafv tlwrfio. Pa vlvc’a wjaafg. Cmmbgvlcu ab tlr kffxis gfmlqf, tf mbeiv ralii fja la lc akb vjsr. 

Then Fu Xiao’s voice paused, then he continued: “Don’t prepare the dinner for Little Sugar Cake in the future.”

The butler looked at Fu Xiao in surprise.

This, how can this work?

Little Sugar Cake was struck by lightning! He turned to look at Fu Xiao. 

Fu Xiao glanced at Little Sugar Cake, and flicked at Little Sugar Cake’s stomach and said: “Put him on a diet.”

Little Sugar Cake hugged his belly angrily.

What’s wrong with his little tummy, what’s wrong?

Isn’t it cute to have a little tummy like this? 

In the middle of the night, one person and one cat are lying on the bed.

The bedside table has a bright warm yellow lighting.

Fu Xiao leaned against the head of the bed, and rarely put on gold wire glasses, which added a bit of elegance to his cold and stiff face, but those deep and sharp eyes no longer exudes a touch of majesty it has all the time. In his arms, a soft white cat lay lazily in Fu Xiao’s arms.

At this moment, his slender hand was turning over a book with a faint scent of ink, while his other hand was rubbing the belly of Little Sugar Cake softly and regularly. 

Since the events of this night, Fu Xiao no longer thinks about what to do when he looks at Little Sugar Cake. One person and one cat have returned to the past.

Following Fu Xiao’s movements, Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help humming comfortably.

There are strong muscles under Fu Xiao’s chest, and they are hard, but Little Sugar Cake felt very comfortable lying on them, he felt warm and safe here. Feeling bored, Little Sugar Cake then licked his fur, and couldn’t help but secretly look at Fu Xiao.

Fu Xiao’s chin line is very good-looking, his brow bone is very high, his nose is tall and straight, his facial features are extremely deep, and what makes Little Sugar Cake admire him even more, is that even if Fu Xiao is already in such a high position, he will still reads some books at night. 

The books on the wall in his study are not decorations, he has read most of them.

Self-disciplined and rigorous, bold and careful.

Fu Xiao’s eyes are focused, exuding a unique charm.

A faint adoration poured out of Little Sugar Cake’s heart. At this moment, Fu Xiao seemed to be glowing. 

Little Sugar Cake’s heart was moved, and he gave Fu Xiao a meow.

Fu Xiao didn’t lift his gaze on the page, and just hummed.

Little Sugar Cake meows again unwillingly.

Fu Xiao turned the page and gave a light hum. 

With a playful heart, Little Sugar Cake suddenly moved from Fu Xiao’s arms to Fu Xiao’s chin. He turned over and put his paw on the page.

Fu Xiao’s chin rested on Little Sugar Cake’s head, and he stretched out his hand to poke Little Sugar Cake’s paw away, but it didn’t take long for Little Sugar Cake’s white paw to go up again.

Fu Xiao reluctantly closed the book. He held Little Sugar Cake in his arms, and asked: “What’s wrong?”

Little Sugar Cake raised his head and meowed. 

The night gradually deepened.

A breeze blew outside the window, and a faint sound of one person and one cat was heard.

Warm and sweet.


It has been a week since Su Zening saw Director Angus again.

In front of the recording studio.

Su Zening glanced around suspiciously. Director Angus stood with an unknown foreign man. The two looked at him up and down with an imperceptible scrutiny in their eyes.

What’s going on here? He was brought here over by Secretary Zhang before he could even finish lunch. 

Su Zening looked at Secretary Zhang in confusion.

Secretary Zhang said to Director Angus: “This is probably the person you are looking for.” The person was found by Mr. Fu. As for how he found him, he did not know. Director Angus was shooting an outdoor scene abroad, and was undergoing a sealed shooting.

As soon as they got the news, they rushed over immediately.

Director Angus frowned and looked at the teenager, who was a little thin. 

This kid looks too young, is he an adult?

He and Wesson looked at each other.

Wesson smiled at Su Zening and said kindly: “Now I’ll give you a song, can you sing it?”

This is Su Zening’s test. 

Because his friend is of Chinese descent, Wesson’s Chinese is also good.

Su Zening nodded before seeing the song.

Seeing this, Wesson couldn’t help but smile and said: “It’s not too late to read the song before nodding.” His song is not simple.

Su Zening bent the corner of his mouth, his eyes flashed with confidence, and said without hesitation: “I can.” 

Wesson smiled, it’s good for young people to have self-confidence. He handed the folder with the song to Su Zening and said: “I’ll give you an hour. You can practice in the recording studio, but after the time is up, you have to record it all at once, and you can’t do it all over again, can you do it?”

Although he gave an hour, he himself knew that an hour was not enough. Singing in the studio is different, any imperfection in the voice is amplified, and he will request to do it again.

This piece is not simple, it spans a lot of scales, and it has a very challenging voice handling.

Even if the teenager in front of him is really the person they have been looking for, being able to sing one song well is different from being able to sing all songs well. 

Wesson does not allow any flaws. If he is not suitable, even if the teenager is the one who once sang that song that made his heart move, he will not give him the theme song of the movie.

The teenager took the folder and looked at it. As soon as the notes entered his eyes, the melody sounded in his ears, and the teenager’s eyes lit up. He liked this song very much.

He didn’t say anything anymore, and just sat down on the chair seriously, immersed in his own world.

This is the first time Secretary Zhang saw Yi Ning like this, and he was a little surprised. The difference between the person in front of him and the teenager he knew was really big. The quiet but focused teenager in the corner is completely different from the office. 

It wasn’t until now that he really felt that Yi Ning might really be the person they were looking for.

The teenager was immersed in his own world.

Wesson couldn’t help the corners of his mouth ticking up as he gave an unnoticeable nod.

Just then the teenager raised his head. 

The two looked at each other, and when the teenager saw Wesson, he stood up and said somewhat embarrassed: “That’ll do.”

Wesson thought for a moment, could this kid want to try to sing it so soon? Indeed, the talent is very good. He gently said to the teenager: “Then go and try singing it first. I’ll listen to it once.” He always had a good temper with talented people.

“No.” The teenager’s eyes were as bright as the sky. He looked at Wesson with anticipation and said: “Can I go directly to the recording studio?”

He likes this song so much, and he can’t wait to hear it sung in the studio. 

When Wesson heard this, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

Is this kid ready?