How to come back from the bragging


Another beautiful weekend morning.

In the Fu family’s villa, a snow-white cat jumped into the empty room, looking curiously at the baby in the room who was sucking his fingers.

Is this Fu Xiao’s younger brother?

Such a small one, ah. It seems that he’s not even as big as himself. Little Sugar Cake, who inadvertently barged into this room, stood at the edge of the cupboard. Lifting his tail and keeping his balance, his entire body stretched out, and his big cat face and the baby’s face were only a few centimeters apart. He was looking at the little baby curiously. 

This little baby, he didn’t know if it was born with a big heart, or what is going on. Seeing Little Sugar Cake, he didn’t cry, or make trouble, just a pair of black eyes looking at Little Sugar Cake as he giggled.

One person and one cat look at each other.

The little baby suddenly waved his hand and stretched his own hand towards Little Sugar Cake.

Little Sugar Cake was so frightened that he took a step back, and his body was so stiff that he almost bumped into the bottle next to him. Fortunately, he was quick to use his paws to steady the bottle.

As soon as his pads touched the bottle, he found something was wrong. Why is the bottle so cold?

There were dry milk stains all over the pacifier, and it seemed like it was half-drunk and was set aside at will.

Little Sugar Cake pushed the bottle aside in disgust, and couldn’t help but look around.

There’s no one around here, ah. 

I have been here for so long and no one still found me.

It seems that the baby is not being well cared for.

But also Fu Yunxi, he doesn’t even care about this child. There is no one in charge of this large villa, and the whole house was filled with desolation. No one cares about this little baby.


Little Sugar Cake stretched his body and was about to gracefully walk around the baby when a small hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Little Sugar Cake’s snow-white fluffy cat fur.

Little Sugar Cake turned to look over, and  met a pair of black eyes.

Big eyes met small eyes, and after a moment of silence, Little Sugar Cake said solemnly to the little baby: “Meow meow——” Let go oh, you can’t do that.

The little baby looked at Little Sugar Cake innocently, but his fat hand did not let go of his meat, and even giggled in his mouth. It’s as if ‘you say it, but I don’t understand anything’. 

This gesture inexplicably made Little Sugar Cake feel guilty, since he knew it too well.

After staring at each other for a long time, Little Sugar Cake was defeated, he then turned his head and sat next to the baby and fell down resignedly, so the contented baby hehe with a smile and was very happy.

Little Sugar Cake smiled, since you like me very much, I will accompany you reluctantly.

The white cat cocked his tail and dangled it over the baby’s hand. As soon as the little baby stretched out his hand, he would immediately pull his tail away, and so on repeatedly, with pleasure and playfulness. 

Usually Fu Xiao would not play with him like this.

But it’s good to play like this every now and then.

Pa kjr cba ecali atf rbecv bo qertlcu atf vbbg mjwf ogbw bearlvf atja atf ktlaf mja gfiemajcais vlrjqqfjgfv ogbw atf gbbw delmxis.

Pa’r fjgis klcafg bearlvf. 

Ktf atlmx mja oeg bo Olaaif Veujg Jjxf olcjiis tjr lar erf.

Yc atf ugffc gbjv, atf rcbk-ktlaf ilbc mja kjixr wjpfralmjiis lc atf wlvvif bo atf rabcf gbjv, klat j atlmx mbiijg ilxf j ilbc’r wjcf, ktlmt wjxfr atf ktlaf mja ibbx qjgalmeijgis tjcvrbwf, jcv j qjlg bo pfkfi-ilxf yief fsfr atja jgf vffq jcv yfjealoei.

A servant next to him couldn’t help but say: “What a handsome cat.”

Little Sugar Cake’s ears twitched, and he held his head and chest high, then majestically walked towards the servant’s side. He slowed down his pace, and every foothold was carefully thought out before falling. 

Then the green bush next to him trembled, and a fat orange cat nimbly came out. It looked around casually, and when it saw the snow-white cat in front of him, its eyes lit up: “Meow meow!”

Little white cat! I’m visiting your house. How about you treat me to a small dried fish?

The originally majestic and slick cat’s back froze, and immediately he threw his claws away without any image and fled.

Speaking of it, it’s here to commit evil. Since Fat Orange was discovered to be eating and drinking everywhere, its owners unified its rations, and it can only eat three meals a day, and no more cat food. 

But how can this stop Fat Orange? Since then, Fat Orange has lived a life where he offered to be a guest whenever he met a cat, living a day of rubbing food and drinks.

Little Sugar Cake, of course, refused to do so.

Just kidding, he doesn’t even have enough small dried fish.

Fat Orange looked at the back of Little Sugar Cake running away, and sighed sadly, then it’s nose twitched slightly. 


Why did Little Sugar Cake smell the same as that bad human that day?

Did it smell wrong? A suspicious look appeared on Fat Orange’s face.


Little Sugar Cake ran away in a hurry, he didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until he couldn’t see Fat Orange.

He didn’t go back, but was thinking about another question.

The yellowish leaves have already begun to fall, and it will be winter soon, and it will be Fu Xiao’s birthday soon, ah.

What should he give? 

And he also realized a very serious problem, he was going to give Fu Xiao two gifts this year.

As a human, and as a cat.

What a big loss. Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but feel a pain in his heart.

He also gave Fu Xiao a gift before, a hamster that he had worked so hard to catch, it was simply his dark history. 

But later the hamster turned out to be someone else’s pet.

The owner of the family shed tears of gratitude and took the frightened little hamster back from Fu Xiao’s hands. Then after giving a meaningful wink, they sent back a box of cat toys to Little Sugar Cake. As for why their pet hamster was in Fu Xiao’s house, they dared not think or ask.

So what is he going to give to Fu Xiao this time?

Little Sugar Cake sighed, and walked to the door with a solemn expression. 

Outside the door, Silly Bai Tian and Xiao Hei have been waiting for a while.

Seeing them, Little Sugar Cake ran over and asked: “Why are you here?” Since Fu Wei moved out, Silly Bai Tian left with Fu Wei after thinking for a long time, and only occasionally ran back here.

They haven’t seen each other for a long time.

Silly Bai Tian smiled when it saw Little Sugar Cake and said: “Little Sugar Cake, I’m going to trouble you again. I’ll move back to live with you from today.” The short-legged orange cat has round eyes and an innocent look, but it’s extraordinarily thoughtful. 

Is Silly Bai Tian leaving Fu Wei?

The grown-up Xiao Hei next to it was already a majestic big black cat, and its golden pupils were imposing. Under the leadership of Little Sugar Cake, the king of cats, who fished for three day and basked in the net for two days, the diligent general Xiao Hei diligently helps Little Sugar Cake patrol the territory everyday. It expels foreign enemies, and resolves internal disputes among the cats. Even Fat Orange kept a low profile when Xiao Hei was around.

At this time, Xiao Hei stood up angrily and walked back and forth beside Silly Bai Tian for several laps, and said with a bit of reproach: “I just said, you can’t trust humans, now, see how it turned out?” When it saw Silly Bai Tian’s dirty appearance at the gate of the community, it was about to die of anger! 

Humans are really not good things for the most part!

Silly Bai Tian soothingly licked Xiao Hei’s fur, while Xiao Hei squatted angrily and turned its eyes to the side.

Little Sugar Cake looked at the two cats with puzzled eyes, and asked with concern: “What’s the matter?”

Silly Bai Tian said indifferently: “I’m a stray cat again.” 

Little Sugar Cake said in surprise: “Where’s Fu Wei?”

Silly Bai Tian said casually: “Probably quarreling with that woman. I can’t stay at home anymore.”

Quarreling with Feng Jiaming?

Don’t they have a good relationship? Why are they fighting? 

It didn’t even wait for Little Sugar Cake’s reaction. Xiao Hei jumped up and waved his claws angrily: “But you’re still injured!”

Little Sugar Cake looked down and found that Silly Bai Tian’s front paw was twisted unnaturally. His eyes widened——

What is this? Could it be that Fu Wei still beats cats? He doesn’t seem like such a person, ah.

Silly Bai Tian looked at the injury in its foot and said indifferently: “It wasn’t him. They just accidentally injured me during their quarrel. Just minor injuries.” 

It doesn’t blame Fu Wei, Fu Wei didn’t do it on purpose.

It’s just that the woman’s tone was already dissatisfied that Fu Wei was with it at home everyday.

Not wanting to embarrass Fu Wei, it left directly. After all, it is not a cat that can’t live without people.

It’s just that although it doesn’t like that woman, it doesn’t understand why two good people become like this. 

Didn’t they obviously love each other so much that they got together with great difficulty?

Humans are really strange creatures.

Little Sugar Cake understands a little.

This time Feng Jiaming and Fu Wei got together in advance. Feng Jiaming did not get the status of the Queen of Songs that she wanted. She has a strong obsession in her career, and she’s completely unable to have the same fame and fortune as she has in the original novel. And Fu Wei doesn’t have the stability and tolerance in the original novel. 

The two did not experienced many storms and grow together like the original.

And the obstacles they encountered this time were far greater than the last time.

It’s not surprising that the two immature people are like this now.

After meeting Little Sugar Cake, Silly Bai Tian was about to leave with Xiao Hei. That little injury, Silly Bai Tian doesn’t care about it, just keep it for two days. 

Seeing Silly Bai Tian holding a paw and limping, ready to leave.

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t bear it.

When he saw the backs of the two cats leaving each other, he couldn’t help but say: “Do you want to stay at my house to get better before you leave?”

Silly Bai Tian hesitated: “This is not good, after all, your owner is here, he might not agree, ah.” 

Little Sugar Cake puffed out his chest and waved his paw as he promised proudly: “Our family listens to me, and I am the head of the family.”

Silly Bai Tian saw Little Sugar Cake’s confident look, and envied: “You are so powerful, you can even make your owner listen to you.”

Little Sugar Cake has a very high status at home.

The head of the family, Little Sugar Cake, smiled with a guilty conscience. 

So, after a while——

Fu Xiao, who was in the study, saw a snow-white dumpling sneaking through the door. With a pleasing smile, he was holding an infrared laser pointer in his mouth. Walking to his legs, his blue eyes were watery, and he rubbed his feet obediently, with his fluffy tail swaying slightly.

Fu Xiao raised an eyebrow. He put down the pen in his hand, and stretched out his hand.

Little Sugar Cake lay down obediently, revealing his snow-white belly, and called out softly, while holding his hand, looking naïve and innocent. 

Particularly attentive.

Fu Xiao, who had long been accustomed to it, sighed helplessly and said: “Tell me, what’s the matter.”

Sunnshies: This chapter has child neglect, don’t do it at home!

BTW, am I the only one who thought about the hamster? 

I wonder why no one asks about the hamster…anyway, it has an owner.

Silly Bai Tian, looks sweet but was a black-bellied on the inside. Xiao Hei is the tsundere type…now it seems that the position has been established! Silly Bia Tian x Xiao Hei