"I hope you don't forget your original intention, practice seriously, and become immortals as soon as possible."

Blue Leaf did not understand this meaning, in the side of the white rain dream is thoughtful, resentment end?


All the original changes, in fact, is not her own efforts, there are Tang sister? The one who hides the most is actually the other.

No wonder she always feels that all this is too smooth. How can she use her tongue and everything can go according to her idea?

Tang Guo, who had lived for two generations, really had some dead brains. He would never be so thorough. He didn't make up his mind to do things now, and he made Lin Yikai suffer losses again and again.

Tang Guo of the first two generations would never go to the whole forest unless she was the same.

Bai Yu dreams that Tang Guo glances at her and takes back her eyes. She doesn't intend to say anything about it. Just understand it in her heart.

It seems that sister Tang is very interested in her elder brother. Maybe soon, she will have a sister-in-law of the demon hunter.

It's really exciting to say that she is a rabbit spirit. She is a goblin. Ah, she has a sister-in-law of demon catching master. It's all thanks to her elder brother. Her elder brother is also really shameless, even with shameless cute to pursue people.

Tang Guo doesn't know what Bai Yumeng is doing in his brain. He can guess a little in his heart.

After seeing off the blue leaves, she sat in the living room, and ye Tang was practicing in her arms, enjoying her life.

Tang Guo thinks that since he has come to this world, he can't come in vain. He has to do something.

After understanding, she learned that the demon hunters in this world are a very domineering group. Sometimes when they take measures, even the law can't subdue them.

Most of the time, in order to catch demons and destroy public facilities, they have no way to claim compensation from them.

In fact, there are not many goblins in this world that do harm to people. Many goblins with good experience will tell the little ones at home not to go to the human world, and they are easy to meet those demon hunters.

Most of the people who go to the human world are small, like Bai Yumeng, who is curious about the human world and runs away secretly.

It's OK that I didn't meet the demon catching master. Once I met him, I might not be able to go back home.

The big demon in the family knows that he will come out for revenge.

In the name of catching demons, the group of demon hunters actually regarded the demons as the resources of cultivation. They also had a demon hunter alliance.

Of course, the demon hunters of her school did not join the alliance. Her master hated the alliance and disdained to be with him.

Her master said that she was a demon hunter. In fact, in her memory, she never saw her master catch a demon once.

When she was very young, she always took her to help people watch Fengshui and exorcism.

When she was a child, she also asked why they were demon hunters and how to catch demons?

Her master said, "the demon didn't hurt the innocent. Why should we catch them? This world is not just the world of human beings, but the world of all life. If a demon injures an innocent person, he will be punished by heaven, and he will never become an immortal. If a demon catcher injures an innocent person, it will be the same. One day, Taoism will stop. "

Recently, Tang Guo also saw that the survival of goblins is very difficult. The group of demon hunters are domineering in the human world, and there is no one to restrain them.

She decided to work with the authorities to develop a plan to constrain supernatural abilities.

When she said this idea, the police were very surprised and excited. Within a few days, a special person in charge of this aspect came to contact her.

This man has some accomplishments, but he is very weak for those demon catching masters.