Little Sugar Cake is more important than Xingchen


Critically ill?

Precisely at this time.

Fu Xiao sneered in his heart, this is too coincidental.

Secretary Zhang, who was following him, walked to the corner as soon as he heard the news. After making a call, he hung up the phone, and at this moment, Fu Xiao came over, so he said: “Mr. Fu, our people have confirmed that Old madam Song’s condition has taken a drastic turn for the worse and she will not survive the day.” 

Is it just a coincidence?

Fu Xiao narrowed his eyes and said to Secretary Zhang: “Let our people get ready and come as planned.”

Whether it was a coincidence or not, he would not take it lightly.

Secretary Zhang’s eyes narrowed and he said: “I’ll get someone ready.”

The banquet is almost over, and people have already left one after another. It doesn’t matter if President Fu leaves at this time.

But this is a group of mobs, as long as they dare to start, there will be no return.

In the garden, the little fatty’s family is ready to leave.

Little Sugar Cake puts the candy in his mouth, feeling the sweet taste that spreads out in his mouth, he was satisfied. He jumped off the little fatty, and raised his chest, and said as he flipped his fluffy little tail: “Meow-wu.” 

Come and play with me more in the future ya.

With a sad face, the little fatty rubbed his sore little fleshy hands and touched his empty pockets after being robbed, he regretted not running away at that time.

He shouldn’t have been blinded by the white cat’s plump body that looks so good to touch.

He regrets it so much ah! 

The guests dispersed one after another.

Little Sugar Cake turned his head and looked forward to finding Fu Xiao’s figure, he wondered if he found his gift ah.

But the long-haired white cat circled around the banquet hall several times, and still did not see Fu Xiao.

Where has Fu Xiao gone? 

Suddenly, there was the sound of the car being prepared outside, and Little Sugar Cake turned to look.

Next to the garden garage, Fu Xiao’s exclusive car was slowly driven out and parked in the middle of the garden.

Little Sugar Cake looked up suspiciously.

Is Fu Xiao going out? 

What is he out doing at this time? Little Sugar Cake was keenly aware that something is not right.

No, he has to follow Fu Xiao.

But will Fu Xiao agree? After getting along these days, Little Sugar Cake knew that Fu Xiao was actually a very tough person.

For many innocuous matters, Fu Xiao always backed down to him again and again, but for some principled matters, Fu Xiao would said nothing, and would never leave room for negotiation. 

Olxf mbcagbiilcu tlr vlfa.

If Fu Xiao does not agree, then there is no room for change ah.

Olaaif Veujg Jjxf kfca ab atf ujgvfc, jcv ktfc atf vglnfg bo atf mjg rafqqfv vbkc, tf kjr cba atf vglnfg Olaaif Veujg Jjxf kjr ojwliljg klat lc atf qjra. Ciatbeut atf vglnfg kjr kfjglcu jc bgvlcjgs yijmx rela, tf kjr ajii, klat j rtjnfv tfjv, tlr ojmlji ofjaegfr kfgf mbiv, jcv tf kjr kjixlcu klat j obgwlvjyif jegj. Lf lr vfolclafis cba jc bgvlcjgs qfgrbc.

Little Sugar Cake’s heart sank, and he was more certain of his guess. 

Something must have happened.

The driver walked a few steps away from the car, holding a black walkie-talkie in his hand, but he didn’t know what he was talking about.

Taking this opportunity, he went to detour to the other side, and Little Sugar Cake quietly jumped onto the rear seat of the car and skillfully opened the storage box in the middle with his claws, then he put his claws in and sit down——

Then Little Sugar Cake moved with a start and turned back incredulously. 

His big and fluffy butt is awkwardly sticking out of the storage box.

Little Sugar Cake: “!!!”

The unwilling Little Sugar Cake used all his strength to sit down, and finally, his fluffy butt finally squeezed in with the sound of rubbing.

Little Sugar Cake sighed in relief. 

He said, how could he not get in, he used to be able to hide in it.

During this time, he also weighed himself, but he only gained a little bit of weight, just a little bit!

The white cat’s beautiful blue eyes showed a look of lingering fear.

Fortunately, it’s okay. 

The white cat stretched out his paws and pushed the lid of the storage box, pressing his upper body down——

But the expected snapping sound of the box lid did not come.

The lid fell on the top of the half the ridge of the protruding storage box of the white long-haired cat. Most of the cat’s body is outside of the storage box, and the storage box seems to be bursting.

Little Sugar Cake, whose soul was hit hard: …… 

There were footsteps outside.

Little Sugar Cake looked at the storage box with hatred, and quickly jumped to the place where the rear seat was connected to the trunk.

Little Sugar Cake, in the dark and stuffy trunk, was still immersed in what just happened and couldn’t extricate himself.

He, he, is obviously not fat ah. He just ate them recently, just donuts, cakes, ice cream, chocolates ah, how could he be so fat? 

Just when he couldn’t believe it.

There was a sound from outside the trunk, and the car finally took off slowly.

The dejected Little Sugar Cake then raised his head.

Fu Xiao should have left by now ba. 

But he can’t come out now. What if he comes out now and is found by Fu Xiao and what would he do if he is sent back?

It was unknown how much Little Sugar Cake’s abacus plays.

When they drove most of the way, and even reached their destination, at that time, even if he went out, Fu Xiao could only take him even if he didn’t want to.

In the matter of calculating Fu Xiao, Little Sugar Cake always had amazing talent and execution. 

Thinking like this, Little Sugar Cake spread out into a cat cake and licked his fur leisurely. There was still the sweet taste of toffee in his mouth now.

About half an hour later, the car still didn’t mean to stop. Little Sugar Cake guessed that it was about the time. Deep in the trunk, he clawed open the moveable partition, squeezing his fluffy head out. The cat’s blue eyes looked at the man sitting in the back row, and jumped out suddenly, jumping into the man’s arms. The white cat raised his head proudly, and meowed——

Fu Xiao, are you happy to see me ya?

However, with a low cry in response to him, Little Sugar Cake was pushed forward unexpectedly, and finally realizing that something was wrong, he raised his head and looked at the man. 

Although this person was also wearing a black suit that Fu Xiao often wears, and his figure was similar to that of Fu Xiao, this person was not Fu Xiao ah!

Little Sugar Cake was confused, and the shocked little kitty looked at them incredulously with his mouth wide open? Could it be that he got into the wrong car?

No way, ah?

This is Fu Xiao’s car, and he will not recognize it wrong. 

Little Sugar Cake turned to look at the man. Only then did he realize that he knew this man, and he was one of Fu Xiao’s bodyguards.

What about Fu Xiao?

Little Sugar Cake turned around suspiciously and looked around——

Fu Xiao is not here. 

What is going on ah?

The man seemed to be communicating with someone through a walkie-talkie.

A voice came from the walkie-talkie: “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?”

After the man’s initial fright, seeing Little Sugar Cake, he also reacted: “I don’t know what’s going on, Little Sugar Cake is also in the car.” 

Fu house.

Fu Xiao closed his eyes and opened his eyes abruptly: “You say that again?”

Fu Xiao’s always stern eyes seemed extra cautious at this moment. 

The captain of the bodyguards trembled in his heart, and he repeated stiffly: “Word just came in from over there, Little Sugar Cake is in that car.”

Thinking of Mr. Fu’s love for Little Sugar Cake, he quickly added: “I have already explained, in case they really do something on the road, I will let them hide Little Sugar Cake in the car. As long as Little Sugar Cake doesn’t run around, there won’t be any danger.”

Old Madam Song’s sanatorium is located in a remote location, and they will pass a new road that is sparsely populated in the middle.

If the old madam’s critical illness is really a conspiracy, in case Fu Xiao goes over, then they will realize that something is wrong, and their plan will go to waste. So, their way to the sanatorium is their best opportunity to strike. 

Their original plan was to lure fish into the bait, but it was not Mr. Fu who was sitting in the car that Mr. Fu used the most, instead it was the well-trained and well-prepared bodyguards. There are other people driving behind them not far from the car, and if something goes wrong, they will immediately support them.

But he doesn’t know why Little Sugar Cake ran over.

Once the soldiers mutiny and troops rebel, who would care about a little kitty, ah. 

However, all the bodyguards he sent out were well-trained bodyguards, many of whom were once mercenaries. They’re enough to deal with the mobs that Song Mingwei found, and as long as Little Sugar Cake stays in the car, there will be no danger.

Unexpectedly, Fu Xiao said without the slightest hesitation: “Cancel the plan, let them go back.”


Secretary Zhang on the side was stunned for a moment, and said anxiously: “Mr. Fu, we have planned for so long, we can’t just lose all our efforts, ah.” 

He was one of the people who followed Mr. Fu early, and also knew the agreement between the Song family and Mr. Fu. if they can force Song Mingweu to take action this time in one stroke, what Song Mingwei has done can definitely make her sit through the bottom of the jail, and the Song family’s shares would completely be in the hands of Mr. Fu. With these shares, plus what they originally had, Xingchen could completely change.

At that time, old master Fu can no longer restrain Mr. Fu, and Xingchen can truly belong to Mr. Fu.

How can they just give up at such a critical juncture?

What’s more, Little Sugar Cake is not in danger at all, ah, and there are many well-trained bodyguards there, so Secretary Zhang said without thinking: “No, they can’t come back——” 

Fu Xiao faintly glanced at Secretary Zhang, his eyes sharpened.

Secretary Zhang reluctantly closed his mouth, holding back the unspoken words in his heart.

He knew that Mr. Fu had made up his mind.

Once Mr. Fu decides, no one can stop him. 



Fu Xiao spoke to the captain of the bodyguards with a deep voice: “Immediately notify the other side to come back.”

“Yes.” The captain of the bodyguard shivered in his heart. 

“Even if some things are missed, there’s still a chance, but other things don’t.” Fu Xiao turned to look at Secretary Zhang.

Secretary Zhang was shocked. He raised his head, and saw Mr. Fu looking at the photo on the desk. In the photo, Little Sugar Cake was on Mr. Fu’s body, and Mr. Fu was looking down at Little Sugar Cake.

In the photo, the atmosphere of one person and one cat is very warm.

Since Little Sugar Cake came, Mr. Fu’s smile has also increased. 

But isn’t it his original intention to come here to help Mr. Fu?

If Little Sugar Cake can make Mr. Fu happy more than Xingchen, itself-evidence which is more important.

Anyway, there will always be a chance in the future. If by chance there’s really something wrong with Little Sugar Cake, it will make him regret it for the rest of his life.

However, within half a minute, the captain of the bodyguard said with a pale face: “It’s just that the others have lost contact with the car, and not its whereabouts are unknown. 

Fu Xiao abruptly stood up from the chair, because the chair was rubbing against the ground too hard, it made a second sound.

“What?” Even Secretary Zhang’s face changed drastically: “Isn’t it foolproof? How could something like this happen?”

He turned to look at Mr. Fu.

He couldn’t see Mr. Fu’s expression clearly, but his experience of following Mr. Fu for many years told him that Mr. Fu was extremely dangerous at this moment. 

Secretary Zhang suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and he quickly asked: “Mr. Fu, what are you going to do?”

Fu Xiao glanced down at Secretary Zhang and said word by word: “I want to go, immediately.”