Song Lin returns to zita city and finds that Gongxi is not around Tangguo with a smile. He wants to do that in his heart.

It's almost impossible to kill Tangguo in zita city.

At the beginning of the game, the official said that killing queen zita in zita city is invincible. No matter how powerful the players are on the game list, they can't beat her.

Her weakness is to leave the confines of zita.

So he wants to kill the NPC of zita queen, only one way is to cheat her out of zita city.

Since the official has this reminder, there must be a more special reward for killing queen zita.

Song Lin's idea is well known to several core members of the gang. Knowing that he approached queen zita, he wanted to cheat her out to kill her.

However, in the eyes of other players, Song Lin's courteous appearance is basically pursuing the queen of zita and trying to develop a relationship with him.

They remember that Song Lin didn't attack Princess Banyue just a while ago, but this is a NPC that many players want to attack. As a result, Song Lin got it. It didn't take long for him to change his mind.

Because this is a game, the virtual world, the NPC is the strategy, most players will be here as a game place. Song Lin's behavior slag is a bit of slag, in the game seems to be quite normal.

Many players who want to marry Princess Banyue are still looking forward to Song Lin's success. When he and queen zita are together, they will have a chance to attack Princess Banyue.

Song Lin knows that queen zita is very interested in the outside world. So every time I came to Tangguo, I would bring some trinkets I found outside zita city.

In his opinion, as long as it is not in zita City, it can attract the queen of zita.

Just now, Song Lin read a poem to Tang Guo, just to see the NPC's reaction.

When he read poems in front of the Half Moon Princess, he was praised for his talent.

If it is a NPC that is not aware of it, it may indeed analyze its own reaction in big data, and should praise song Lin.

However, Tang Guo is not a real NPC. After listening to Song Lin reciting poems, she looked at Song Lin and said, "Song Gongzi, the poem you just recited, if I remember correctly, should be written by a poet who lost his country to commemorate the death and removal of the country. In addition, there is a word you read wrong, which has been modified recently. What's more, you have some problems with punctuation, which doesn't sound smooth. "

Song Lin:

He was just a random search of poetry. Unexpectedly, he got him a poem by a poet who had lost his country. It was clear that the person who asked questions needed a love poem.

What makes him feel more shameful is that the sentence is wrong.

The most humiliating thing is, there is another word wrong.

Of course, the most terrible thing is that when Tang Guo recites this word again, he can feel the jeering eyes of the players around him.

Miss confused: "these days, if you don't have two brushes, you'd better not deal with these things. Scum man, taking advantage of my absence, colludes with queen zita. Isn't he a half moon princess?"

Red rose: "because here is a game, is a virtual world, the son of the Song family is just a player, it is not strange to make such a thing."

Miss confused: "I can't control his strategy of other NPCs. Queen zita is my favorite NPC."