

The lemon scent of the shower gel on the teenager’s body pierced into Fu Xiao’s body. Fu Xiao’s mind swayed, and when he came back to his senses, he took a step back calmly.

When he retreated, Su Zening became more anxious.

How could Fu Xiao be so stingy, isn’t it just a trivial thing? Why is he so angry for so long?

So he pulled the bath towel, and carelessly moved in the direction of Fu Xiao. When he moved, the originally not so large bath towel got in the way. Su Zening looked at the bath towel with disgust, he thought that he and Fu Xiao were both guys anyway, so he simply didn’t care about the bath towel, and let the bath towel be pulled around his waist, showing his waistline. 

He said anxiously: “Fu Xiao, listen to me ah.”

The teenager’s skin was white and somewhat heated, surprisingly, Fu Xiao did not dare to look. Fu Xiao turned his head with a dark face and walked away. After a while, he threw some clothes on Su Zening and said: “Put on your clothes and then talk, what kind of look is that?”

Su Zening picked up the few pieces of clothes that had been thrown beside him. He put them on the tip of his nose and sniffed them, it has the fresh and pleasant scent of cedar. He didn’t care about Fu Xiao standing beside him, and he grumpily put his clothes on his hair and argued aggressively: “Do you think I don’t like wearing clothes? It’s not like I have one.”

Putting on clothes in front of Fu Xiao, Su Zening has no psychological obstacles.

He looked at the sports pants Fu Xiao gave him, and his long legs covered by a bath towel.

Su Zening hesitated.

Then he had a flash of inspiration. He tucked his pants into the bath towel, hiding under the towel, and put on the pants laboriously.

However, no matter how big the towel is, it is just a poor towel. 

Clearly at this moment it was carrying a burden it should not have carried.

Su Zening, who was concentrating on fighting with his pants, didn’t pay attention at all. Most of the bath towel had slipped down from his other side, revealing a large piece of white skin.

Fu Xiao squeezed the towel in his hand, and took a breath, then averted his gaze from the teenager.

After a while, Su Zening jumped off the bed and walked barefoot to Fu Xiao’s side. The room was carpeted, the heating was turned on, and the weather in early winter is not too cold. 

He carefully looked at Fu Xiao’s face.

He couldn’t see any expression on Fu Xiao’s face, he didn’t say anything either, he just pushed the chair on the carpet towards Su Zening.

Su Zening sat down calmly.

The next second, a warm and soft towel gently covered his still wet hair, and a pair of broad and powerful hands gently dried his hair with the towel. 

Su Zening could almost feel the temperature of Fu Xiao’s fingers and the strength of the towel running through his hair.

It’s Fu Xiao ah.

Su Zining couldn’t help thinking.

He couldn’t help but look up at Fu Xiao’s face. 

Then Fu Xiao’s low voice rang from Su Zening’s head: “Don’t move.”

Su Zining sat obediently.

Fu Xiao: “What do you want to say?”

As soon as he heard this, Su Zining’s curved eyebrows wrinkled into a deep 川 character. He secretly stole glances at Fu Xiao, like a child who did something wrong. 

As soon as Fu Xiao saw the teenager’s eyes, he felt soft-hearted.

If he doesn’t want to talk about it, forget it. There’s no need to make it difficult for him.

Who knew that Su Zening thought for a moment and hesitated for a while and asked: “Fu Xiao, I concealed it so well, how did you find out?”

In a very sincere tone. 

Fu Xiao:  …

He was practically laughing angrying at this teenager. He stretched out his hand directly, trapping the teenager between himself and the chair, and asked directly without good grace: “Your real name?”

He figured it out, in the face of the teenager, he doesn’t need the slightest bit of euphemism.

Yatfgklrf la klii yf ilxf tf lr cbk—— tf ralii vbfrc’a xcbk ktja atf affcjufg’r cjwf lr. 

Kgjqqfv yfakffc atf mtjlg jcv Me Wljb, Ve Ifclcu kjr rb mibrf atja tf mbeiv offi atf rmbgmtlcu afwqfgjaegf bc Me Wljb’r ybvs. Ktlr afwqfgjaegf tjr jc ecrqfjxjyif juugfrrlnfcfrr, jcv tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea rtglcx yjmx jkxkjgvis. Lf ibkfgfv tlr tfjv, jcv vjgfv cba ibbx ja Me Wljb: “Ve Ifclcu.”

Surprisingly, it is also Xiao Ning?

The teenager’s obedient attitude made Fu Xiao feel much better, and Fu Xiao asked again: “How old are you…how old are you this year?” His voice was vaguely uneasy.

Su Zening frowned and tried to count. He was nineteen years old when he died, plus he had been a cat for half a year, so he said with uncertainty: “Twenty years old?” 

There was no change on Fu Xiao’s face, but his eyes suddenly loosened, and the faint sense of guilt in his heart finally let go.

Fortunately, he’s already twenty. Much better than sixteen or seventeen that he thought.

Fu Xiao asked again: “Are you a human who can turn into a cat, or a cat that can turn into a human?” This involves Xiao Ning’s secret, will Xiao Ning be willing to tell it?

When Su Zening heard this, he couldn’t care less about being too close to Fu Xiao, and hurriedly raised his head to meet Fu Xiao’s eyes, and the two looked at each other. 

The teenager’s blue eyes were like the clear sky.

Fu Xiao’s heart trembled, his heart suddenly turned soft unreasonably. He thought, no matter what the teenager would say, whether or not it’s true, he would believe it.

Su Zening, however, was unaware of it, he laughed out loud, and ridiculed him: “Fu Xiao, what’s the matter with you ah? Of course I’m a human, how can I be a cat?” It has come to this point, and Fu Xiao still thinks he’s a cat.

Fu Xiao is too stupid! 

Fu Xiao couldn’t help clenching his fingers on the back of the chair.

When it comes to pissing him off, the teenager always has an amazing talent.

He couldn’t help it anymore, he stretched out a hand and pressed the teenager’s chin. His fingers squeezed a bit hard, forcing the teenager to look at him, and he said in a low voice: “Yeah, why didn’t I find out sooner that you’re a human? En?”

The skin under his fingertips was as smooth and delicate as he had imagined. 

Even a thick-headed person like Su Zening also noticed that something was wrong. His chin was pinched a bit hard, he tried to break free from Fu Xiao’s hand, but his hand was like a cast iron. He couldn’t move it even a little bit. The two were very close together, and he could almost feel the heat from Fu Xiao’s breath on his face.

Oh that’s right, Fu Xiao’s body temperature is relatively high, and sleeping on top of him is always warm.

Wait a minute, what’s he thinking about?

What is Fu Xiao even trying to do? 

He was forced to meet Fu Xiao’s dark eyes. Fu Xiao’s eyes seemed to have whirlpools, and Su Zening, who clearly wanted to look away, couldn’t move his body for some reason.

Su Zening’s face turned red, and his heart was beating so fast for no apparent reason.

Fu Xiao is really annoying!

At this moment, ding ding ding, a cell phone rang. 

But Fu Xiao didn’t move.

The ringtone sounded for a while, then stopped, but after a while, it continued to ring unrelentingly in the room.

Su Zening swallowed his saliva, he pointed to the phone and said: “Your phone is ringing.”

Fu Xiao gave him a meaningful look, then let him go. He stood up, and turned around to answer the phone. 

Su Zening just breathed a sigh of relief, but who knew that after Fu Xiao picked up the phone, he would turn to stare straight at him. Su Zening immediately sat back and leaned obediently on the chair, with a well-behaved and obedient look.

Fu Xiao couldn’t help pulling down the collar of his white shirt in a dazed, and perfunctorily responded to Secretary Zhang’s call.

On the other end of the phone, Secretary Zhang said conscientiously: “Song Mingwei has been brought under control. The police will soon come to take Song Mingwei away. She is clamoring to see you. Do you want to come over?”

Fu Xiao’s voice paused slightly, and all his eyes were full of the teenager in the chair, and he said distractedly: “No.” 

It’s a waste of time, so why see each other again?

The three words ‘Song Mingwei’ should have completely disappeared from his life.

Secretary Zhang on the other end of the phone was silent for a while. He hung up and then disconnected the call.

The woman who was under control in the room said: “Let Fu Xiao come to see me, I am the one who gave birth to him, he can’t treat me like this.” 

Secretary Zhang walked over.

The woman, who used to be elegant before, was arrested by Secretary Zhang and his people in the place where she was going to detain Mr. Fu. All the stolen goods were obtained, and at this moment, she looked very embarrassed and asked: “Where is Fu Xiao?”

Secretary Zhang said,: “Mr. Fu will not come to see you.”

Realizing the Fu Xiao won’t really come, Song Mingwei immediately changed her face, she then sneered and cursed: “The heavens really don’t have eyes. I should have strangled Fu Xiao as soon as he was born.” 

He looked at Song Mingwei, and he couldn’t help thinking of his mother. His mother always retreated from his father’s violence, but he knew that she loved him and his sister.

How could Mr. Fu’s mother be like this?

How can there be a mother who kills her own child?

He couldn’t help saying: “You really don’t deserve to be a mother.” 

When she heard these words, Song Mingwei couldn’t help but sneer and said: “Mother, whose mother? Fu Xiao also deserves it? Fu family also deserves it?” Song Mingwei’s voice was a little scary, and she was speaking sarcastically at this moment: “If Fu Xiao wants to blame someone, go to the Fu family, and let him cause trouble to those people living in the Fu family. At that time, my Song family was no worse than the Fu family in terms of family background. The worst thing that I, Song Mingwei, did in my life was to believe the Fu family’s nonsense and marry Fu Yunxi.”

“I should not have listened to the bullshit of the old man of the Fu family in a moment of confusion and given birth to Fu Xiao.”

She stared at Secretary Zhang, and that gaze made Secretary Zhang’s heart feel cold.

Song Mingwei said with strong hatred in her eyes: “On the day I gave birth to Fu Xiao, there were only people from the Fu family. After giving birth to Fu Xiao, I no longer have the ability to have children. The Fu family really calculated it well.” 

“The Song family has only one daughter, do you know what this means? In the future, the Song family will only have Fu Xiao as an heir, and the Fu family will swallow up the Song family without a second thought, while our Song family will only grit their teeth and swallow this breath. But why should I swallow this breath.”

She was disgusted with the Fu family’s calculations and hated herself even more for being blinded by love.

“Fu Xiao was born to suck the blood of the Song family.” Song Mingwei was already hysterical, “He came to the Song family to collect debts, and he owed the Song family since he was born.”

Secretary Zhang shook his head, and he took a deep look at Song Mingwei: “But Mr. Fu also has the blood of the Song family on his body, right? Mr. Fu can have the surname Song.” 

What’s more, it doesn’t matter who calculated who in the first place?

What’s wrong with Mr. Fu? The most pitiful person should be Mr. Fu, who was used as a tool by the two families.

Secretary Zhang looked at the woman hysterically swearing over there, and his heart was complicated.No matter what □□, the evidence is conclusive, Song Mingwei can’t turn over this time. 

Fortunately, this woman will never have a chance to appear in Mr. Fu’s life again.

It’s just that he should check at how Song Mingwei found that group of people. If it wasn’t for Little Sugar Cake, Mr. Fu alamost…

By the way, he doesn’t know what happened to Little Sugar Cake.

At this moment, the Little Sugar Cake that Secretary Zhang was thinking about, straddled the chair with his legs crossed, and was leaning with his hands on the back of the chair. He put his hand on his head, and without blinking an eye, he said: “That’s it.” 

He just selectively told Fu Xiao something.

Fu Xiao rubbed his forehead and said: “You said that you were originally human, but was just turned into a cat by someone, and then came to my side by chance?”

Su Zening nodded with a guilty conscience. He didn’t tell Fu Xiao his original destiny. He felt that Fu Xiao would not be happy to know this.

And he didn’t want Fu Xiao to be unhappy. 

Fu Xiao saw all the entanglement and struggle in his eyes, and Fu Xiao sighed in his heart. Xiao Ning still has something to hide from him, but it doesn’t matter, one day Xiao Ning will tell everything.

However, he only cares about one other thing now.

Remaining calm and collected, he asked: “When are you leaving?” After he finished speaking, he looked at Su Zeming’s expression carefully, not letting go of anything.

Su Zeming raised his head in confusion: “Leave?” Then he reacted incredulously and looked up at Fu Xiao, as if looking at a heartless man and said: “What? Do you still want me to leave!” 

He stared at Fu Xiao angrily.

Didn’t he just lie to Fu Xiao? Why is Fu Xiao so petty? Could it be that he wasn’t the one who kissed and hugged him before? How could he change his face so fast?

Seeing the teenager’s reaction, the big stone in Fu Xiao’s heart finally fell to the ground.

Never thought of leaving him? 

He looked at the teenager’s angry face like a squirrel and his heart moved. He leaned down and approached the teenager’s face. The teenager’s face was white and smooth, and his curled eyelashes were like butterfly wings, flickering and gleaming, shaking his mind in a daze.

Su Zening was still thinking, every time he turned into a human, his treatment plummeted compared to that of a cat. Before he could understand why, Fu Xiao’s face suddenly came close to him, and Su Zening stepped back vigilantly: “What are you doing?”

Fu Xiao is not trying to punish him, right?

He just finished speaking. 

Suddenly, Fu Xiao, without a warning, kissed his lips like a dragonfly touching the water lightly. Su Zening opened his eyes wide, his lips felt a warm touch, and the faint scent of cedar on Fu Xiao’s body lingered in his nose.

What is Fu Xiao trying to do here?

Fu Xiao’s eyes were deep as he looked at Su Zening and said: “Even with this you won’t leave?” The taste of those lips was as sweet and delicious as he imagined.

His heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface. This is a confession. 

Xiao Ning, will he agree?

Unexpectedly, the teenager was stunned for a moment, his face flushed, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Good, ah. Fu Xiao, do you want to use this method to drive me away? Why are you so stingy, ah. I didn’t lie to you on purpose. Besides, your house is still in my name. Give up this idea forever, I will not leave even if I die.”

What is this, what?

Fu Xiao couldn’t help it anymore, he pinched the teenager’s chin tightly, and kissed him deeply. Their mouths intertwined and the hot breath entangled between the two. 

As soon as the kiss ended, Fu Xiao’s breathing became unsteady. He seemed to have used a lot of self-control to separate himself from the teenager and said hoarsely: “Do you understand now? I want to do this every day. I don’t want to be your so-called friend or be your owner.”

He took a deep breath and said decisively: “Either agree and stay with me, or refuse and leave me.”

He didn’t want to be friends with Su Zening, not at all.

Of course, if the teenager chooses to leave, he’s afraid that even if he went to the ends of the earth, he would still take the teenager home. 

After all, he was never a good person.

The teenager bit his lip and looked at him with wide eyes.

Fu Xiao couldn’t bear it in his heart, in front of the teenager, he was always defeated.

Forget it, why should he make it so difficult for him? 

He is still young after all.

Just when Fu Xiao was frustrated and wanted to give up.

The teenager suddenly approached, the faint lemon scent broke into his nose, and then the teenager kissed his lips a little further without hesitation. He titled his head and said: “Is that the kind of friend you want to be?”

Fu Xiao felt that his mind exploded all of a sudden. Without the slightest sense of reason, he forced one hand to wrap his arm around the teenager’s waist, making him stick tightly to himself. The teenager seemed to sense that something was wrong and wanted to turn his head back, but Fu Xiao’s other hand had already firmly held the back of the teenager’s head. 

The kiss seemed to have some other meaning, and it gradually got out of control.

Fu Xiao picked up the teenager, he hugged and kissed him, then walked to the bed, breathing disorderly, and threw the teenager on the soft bed.

The corner of the teenager’s eyes flush red, which caused him to have an evil intention in his heart.

He took a deep breath and leaned down, trying to deepen the kiss. 

However, with a bang.

The teenager disappeared, and a snow-white kitty struggled to get out of his clothes. His shook his fur, then looked at Fu Xiao with his blue eyes, he titled his head and said innocently: “Meow~”

Sunnyshies: I don’t know, I forgot to count time, anyway, I’ll continue updating now.

Btw, I just finished reading “After Rebirth, I Returned to Miaojiang to Inherit My Family Business” this week, and it was really good. In terms of deep storylines, it was comparable to “Psychic“. It’s also like “I’m Not Shouldering This Blame” since there’s so many people who was reborn. But unlike Psychic, which doesn’t have romance at all, After rebirth…has a very touching romance. I love ml very much, if I could compare him to someone, he’s like Lan Zhan from MDZS. The ml from after rebirth…is a hero and a martyr with a soul riddled with holes and scars. Oh man, I really love ml’s dedication and unconditional love to mc. 

And this “The Male God Has A Crush On Me“, I just finished it earlier, before I started editing and uploading this chapter. I like how the author explain the reason for rebirth. Many novels left that part a mystery, and few novels actually include explanation for that one.

Speaking of reason for rebirth, I remember reading that one novel. Its a rebirth story as well, in modern age, and its a very typical rebirth story…but the extra broke me very much. I forgot the title, but to those who have read it, they will know it— After reading the extra, I finally realized why there’s a “tragedy” tag there. Everything turns out to be nothing but a virtual reality…until now, I really regret reading that extra…TT