"Moreover, the present education does not advocate such means of violence. Dad, do you usually watch the news? I've seen a lot of it. I've exposed a lot of it on the Internet before. My parents have been detained for beating their children arbitrarily. "

Tang Liming was shocked for a moment. "Isn't it natural that I beat my son? He made a mistake and bullied your sister Xiaowen. He should teach her a good lesson. "

"But Dad, you didn't ask me anything. It's wrong to call Xiao Lin when you come up. If it is exposed, it will be scolded by many netizens and pointed out by people around it. " "In some foreign countries, people pay more attention to this area, and even sentence the parents who beat their children and deprive them of their custody."

Tang Liming doesn't understand this. After all, he is only a junior high school graduate. He doesn't usually pay attention to this situation.

In his opinion, there is no problem with his son making mistakes and beating.

If he doesn't fight, this kid can't go to heaven?

"Dad, this time it's not Xiao Lin's fault."

"You're his fault whose fault is it?" Tang Wen doesn't obey. She is used to being domineering. It should be said that in this family, she has been spoiled for a long time. She thinks that everything here is hers. "He stops me and scolds me as a dog. Dad, he bullies me like this every time. You have to help me teach him a lesson."

Tangguo is not used to this kind of little princess. "This is my room. It's impolite for you to rush in when I don't allow it. Xiao Lin stops you. That's right. "

"I don't care if it's your room or not. Anyway, it's all my mom's and dad's. I'll bring in whatever I want. And you have no right to stop me. "

Tang Guo didn't talk to the domineering Tang Wen again, but looked at Duan Yuhong. "Aunt Duan, is that so? In the future, sister Xiaowen can take away all the things in my room? "

Duan Yuhong did not expect that Tang Liming could not teach Tang Lin a lesson. Now Tang Guo asks her again.

At first, she also thought that many things in this room were new and good. She paid a lot of money to decorate them.

Unfortunately, the cloud family didn't even take a look. She didn't plan to give her daughter the contents before. But in the heart to cloud family still some hair is creepy, afraid Tang Guo a telephone to return, says own grievance.

What's more, the cloud family finds out the experience of Cloud Art in these years, and then they will find her troubles.

And Tangguo has locked the door. She hasn't thought about it for the moment.

But Tang Wen doesn't depend on it. Knowing that Yunyi is gone, she comes with a Tang fruit.

Moreover, Tangguo directly occupied the good things in this room. When she scolded Yunyi for arranging these things, she was angry.

If her mother didn't say that she was afraid that the powerful cloud family would make life difficult for them, she would not rely on it.

Now that Yunyi has gone, she should take back the things in nature and give them to this wild girl.

Duan Yuhong also wants to borrow Tang Wen's young age and take something. Tang Guo is a high school student, so she shouldn't care about it.

Unexpectedly, Tangguo would ask her directly, which made her very embarrassed.

However, her embarrassment was soon solved by Tang Liming.

"Xiaowen is still young. It's hard to avoid wanting to see what she likes. Xiaoguo, as a sister, let her go in and see what she likes. We spoiled the child. When she grows up, she will be sensible."