[host dada, I have collected all the crimes of Feng Yu. Whether it's evidence collection or video recording, there is no one in Feng's family who can exonerate him from the crime. "

[do you want to submit it now? ]

Tang Guo smiled and said, "let's go."

You must be punished for killing people, don't you?

The law hasn't stipulated that, but it has to be made public.

"Help me access my parents' mobile phones. They are too excited when I can avoid it. I live on the Internet and in reality. As long as I live well, they won't be so sad."

The system does the same.

Tangguo soon contacted the Tang family and told them all the truth. They first thought it was inconceivable, but some didn't believe it. They thought she was a liar.

After a series of evidences were presented, they went to Tangguo's live room again, watched the video of her and Xiayi's appearance carefully, and finally confessed their life. Later, the live broadcast of the girl, though it was their daughter's body, was not their daughter.

Tangguo persuades them for a long time, saying that she is very good now. Let them not be sad, soon Feng Yu will be punished.

"Fruit, what about your body?" Tang mother almost lost her voice. She can't let the unknown person have the body of fruit all the time.

Thinking of their daughter's everything, they were deprived by others. The Tang family and his wife were only angry and sad. Feng Yu has done so much to take away their daughter's body. How can they accept this?

"Mom, if summer disappears one day, you don't have to save my body." Tang Guo in the computer, showing her figure, that familiar face, let the Tang couple can't help tears, she lightly painted light wrote, "cremation."

She looked at the sad look of the two and pulled out the Fengming hiding in the corner. In the face of a young man who suddenly came out, they both forgot to be sad and stared at the man holding their daughter's hand.

"This is my boyfriend."

Tang Guo smilingly introduces them. Looking at their faces, they are unbelievable, and even have some indescribable expressions. Then they guess that Feng Ming is not a human, "he is also a human brain wave."

"His name is Fengming, which you should be familiar with."

Two people stayed for a while, Feng Ming, is not that at the beginning of the game, to play life into the boy?

My family name is Feng.

Feng Yu's uncle?

They looked at each other, not very satisfied.

"Uncle and aunt, I don't want that nephew. I just need Xiaoguo." Feng Ming hurriedly expressed his attitude, "as a matter of fact, I've been dead for a long time, and I don't have much to do with them. That kid not only plagiarized my research results, but also killed Xiaoguo by such a bad means. I won't stand beside him when I'm in love and reason."

The two elders of the Tang family thought a lot in an instant. Their daughter was afraid that she would not come out.

Their hearts are sad, but their daughter didn't really die, just can't have the body, so think, also don't feel so sad.

That letter Yu is a madman, want daughter to go out, with his crazy action, still don't know what will happen.

Since her daughter likes the Internet world, she is accompanied by a human brain wave. They want to meet each other. As long as there is Internet, they can meet at any time, which is not unacceptable.

In this way, Feng Ming was able to hold his daughter-in-law formally after their eyes.

That day, Feng Yu was in the room, carefully fed not willing to eat, the spirit of some lax summer Italy to eat, but also a face of gentle.

All of a sudden, the door broke open, and several uniformed police officers rushed in and handcuffed him.

Xia Yi thought vaguely, with a smile on the corner of her mouth. She was finally saved and Feng Yu was arrested, so this body is hers.