I want to hold the world in front of your eyes


The smile in Fu Xiao’s eyes gradually disappeared. He turned around and took a step forward to look at Su Zening and asked: “Why?”

His eyes looked straight at Su Zening, as if there’s an aura with an imperceptible touch of aggression.

But as a keen ordinary small animal, Su Zening, nevertheless, perceived it. He couldn’t help but take a step back and distanced himself from Fu Xiao. He didn’t notice that this action made Fu Xiao’s eyes even darker.

Why won’t you sign? 

This question is simple for Su Zening.

He came to the company to protect Fu Xiao. It’s already bad for him to leave Fu Xiao for such a short time. Up to now, Fu Xiao’s fate has only changed by 70%. If it wasn’t for the fact that he could help Fu Xiao and didn’t need to leave Xingchen too far, he wouldn’t even be willing to sing.

As for being a professional singer?

Su Zening was confused. Standing in the middle of the crowd singing.

All eyes are on him, listening to his singing, and he can deliver good songs to more people.

Su Zening clenched his palms tightly.

However, he looked at Fu Xiao’s profile again, with a silent and determined face.

He loosened his hands, no one was more important than this person. 

Being a professional singer is also nothing good.

Can’t he just sing a song anywhere, ah. As a human? It’s fun to sing too, and later he could even teach the cats to sing.

“Because.” Su Zening calmed down, then he looked down at his toes, and said casually: “Because, I don’t want to ah.”

Fu Xiao frowned and hummed inexplicably: “Why? Don’t you like it?” 

Anyone who has seen the sparkle in a teenager’s eyes when he sings will not doubt this.

“How can there be so much why?” Su Zening lifted his head, his black hair fluttered in the air and a few strands fell on the teenager’s forehead, which made the teenager’s skin extraordinarily fair. The teenager took a serious look at Fu Xiao’s dark eyes, and after a while, he bent the corners of his mouth and said indifferently: “Being a professional singer is so troublesome, I don’t want to go, I——”

Before Su Zening finished speaking, a shadow came in front of his eyes, and the tall man standing opposite him shrouded him in the shadow. Su Zening couldn’t help but take a step back. With his back against the floor-to-ceiling windows, his feet askew, and he looked like he was going to fall to the other side.

But the expected pain did not come. 

A pair of strong hands supported him.

Su Zening breathed a sigh of relief, but he found out that this posture was as if Fu Xiao was holding him in his arms. He could even feel the heat of Fu Xiao’s body through his shirt.

But Fu Xiao had no intention of letting go.

What does Fu Xiao mean? 

Does he know that it’s not good to be close to someone he doesn’t know well?

Otherwise, Su Zening couldn’t control the thoughts in his heart. Does Fu Xiao act like this to everyone? No wonder he always provokes other cats.

He couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and pushed Fu Xiao. There was a light in Fu Xiao’s eyes that he didn’t understand, it’s as if he was going to swallow him. Su Zening leaned against the glass on his body. His eyes skimmed downward in panic, avoiding Fu Xiao’s line of sight. He couldn’t help swallowing, and couldn’t help but think——

Wasn’t he just rejecting Fu Xiao’s contract, ba. 

How can Fu Xiao be so stingy ah.

Aera yfmjerf bo atlr aglnlji wjaafg, lr tf ublcu ab ylaf tlw ab vfjat?

Ugbyjyis yfmjerf tlr gfagfja kjr abb bynlber, Me Wljb abbx j vffq ygfjat. Dea ktfatfg la kjr lcafcalbcji bg cba, tlr tjcv vlvc’a ifa ub bo tbivlcu Ve Ifclcu. Me Wljb ibbxfv ja atf mbcalceber oibk bo agjoolm bearlvf atf klcvbk jcv jrxfv: “Qtja vb sbe rff tfgf?”

Su Zening followed his gaze and looked out the window and answered puzzledly: “There are cars and many people.” What is Fu Xiao asking this for? 

Fu Xiao’s face was reflected on the glass, and beside him was the fine figure of the teenager, then he said meaningfully: “It’s also a lot of life.”


Su Zening raised his eyes and looked at Fu Xiao with doubts in his eyes, why did Fu Xiao say this?

What’s the point of talking to him about this anyway? 

As if aware of his doubts, Fu Xiao slowly said: “Life is short, yet you can live it in many ways. I want you to be able to choose what you want as much as you want.”

Su Zening was taken aback.

“You wanted to sign, right? Why did you refuse?” Why insist on such an indifferent look?

Fu Xiao stretched out his hand. Su Zening’s brows and eyes were only a few millimeters closer, and he wanted to wipe away all the feigned indifference in the teenager’s eyes. 

But he never did.

Hearing what Fu Xiao said, Su Zening almost choked his breath, and he said almost immediately: “No, I just don’t want to.”

Su Zening raised his head stubbornly, but was caught off guard when he locked into Fu Xiao’s eyes. The man opposite didn’t put his hand down, but turned around and flicked his forehead. He looked at Fu Xiao in pain.

Fu Xiao’s eyes were deep: “But you can’t hide one thing you like.” 

Like the joy in the teenager’s eyes when he first saw the contract.

Just like the way the teenager looks at himself.

Su Zening panicked and looked at Fu Xiao: “You, what nonsense are you talking about.”

Fu Xiao stretched out his hand and pressed his slender fingers against his forehead. 


Su Zening hurriedly covered his forehead with his hand, but Fu Xiao raised his hand up a little, then rubbed his hair and said: “And in front of me, you never need to worry about others, you don’t need to hide what you like.”

Fu Xiao’s eyes looked at him. Su Zening couldn’t pretend to deceive himself anymore, and almost collapsed in an instant.

Hiding my liking? 

Since when?

Probably from the moment he knew that his likes would only bring pain to those he loved.

Like the blue sky outside, like the noisy crowd.

But what’s the use? This kind of like will only make mom and dad avoid him and shed tears. 

Better not to like it.

If a lie is told a million times, it will become true.

But the man in front of him said this——

“In front of me, you just need to say what’s on your mind, and you don’t need to pay attention to the rest.” 

The man’s voice was soft, but it carried power.

Su Zening looked at Fu Xiao.

Under the light, the side lines of Fu Xiao’s face are extremely beautiful, perfect like a god—— a god that belongs to him alone.

But he also wanted to protect his god. 

So Su Zening smiled, his hand grabbed Fu Xiao’s arm beside him. His knuckles turned slightly white from too much force, but Fu Xiao didn’t even look at it.

He pushed Fu Xaio’s arm, which is around him, and without warning, he pushed him away, then he walked a few steps without looking back. He slightly tilted his head and said: “Thank you. But I still won’t sign.”

Fu Xiao is more important than becoming a professional singer, isn’t it?

Fu Xiao can’t have a little bit of mishap, ah. He would never bet on that thousands of possibilities. 

He was sure in his heart that Fu Xiao would agree to him.

Fu Xiao will always promise him, won’t he?

After a moment of silence, a man’s voice came from behind him: “Okay.”

Although he knew the result for a long time, Su Zening couldn’t help lowering his eyes and murmured in a low voice: “Fu Xiao, why are you being so nice to me?” 

There was silence for a long time——

Just when Su Zening thought that Fu Xiao would not answer, Fu Xiao’s faint voice sounded.——

“Why do I need a reason for anything? You eat so much, don’t you want to earn some money back for me?”

Su Zening took a step. 

He doesn’t eat much!

Even when he’s Little Sugar Cake, he doesn’t eat much!

Fu Xiao, hmph! He was touched in vain. Sure enough, he is a black-hearted businessman.

Su Zening left angrily, so he couldn’t see how tender and loving the eyes of Fu Xiao looked at him. 

In the office, Fu Xiao sighed. He could see it.

The teenager is hiding something from him, but what is it?

He had no clue. He walked to the edge of the desk, then tugged his tie, and made a phone call: “About Yi Ning’s matter, let’s wait for a while——”


Fu family villa at night.

On the desk in the study.

Fu Xiao closed the document and stood up from the table.

Little Sugar Cake, who was squatting on the other side of the desk and was biting the cat toy, looked over immediately with his blue eyes. As soon as the cloud-like kitty saw him leaving his seat, he stood immediately and walked towards him, as if he was afraid that he was going to leave. 

Fu Xiao was helpless.

After the office in the afternoon, Little Sugar Cake became extra sticky to him. No matter where he goes, he has to follow him without falling a step.

But during the day, he simply left their two person world without hesitation.

Fu Xiao really didn’t have the least bit of temper at all. 

He then said in the direction of Little Sugar Cake: “I’ll go to the bookshelf to get a book.”

Little Sugar Cake took a step, and then stopped, but those round eyes still looked towards this side.

After Fu Xiao took out a book from the bookshelf, he thought about it, and pulled out an old children’s book with bright colors and hundreds of pages of different children’s stories from the side, and handed it to Little Sugar Cake.

Little Sugar Cake pushed the toy aside, and held the book with both paws curiously. 

This book looks so old, ah. Is it Fu Xiao’s previous book?

Seeing that Little Sugar Cake was interested in this book, Fu Xiao continued to sit back.

After some time, the butler knocked on the door. Tomorrow is Fu Xiao’s birthday party, and there are some things for Fu Xiao to finalize.

The butler couldn’t help but look at Little Sugar Cake. After seeing the book in Little Sugar Cake’s hand, the butler said in a daze: “Young master Xiao, that book——” 

If he remembered it well, this book was the only thing that Young master Xiao brought from the Song family. It was probably the old madam of the Song family, Young master Xiao’s grandmother, who gave it to Young master Xiao. It was also the only gift Young master Xiao received.

Although Young master Xiao never said its importance, he never threw it away.

When he saw Little Sugar Cake running out of patience, and tried to open the pages of the book with its mouth, he heart went on his throat——

No matter how insignificant it is, this kind of thing can’t be given to Little Sugar Cake to play with, ah. He walked around Little Sugar Cake, is this really okay? 

Unexpectedly, Fu Xiao replied lightly: “Let him be.”

The butler was stunned for a moment, the young master is becoming more and more fond of Little Sugar Cake. If this goes on, he’ll see Little Sugar Cake dismantling the roof tile sooner or later.

With a sigh, the butler said solemnly again: “The person monitoring Song Mingwei said that she has been moving recently.”

To say the least, it’s also injustice. 

As soon as the Song family fell down and scattered, Song Mingwei was admitted to a mental hospital, and the Old master Song wrote a will early. Unexpectedly, he divided his shares in the will into two parts, one half was given to Madam Song, which had been almost completely swallowed by Old Master Fu over the years, and the other half has been handed over to Song Mingwei. However, it was kept for the young master’s future descendants, and if Song Mingwei dies unexpectedly, the shares will belong to distant relatives of the Song family.

Similarly, if the young master dies unexpectedly, the shares will go back to Song Mingwei.

But the butler did not expect that Song Mingwei would actually be so ruthless.

Little Sugar Cake raised his blue eyes and looked at them. 

The movement in Fu Xiao’s hand stopped, he was not very surprised.

“I’m afraid they will start in the next few days.” The butler asked with cold eyes: “Young Master, what do you mean?”

Fu Xiao sneered in his eyes and said: “They are going to give me such a big gift in time for my birthday. How can I be worthy of their careful preparation if I don’t accept it.”

He was never afraid of Song Mingwei’s attack. He was only afraid that if Song Mingwei lived longer, she would  finally grow her brain, so he really couldn’t hold back. 

Sunnyshies: Ohhh!!! Little Sugar Cake dismantling the roof, I want to see it.

Btw, we’re in the climax again! So I’ll update everyday starting on Monday. Hehehe.