"After many years, she will also recover her memory. If I don't have the supreme power and can't arrange for the dead, I still can't finish this task. I can only get the power before I have the chance to arrange for the ghost. I can't do that with my ability now. "

OK, as long as you can finish the task. 】

"I can open this lock without any difficulty. If there is a medical book in it, I will copy it, do nothing, and then lock it back. If I don't say, you don't say, can she know?"

Lin Yikai successfully fooled 978, so he began to unlock it.

It's really not difficult to open this kind of lock. He once studied this kind of lock, and it didn't take long to open it.

After taking off the lock, he nervously opened the wooden box.

When he saw what was inside, he showed such an expression.

There are three items in the box, a bag of gold needles and a short knife, which are much shorter and thinner than ordinary daggers. At the bottom, there is an old book. The handwriting on the book cover is not clear, but it doesn't prevent Lin Yikai from getting excited.

If he is not wrong, this is another medical book.

He was trembling, holding the medical books and looking at the prescriptions. He was very excited. Among them, there were three prescriptions that attracted his attention most. After careful calculation, these three prescriptions were all what he needed now.

Sleep, headache, and Changsheng pill.

Lin Yikai looks at the prescription of Changsheng pill and hesitates. Is there really Changsheng pill? He had heard that some emperors would be reluctant to die when they were old. They would pursue longevity and raise a group of Dan masters. However, these elixirs are not serious elixirs, and the pills are basically heavy metal exceeding the standard.

Not only does it not live forever, but it also allows the emperor to live early.

Although I don't know whether Changsheng pill is true or false, Lin Yikai decided to copy all the contents of the medical book.

There are more than 20 prescriptions, each of which has its own advantages.

After copying, he put the things back according to their original position, and wiped them with a donation cloth before putting them back, so as not to leave his fingerprints.

Maybe the ancients didn't care about this, he just in case.

The wooden box was locked again, and Lin Yikai hid it.

He decided to try the sleeping prescription first, saying that he had improved on the previous one.

"Oh? Is what Lin Aiqing said true? " The emperor was surprised and a little pleased. Since Lin Yikai appeared, his symptoms of insomnia and headache have been alleviated a lot.

As soon as Lin Kai said that the sleeping prescription had been improved, he became interested.

"I don't know what has been improved compared with before?" Now every day before going to bed, the emperor takes Lin Yikai's sleeping prescription.

Can fall asleep, but a day does not take that medicine, will return to the past.

"Emperor, this time's improvement will thoroughly cure your insomnia."

"Really?" The emperor was really surprised, "Ai Qing, fill the medicine quickly."

Lin Yikai gave the medicine to the emperor. The emperor would not use it directly. He had to find someone to try it. After all, he is not the person the emperor trusts most,

but he believes that once the medicine goes down, the emperor will definitely trust him.

It's going to work. He's already tried it.

When the emperor asked someone to test the medicine, he began to take the medicine prepared by Lin Yikai.

After ten days in a row, the emperor really felt better than before.

According to Lin Yikai, eating for a month in a row can completely cure his insomnia.

A month later, the emperor stopped taking medicine for one day. That night, as Lin Yikai had expected, he slept very well.

The emperor Dayue promoted Lin Yi.