Where is it like when Tangguo was at home, he had to make a small compartment in the room and decorate the surroundings strangely. On the computer, there's a camera, and there's a lot of wires in a mess.

Sometimes they sing and dance to the camera. Anyway, they don't like it.

They forgot why they had to report the dance class to the original master. New year's day, let her daughter sing and dance in front of relatives, she is not allowed to sing and dance in front of the computer to show her talent? Moreover, when she dances, it's because someone is interested in the dance she learns and shows it to others. But in their eyes, it's become vulgar.

Later, some close relatives found two people and persuaded them not to do so absolutely, and mistreated their own daughter.

No matter what, there is a layer of consanguinity between the biological daughter and the biological one.

But they were stubborn and didn't listen at all.

It was the cousin who recommended the school with Tang Fu. She supported their decision very much. She also said that the filial piety of her adopted daughter and her daughter was not filial. It was really not about blood relationship, but about people.

He also said that they are going to retire soon. In the future, they will have retirement wages. What are they worried about.

If it's good for them, they'll enjoy it and be good for them. Why do you have to struggle for your own daughter?

When they think about it, it's really like that.

In order to help Tangguo get rid of the Internet, she spent more than 200000 yuan. As a result, nothing worked. It can be seen that she is a rotten rotten piece of rotten wood. No matter how she carves it, no matter how good the carving technology is.

But the relatives are full of tongues and think it's better to be close.

They think that these people just want to see their jokes and don't want them to be good. Otherwise, why didn't they say that their parents were good? If they had a good foster daughter now, they would say that they were not.

So, these people just don't want them to be nice.

As a result, they reduced the contact between relatives.

Their virtue is that their relatives don't want to associate with them. Whether it's the Spring Festival or other times, there is basically no reciprocity.

Relationships like relatives don't last for holidays. They don't break in two years.

In the future, people will not help you.

At present, when the Spring Festival is celebrated, the two husband and wife basically have only had a relationship with Li Yuhong. They are far away from each other. The other part is colleagues.

Since there is such an "unfilial daughter" in the family, they seldom mention the family affairs.

All these people in the unit are human spirits. Even if they are real gossip, they will not say anything in front of them. I don't know how to say that they have brain problems.

They finally retired, and then they thought about Lin Yuhong's death.

They proposed to introduce Lin Yuhong. Lin Yuhong agreed. She didn't mean to contradict at all. She also said that she believed what they introduced.

In Tang Guo that process, two people to Lin Yuhong introduced an object, Lin Yuhong unexpectedly agreed, she couldn't help but ask, "is it her arrangement?"

The voice of the system is very strange. ]

it's been a long time since Tang Guo spoke.