

How could he have such a schadenfreude idea? He thought it was good. If others didn't marry, he would. Stop, stop!

"Mr. Zhou, just do as I say. You don't have to be shameful. Neither the Tang family nor the Regent's house needs face. "

Some time ago, the system went to Tang's home to observe, and her parents already knew that Tang Shan had given her medicine. They just wrote a letter and scolded Tang Shan, but there was no more.

In that case, why should she give them face?

As for the Regent's palace, it is even less necessary.

How to let people know the real Tang Shan without making a big fuss?

In Tang Yueguo, everything seems to be in control of her face. He has a premonition that even if he doesn't show up, peach and ma he will have the same choice.

What is the reason that makes her so determined? Is there any secret that nobody knows?

"Miss Tang Er really decided so?" Zhou Jin asked again, "if you do this, you will have no way back. In the future, people in Beijing will talk about you in succession."

"I've decided."

Zhou Jin: "well, I'll arrange someone to do it."

Zhou Jin took people to turn away, did not take two steps, he paced to Tangguo: "what I said in the daytime is true, I will help you out in the future." Perhaps he thought it was time to add, "if you don't dislike the palace, you can come here. It is true that the palace is surrounded by beasts, but one day in the future, those beasts will submit to the king of beasts. "

After that, Zhou Jin left in a hurry, and her back soon disappeared in the night.

Under Zhou Jin's arrangement, the Fanhai temple was soon illuminated, and the affair between ma he and Tao'er was exposed. The abbot had no choice but to go to Tangguo.

"It's my lax command that has added to the Abbot's troubles. As soon as the day breaks, I will take them away and disturb the abbot all night." Tang Guo bows, "I will add more fragrant oil money later, hoping to alleviate some of my sins."

The abbot also returned a gift: "how can you blame the benefactor, the benefactor is also tired by their desire."

Ma he and Tao'er are detained in the firewood room and guarded by Zhou Jin's men.

When everyone went to sleep, Tangguo came to the wood room. Qi Qing was there to watch. He was surprised to see Tangguo coming.

"Miss Tang Er, is this?"

Tangguo: "I'll go in and have a look." After a pause, she said, "guard together, please point peach's sleeping hole."

Qi Qing didn't understand, so he went in and did it.

Ma he is puzzled by Qi Qing's actions. He was very upset. He was so careless that he didn't expect to be caught in the temple. Knowing it would be like this, he put up with it.

Unfortunately, it's too late. How can he get away now? However, the second lady seemed to be very kind. She didn't intend to kill them directly and take them back to the Regent's palace.

As long as he goes back to the Regent's palace and can see the princess, with that handle, his life should be saved.

Just thinking like this, he felt that someone came in from outside. Subconsciously, he saw Tangguo coming in with moonlight. Her expression was light, and there was no smile on her face. The innocent face seen during the day had disappeared.

Turn but some inaccessible, as if is a fairy from heaven.

Ma he suddenly woke up with a shiver: "two Second lady. "