When Tangguo was taken out of the school, Qin pan watched silently in the corner of the crowd. The previous live broadcast, when the police arrived, had already been broadcast.

Because Tangguo's voice has been processed, he doesn't hear anything.

He was relieved to see that Tangguo was brought out intact without any harm.

Thinking of the doubt in his heart, he didn't catch up.

Since she didn't tell, and seemed so calm, her intuition told him that things were not so simple.

Therefore, he is ready to wait and see again. As for the method he thought before, it should not be needed now.

But Qin pan was not relieved. At the door of the police station, he found Tangguo was taken away by Tangfu and Tangmu. He secretly sent a message to Tangguo and asked when she would go back to school. What he still got was that he would not go back for the time being. He was a little lost.

Think of those two couples angry, but also helpless, before coming out of the police station, I don't know if I didn't see someone, just quietly scolded two, the network is full of that kind of nosy. Qin Pan's heart is not so good. Why do she have such parents? Do they love her or hurt her?

Soon Qin pan found the answer.

Because there were not two days, Tang Fu and Tang Mu found a new school for Tang Guo.

Qin Pan: "..."

Both of them have broken down two Internet schools. They really don't have points. Do they have to send her to them? Obviously, she is against the school. It's not the school that controls her. It's her that controls the school.

Maybe Tangguo is OK. Even if he is imprisoned in personal freedom, he can't call him, but still has contact with him.

Qin pan is not so worried. She even has more doubts in her heart. There is even another way. Does she know that she has such a magical physique? She just follows her parents' wishes and goes to the school.

Anyway, her constitution is kejiewang school. If she goes to school, she will beat one, which is also to get rid of the disaster. Believe it or not, he did.

However, in the heart, Qin Panshi is not sure. After seeing her sent to school, he is ready to implement his own way.

Tang Guo has been in the new school for two days and is very adaptable, although the environment is not as good as going to a school. When

ate, Tang Guo silently and make complaints about the system. "The school condition is almost the same, after all, it is cheaper. There are not many pieces of meat. Although the school is strict, in general, the food is good. When parents come, they will not see that we are hungry and thin. Moreover, the money is also from parents. "

The system is speechless and asks secretly, "the host is very big. How long will it take to prepare for this time and destroy this school?"? ]

"depending on the situation, this school has not done anything extraordinary at present. It's mostly the previous thing. They become more careful when they make a big noise. However, they don't pretend to be what they are. At a certain time, they will show their horses

On the third day, Tangguo found a familiar face while eating.

The familiar face also sat in front of her with a bowl.

"Qin Qin Xuechang Tangguo looked around and lowered his voice. "Why are you here?"

After so many days, Qin pan was able to talk to her face to face, although he spent a lot of money to come in.