Don't Lu yu'er like to use these young girls to make money? In this era, voluntary is just enough, but she takes advantage of her own backer, even forced a prostitute, which she can't bear.

She likes silver so much that she can earn it by herself.

System: [host, I always think you want to do something. Tell me, what do you want to do? 】

"it's nothing. I think Lu yu'er is already an adult. If you want money, you should make it yourself, don't you?"

System: so, we still have to do something, right?

Lu yu'er told Tang Guo a lot of things. Anyway, the warning from the inside and outside: "since you are here, don't try to run. Everyone knows the rules of my mother Lu in Meixian Academy. If you want to run, you can't get out of the yard. "

"I don't run." Tang Guo pretended to be afraid, and Lu yu'er was satisfied.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tang Guo poured a cup of tea for Lu yu'er, and a little something was added to the tea.

Lu yu'er obviously didn't think Tangguo could do anything. She drank all the tea, arranged a servant girl for Tangguo, and left.

Lu yu'er plans to let Tangguo offer the piano in the evening to attract some customers to her beauty garden.

Of course, she doesn't plan to pick up other guests in a short time. After all, this is her flower leader.

As the saying goes, what you can't get is the best.

Only let those guests do some elegant things, such as playing chess, playing the piano and writing poems, will Tangguo be more valuable.

She didn't feel pity for Tangguo, but felt that she could make more money. If there is a powerful person who wants Tangguo to do other things, she can't wait for enough money.

Lu yu'er did not know that when she walked out of the door, the eyes of those patrons outside looking at her were not right.

Tang Guo also decided to help the flower house change Feng Shui, especially inside and outside Lu yu'er's room.

It's time for the evening again. This time, Tang Guo wears more appropriate clothes.

This is a new image that Lu yu'er arranged for her. She is a unique flower queen who only sells talents, which attracts many people to watch.

Tang Guo came to the stage with her chin in her arms, and bent her lips under her veil. Didn't she ask for her death?

Voice attack, this is her family skills.

When the piano played, Lu yu'er, who was greeting guests nearby, felt something wrong. She always felt her heart pounding and her cheeks were slightly red.

Those guests who were still looking at Tangguo suddenly noticed Lu yu'er's face, which was suddenly startled and looked at her.

The girls in the flower house felt it. They looked at the past and thought that Lu yu'er was really beautiful today.

But Lu yu'er, as a procuress, has not received guests for many years.

Lu yu'er is just a pimp. If a powerful guest orders her, she has to pick her up.

Originally, Lu yu'er wanted Tang Guo to attract more guests, but she didn't expect that the eyes of the guests were on her.

She was vaguely ill at heart. As a result, she heard someone say, "today's mother Lu is really beautiful."

"Mother Lu," a little boy came up to Lu yu'er and said, "my Lord asked you to go there."

Lu yu'er can't refuse, so she has to go.

Once Lu yu'er left, she did not come back.

The next day, Lu yu'er wakes up and feels sick.

But the matter is not over, a night, there are guests to see her, ordinary she can refuse, have the right to have money, she has no way, can only cater to.