Or should I call you Xiao Ning?


Fu Xiao walked up without changing his face, and rubbed the fleshy belly of Little Sugar Cake.

That’s more like it!

Little Sugar Cake hugged Fu Xiao’s hand, and rubbed his head against his large palm, as if he had found the person, who was in charge of himself. The white cat held Fu Xiao’s trousers, then walked to the people who were handcuffed. He then stretched out his pink meat pad and patted them softly like venting his anger coquettishly.

He’s like a kitten who has been aggrieved, and is now identifying the people who bullied him and asking his owner to seek justice for himself. 

As if it wasn’t him who scratched the group of people just now.

Fu Xiao held Little Sugar Cake in his arms, and then grabbed one of Little Sugar Cake’s paws. He took out the handkerchief in his pocket, and carefully wiped the blood on Little Sugar Cake, and said softly: “Don’t be so naughty next time.”

Little Sugar Cake tilted his head and let out a meow. Then he rubbed Fu Xiao back and forth happily.

The picture is warm and beautiful.

Except for the bloody white shirt on Fu Xiao’s body that was rubbed by Little Sugar Cake.

It was simply perfect.

Black Water, who was chained to the car, smiled sarcastically, watching the last person who appeared.

That person is Fu Xiao. 

They didn’t lose, he showed up.

Little Sugar Cake suddenly had a bad premonition.

When he was a cat, his intuition was always accurate. The white kitten turned his head and looked in a direction not far away in confusion. There is an abandoned house, and under the sunlight, the glass over there suddenly reflected a strange light.

A piercing sound that broke through the sky came through there. 

“Be careful——” The bodyguard captain’s face changed dramatically looking at Mr. Fu, “Get out of the way.”

They still have a backhand. Surprisingly, there were even people sniping.

But how can a human being made of flesh and blood be faster than a bullet.

Time seems to have slowed down, Fu Xiao turned his head and saw the bullet, facing the dazzling light. The bullet rushed over with an unstoppable momentum, and the bullet was about to penetrate his eyebrows. 

Fu Xiao’s pupils shrink suddenly.

Could this be where it ends?

He was not reconciled.


Lbkfnfg, lc atf cfza rfmbcv, j rcbk-ktlaf oluegf pewqfv lcab atf jlg klatbea tfrlajalbc, yibmxlcu atf jlg-qlfgmlcu yeiifa. Dibbv lcrajcais vsfv atf rcbk-ktlaf oeg gfv, jcv Olaaif Veujg Jjxf’r yief fsfr ibbxfv ja tlw, jr tf ifa bea j rboa wfbk.

Me Wljb’r wlcv lcrajcais rffwfv ab yf rwjrtfv bqfc ys rbwfatlcu.

The vibrant white figure in the past seemed to have been drained of its vitality, and fell heavily into his arms. Blood poured out of Little Sugar Cake, like a desperate attempt to get free. But Little Sugar Cake looked down at his wound, as if he still didn’t understand what happened to him, and raised his eyes to look at Fu Xiao blankly.

The bodyguard team immediately reacted, they drew their guns and shot several times over there. But there was no longer anything over there, so a group of people rushed over there immediately. 

Fu Xiao, however, did not pay that much attention. The white kitty in his arms was breathing weakly, and his little belly was rising and falling altogether.

With trembling hands, he covered Little Sugar Cake’s wound and said with a low and hoarse voice: “It’s alright, Little Sugar Cake. We’ll go to the hospital now, it’s alright.”

Fu Xiao’s voice has the very rare hint of panic, but the warm blood of Little Sugar Cake seemed to be worthless, and desperately leaked from his fingers. For the first time, he got to know that the small body of Little Sugar Cake could actually bleed so much blood.

Little Sugar Cake will be alright. 

His Little Sugar Cake is so powerful.

“Mr. Fu.” Secretary Zhang was the first to react and couldn’t help but speak out.

Fu Xiao raised his head.

With just a glance, Secretary Zhang froze in place. 

Mr. Fu has never shown the slightest panic in his eyes in any desperate situation for many years. But at this moment, he only has overwhelming bewilderment.

The manipulator of the fake cat, the real Little Sugar Cake, who had been hiding in the trunk of the car since the beginning, secretly saw Fu Xiao’s expression at the moment. He collapsed in the trunk, motionless like a blanket.

He’s finished!

Playing so big, he is dead this time! 

He had a hunch that even if he ran out now, Fu Xiao would take all his small dried fish away!

As for the one outside.

He is not stupid, the attackers were holding guns, ah.

He is just a body made of flesh and blood, what if something happens to him? 

He did not use the fake Little Sugar Cake in vain, ah!

But now——

Little Sugar Cake began to seriously contemplate himself strutting out, while making them believe that Little Sugar Cake outside was just a cat passing by and just happened to be a cat that looked a lot like him.

Three seconds later, Little Sugar Cake slumped in the car without moving. 

There are only three big words in his mind——

He is finished!

If the fake Little Sugar Cake really dies in front of Fu Xiao. How was he going to explain to Fu Xiao that he was alive again after dying?

Unless the fake Little Sugar Cake runs away now. 

As long as the fake Little Sugar Cake ran away and didn’t die in front of Fu Xiao, he could live outside for a while. After a few months passed, when the wound of the fake Little Sugar Cake was almost healed, and if he ran back to find Fu Xiao after, he would be able to hide the incident.

The more Little Sugar Cake thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible.

And he still has money, he doesn’t need to be a stray cat at all.

He has researched that many people will now board their cats in kitty hotel. Therefore, he can choose a kitty hotel he likes for himself, and live there for a month. He would open his eyes with cat toys, and close his eyes with small dried fish, and have a free and easy day where people can hug him everyday. 

Thinking about the days of a rich life of eating and drinking freely in the future, Little Sugar Cake, who got really awesome,  unexpectedly had this eagerness to give it a try in his eyes.

However, he forgot one of the most fatal problems. 

The fake Little Sugar Cake that was in Fu Xiao’s hands took advantage of the opportunity when Fu Xiao was opening the door, and jumped forward sharply, and then rolled past one kilometer journey at the side towards the edge of the woods, and was about to disappear from everyone’s sight.

“Little Sugar Cake!”

But at this moment, Fu Xiao’s voice suddenly came from behind. 

Little Sugar Cake couldn’t help but manipulate the fake Little Sugar Cake to look back. He saw Fu Xiao’s eyes at that moment, they looked like a bottomless abyss.

Little Sugar Cake trembled in his heart. His movements slowed down a little, and a strong attachment suddenly developed in his heart. Does he have to leave Fu Xiao?

But when he thought of the increasingly weak vitality of the fake Little Sugar Cake, Little Sugar Cake gritted his teeth and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Fu Xiao didn’t even think about it, and chased in the direction where Little Sugar Cake fled out. 

Secretary Zhang hurriedly blocked him anxiously and said: “Mr. Fu, you can’t stay here for long.” Earlier, there was already that one fish that escaped the net, but thanks to Little Sugar Cake Mr. Fu did not have an accident. But what if there is still another fish that slips through the net?

Looking at President Fu’s icy face, he sighed and said: “Little Sugar Cake, it, ai. Mr. Fu, at a time like this, you have to be more calm. Don’t let your emotions affect your decisions at this time.”

Fu Xiao’s expression slowly calmed down, looking at the direction where Little Sugar Cake disappeared, he finally realized that something was wrong.

There is no necklace around the neck of Little Sugar Cake just now. 

His expression changed and he said to Secretary Zhang: “Give me five minutes.”

In the grass, the fake Little Sugar Cake that finally lost its vitality turned into a little puppet with exposed cotton wool in front of Little Sugar Cake, and fell into the pool of blood.

But this skill on Little Sugar Cake’s skill board did not disappear, and continued consuming his intimacy value. Little Sugar Cake, who teleported to the vicinity, looked at the large bloodstain left around the fake Little Sugar Cake, and his little cat’s face showed embarrassment and confusion. 

Looking at the falling intimacy value, Little Sugar Cake felt pain and gritted his teeth. As if taking his own life, he held his breath, and twisted his head to the side in disgust, then raised his tail, he walked to the pool of blood on tiptoe and quickly patted the little puppet.

The little puppet slowly disappeared, he finally recovered it and the intimacy value that had been dropping no longer moved.

Little Sugar Cake heaved a sigh of relief. In addition to the intimacy value, he just found out that Fu Xiao’s destiny had been completed by 90%, which was one of the reasons why he left with confidence. There should be no danger to Fu Xiao’s life now.

At his momentarily absent-mindedness, Little Sugar Cake completely did not notice that his back was gradually shrouded in shadows. 

“Little Sugar Cake——” A familiar voice sounded from behind.

Little Sugar Cake, who was standing on tiptoe in the pool of blood, moved with a start. His raised left front grabbed the air and froze, his whole body was stiff, and his head was full of cold sweat.

This is Fu Xiao’s voice ah!

It’s over! 

He was found.

Little Sugar Cake didn’t even think about it, and when he lifted his leg, he spread his claws to the side and ran.

And Fu Xiao, who followed the location behind him, gritted his teeth and said: “Or should I call you Xiao Ning?”

The author has something to say: 

Choosing a cattery himself.

Little Sugar Cake can really be awesome.

Sunnyshies: Hahaha…busted!!