Official Debut 

Meows came and went.

The old cat looked at the face of Little Sugar Cake, and then looked at the cat group, who were unaware that the imminent catastrophe, and with a sigh, it squatted beside Xiao Xue, who was still crying.

Finally, a clever cat took a careful look at Little Sugar Cake and said: “Will Little Sugar Cake get angry?” 

The backs of the cats froze, and the group fell into a suspicious silence.

Little Sugar Cake is terribly angry.

“Haha, Little Sugar Cake is so generous.” The kitties secretly looked at Little Sugar Cake on the stage and amplified their voices a bit.

“Yeah, Little Sugar Cake is handsome and mighty, how can he be angry because of these little things.”

Su Zening: Hehe.

The kitties occupied the chairs, squatting on it while watching the excitement about Little Sugar Cake. The cats are usually well taken care of, they are not as dirty as ordinary stray cats, and they are not aggressive towards people. At most, they just squatted aside and ignored people coldly.

A large group of cats walked in one direction on the road, attracting the attention of many people. Many people were curious and found the place by following the cats and many people couldn’t help but take out their mobile phone to take pictures.

A courageous one stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the little kitties, but the little kitties just raised their heads arrogantly and looked at them. Then they raised their tails and walked to the chair on the other side. These little kitties, who were already accustomed to Little Sugar Cake tricking his owner in a coquettish manner, were already cats who have seen the world. 

At first, no one cared about the teenager’s singing.

With so many cute cats, who would pay attention to the teenager’s singing?

But soon people noticed the sweet singing, and the lively melody is particularly suitable for the environment at this time.

People couldn’t help but pay attention to the teenager. The teenager playing the guitar was sitting in the middle of the forest. The light beams from the horizon poured down on him through the layers of leaves, like a flash of light from the sky. 

The sound of the moving song flowed through their ears.

Obviously everyone heard this song for the first time. When the song looped to the second chorus, they couldn’t help humming along with the teenager’s voice.

The teenager’s voice is like the rustling sound of a mountain deer stepping over the newly opened branches in early spring.

One couldn’t help but smile, listening to it. 

A number of people unknowingly find themselves unable to resist shaking their legs with the rhythm, and people whispered and talked——

“Qtlmt mfifyglas lr atlr? Lf rlcur rb kfii.”

“Ktlr lr atja rbcu, la’r nfgs ubbv.”

“Pa ibbxr ilxf j cfk rbcu.” 

Ktf mgbkv ujatfgfv wbgf jcv wbgf.

Yc atf rajuf jwbcu atf agffr, atf affcjufg qijsfv atf uelajg, jcv bc atf mtjlgr yfibk atf rajuf rja j mlgmif bo ilaaif xlaalfr, rfglberis ilmxlcu atflg oeg. Ktf xlaalfr ulnf Olaaif Veujg Jjxf rbwf ojmf jcv mtffg tlw bc. Yearlvf, atfgf kjr j mgbkv bo qfbqif, tfjglcu atja rbwfbcf kjr algfv ogbw rajcvlcu tjio-kjs jcv rja afcajalnfis yfrlvf atf mjar, atf mjar pera uijcmfv ja atfw jcv kfca bc klat atflg bkc yerlcfrr.

To the surprise of the two, when the team counted the final results, their group has the largest number of people and won the final victory.

But Su Zening was not happy, there was only one thought in his mind. 

Fat Orage, return his innocence, ah!

He will scratch that bastard, Fat Orange, ah!

In the evening, Little Sugar Cake, who was so angry with heartache, was whining and muttering in Fu Xiao’s arms.

If it wasn’t for the heavy rain outside, Little Sugar Cake would immediately go to Fat Orange to fight it to death. 

It took Fu Xiao a long time to coax Little Sugar Cake to sleep.

The white kitty was lying in his arms with his eyes closed, and his small body floated rhythmically with his breathing.

Fu Xiao felt the gorgeous warmth and closed his eyes.

The two slept soundly, but they didn’t know that this night was a sleepless night for some people. 

On a popular video website, a well-known UP master uploaded a music video in the middle of the night and synced it on Weibo.

The name of the video is “Shock! Thirty little kitties did such a cruel thing to a human!”

After many people, who clicked on this title, watched the video:…… 

[Could it be that the cruel thing is —— the kitties won’t give money after listening to the song]

[It’s really cruel. smile. jpg]

[Isn’t it bad enough to be prostituted by these little kitties for nothing? Sympathy for the boy who played the guitar, hahaha.]

While others questioned—— 

[How can cats understand music! I’m afraid it’s not, it’s only the singer secretly feeding the kitties cat food to hype it up.]

[No, my cousin was there today, and the group of little kitties really squatted there obediently listening to the song, and the people who were there didn’t find it strange, because the teenager sang really well.]

[Isn’t that right upstairs, my cat likes to listen to music very much.]

[Hey, don’t you think that song is too brainwashing? I don’t care if the cat can understand it, but I’m full of the lyrics of that song right now. Fear.jpg] 

[When you say this, I also think so too. This song is too brainwashing! When I just bought a late-night snack, I couldn’t help but sing.]

[Not speaking +1]

[You can’t be brainwashed alone, I’ve shared it with my girlfriends. She’s going to beat me to death now because she’s got this song all over her head right now. Putting one’s hands on one’s hips while laughing heartily.jpg]

Overnight, the video went viral on the Internet with astonishing popularity. 

An anonymous forum late at night.

For example: Just now my best friend shared a short video and listened to a song. Now my mind is full of that melody. I accidentally sang it when I was taking a shower. Now when I close my eyes, it’s still that song. I can’t sleep, how can I stop it?

First floor: Damn, can’t it be such a coincidence? Let’s pair a code word? Shock! Little kitties even?

Second Floor: How could it be so exaggerated? You’ve been playing with your phone and can’t fall asleep, right? Turn off your phone to make sure you can fall asleep. 

Third floor: The line on the second floor.

Fourth Floor: Hehe, how is it that I am seeing it as a scam at first glance…

5th Floor: Me too, I also came with the right code word “wheat grass and ivy buds braided belt, coral for the hook, amber for the buckle”? The sixth of the slag wave hot search?


Fifty-fifth Floor: Your hype is too fake, how could it be so coincidental?

Fifty-sixth Floor: It’s not that we decode it fast, it is already the number one searched!

Sixty-first floor: Portal! you are welcome 

Sixty second Floor: You shouldn’t click in, I finished it and so am I, my head is full of this song.

Sixty third Flor: My ears are dirty. heartache, jpg


xx Floor: This floor is so poisonous, please don’t click in, you won’t be able to fall asleep if you click in.

It was two in the morning when Xiao Yun was called up. The subordinate, who always follows up on Su Zening, called to wake her up and told her that Su Zening is now No. 6 in the hot search.

Xiao Yun was taken aback. How many people can’t get on the hot search despite their hard work, but the teenager has just stepped into this circle and he can do it. Although it’s related to luck, the strength of the teenager cannot be denied. She immediately said to her subordinate: “Contact the media we are familiar with, issue a press release, and maintain the popularity of hot searches.” 

She clicked to listen to the video and listened to the teenager’s song.

The song’s rhythm was lively and spirited. It was highly recognizable and catchy, and has the characteristics of becoming a popular song.

This is indeed the case. Someone has already extracted the audio from the video separately, and the download volume is staggering.

She hasn’t chosen any songs for the teenager yet, which means that the song belongs to the teenager himself. Xiao Yun couldn’t help shaking his head, this teenager is really a treasure, how many surprises can he bring her? 

At this moment, the subordinate on the other end of the phone exclaimed.

Xiao Yun opened her computer as she entered her working mode, and asked: “What’s wrong?”

The subordinate’s voice paused and said: “Just now, the first promotional film of Director Angus’ crew was released.”

Xiao Yun’s eyes widened sharply, she stood up and couldn’t help pacing back and forth in the room. 

The subordinate on the other end of the phone listened to Xiao Yun’s silence and couldn’t help but say: “Do you still want to contact them to issue a press release?”

Xiao Yun took a deep breath. She looked at the current popularity. Before they could make a move, the hot search for the teenager had already reached the first place.

Having stayed in the entertainment industry for so many years, she deeply knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Knowing that the opportunity must not be missed, Xiao Yun took a deep breath and said: “Send. Have the group all in place within an hour, and we will not only send them, but will also take this opportunity——” 

Xiao Yun paused, she took a deep breath and said with a sparkle in her eyes: “I want him to make his debut officially.”


Xiao Yun: “Let him debut already!”

Su Zening: “ZZzzzzz…” 

This is the best example for the idiom “The emperor is not worried, but the eunuchs are worried to death” hahaha.