"Boom -"

"brother Yan, are you ok?"

Yan nianfei quickly rolls to the other side, the zombie leaps to the top, claps her to fly with one slap, she hits the wall mercilessly, screams.

Yan Yi is beaten by the zombie and falls on the other side. At this time, they are all in a mess. Their noses are blue and their faces are swollen.

Seeing the zombie go to Yannian, Yan Yi can't help it any more. He exposes the strength of his level 3 powers and rushes to the zombie.

I thought the duel was a third level zombie, which should be easy.

I didn't expect

The Zombie's eyes flashed fierce light, ran fast, jumped up and kicked Yan Yi's heart. With a heavy blow, Yan Yi sprayed blood on his mouth, flew out, hit the ground heavily, and made a loud noise.

Tangguo knock melon seeds, evaluation: "this move clean, good."

The zombie didn't forget Tang Guo's words. He wanted to beat the woman. He went to Yannian's face, picked up Yannian's collar with blood claws, and slapped Yannian's face.

In a short time, Yan Nian's face was swollen, completely unable to see the original beauty.

"Yan Brother Yan. "

Yan Nian doesn't understand why the zombie likes to hit her in the face.

She did not practice for a long time. There were no other things in the space except for Lingquan, land and cultivation methods.

The strength of the zombie was beyond her acceptance, and there was no resistance.

Yan Yi gets up from the ground and looks at Yan Nian's beaten face. He gets angry and rushes to the zombie.

The zombie threw Yan Nian away and started beating Yan Yi instead. The fierce light in his eyes became excited. He felt Wang's pleasure and beat Yan Yi even harder.

"So a zombie is a lovely creature." Tangguo is smiling and has a wonderful heart.

At this time, she felt that there was a line of sight, looking in the direction of the line of sight, and there was a man standing there. Men's facial features are deep and handsome. The whole man gives a cold feeling.

But she saw that there was no malice in the other's eyes.

She knocked a melon seed, didn't mean to get up, glanced at Yan Yi, who was still being beaten, and asked, "who are you?"

The man came to her and looked at her unabashedly, "Shi Cheng."

"I don't know." Tangguo's eyes narrowed slightly. How could Shi Cheng be here?

[host, Shi Cheng's soul is abnormal. Why can't I detect it. But I can feel that he didn't mean anything to you. ]

Tang Guo picked up his eyebrows and didn't care. He continued to watch Yan Yi and Yan Nian being beaten by the zombie with great interest.

Shi Cheng stood next to her, silent, and watched the beating of the two men.

"Do you want to come with me?" For a long time, Shi Cheng asked.

Tangguo is a little strange and funny. "Why should I go with you?"

Shi Cheng was silent, thought for a while, and said, "you always need a place to live. I can protect you from being bullied in the end."

This makes Tangguo more funny. What do you mean?


Shi Cheng is speechless. He can't say anything. If you get involved with Yan Yi, he may end up shooting you.

Yes, he was reborn.

In his last life, he occupied half of the country. He always had a regret that he didn't stop Yan Yi from killing Tang Guo at the last moment.

If he had taken Tangguo from the beginning, it would not have happened in the end.

He did not know that he was always cold hearted. Why did he feel sad to see that woman smiling and dying.