When shangguanjing wanted to see more, the smile had disappeared. At that time, I was thinking about that kind of smile, which is legendary, like Epiphyllum, fleeting, precious smile.

Tangguo's smile turned into that kind of shallow smile again, but he could still see that she was very happy, and he had never seen her so happy.

"All right, you go back. Is it comfortable in the sun?"

"All right." She smiled at shangguanjing and saluted, "my Lord, I like this bracelet very much. I leave."

Before shangguanjing could speak, she turned around with the box, and the jade bracelet was hanging on her wrist. She left with light steps. At the corner, he saw her smiling face, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Just a jade bracelet can make you happy." Shangguanjing said coldly in situ, "it's really a fool. I just feel that I owe you a little and give you compensation."

After that, shangguanjing turns back to his study, but the brain along the way finally remembers the smile. That smile is really fascinating. There is no exaggeration in describing it as fascinating.

It turns out that this lady of the family will also show such a smile.

The reason for such a smile was laughable to him. It was her husband who gave her a rare jade bracelet.

Stupid, stupid, naive, stupid!

That's all.

After Tangguo returned to the room, he glanced at the jade bracelet on his wrist and said, "if it wasn't for this bracelet, I would like to smash it."

[host, I support you, smash it, smash it, I will exchange some fakes for you. ]Instigated by the system, he has long been fascinated by the official scene and has been expecting that the host can brutalize the other party.

Of course, Tangguo didn't smash the bracelet at the end of the day. He had to wear it every day to hang around in front of shangguanjing and show his happiness. By the way, he asked for help to increase his impression.

In the next few days, shangguanjing couldn't ignore it. Seeing the woman hanging the bracelet on her wrist, he thought it was funny.

He didn't pay attention to these things. A few days later, Tang Jiao will come to your house. He will find some troubles, so that shangguanyi doesn't have the opportunity to accompany Tang Jiao to your house.

At that time, he will be able to leave jiao'er in King's mansion forever and become his king's princess.

Thinking of this, he came to the independent courtyard where the old man lived.

The old man is called the Taoist of sheep, and he is an expert in the skill of discriminating against the yellow. It took him a whole year to find this man at countless cost. He invited him again with a lot of money, and finally he could realize his wish.

"Taoist priest Yang, in a few days, jiao'er will come to your house, and then all will be in your hands."

The Yangdao man touched his long beard, narrowed his little eyes slightly, and said, "don't worry, Lord. If you want to go out, you will succeed."

"That's good," shangguanjing asked again. "Taoist, I want to ask you, after the memory is changed, I will remember it later?"

"It depends on what the Lord wants to do."

"What does the Taoist priest mean?"

Yangdao people smile, and their small eyes flash, "the Lord wants to be reversible, so the time limit for changing memory is ten years. Ten years later, this person will think of everything in the past, including everything without memory later. If it is irreversible, it will never be remembered for life. "